ObamaCare is NOT socialism

true and absolutely atrocious.

what is even MORE disgusting - this part was NEVER addressed in obamacare.

the costs skyrocketed after EMTALA was enacted.

You want to lower the costs - change EMTALA and tort reform
before Obamacare one could go buy heathcare directly from a doctor......paying cash....FREE MARKET

before Obamacare one could go buy major medical for very little to cover emergencies....FREE MARKET

before Obamacare one could choose to not buy healthcare at all without a penalty....FREE MARKET

You are wrong.

Answer me this, BirdBrain: Why do doctors and hospitals charge the uninsured roughly 100% MORE at the counter than the bill they file to the insurer? I'm talking about those who pay at the time of service. Answer the question with data and facts, not your birdshit rhetoric.

Hospitals Charge Uninsured and “Self-Pay” Patients More than Double What Insured Patients Pay
Hospitals Charge Uninsured and ?Self-Pay? Patients More than Double What Insured Patients Pay - 2007 - News Releases - News - Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Now stop before you embarrass yourself further.....Johns Hopkins says you're a dumbass and so do I.

Uhh.... Hey, STUPID!!!

They CHARGE them that.... They don't collect it.

What a fucking moron you are.

They charge them twice as much because they know they're never going to get it and this way, they can write it off as a "Capital Loss" on their Income Taxes.

You people never fail to amuse me

Um, you said this, not me:

"before Obamacare one could go buy heathcare directly from a doctor......paying cash....FREE MARKET"

So you are admitting that the FREE MARKET people are just a bunch of dead beats?

Thanks, that was easy.
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Obama Cares is not socialism.

The police department is socialist.

The fire department is socialist.

Public schools and universities are socialist.

Credit unions are socialist.

The U.S. military is socialist.

Social Security is socialist and has worked well for 76 years.

Medicare is socialist and is keeping my father alive.

You are wrong.

Answer me this, BirdBrain: Why do doctors and hospitals charge the uninsured roughly 100% MORE at the counter than the bill they file to the insurer? I'm talking about those who pay at the time of service. Answer the question with data and facts, not your birdshit rhetoric.

Hospitals Charge Uninsured and “Self-Pay” Patients More than Double What Insured Patients Pay
Hospitals Charge Uninsured and ?Self-Pay? Patients More than Double What Insured Patients Pay - 2007 - News Releases - News - Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Now stop before you embarrass yourself further.....Johns Hopkins says you're a dumbass and so do I.

Uhh.... Hey, STUPID!!!

They CHARGE them that.... They don't collect it.

What a fucking moron you are.

They charge them twice as much because they know they're never going to get it and this way, they can write it off as a "Capital Loss" on their Income Taxes.

You people never fail to amuse me

Um, you said this, not me:

"before Obamacare one could go buy heathcare directly from a doctor......paying cash....FREE MARKET"

So you are admitting that the FREE MARKET people are just a bunch of dead beats?

Thanks, that was easy.

i guess your growing up in a nanny state precludes your ability to understand what PAYING YOUR OWN BILLS is all about...
Would anyone here care to, be able to, explain to me [a foreigner looking in], in simple terms, just what basically Obamacare is?

Our health care regulations, at one point were managed by each state individually.

Access to health care for the most part has been done through private insurance carriers on the open market. The exception being health insurance for the retired folk that has been covered under medicare for a few decades now. We also have free health care for the poor through medicaid (tax payer for adults), chips (tax payer for kids), free clinics, charities, etc..

Under Clinton the feds mandated all hospitals provide free emergency care to anyone that demands it. As a result hospitals were swamped with people demanding food, shelter, drugs etc at emergency centers. Some hospitals say 50-70% of the people coming in are daily /weekly regulars that demand free care. You can probably guess what this did to medicare, medicaid, and private insurance rates. Government told the hospitals they would not pay for the increases, thus the hospitals have been forced to pass the government mandate cost to the private insurance carriers.

Of course this caused the price of insurance from private insurance carriers to skyrocket. Then the Government listened to the voters who complained in TV every day about skyrocketing insurance by offering yet another Government solution.

Voila, Obama Care.

Obama care is a collection of hundreds of new federal regulations laws that try to force everyone to get insurance. Of course true to the socialist way, anyone that has medicaid or chips or works for a democrat backed union is exempted. Obama care forces the private insurance carriers to cover everyone even if they have pre-existing conditions, like needing a 200k heart transplant. Obama care forces the insurance carriers to only have a 3x premium cost ratio between the highest and the lowest rate. Illegal immigrants are a big problem here in the states. Obama Care was designed to give them free medical care through subsidies. The promise is that it will cost us less if they go to the doctors instead of coming to work sick. Around here illegals used to go to clinics and pay on the barrel head using free market prices. Now they will have subsidized tax payer funded health insurance instead.

Obama care subsidies will be available to families making up to four (4) times the poverty level, that is around 90k I believe.

Over time that dividing line 90k ish will be the dividing line for people on welfare because they only have four times the income of the poverty level and people who pay high taxes for the sin over having to much income.
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You forgot to mention that the cost of healthcare per captia within the USA is twice as much as it is in Australia.
Health Costs: How the U.S. Compares With Other Countries | PBS NewsHour

From PBS? Why don't you link us to the CPUSA?

Great article. And if you morons care to actually read it you will see you have shot yourself in the foot and still didn't answer the Australian's question either. Typical righties. All smoke and mirrors.

I was in Insurance for 25 years and I owned my own Insurance Agency for 20 years.

I've been to more classes, more seminars, received more bullshit designations, more boring classes and listened to more and better educated people than ALL of PBS has on their communist staff.

I could tell them about how Insurance really works, but they wouldn't listen.

As I've said on here a hundred times, Insurance isn't for the average person. Not even Lawyers. Unless they specialize in Insurance, they don't know much about it either.

But I will give them kudos as far as being willing to listen and learn.

I had several Lawyers as Policy Holders and they were excellent customers.

The worst? The absolute WORST...??

Teachers. Swear to God. The dumbest people God ever put on this Earth. I mean.... DUMB.

I had Migrant Workers who could grasp things easier than these people.

Engineers were a PITA but they weren't stupid... Far from it. They didn't want to just know how, they wanted to know why. Which was fine with me. I'd explain it to them. Good custies.

Journalists weren't too bad. They knew they were in over their heads and didn't give me much trouble. Not real bright people, though.

Cops were pretty bad, too. Cops aren't especially bright people, BTW.

BTW, I am FOR mandatory participation in Health Insurance by EVERYBODY.

I just know how dimocraps work. They'd fuck up a one-car-funeral.

Always have, always will
Obama Cares is not socialism.

The police department is socialist.

The fire department is socialist.

Public schools and universities are socialist.

Credit unions are socialist.

The U.S. military is socialist.

Social Security is socialist and has worked well for 76 years.

Medicare is socialist and is keeping my father alive.

are you REALLY that stupid?:cuckoo:
neither of those programs are "socialist", as programs can not be socialist, economic relations - can.
Yet another dictionary dick trying to pretend that, if Obamacare doesn't fit the exact, 100% dictionary definition of "socialism", then we're not allowed to call it that?

These are the people who try to tell us that, since some of the people on the Titanic survived, it wasn't a "disaster".

Do these people ever pull their heads out long enough to notice reality?
No, it's corporatism.
Bingo! We have our winner!

That's what you call, "Hitting the nail on the head!"

Anyone calling it socialism, communism, etc., just don't know the meaning of the those terms.

The subsidies paid to those under the 90k line by those over the 90k line is socialism. The regulatory parts of it superseding the state regulations is federalism. The part about forcing us all to buy private insurance.. yeah that's corporatism in the form of a government mandated oligopoly.
Obama Cares is not socialism.

The police department is socialist.

The fire department is socialist.

Public schools and universities are socialist.

Credit unions are socialist.

The U.S. military is socialist.

Social Security is socialist and has worked well for 76 years.

Medicare is socialist and is keeping my father alive.

are you REALLY that stupid?:cuckoo:
neither of those programs are "socialist", as programs can not be socialist, economic relations - can.

Medicare is state ownership of health insurance for old people.

That is socialism.

Social Security is state ownership of retirement accounts.

That is socialism.
No, it's corporatism.
Bingo! We have our winner!

That's what you call, "Hitting the nail on the head!"

Anyone calling it socialism, communism, etc., just don't know the meaning of the those terms.

The subsidies paid to those under the 90k line by those over the 90k line is socialism. The regulatory parts of it superseding the state regulations is federalism. The part about forcing us all to buy private insurance.. yeah that's corporatism in the form of a government mandated oligopoly.

What about the subsidies paid by those under 90K for those over 90K?

Such as the tiny capital gains tax the super rich pay.
From PBS? Why don't you link us to the CPUSA?

Great article. And if you morons care to actually read it you will see you have shot yourself in the foot and still didn't answer the Australian's question either. Typical righties. All smoke and mirrors.

I was in Insurance for 25 years and I owned my own Insurance Agency for 20 years.

I've been to more classes, more seminars, received more bullshit designations, more boring classes and listened to more and better educated people than ALL of PBS has on their communist staff.

I could tell them about how Insurance really works, but they wouldn't listen.

As I've said on here a hundred times, Insurance isn't for the average person. Not even Lawyers. Unless they specialize in Insurance, they don't know much about it either.

But I will give them kudos as far as being willing to listen and learn.

I had several Lawyers as Policy Holders and they were excellent customers.

The worst? The absolute WORST...??

Teachers. Swear to God. The dumbest people God ever put on this Earth. I mean.... DUMB.

I had Migrant Workers who could grasp things easier than these people.

Engineers were a PITA but they weren't stupid... Far from it. They didn't want to just know how, they wanted to know why. Which was fine with me. I'd explain it to them. Good custies.

Journalists weren't too bad. They knew they were in over their heads and didn't give me much trouble. Not real bright people, though.

Cops were pretty bad, too. Cops aren't especially bright people, BTW.

BTW, I am FOR mandatory participation in Health Insurance by EVERYBODY.

I just know how dimocraps work. They'd fuck up a one-car-funeral.

Always have, always will

I'd be ok with mandatory insurance if I could opt to be my own insurance provider. Being an Engineer that used to write software for Insurance Companies and Agents, I just happen to know, as well, what insurance is and how it works. Thus, I don't see why I can't set up my own HSA account managed by me with sufficient funds in it to pay out my family's health care needs as long as I also get catastrophic insurance (re-insurance if you will) for items that would overcome my HSA account balance.
The subsidies paid to those under the 90k line by those over the 90k line is socialism. The regulatory parts of it superseding the state regulations is federalism. The part about forcing us all to buy private insurance.. yeah that's corporatism in the form of a government mandated oligopoly.
Go Google the "definition of socialism", before you start making your "90k" comments.
Obama Cares is not socialism.

The police department is socialist.

The fire department is socialist.

Public schools and universities are socialist.

Credit unions are socialist.

The U.S. military is socialist.

Social Security is socialist and has worked well for 76 years.

Medicare is socialist and is keeping my father alive.

And let's not forget that there was plenty of opposition to SS and Medicare when they were introduced.

So I just wonder how many of these righties plan on standing on their high moral ground and refusing either when they turn 65, if their sorry asses aren't on both programs already.
Obama Cares is not socialism.

The police department is socialist.

The fire department is socialist.

Public schools and universities are socialist.

Credit unions are socialist.

The U.S. military is socialist.

Social Security is socialist and has worked well for 76 years.

Medicare is socialist and is keeping my father alive.

are you REALLY that stupid?:cuckoo:
neither of those programs are "socialist", as programs can not be socialist, economic relations - can.

Medicare is state ownership of health insurance for old people.

That is socialism.

Social Security is state ownership of retirement accounts.

That is socialism.

No, it is NOT. Learn the basics.
State does not own medicare or SS - to start with.
Taxpayers do.
Let's not be fooling around trying to define socialism. Republicans have honed this word over the years to scare the bejabbers out of Americans and the process has been very successful. We start going into any of these things too deep and people will discover socialism does not lead to communism, and even worse there has never been a nation that has practiced Marxian communism.
Best we go back to teacher unions and Obama's birth certificate.
From PBS? Why don't you link us to the CPUSA?

Great article. And if you morons care to actually read it you will see you have shot yourself in the foot and still didn't answer the Australian's question either. Typical righties. All smoke and mirrors.

I was in Insurance for 25 years and I owned my own Insurance Agency for 20 years.

I've been to more classes, more seminars, received more bullshit designations, more boring classes and listened to more and better educated people than ALL of PBS has on their communist staff.

I could tell them about how Insurance really works, but they wouldn't listen.

As I've said on here a hundred times, Insurance isn't for the average person. Not even Lawyers. Unless they specialize in Insurance, they don't know much about it either.

But I will give them kudos as far as being willing to listen and learn.

I had several Lawyers as Policy Holders and they were excellent customers.

The worst? The absolute WORST...??

Teachers. Swear to God. The dumbest people God ever put on this Earth. I mean.... DUMB.

I had Migrant Workers who could grasp things easier than these people.

Engineers were a PITA but they weren't stupid... Far from it. They didn't want to just know how, they wanted to know why. Which was fine with me. I'd explain it to them. Good custies.

Journalists weren't too bad. They knew they were in over their heads and didn't give me much trouble. Not real bright people, though.

Cops were pretty bad, too. Cops aren't especially bright people, BTW.

BTW, I am FOR mandatory participation in Health Insurance by EVERYBODY.

I just know how dimocraps work. They'd fuck up a one-car-funeral.

Always have, always will

More smoke and mirrors. We are talking about the cost of healthcare, not your boring career choice: selling bullshit, which is what insurance is. Snake oil on paper.
Yet another dictionary dick trying to pretend that, if Obamacare doesn't fit the exact, 100% dictionary definition of "socialism", then we're not allowed to call it that?

These are the people who try to tell us that, since some of the people on the Titanic survived, it wasn't a "disaster".

Do these people ever pull their heads out long enough to notice reality?

It does not.
It actually fits fascism almost 100%
since fascism is a twisted form of socialism, one might call it a twisted one, but is is definitely NOT a classic socialist enterprise.
There are no socialist economic structures in this country.
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Let's not be fooling around trying to define socialism. Republicans have honed this word over the years to scare the bejabbers out of Americans and the process has been very successful. We start going into any of these things too deep and people will discover socialism does not lead to communism, and even worse there has never been a nation that has practiced Marxian communism.
Best we go back to teacher unions and Obama's birth certificate.

same is pertinent for your leftwing moonbats - they have no idea what socialism is ( look at Chris)
It does not.
It actually fits fascism almost 100%
since fascism is a twisted form of socialism, one might call it a twisted one, but is is definitely NOT a classic socialist enterprise.
There are no socialist economic structures in this country.
And there never will be.

The Citizens United ruling sealed the deal on that one.

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