ObamaCare Is Going To Burn The GOP To The Ground

the Republicans have been spoilers for so long they have forgotten that meaningful legislation is actually possible.
Three years and 600 million should be enough time and resources to buy enough bandwidth to handle the entire population of Earth, half of Venus and 30% of Mars. Don't let that stop you from enabling your heroes though...... :thup:

lol such ignorance. what the fuck do you think a dns attack is and why it works everytime?

Again, a 600 million dollar website and the regime sends a chimp like you to make that excuse? .....:lol:

If your dear leaders really cared about the 30 million without healthcare, with the 600 million for that website alone, they could have given these people 20 million dollars each for their healthcare. That would save the taxpayers the other 2 trillion this disaster will end up costing and it would save you the time and trouble of defending these imbeciles with your asinine excuses..... :thup:
well at least i didnt force you to say anything stupid. You did that all on your own.
LOL. After implementation of the first steps this year, it is going to be like Social Security. A third rail. And then we will make it into Universal Single Payer. And you 'Conservatives' can either join with some good ideas, or get steamrollered for blocking the doorways and standing in the hall.
America just doesn't have the memory or the focus. Look at what Republicans did. The two unfunded wars. The trillions in debt. The ruined economy. The jobs moved to China. They called for an end to auto manufacturing. They let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. They apologized to BP and tried to shift the cost of the Gulf oil spill to the middle class. They blacked mailed the country holding millions of unemployed hostage for more tax cuts for billionaires.

Everything they did, and still, ignorant Americans vote them into office. And those Americans are so ignorant, they even believe all those things are Obama's fault.

If you can get people to reject healthcare, then they are enough of an ignorant tard to believe anything.
LOL. After implementation of the first steps this year, it is going to be like Social Security. A third rail. And then we will make it into Universal Single Payer. And you 'Conservatives' can either join with some good ideas, or get steamrollered for blocking the doorways and standing in the hall.

If it does three things I'll agree with you.
1. Keeps our current medical innovation
2. Lowers cost
3. keeps quality

do that and we got a deal.
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LOL. After implementation of the first steps this year, it is going to be like Social Security. A third rail. And then we will make it into Universal Single Payer. And you 'Conservatives' can either join with some good ideas, or get steamrollered for blocking the doorways and standing in the hall.

Despite "assurances" from progressives that wasn't the case...I've pretty much known all along that the ultimate goal of ObamaCare is government run health care. It's too bad you felt the need to deceive so many people to get what you wanted.

You passed a bad healthcare "reform" bill that won't lower the costs of healthcare for the Middle Class but will devastate the quality of care received and explode our debt. Then when you've got a whole new group of "subsidized" users accustomed to getting something for nothing you'll inform a confused populace that ObamaCare doesn't REALLY work and we need to abandon that and move on to a universal single payer system...something that the American people didn't want...while you'll portray conservatives as "heartless" for resisting the huge new unfunded entitlement program that you will have created that we can't pay for.
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the Republicans have been spoilers for so long they have forgotten that meaningful legislation is actually possible.

Someone has to be adult enough to say "Hey, we can't afford this!" That isn't Barack Obama, Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi. It's the easiest thing in the world to promise people things that will be paid for by someone else "on credit". What's tough is sticking to a budget. Anyone with children knows that the words "No" have to be uttered from time to time.

My question for you, Breeze...is when will Barack Obama do the tough work of being President? If you look at all of his fiscal "planning" the one thing that remains constant is that nothing ever gets balanced until LONG after he's gone.
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Three years and 600 million should be enough time and resources to buy enough bandwidth to handle the entire population of Earth, half of Venus and 30% of Mars. Don't let that stop you from enabling your heroes though...... :thup:

lol such ignorance. what the fuck do you think a dns attack is and why it works everytime?

Again, a 600 million dollar website and the regime sends a chimp like you to make that excuse? .....:lol:

If your dear leaders really cared about the 30 million without healthcare, with the 600 million for that website alone, they could have given these people 20 million dollars each for their healthcare. That would save the taxpayers the other 2 trillion this disaster will end up costing and it would save you the time and trouble of defending these imbeciles with your asinine excuses..... :thup:

Hey now! That is one well thought out idea! And your math is so fucking spot on!

What a genius!
lol such ignorance. what the fuck do you think a dns attack is and why it works everytime?

Again, a 600 million dollar website and the regime sends a chimp like you to make that excuse? .....:lol:

If your dear leaders really cared about the 30 million without healthcare, with the 600 million for that website alone, they could have given these people 20 million dollars each for their healthcare. That would save the taxpayers the other 2 trillion this disaster will end up costing and it would save you the time and trouble of defending these imbeciles with your asinine excuses..... :thup:
well at least i didnt force you to say anything stupid. You did that all on your own.

As nonsensical as it would be to give these people 20 million dollars each, this law you moonbats keep defending to the death makes even less sense, keep up the bad work...... :thup:
Again, a 600 million dollar website and the regime sends a chimp like you to make that excuse? .....:lol:

If your dear leaders really cared about the 30 million without healthcare, with the 600 million for that website alone, they could have given these people 20 million dollars each for their healthcare. That would save the taxpayers the other 2 trillion this disaster will end up costing and it would save you the time and trouble of defending these imbeciles with your asinine excuses..... :thup:
well at least i didnt force you to say anything stupid. You did that all on your own.

As nonsensical as it would be to give these people 20 million dollars each, this law you moonbats keep defending to the death makes even less sense, keep up the bad work...... :thup:

Not to mention giving them 20 dollars each. Maybe you'll learn multiplication and division in fourth grade?
LOL. After implementation of the first steps this year, it is going to be like Social Security. A third rail. And then we will make it into Universal Single Payer. And you 'Conservatives' can either join with some good ideas, or get steamrollered for blocking the doorways and standing in the hall.

Despite "assurances" from progressives that wasn't the case...I've pretty much known all along that the ultimate goal of ObamaCare is government run health care. It's too bad you felt the need to deceive so many people to get what you wanted.

You passed a bad healthcare "reform" bill that won't lower the costs of healthcare for the Middle Class but will devastate the quality of care received and explode our debt. Then when you've got a whole new group of "subsidized" users accustomed to getting something for nothing you'll inform a confused populace that ObamaCare doesn't REALLY work and we need to abandon that and move on to a universal single payer system...something that the American people didn't want...while you'll portray conservatives as "heartless" for resisting the huge new unfunded entitlement program that you will have created that we can't pay for.

I agree and can hardly fathom that ANYONE would want our Govt running the hc system in this country.

Our Govt that has never run anything cheaply or well.

Our Govt that turns everything into red tape and paperwork and long waits for everything. Oh yeah. Lets let em run HC for the USA. Oh and lets applaud that as well.

Your right about all those"subsidized" users. Once they get it they will love it because someone else will be paying for it. Its the way in this country now.

Only problem is it will work great till you run out of EVERYBODY'S money.
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I agree and can hardly fathom that ANYONE would want our Govt running the hc system in this country.

Well, here's the problem: How many people, really, think it through?

I don't want to wreck your day, but think about it: If individuals were interviewed one-on-one, how many conversations would look like this...

Q: Do you like your Obamacare?

A: Yes! I have coverage and I'm only paying $125 a month for it!

Q: Do you know why you're only paying $125 a month for it?

A: Yeah, I think it's called a subsidy.

Q: Correct. You're getting about $540 a month in subsidies. Do you know where that money is coming from?

A: Sure, yeah, it's coming from... uh.... um... Obama!

Wanna take a guess on the percentage of surveys that would look something like that?

Once the Exchanges take hold there is nothing that Republicans can do about Obamacare except take credit for it
I agree and can hardly fathom that ANYONE would want our Govt running the hc system in this country.

Well, here's the problem: How many people, really, think it through?

I don't want to wreck your day, but think about it: If individuals were interviewed one-on-one, how many conversations would look like this...

Q: Do you like your Obamacare?

A: Yes! I have coverage and I'm only paying $125 a month for it!

Q: Do you know why you're only paying $125 a month for it?

A: Yeah, I think it's called a subsidy.

Q: Correct. You're getting about $540 a month in subsidies. Do you know where that money is coming from?

A: Sure, yeah, it's coming from... uh.... um... Obama!

Wanna take a guess on the percentage of surveys that would look something like that?


Your right. As I said. Its the way of this country now. Its great when someone else has to pay for it and the recipient could give shit one as long as he gets the money.

I still think anyone wanting the Govt to run HC is one seriously stupid person.
Once the Exchanges take hold there is nothing that Republicans can do about Obamacare except take credit for it
Sure there is. Once the useful idiots realize how much they are getting assraped by the Democrats, they'll throw the Liberal hoarde out on their collective asses, elect real conservatives, and throw this monstrosity of a law into the incinerator where it belongs.
Once the Exchanges take hold there is nothing that Republicans can do about Obamacare except take credit for it
Sure there is. Once the useful idiots realize how much they are getting assraped by the Democrats, they'll throw the Liberal hoarde out on their collective asses, elect real conservatives, and throw this monstrosity of a law into the incinerator where it belongs.

Imagine that

Then why don't Republicans let Obamacare take effect so that the American people will be so outraged they will vote the Dems out of office

Then Republicans can do with healthcare what they have always planned......nothing
Once the Exchanges take hold there is nothing that Republicans can do about Obamacare except take credit for it
Sure there is. Once the useful idiots realize how much they are getting assraped by the Democrats, they'll throw the Liberal hoarde out on their collective asses, elect real conservatives, and throw this monstrosity of a law into the incinerator where it belongs.

Wait until the massive government they love shuts down and withholds their healthcare on them.
Once the Exchanges take hold there is nothing that Republicans can do about Obamacare except take credit for it
Sure there is. Once the useful idiots realize how much they are getting assraped by the Democrats, they'll throw the Liberal hoarde out on their collective asses, elect real conservatives, and throw this monstrosity of a law into the incinerator where it belongs.

Imagine that

Then why don't Republicans let Obamacare take effect so that the American people will be so outraged they will vote the Dems out of office

Then Republicans can do with healthcare what they have always planned......nothing

No, after this piece of shit law is trashed, bring about meaningful reform that doesn't involve massive governmental interference, twit!
I agree and can hardly fathom that ANYONE would want our Govt running the hc system in this country.

Well, here's the problem: How many people, really, think it through?

I don't want to wreck your day, but think about it: If individuals were interviewed one-on-one, how many conversations would look like this...

Q: Do you like your Obamacare?

A: Yes! I have coverage and I'm only paying $125 a month for it!

Q: Do you know why you're only paying $125 a month for it?

A: Yeah, I think it's called a subsidy.

Q: Correct. You're getting about $540 a month in subsidies. Do you know where that money is coming from?

A: Sure, yeah, it's coming from... uh.... um... Obama!

Wanna take a guess on the percentage of surveys that would look something like that?


Don't think of them as subsidies...think of them as tax cuts

Then Republicans can sleep better
I agree and can hardly fathom that ANYONE would want our Govt running the hc system in this country.

Well, here's the problem: How many people, really, think it through?

I don't want to wreck your day, but think about it: If individuals were interviewed one-on-one, how many conversations would look like this...

Q: Do you like your Obamacare?

A: Yes! I have coverage and I'm only paying $125 a month for it!

Q: Do you know why you're only paying $125 a month for it?

A: Yeah, I think it's called a subsidy.

Q: Correct. You're getting about $540 a month in subsidies. Do you know where that money is coming from?

A: Sure, yeah, it's coming from... uh.... um... Obama!

Wanna take a guess on the percentage of surveys that would look something like that?


Don't think of them as subsidies...think of them as tax cuts

Then Republicans can sleep better

Not sure how that works, not sure how that applies to my point, but it sounds great.


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