ObamaCare Is Going To Burn The GOP To The Ground

I get a kick out of the new progressive mantra..."it's established law...so move on!"

It is law...it is in place...but as even you grudgingly admit, it's far from perfect...so why would anyone "move on" from a bill that their constituents elected them to overturn? What Barack Obama and so many other progressives can't seem to grasp is that a majority of Americans didn't want ObamaCare which is why Democrats were voted out of office in record numbers in 2010. The truth is...Barry, Harry and Nancy passed the ACA over the objections of a majority of the American people wishes.

This notion that because they managed to ram the ACA through before the voters had a chance to stop them means that it's suddenly "untouchable" is nonsense.

You talk about how the GOP should go back to passing jobs bills, cutting spending and balancing the budget? Dude, the House has been sending bills to the Senate since 2010 that would do ALL of those things and Harry Reid has tabled them. This government shutdown is taking place BECAUSE the Obama Administration has refused to do what Bill Clinton did when he got hammered in his first mid-term election...this President has refused to compromise...has refused to move to the center as Clinton did.

You don't like the law? Get the votes to repeal it. Better yet, get the votes to make it better. republicans LOST, multiple times. Obama got reelected.

But what do Republicans do when they can't get their way. Hold the country hostage......even there, they lost

There have been many bad laws in this country. Ocare is just another of these bad laws.

OK, then get the votes to repeal it.
or pay the price in the court of public opinion when you try to link it to the most basic of government functions.

Just don't be a pussy and try to blame everyone else for failing to pretend you won any of those votes.
So what happened following the 2010 mid-terms, Winger?

The Democratic House candidates got more votes than the Republican candidates did last go round. That's NOT winning in a HUGE way - that's gerrymandering - it's OK both sides do it. But quit trying to pretend it was a mandate. Your mandate was when Romney ran on repealing Obamacare and he LOST.
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Once the Exchanges take hold there is nothing that Republicans can do about Obamacare except take credit for it
Sure there is. Once the useful idiots realize how much they are getting assraped by the Democrats, they'll throw the Liberal hoarde out on their collective asses, elect real conservatives, and throw this monstrosity of a law into the incinerator where it belongs.

It's absolutely amazing how Obama and his pinko thugs pretend to defend a woman's rights, and then go on to threaten her with a fine if she does not buy federally approved health insurance which in fact impinges upon her fundamental right to buy health insurance as she sees fit and to meet her own particular medical and health care needs.


"The mere chilling of a Constitutional right by a penalty on its exercise is patently unconstitutional." Shapiro v. Thompson, 394 U.S. 618.
In a democracy there are few perfect social programs passed because both sides need to have imput. But as some programs begin to work they are improved and then improved again. Social Security went through the same Republican fight in the Thirties, and now has been added to, changed, modified and is now part of America,
It will be interesting to see Obamacare sixty years from now; one of the changes might be a name change from Obamacare to ACA.
In a democracy there are few perfect social programs passed because both sides need to have imput. But as some programs begin to work they are improved and then improved again. Social Security went through the same Republican fight in the Thirties, and now has been added to, changed, modified and is now part of America,
It will be interesting to see Obamacare sixty years from now; one of the changes might be a name change from Obamacare to ACA.

If it proves as wildly popular as Romneycare is ... I think the GOP will demand the change. But Obamacare will probably stick. Just another misguided missile* that the GOP fired that will ultimately hit them in their own butts.

*see Tea Party
The GOP has to end its fucking obsession with Obamacare

It is the Law, the Supreme Court backed it and no matter how many votes you call it will still be the law. Is it perfect? Far from it, but it is better than what we had

Over time, it will be improved
Do Republicans want to run on Ovbamacare in 2014? 2016? If they do, they will continue to lose. Time to move on boys......pass some GOP jobs bills, cut spending, balance the budget. You might even start patching your relationship with Hispanics

Fighting an old fight just because you lost gets you nowhere

Time to make the GOP relevant again

Yeah, because the government has a history of making things better and more efficient.


Social Security has been improved
Medicare hs been improved
I get a kick out of the new progressive mantra..."it's established law...so move on!"

It is law...it is in place...but as even you grudgingly admit, it's far from perfect...so why would anyone "move on" from a bill that their constituents elected them to overturn? What Barack Obama and so many other progressives can't seem to grasp is that a majority of Americans didn't want ObamaCare which is why Democrats were voted out of office in record numbers in 2010. The truth is...Barry, Harry and Nancy passed the ACA over the objections of a majority of the American people wishes.

This notion that because they managed to ram the ACA through before the voters had a chance to stop them means that it's suddenly "untouchable" is nonsense.

You talk about how the GOP should go back to passing jobs bills, cutting spending and balancing the budget? Dude, the House has been sending bills to the Senate since 2010 that would do ALL of those things and Harry Reid has tabled them. This government shutdown is taking place BECAUSE the Obama Administration has refused to do what Bill Clinton did when he got hammered in his first mid-term election...this President has refused to compromise...has refused to move to the center as Clinton did.

You don't like the law? Get the votes to repeal it. Better yet, get the votes to make it better. republicans LOST, multiple times. Obama got reelected.

But what do Republicans do when they can't get their way. Hold the country hostage......even there, they lost

So what happened following the 2010 mid-terms, Winger? The Republicans won in a huge way in that election taking back more seats in one election in modern American political history! What did Barack Obama and Harry Reid DO following 2010? What compromises did they make? What GOP House bills did they allow through?

The truth is...they tabled those GOP bills. Just stuck them on a desk and let them collect dust while Obama repeatedly went AROUND Congress to push his agenda.

You want to know why we have such a polarized government now? Two things...it is a direct result of Obama, Reid and Pelosi shoving their agenda down the throats of the GOP when they had control of government...and their total indifference to the message that the voters sent in 2010 about being unhappy with the direction the three of them had taken the country.

You tell me....Did Republicans get enough votes to repeal?

Why do Republicans think that ruling one third of Government gave them any power?
The GOP has to end its fucking obsession with Obamacare

It is the Law, the Supreme Court backed it and no matter how many votes you call it will still be the law. Is it perfect? Far from it, but it is better than what we had

Over time, it will be improved
Do Republicans want to run on Ovbamacare in 2014? 2016? If they do, they will continue to lose. Time to move on boys......pass some GOP jobs bills, cut spending, balance the budget. You might even start patching your relationship with Hispanics

Fighting an old fight just because you lost gets you nowhere

Time to make the GOP relevant again

Yeah, because the government has a history of making things better and more efficient.


Social Security has been improved
Medicare hs been improved

Roads are better
drinking water is better
People are living longer
soil conservation has improved dramatically
The GOP has to end its fucking obsession with Obamacare

It is the Law, the Supreme Court backed it and no matter how many votes you call it will still be the law. Is it perfect? Far from it, but it is better than what we had

Over time, it will be improved
Do Republicans want to run on Ovbamacare in 2014? 2016? If they do, they will continue to lose. Time to move on boys......pass some GOP jobs bills, cut spending, balance the budget. You might even start patching your relationship with Hispanics

Fighting an old fight just because you lost gets you nowhere

Time to make the GOP relevant again

Yeah, because the government has a history of making things better and more efficient.


military...everytime you guys fall for this.
The GOP has to end its fucking obsession with Obamacare

It is the Law, the Supreme Court backed it and no matter how many votes you call it will still be the law. Is it perfect? Far from it, but it is better than what we had

Over time, it will be improved
Do Republicans want to run on Ovbamacare in 2014? 2016? If they do, they will continue to lose. Time to move on boys......pass some GOP jobs bills, cut spending, balance the budget. You might even start patching your relationship with Hispanics

Fighting an old fight just because you lost gets you nowhere

Time to make the GOP relevant again

Yeah, because the government has a history of making things better and more efficient.


military...everytime you guys fall for this.

You've never been in the military, have you?
Civil servant healthcare and the largest tax increase on the American people in history... The marxist , low info , hope and change peons are delirious with joy
Hear me out.

Our healthcare infrastructure is a Rube Goldberg hodgepodge of antiquated and slapdash pieces cadged together into a cartoonish mockery. For decades, the system has been dysfunctional and the result has been a rise in healthcare costs which has far outpaced inflation.

This is why Clinton tried to socialize medicine in the 90s, and this is why ObamaCare exists today. In between, when the GOP completely dominated all three branches of government, they did nothing about the problem. Nothing at all, except to glue on a massive and expensive new Goldbergian device (Medicare Part D) to buy the votes of seniors. I guess they were too busy doubling the national debt to bother with fixing healthcare.

When faced with a choice between the GOP's answer to the problem ("we aren't going to do fuck-all about it") and the Democratic Party's answer to the problem ("we are going let the government take it over"), the people decided time and again in the past few years that the Democrat's "something" was superior to the GOP's "nothing".

Even now, the GOP's answer is to offer nothing and to fight ObamaCare tooth and nail.

Well, here's the thing: ObamaCare offers federal subsidies for people earning less than 400 percent of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) who buy their insurance through an exchange.

Quite a few red states are doing all they can to prevent their citizens from accessing these subsidies. This is a HUGE tactical error on their part.

When the citizens of a red state see the citizens of a neighboring state are getting actual dollars from the federal government to pay for their health insurance, and they see their own state government is keeping that cash away from their own hands, they are going to rise up in giant hordes and throw the bums out on their asses. They are going to turn all those red state legislatures into blue state legislatures.

And then those blue legislatures are going to redraw their Congressional district lines.

Here is another thing: Five years after RomneyCare was implemented in Massachusetts, 74 percent of the citizens polled said they wanted to keep RomneyCare around. A significant percentage (about half) said they wanted some changes made to it, but they did not want it repealed.

This is a very, very bad indicator for the GOP. Once ObamaCare gets off the ground, which it is in the process of doing right now, the people are going to find great favor with it, and anyone who stands in the way who has nothing else to offer is going to get steamrolled.

Ask around. Ask people what the GOP's plan for healthcare reform is. You will get nothing but shrugs. You will hear, "Repeal ObamaCare." But when you press for the GOP's plan to fix our broken system, you will get bupkis.

And that is why ObamaCare exists, and why it will succeed, and why the GOP is on the losing side.

The GOP fucked up. Big time. They were completely outgamed.

This should be on the comedy channel.
Hear me out.

Our healthcare infrastructure is a Rube Goldberg hodgepodge of antiquated and slapdash pieces cadged together into a cartoonish mockery. For decades, the system has been dysfunctional and the result has been a rise in healthcare costs which has far outpaced inflation.

This is why Clinton tried to socialize medicine in the 90s, and this is why ObamaCare exists today. In between, when the GOP completely dominated all three branches of government, they did nothing about the problem. Nothing at all, except to glue on a massive and expensive new Goldbergian device (Medicare Part D) to buy the votes of seniors. I guess they were too busy doubling the national debt to bother with fixing healthcare.

When faced with a choice between the GOP's answer to the problem ("we aren't going to do fuck-all about it") and the Democratic Party's answer to the problem ("we are going let the government take it over"), the people decided time and again in the past few years that the Democrat's "something" was superior to the GOP's "nothing".

Even now, the GOP's answer is to offer nothing and to fight ObamaCare tooth and nail.

Well, here's the thing: ObamaCare offers federal subsidies for people earning less than 400 percent of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) who buy their insurance through an exchange.

Quite a few red states are doing all they can to prevent their citizens from accessing these subsidies. This is a HUGE tactical error on their part.

When the citizens of a red state see the citizens of a neighboring state are getting actual dollars from the federal government to pay for their health insurance, and they see their own state government is keeping that cash away from their own hands, they are going to rise up in giant hordes and throw the bums out on their asses. They are going to turn all those red state legislatures into blue state legislatures.

And then those blue legislatures are going to redraw their Congressional district lines.

Here is another thing: Five years after RomneyCare was implemented in Massachusetts, 74 percent of the citizens polled said they wanted to keep RomneyCare around. A significant percentage (about half) said they wanted some changes made to it, but they did not want it repealed.

This is a very, very bad indicator for the GOP. Once ObamaCare gets off the ground, which it is in the process of doing right now, the people are going to find great favor with it, and anyone who stands in the way who has nothing else to offer is going to get steamrolled.

Ask around. Ask people what the GOP's plan for healthcare reform is. You will get nothing but shrugs. You will hear, "Repeal ObamaCare." But when you press for the GOP's plan to fix our broken system, you will get bupkis.

And that is why ObamaCare exists, and why it will succeed, and why the GOP is on the losing side.

The GOP fucked up. Big time. They were completely outgamed.

I mostly agree with what you're saying except that the government doesn't actually control or administer health care, as you say.

That's a total myth and I don't know why so many Americans go along with it.

Insurance is still in the free market and so are healthcare providers.

It's a free market system, and it will always get more expensive because that's how the free market works. All these Republicans these days still complaining about rising costs don't seem to understand the basic nature of capitalism. It isn't to make healthcare cheaper; it's to make a profit from illness.

The only way Republicans could take the issue back is to pass Universal Healthcare. So what if Obama got everyone insurance if you can say that you got everybody FREE healthcare!
I mostly agree with what you're saying except that the government doesn't actually control or administer health care, as you say.

yes, thats true, but the gov. doesn't control or administer education either BUT they subsidize it, you know how far ahead of inflation tuition runs, the unintended consequences of massive gov. increases in grants, loans etc......, well look for yourself, you'll notice a few things, that both the decades rise in gov. involvement in both medical and education has resulted in both far outrunning the index....its basically symbiotic;

Social Security has been improved
Medicare hs been improved

Roads are better
drinking water is better
People are living longer
soil conservation has improved dramatically

are you claiming that federal spending made those things happen?


You think a corporation can do that? Not possible and would charge up the ass to the point where the common man couldn't afford it.

Name a first world nation that doesn't work this way????

I AM A HUGE supporter of the corporation....Feel they should be able to make a profit...BUT something's are outside of their ability.
I mostly agree with what you're saying except that the government doesn't actually control or administer health care, as you say.

Baloney. How many government healthcare programs are there? Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP, etc. The government completely dominates the dollars spent on healthcare in America.

Insurance is still in the free market and so are healthcare providers.


How come I can pick up a telephone and call any auto insurance company in America and choose what options I want and don't want? How come I can't do that with health insurance?

Because the government is not in the auto repair or auto insurance business, but it is in the healthcare and health insurance business. Not only that, it gets to write the rules for its competition! How fucked up is that? Is it any wonder the playing field is so skewed in the government's favor?

And because Medicaid is a national health plan, and the government dominates the landscape and writes all the rules for its private sector competitors, all other insurance plans are indexed to Medicaid's reimbursement rates.

Now, who is running all these new state and federal health insurance exchanges? Who is the gatekeeper to your vaunted private insurance companies?

That's right. The government.

So how in the world did you reach the conclusion that health insurance is still in the FREE market?

When you think of your home, auto, or life insurance does health insurance strike you as being even remotely similar to the home, auto, or life insurance markets?

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Roads are better
drinking water is better
People are living longer
soil conservation has improved dramatically

Government through taxes funds private road companies to maintain our roads ;)
Government does to water ;)
People are living longer through liberal business laws that support research and environmental standards. ;)

The republican tea-party is thinking of 1850 or before. They're nuts.
Amazing the amount of Pubcrappe the hater dupes believe. At the moment, with no Ag Dept, farmers aren't selling because they don't know the prices- just because you don't know what gov't does- thanks to your propaganda- doesn't mean gov't isn't absolutely neccessary in a myriad of ways. Good riddance to your ignorant, disastrous, brainwashed power.

70 percent of the USA now believes the GOP ONLY CARES ABOUT THEIR AGENDA, NOT THE COUNTRY- -NBC/WSJ...GREAT job, dingbats...

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