ObamaCare Is Going To Burn The GOP To The Ground

I the USA got gamed.

ACA is a pathetic expensive compromise.

As to the GOP hating it?

They hate it ONLY because Obama got it passed.

ACA is basically the REPUBLICAN plan.
Three years and 600 million should be enough time and resources to buy enough bandwidth to handle the entire population of Earth, half of Venus and 30% of Mars. Don't let that stop you from enabling your heroes though...... :thup:

lol such ignorance. what the fuck do you think a dns attack is and why it works everytime?

Again, a 600 million dollar website and the regime sends a chimp like you to make that excuse? .....:lol:

If your dear leaders really cared about the 30 million without healthcare, with the 600 million for that website alone, they could have given these people 20 million dollars each for their healthcare. That would save the taxpayers the other 2 trillion this disaster will end up costing and it would save you the time and trouble of defending these imbeciles with your asinine excuses..... :thup:

wtffffffffffffff..... :lol: :lol: :lol:

600million divided by 30million is 20million, bro?

It seems all the posters in red states are complaining about how Obamacare is driving up their insurance rates. Blue states seem to be reporting prety decent rates

Maybe its because of Republican Governors blocking implementation of Obamacare
LOL. After implementation of the first steps this year, it is going to be like Social Security. A third rail. And then we will make it into Universal Single Payer. And you 'Conservatives' can either join with some good ideas, or get steamrollered for blocking the doorways and standing in the hall.

If it does three things I'll agree with you.
1. Keeps our current medical innovation
2. Lowers cost
3. keeps quality

do that and we got a deal.

Mathew, that is where we need you conservatives. Hold the Dems feet to the fire, and if they don't implement the steps necessary to do those things, submit legislation that will improve the whole program. What we have in the way of a health care system is an atrocity. Far too costly, and the results are far less than other countries are getting for less money.

This is where the GOP has totally blown it. Medical costs were completely out of hand. Bankrupting hundreds of thousands of Americans, the majority of them with insurance, and costing our companies an edge in the global economy. Instead of helping the President to create a better system, considering that the ACA is based on a system passed by the GOP in Massachusetts, they followed the lead of the Teabaggers. Started screaming 'Socialism' at the top of their voices, and now threaton the nation with default over a law that will not change, even in default.

This should have been a bi-partisan effort to build a better health care system in this nation. The GOP made is a test of will with President Obama, and are now suffering the consequences.
LOL. After implementation of the first steps this year, it is going to be like Social Security. A third rail. And then we will make it into Universal Single Payer. And you 'Conservatives' can either join with some good ideas, or get steamrollered for blocking the doorways and standing in the hall.

If it does three things I'll agree with you.
1. Keeps our current medical innovation
2. Lowers cost
3. keeps quality

do that and we got a deal.

Mathew, that is where we need you conservatives. Hold the Dems feet to the fire, and if they don't implement the steps necessary to do those things, submit legislation that will improve the whole program. What we have in the way of a health care system is an atrocity. Far too costly, and the results are far less than other countries are getting for less money.

This is where the GOP has totally blown it. Medical costs were completely out of hand. Bankrupting hundreds of thousands of Americans, the majority of them with insurance, and costing our companies an edge in the global economy. Instead of helping the President to create a better system, considering that the ACA is based on a system passed by the GOP in Massachusetts, they followed the lead of the Teabaggers. Started screaming 'Socialism' at the top of their voices, and now threaton the nation with default over a law that will not change, even in default.

This should have been a bi-partisan effort to build a better health care system in this nation. The GOP made is a test of will with President Obama, and are now suffering the consequences.

But that's just it. We don't want another government program. it was government that caused healthcare costs to skyrocket in the first place with their meddling.
Sure there is. Once the useful idiots realize how much they are getting assraped by the Democrats, they'll throw the Liberal hoarde out on their collective asses, elect real conservatives, and throw this monstrosity of a law into the incinerator where it belongs.

Imagine that

Then why don't Republicans let Obamacare take effect so that the American people will be so outraged they will vote the Dems out of office

Then Republicans can do with healthcare what they have always planned......nothing

No, after this piece of shit law is trashed, bring about meaningful reform that doesn't involve massive governmental interference, twit!

Damn....I feel your pain brother

The problem is you are not going to repeal that piece of shit law while Democrats control the Senate and Obama is President. Your only option is for Republicans to get control of the Senate and House with enough votes to override a veto

Only way to do that is alllow that piece of shit law to take effect and let an outraged public take out their wrath on the Dems
Imagine that

Then why don't Republicans let Obamacare take effect so that the American people will be so outraged they will vote the Dems out of office

Then Republicans can do with healthcare what they have always planned......nothing

No, after this piece of shit law is trashed, bring about meaningful reform that doesn't involve massive governmental interference, twit!

Damn....I feel your pain brother

The problem is you are not going to repeal that piece of shit law while Democrats control the Senate and Obama is President. Your only option is for Republicans to get control of the Senate and House with enough votes to override a veto

Only way to do that is alllow that piece of shit law to take effect and let an outraged public take out their wrath on the Dems

That is exactly what I had in mind. That happens and the Democrats will see a defeat that makes the 1984 Election Day Massacre look like a horserace.
No, after this piece of shit law is trashed, bring about meaningful reform that doesn't involve massive governmental interference, twit!

Damn....I feel your pain brother

The problem is you are not going to repeal that piece of shit law while Democrats control the Senate and Obama is President. Your only option is for Republicans to get control of the Senate and House with enough votes to override a veto

Only way to do that is alllow that piece of shit law to take effect and let an outraged public take out their wrath on the Dems

That is exactly what I had in mind. That happens and the Democrats will see a defeat that makes the 1984 Election Day Massacre look like a horserace.

Great lets do it

Let the Health Exchanges take effect. Let people with pre-existing condition find coverage. Let the self employed and those employed by small business use the Exchanges

Then watch the voters flock to the Republicans
Damn....I feel your pain brother

The problem is you are not going to repeal that piece of shit law while Democrats control the Senate and Obama is President. Your only option is for Republicans to get control of the Senate and House with enough votes to override a veto

Only way to do that is alllow that piece of shit law to take effect and let an outraged public take out their wrath on the Dems

That is exactly what I had in mind. That happens and the Democrats will see a defeat that makes the 1984 Election Day Massacre look like a horserace.

Great lets do it

Let the Health Exchanges take effect. Let people with pre-existing condition find coverage. Let the self employed and those employed by small business use the Exchanges

Then watch the voters flock to the Republicans

Just so no one forgets where this idea came from and what its real purpose is:

Vladimir Lenin: “Socialized Medicine is the Keystone to the Arch of the Socialist State.”
That won't happen because once folks get something for nothing they love it. They won't flock to the R's. They will however flock to the ones giving out all that free stuff.

What will happen is that we the taxpayer will be stuck susidizing everyone who can't afford their own insurance. How many millions do you think that will be?? How much money will it take and how high will everyones premiums go to cover the cost. After all, the ACA is a tax.

Talk about burning the house down. It will work great till we run out of everybody's money.
That won't happen because once folks get something for nothing they love it. They won't flock to the R's. They will however flock to the ones giving out all that free stuff.

What will happen is that we the taxpayer will be stuck susidizing everyone who can't afford their own insurance. How many millions do you think that will be?? How much money will it take and how high will everyones premiums go to cover the cost. After all, the ACA is a tax.

Talk about burning the house down. It will work great till we run out of everybody's money.

What will happen is people who could not afford healthcare will have it. They will no longer have to use Emergency Rooms for routine care. They will be able to get health screensings. They will no longer be tied to miserable jobs because of the insurance

What will happen is Republicans will stop calling it Obamacare and will start reminding people that they originally thought of it
What you say is true but who do you think will be picking up the tab for all that care??

Why the taxpayers and those with insurance who will pay higher premiums.

Its another burden on the taxpayers. One we cannot afford. WE ARE BROKE.
That won't happen because once folks get something for nothing they love it. They won't flock to the R's. They will however flock to the ones giving out all that free stuff.

What will happen is that we the taxpayer will be stuck susidizing everyone who can't afford their own insurance. How many millions do you think that will be?? How much money will it take and how high will everyones premiums go to cover the cost. After all, the ACA is a tax.

Talk about burning the house down. It will work great till we run out of everybody's money.

What will happen is people who could not afford healthcare will have it. They will no longer have to use Emergency Rooms for routine care. They will be able to get health screensings. They will no longer be tied to miserable jobs because of the insurance

What will happen is Republicans will stop calling it Obamacare and will start reminding people that they originally thought of it

according to the CBO, even after full implementation of ACA there will still be 30 million americans with no medical insurance. so exactly what has this accomplished?
That won't happen because once folks get something for nothing they love it. They won't flock to the R's. They will however flock to the ones giving out all that free stuff.

What will happen is that we the taxpayer will be stuck susidizing everyone who can't afford their own insurance. How many millions do you think that will be?? How much money will it take and how high will everyones premiums go to cover the cost. After all, the ACA is a tax.

Talk about burning the house down. It will work great till we run out of everybody's money.

What will happen is people who could not afford healthcare will have it. They will no longer have to use Emergency Rooms for routine care. They will be able to get health screensings. They will no longer be tied to miserable jobs because of the insurance

What will happen is Republicans will stop calling it Obamacare and will start reminding people that they originally thought of it

No one was being denied healthcare before ACA. NO ONE. Yes, if you were getting it free it was less convenient----Duh!
That won't happen because once folks get something for nothing they love it. They won't flock to the R's. They will however flock to the ones giving out all that free stuff.

What will happen is that we the taxpayer will be stuck susidizing everyone who can't afford their own insurance. How many millions do you think that will be?? How much money will it take and how high will everyones premiums go to cover the cost. After all, the ACA is a tax.

Talk about burning the house down. It will work great till we run out of everybody's money.

What will happen is people who could not afford healthcare will have it. They will no longer have to use Emergency Rooms for routine care. They will be able to get health screensings. They will no longer be tied to miserable jobs because of the insurance

What will happen is Republicans will stop calling it Obamacare and will start reminding people that they originally thought of it

No one was being denied healthcare before ACA. NO ONE. Yes, if you were getting it free it was less convenient----Duh!

but the taxpayer had to foot their bill when shit hit the fucking fan now, didn't we.

so they should be forced to foot their own fucking bill, buy insurance, and have skin in the game.

the mandate was a republican fucking idea for shit's sake. :cuckoo:
Damn....I feel your pain brother

The problem is you are not going to repeal that piece of shit law while Democrats control the Senate and Obama is President. Your only option is for Republicans to get control of the Senate and House with enough votes to override a veto

Only way to do that is alllow that piece of shit law to take effect and let an outraged public take out their wrath on the Dems

That is exactly what I had in mind. That happens and the Democrats will see a defeat that makes the 1984 Election Day Massacre look like a horserace.

Great lets do it
Nope. Once people realize their premiums, like mine, are skyrocketing they'll know who to blame.

Let the Health Exchanges take effect. Let people with pre-existing condition find coverage. Let the self employed and those employed by small business use the Exchanges
Preexisting conditions mean an incredible liability to insurance companies.
Obama care is wrong and bad for America, but lefties are not smart/honest enough to admit it! That's the bottom line.
What you say is true but who do you think will be picking up the tab for all that care??

Why the taxpayers and those with insurance who will pay higher premiums.

Its another burden on the taxpayers. One we cannot afford. WE ARE BROKE.

premiums are going to come down, long term.


because those folks who didn't have the insurance to do so, will now be catching diseases before they become catastrophic.

saving the insurance companies.

saving us.

it's called "long term investment" and it takes more than face-value talking points and emotion to think these things through.

2, 000 page bill is probably too SHORT, actually, for a Country of over 300million.

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