ObamaCare Is Going To Burn The GOP To The Ground

Well, Obamacare is off to a flying start, they took 3 years and spent 600 million on a website that doesn't work..... :thup:

what do you think would happen to the server here if a million people all tried to get on at once?

go on take your time.
I have to agree with the OP...the 4000 people that have signed up for Obabbble already is a real back breaker for repubs.
Well, Obamacare is off to a flying start, they took 3 years and spent 600 million on a website that doesn't work..... :thup:

That speaks to the raging demand for it.

Due to GOP stonewalling, 36 states are forced to use the federal exchange web site instead of having state exchanges to go to.

3 years and 600 million dollars are not sufficient time and resources?.....:lol:

Additionally, the regime knew it didn't work but launched it anyway.....
Well, Obamacare is off to a flying start, they took 3 years and spent 600 million on a website that doesn't work..... :thup:

what do you think would happen to the server here if a million people all tried to get on at once?

go on take your time.

Three years and 600 million should be enough time and resources to buy enough bandwidth to handle the entire population of Earth, half of Venus and 30% of Mars. Don't let that stop you from enabling your heroes though...... :thup:
Redfish and Gramps, the program will have to be modified, yes, but it won't go away.

What will happen is the GOP, which is changing as we write to meet the demographic and cultural needs of the country, will purge wackos like you in the party from decision and policy making positions.

You can vote GOP all you want.

Modification is all that reasonable people are asking for. Get rid of crap like real estate taxes, taxes on medical devices, and fines on young people who choose not to buy insurance. Then add some tort reform, interstate insurance competition, make it voluntary not mandatory, and a few other needed changes.

the real objection here is not trying to fix healthcare-----the problem is having it rammed down our throats by one party with no open debate or discussion.

Not at all. The real game here is make you understand that it is the law of the land, and that will only change once Boehner gives an up and down vote on the Senate CR.

Then, when we get majorities again, we can modify.

But to defund: not going to happen.

Yes, it is a law. But its a bad law. It would be stupid to fully implement a bad law---------------fix it first, do it right.

once bad law is fully implemented it is much harder to fix it-------obama and the dems know that, thats why they are pushing this so hard. They do not want to admit that obama's sole accomplishment is a pile of cow shit.
Redfish and Gramps, the program will have to be modified, yes, but it won't go away.

What will happen is the GOP, which is changing as we write to meet the demographic and cultural needs of the country, will purge wackos like you in the party from decision and policy making positions.

You can vote GOP all you want.

Modification is all that reasonable people are asking for. Get rid of crap like real estate taxes, taxes on medical devices, and fines on young people who choose not to buy insurance. Then add some tort reform, interstate insurance competition, make it voluntary not mandatory, and a few other needed changes.

the real objection here is not trying to fix healthcare-----the problem is having it rammed down our throats by one party with no open debate or discussion.
The taxes are what pay for it.
Redfish and Gramps, the program will have to be modified, yes, but it won't go away.

What will happen is the GOP, which is changing as we write to meet the demographic and cultural needs of the country, will purge wackos like you in the party from decision and policy making positions.

You can vote GOP all you want.

Modification is all that reasonable people are asking for. Get rid of crap like real estate taxes, taxes on medical devices, and fines on young people who choose not to buy insurance. Then add some tort reform, interstate insurance competition, make it voluntary not mandatory, and a few other needed changes.

the real objection here is not trying to fix healthcare-----the problem is having it rammed down our throats by one party with no open debate or discussion.
The taxes are what pay for it.

wrong, taxes only pay for part of it, the rest is paid for with higher premiums, high deductibles and higher co-pays.

the website warns that your premium could go up if you file too many claims.
obamacare will burn medical care to the ground. That's what it will completely destroy. Maybe democrats will save that by using iincompetentslooking to put in their part tiime hours and get a payccheck.
obamacare will burn medical care to the ground. That's what it will completely destroy. Maybe democrats will save that by using iincompetentslooking to put in their part tiime hours and get a payccheck.

Romney/ObamaCare is a stepping stone to singler payer healthcare.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Edmund Burke

When in power, the GOP did nothing.

yep. They had complete control from 2000-2006 and did exactly nothing except start unpaid-for wars. No domestic policy as our infrastructure crumbled we spent TRILLIONS destroying & rebuilding & destroying Iraq & Afghanistan


Big surprise that Dem's were going to work on bettering the domestic welfare of its citizens when they eventually came to power after the repubs overplayed their hand. :lol:

Speaking of things burning down....has anyone in the media even noticed that O'Bummer's house of cards spontaneously combusted when the very first would-be user tried to use the much-vaunted, ever-so-helpful website?
The changing demographics and TP will be what brings the GOP down not Obamacare. I mean who exactly is now their core support?

Any party with some sense would try and start trying to bring back voters instead they're being told what to do by a minority within the GOP. Any moderate Republican is in a no win situation, now the previous GOP norm doesn't cut it. Whats wrong with some pragmatism and common sense, the American voters don't need these constant dramas.

In effect here you have a minority of one party trying to re-write an election they lost, they can't use the normal legislative process so they're trying to use the shutdown and debt ceiling to get Obama to backtrack on the ACA. Can you imagine the outcry amongst the GOP if a minority of the Dems tried to pull the same stunt.

Those GOP politicians who think going into default isn't too bad really deserve to have their wish, because if that day comes when carnage ensues what will they say then? To be frank these people are deluded and so stupid as to beggar belief that they found people even more stupid to vote for them.

Many of the people who voted these TP in are the ones that will suffer greatly in a default, but even then they'd probably still keep doing their Turkey voting for Xmas routine at every election.

The really tragic thing here is seeing some of the moderate GOP talking, you know they made sense, they have probs with the ACA but are pragmatic as you need to be in politics. They'll probably end up being primaried which is a shame because these are the type of people who at least look like they're on planet earth not Little House on the Prairie!

I think Chris Christie played a blinder as we say in the UK, he doesn't like the ACA but as Governor feels he has to abide by the Law, the same law that a certain Boehner admitted to only last year was here to stay because of the results of the 2012 election. This man IMO is the only chance for the GOP to win the election, he's not stupid and as long as he doesn't sell his soul to the TP then would be a big threat to any Democrat.
This is simply one more step towards our becoming the North American equivalent of Greece. One more entitlement we can't pay for that pushes us one step closer to another credit downgrade and one step closer to the time when people won't buy our debt.

The Democratic Party can ride this "wave" all the way to it's eventual destination. The only question then is whether we have the ability to come back from the fiscal Armageddon we're headed for and how many generations of Americans will have to languish in the process.

Pat yourselves on the back, Progressives...
Well, Obamacare is off to a flying start, they took 3 years and spent 600 million on a website that doesn't work..... :thup:

what do you think would happen to the server here if a million people all tried to get on at once?

go on take your time.

Three years and 600 million should be enough time and resources to buy enough bandwidth to handle the entire population of Earth, half of Venus and 30% of Mars. Don't let that stop you from enabling your heroes though...... :thup:

lol such ignorance. what the fuck do you think a dns attack is and why it works everytime?
Hear me out.

Our healthcare infrastructure is a Rube Goldberg hodgepodge of antiquated and slapdash pieces cadged together into a cartoonish mockery. For decades, the system has been dysfunctional and the result has been a rise in healthcare costs which has far outpaced inflation.

This is why Clinton tried to socialize medicine in the 90s, and this is why ObamaCare exists today. In between, when the GOP completely dominated all three branches of government, they did nothing about the problem. Nothing at all, except to glue on a massive and expensive new Goldbergian device (Medicare Part D) to buy the votes of seniors. I guess they were too busy doubling the national debt to bother with fixing healthcare.

When faced with a choice between the GOP's answer to the problem ("we aren't going to do fuck-all about it") and the Democratic Party's answer to the problem ("we are going let the government take it over"), the people decided time and again in the past few years that the Democrat's "something" was superior to the GOP's "nothing".

Even now, the GOP's answer is to offer nothing and to fight ObamaCare tooth and nail.

Well, here's the thing: ObamaCare offers federal subsidies for people earning less than 400 percent of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) who buy their insurance through an exchange.

Quite a few red states are doing all they can to prevent their citizens from accessing these subsidies. This is a HUGE tactical error on their part.

When the citizens of a red state see the citizens of a neighboring state are getting actual dollars from the federal government to pay for their health insurance, and they see their own state government is keeping that cash away from their own hands, they are going to rise up in giant hordes and throw the bums out on their asses. They are going to turn all those red state legislatures into blue state legislatures.

And then those blue legislatures are going to redraw their Congressional district lines.

Here is another thing: Five years after RomneyCare was implemented in Massachusetts, 74 percent of the citizens polled said they wanted to keep RomneyCare around. A significant percentage (about half) said they wanted some changes made to it, but they did not want it repealed.

This is a very, very bad indicator for the GOP. Once ObamaCare gets off the ground, which it is in the process of doing right now, the people are going to find great favor with it, and anyone who stands in the way who has nothing else to offer is going to get steamrolled.

Ask around. Ask people what the GOP's plan for healthcare reform is. You will get nothing but shrugs. You will hear, "Repeal ObamaCare." But when you press for the GOP's plan to fix our broken system, you will get bupkis.

And that is why ObamaCare exists, and why it will succeed, and why the GOP is on the losing side.

The GOP fucked up. Big time. They were completely outgamed.

Unfortunately the Koch brothers' money has outgamed everybody and Citizens United will insure that whoever has the most money will win.

(In Citizens United, the court held that the First Amendment permitted unlimited campaign-related spending by corporations and labor unions, and not just individuals. The 5-member majority rejected arguments by the government and others that opening the door to a massive influx of corporate cash would lead to political corruption.)

republicans don't believe there is a koch brothers. They're still worried about saul alinksy.
This is simply one more step towards our becoming the North American equivalent of Greece. One more entitlement we can't pay for that pushes us one step closer to another credit downgrade and one step closer to the time when people won't buy our debt.

The Democratic Party can ride this "wave" all the way to it's eventual destination. The only question then is whether we have the ability to come back from the fiscal Armageddon we're headed for and how many generations of Americans will have to languish in the process.

Pat yourselves on the back, Progressives...

Sorry this is tripe! there is no way America would ever end up like Greece and the world will always buy US bonds as long as this debt ceiling isn't breached, the USA will always be able to pay the interest on its debt. Your actual budget deficit is going down and I don't get all this doom about your economy, things are improving slowly and in the right direction. Theres a reason your the reserve currency of the world, there was never a problem when Bush was racking up the debt because the right wing media didn't care, now all of a sudden you get all this hysteria, its nonsense, the only thing that can trash your economy is default, so basically a self inflicted wound, its madness!

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