Obamacare lite is going no where

Why do you think Ryan hid the thing ? It's a sell out to the Rich and big insurance.
I called it, Odium, not you.

Of course the health insurance industry is not going to allow Congress to give up its cash cow.

Actually, it was Roobaby/Antares/Grizz who called it years ago.
Freedom Caucus balks at Republican leadership's Obamacare replacement

I called it! The GOP elitists as usual LIED.....There is not option to buy insurance across state lines there is NOTHING there that helps us.....It won't pass.

Just give taxpayers equal option to pick and fund either plan.
If they like the first one better, they fund it and agree to those terms.
They work with other leaders citizens and party members who agree
to fund that plan, and make it work given the resources that team can manage.

The others who reject the first plan can go with the second one.
If both are flawed, then work with the closest one.

If people branch off into their own plans, that's fine, too.
Whatever your following can sustain, you have the right to invest
in develop and pursue those plans, just like setting up your
own church or charity program. Because that's what this is like anyway.

How to set up a nationally accessible health care charity.
So why can't people and groups pick and choose the structure
and program they want to support, and not fight to force anyone
else under a plan they don't agree to.
The Republican plan would have the government write checks to people to purchase health insurance. Huh? I thought that's what Democrats do?

The Freedom Caucus better raise some Hell over this "Ryancare" , a ruse , a blatant lie to the American people on affordability.

Can anybody find the part of the Obamacare repeal where we can buy insurance across state lines? That's the Holy Grail of health reform.
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Why do you think Ryan hid the thing ? It's a sell out to the Rich and big insurance.
If...that's a big if (no one has seen a final draft), if it is true, you should be happy and celebrate it, just like when Obama sold out to the rich and big insurance. Remember when democrats called you stupid and insisted on lying to you to pass Obamacare? The difference between then and now is that many of us are standing up against it, while you stupid dems bought in completely.
The Republicans keep ranting about how they're going to make health insurance cheaper. Really? didn't insurance companies get out of the exchanges because they couldn't make enough MONEY?

How will they be offering cheaper insurance? And on top of that, if the subsidies are gone, how will the cost of a subsized policy get cheaper for the subsidized buyer once it's un-subsidized?

And how will coverage get cheaper for the Medicaid recipient who loses his Medicaid?
The Republican plan would have the government write checks to people to purchase health insurance. Huh? I thought that's what Democrats do?

The Freedom Caucus better raise some Hell over this "Ryancare" , a ruse , a blatant lie to the American people on affordability.

Can anybody find the part of the Obamacare repeal where we can buy insurance across state lines? That's the Holy Grail of health reform.
I'm not sold on the idea. I don't want to pick up part of the bill for other states with more costly burdensome regulations. The insurance companies will spread the costs around, and in the process screw the better run states.
Shame on the gutless DC Republicans. Finally in charge, they're afraid to do the right thing & get government out of our health care.

Shame on the gutless DC Republicans. They complained for 8 yrs about Obamacare. Then when they get the chance to, they cave.

Shame on the gutless DC Republicans. They had no problem repealing Obamacare when Obama was President, but now with Trump, they chicken out.

Shame on the gutless DC Republicans. They're finally in charge & instead of actually repealing Obamacare, they enshrine it in law. Forever.

The Republicans keep ranting about how they're going to make health insurance cheaper. Really? didn't insurance companies get out of the exchanges because they couldn't make enough MONEY?

How will they be offering cheaper insurance? And on top of that, if the subsidies are gone, how will the cost of a subsized policy get cheaper for the subsidized buyer once it's un-subsidized?

And how will coverage get cheaper for the Medicaid recipient who loses his Medicaid?
Why bother with Medicaid? Obamacare made everything so cheap, everyone can now afford insurance.
The b
Shame on the gutless DC Republicans. Finally in charge, they're afraid to do the right thing & get government out of our health care.

Shame on the gutless DC Republicans. They complained for 8 yrs about Obamacare. Then when they get the chance to, they cave.

Shame on the gutless DC Republicans. They had no problem repealing Obamacare when Obama was President, but now with Trump, they chicken out.

Shame on the gutless DC Republicans. They're finally in charge & instead of actually repealing Obamacare, they enshrine it in law. Forever.


Awwwww life ain't so easy when you are in charge . Remember the good old days of just sitting back and complaining about anything Obama would do??
Just like all the other socialist entitlement programs Obamacare is a cancer that's gonna be very hard to remove…
It's impossible to afford Obamacare…
Freedom Caucus balks at Republican leadership's Obamacare replacement

I called it! The GOP elitists as usual LIED.....There is not option to buy insurance across state lines there is NOTHING there that helps us.....It won't pass.

It is a failure because both sides placate the extremes. Conservatives say repeal and go back to free markets. They say the same god damn solution of across state lines, health savings accounts, remove government and add competition.

The State line is a bullshit argument, since any insurer can enter any market they just have to follow the State's regulations. Is the conservative argument for State's rights?
Health savings accounts exist and are tax free. I know I use them. It saves a few shekels a year, but they are not a game changer.

Get government out of the market? Sorry this is a bad idea. Actually a horrible idea. Health insurers make money by paying as little as possible. It is too ripe for corruption. Health insurers must be regulated, with strong oversight. If anyone says different imagine having a bad illness like cancer or MS and then go shop for insurance. Prior to Obamacare you either got denied or had a pre-existing condition rider, so the one reason you desperately needed insurance you weren't covered for. This is precisely why Trumpcare left in not allowing denials or pre-existing condition riders.

Tax credit. Laughable. Individual health insurance is expensive and that isn't going to change. The tax credits that people who currently do not pay any taxes (under $50k) isn't going to help. Heck even people making over $100k and paying taxes will not be help enough to make it worth while.

However, Liberals are too immature to figure out a solution. To them it is UHC! We are $20 trillion in debt. How does it get paid for! They won't cut pensions, get rid of government workers or cut agencies, so they say raise taxes. Not a way to prosperity. Also having no skin in the came creates entitlement and abuse.

Both sides placate the extremist in their camps and neither side wins and the problem gets worse and worse and worse.

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