ObamaCare is NOT socialism

It's actually very simple --

Consumer Prices in United States are 34.82% lower than in Australia
Consumer Prices Including Rent in United States are 37.50% lower than in Australia
Rent Prices in United States are 42.93% lower than in Australia
Restaurant Prices in United States are 33.73% lower than in Australia
Groceries Prices in United States are 29.20% lower than in Australia
Local Purchasing Power in United States is 29.48% higher than in Australia

You forgot to mention that the cost of healthcare per captia within the USA is twice as much as it is in Australia.
Health Costs: How the U.S. Compares With Other Countries | PBS NewsHour

From PBS? Why don't you link us to the CPUSA?

I have an idea, why don''t you prove me wrong? Thank you!
Here's another resource. What's going to be your close-minded response this time genius?


  • $Total_health_expenditure_per_capita,_US_Dollars_PPP.png
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Please tell me that the op is trying to tell a joke...

Otherwise we've another poster who is either a liar or a fool.

He's telling you the truth. Obama is not a socialist and neither is the ACA unfortunately. The good news is that ACA is a step in the right direction to having national health care like other civilized nations do. It's only a matter of time. If you don't like it, move to Belize, they speak english and have very little government interference. A tea baggers dream.
What part of the 16th amendment and the 14th due process clause confused you? You think you own your property? You think you are not owned by the State? ROFL who do you think you are kidding?

those amendments don't have anything to do with the economic basics.
if you want to assure me that any state can expropriate anything from anybody on any time I can partially agree - and that is why the state has to be chained and jailed, so to say, as much as we, the people, can restrain it - but there are different extents to which it can bee done under different types of government machine. In a totalitarian regime, which is necessary in order for any socialist "economy" to be imposed on people it is done 100%. In a free market economy with a democratic institutes functioning it is a bit more complicated procedurally.

As to your statement, "those amendments don't have anything to do with the economic basics." Dude that's funny. Income tax has nothing to do with economic basics? ROFL the means by which most of the income for our government has nothing to do with money? Put down the pipe :)

In the past I calculated that about 60% of my income goes to federal, local, and state taxes. I'm probably doing better now because I've decided to wait till Obama leaves to start earning serious money again.

Let's say it's only 50% total. If you are correct, arguendo, that 100% imposition would be socialism and we are at 50% isn't that just half a free market or half socialism?

I'm reminded of the old phrase, we've already established what you are, now we are just negotiating price.

No. there is no possibility of 50% free market/50% socialism. It is a free market with two types of ownership over the means of production - but that is NOT socialism.
Socialism is monopoly of only one type of ownership.
everything else is still free market with combination of forms of ownership. It is reversible - the proportion still can be changed through democratic institutions. Pure socialism is incompatible with democratic institutions and requires a totalitarian rule for survival.

economic basics are economics basics - those are relations between private property, profit and the populace. if there is no private property of the means of production - there is no profit - there is no progress ( not in a leftwing meaning)))- those are the fundamental differences in the functioning of the socialist society vs one where private property is existing even under threat of expropriation and in combination of government ownership or cooperative collective ownership.

You simply can not comprehend this fundamental difference because you have never lived in a society that functions on totally different basics - therefore all you talk about is American reality( or the majority of the world reality).

There are other possibilities in this world.

And they are way worse than ten obamas combined.
You simply don't know about them.
And that is good - that you don't.
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obamacare is actually mostly fascist - which is a subtype of the left wing policies - favoritism of the selected big businesses over the individual taxpayers with the government racket of those who want to escape the gauging.


Forcing people to BUY A PRODUCT may not be socialism

But it IS NOT good government.
obamacare is actually mostly fascist - which is a subtype of the left wing policies - favoritism of the selected big businesses over the individual taxpayers with the government racket of those who want to escape the gauging.


Forcing people to BUY A PRODUCT may not be socialism

But it IS NOT good government.

it is a horrible government coercion.
fascism is not better than socialism, in fact they are mirror images. the main difference is what ideological platform they use for installation of totalitarian rule - it is a national/ethnic ideology in fascist society and it is class warfare in socialism. With national/ethnic components as well ( after purging of the enemy classes) - in order to perpetuate the need for totalitarian grip.
so, taxes, car insurance, school till 16, are all socialism too lol...Rushbeckfoxbots...everything governmental is socialism, and socialism is communism- brainwashed fringe RW idiocy..
ObamaCare is NOT socialism

Of course it isn’t.

It would be ignorant idiocy to ‘argue’ otherwise.

In fact, the ACA isn’t even a ‘National’ program, it’s a Federal law that authorizes the establishment of an online private sector marketplace where private insurance companies compete in the free market for customers, where prices are determined by that market.

It’s a republican/conservative plan, after all; if the president were a republican conservatives would love the ACA.

How many ways is this wrong?

1) It OUTLAWED my insurance plan of 25 yrs because it was offered thru a national professional org. It DEFINES coverage, removes choice, and serves the insurance companies with free advertising, administration and collections help and reduces the different types of plans they need to offer and maintain.. Removing choice and concentrating the market are hallmarks of socialism..

2) It mucks with already progressive tax code by giving tax subsidies out like candy. Tax subsidies that we can neither afford to give or are neccessary.. It is BY DEFINITION --- redistribution of wealth thru tax policy.

3) It is enforced by the full power of the states greatest bulldog -- the IRS.. Who now have access not only to your COMPLETE financial life, but now also meddle in your healthcare.

4) It's GOAL was to provide insurance for the ficticious 40 Mill without insurance. This is all done by coercion of those who are deemed capable of affording it and showering a MASSIVE new entitlement on the rest.. However -- the benefactors are gonna be pissed when they discover that they need to WAIT til April to get reimbursed for the HIGHER premiums they have to shell out.. The government is not PAYING their premiums, they are REIMBURSING for their premiums with tax credits paid ONCE A YEAR.. Good luck getting checks from folks who cant afford the premiums.. It will not fix that problem..

5) It FORCES employers to offer health plans and defines what the maximum employee contribution can be. Socialism.

Poorly designed, poorly implemented, doomed to fail Socialism.. Redistribution and removal of economic freedom -- plain and simple..
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those amendments don't have anything to do with the economic basics.
if you want to assure me that any state can expropriate anything from anybody on any time I can partially agree - and that is why the state has to be chained and jailed, so to say, as much as we, the people, can restrain it - but there are different extents to which it can bee done under different types of government machine. In a totalitarian regime, which is necessary in order for any socialist "economy" to be imposed on people it is done 100%. In a free market economy with a democratic institutes functioning it is a bit more complicated procedurally.

As to your statement, "those amendments don't have anything to do with the economic basics." Dude that's funny. Income tax has nothing to do with economic basics? ROFL the means by which most of the income for our government has nothing to do with money? Put down the pipe :)

In the past I calculated that about 60% of my income goes to federal, local, and state taxes. I'm probably doing better now because I've decided to wait till Obama leaves to start earning serious money again.

Let's say it's only 50% total. If you are correct, arguendo, that 100% imposition would be socialism and we are at 50% isn't that just half a free market or half socialism?

I'm reminded of the old phrase, we've already established what you are, now we are just negotiating price.

No. there is no possibility of 50% free market/50% socialism. It is a free market with two types of ownership over the means of production - but that is NOT socialism.
Socialism is monopoly of only one type of ownership.
everything else is still free market with combination of forms of ownership. It is reversible - the proportion still can be changed through democratic institutions. Pure socialism is incompatible with democratic institutions and requires a totalitarian rule for survival.

economic basics are economics basics - those are relations between private property, profit and the populace. if there is no private property of the means of production - there is no profit - there is no progress ( not in a leftwing meaning)))- those are the fundamental differences in the functioning of the socialist society vs one where private property is existing even under threat of expropriation and in combination of government ownership or cooperative collective ownership.

You simply can not comprehend this fundamental difference because you have never lived in a society that functions on totally different basics - therefore all you talk about is American reality( or the majority of the world reality).

There are other possibilities in this world.

And they are way worse than ten obamas combined.
You simply don't know about them.
And that is good - that you don't.
Oh I see, so a socialist country is no longer socialist if one young child sells a lemon-aid in her room to her sister once a year. Totalitarian rule, you mean like a National Homeland Security with enough bullets to shoot each of us a half dozen times? You mean like the TSA stripping us down at airports and demanding to see our papers? You mean like putting 40% of all black males in jail at one point in their lives? You mean like what this guy promised?

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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNhIK82GR-E]Cop fired for excessive force - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiWHeJloS1I]10 Cops Taser Man Peacefully Sitting on Porch - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4N7e2FohN4A]Missouri Police Taser Boy With Broken Back 19 Times - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G63FEamhpA0]Miami Police Shot Protester, then laugh about it. - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cAAM4TXPdw]Police Shoot Man Over 40 Times (Video) - YouTube[/ame]
Obamacare is not socialism---It is a socilist policy placed in a mixed economic system!! Another step towards pure socialism.

And boy aren't we moving!!
Obamacare is not socialism---It is a socilist policy placed in a mixed economic system!! Another step towards pure socialism.

And boy aren't we moving!!

not that straightforward. it is a fascist policy, actually.

Obama and the dimocraps are classic fascists ( all bought and paid for by big pockets and big money) - which is still a part of leftwing policies, just the nazi-style vs stalin-style.

does not mean they won't convert to the latter ones any time they feel they have the power to do so.
Obamacare is not socialism---It is a socilist policy placed in a mixed economic system!! Another step towards pure socialism.

And boy aren't we moving!!

not that straightforward. it is a fascist policy, actually.

Obama and the dimocraps are classic fascists ( all bought and paid for by big pockets and big money) - which is still a part of leftwing policies, just the nazi-style vs stalin-style.

does not mean they won't convert to the latter ones any time they feel they have the power to do so.

Look at me--I missed spelled socialism!
Actually, fascism deals with merger of state and private entities, usually corporation, in the process of governing--Obamacare does force the purchase of health insurance from insurance companies without a cap on the amount they can charge, but besides that, there is not much influence from the Health insurance companies on the government. In fact, it seems like the left is counting on the HIC's to become so greedy that the government is "forced" to take over the market dealing with health insurance.

No corp to merge with--

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