ObamaCare Lives

Obama's signature achievement is safe for at least another two years.

Trump never had the intention nor ability to erase Obama's legacy.

I well remember Obama and his "I have a pen and a phone". And I well remember how mad that made the pseudocons and their propagandists.

All Trump has been able to erase is what Obama signed with his pen unilaterally. And Trump's successor will do the same to Trump's EOs.

Meanwhile, the one thing Obama achieved of import will survive.

All because in eight fucking years, the Republicans have not been able to puke up a replacement for ObamaCare. All because in eight fucking years, it never occurred to the rubes to demand one. All because they never asked Trump for his "beautiful" replacement and his plan for "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost".

The collective stupidity of pseudocons aided and abetted the survival of this pile of shit.

So you're stuck with ObamaCare, rubes. That's the real outcome of this election.

Enjoy Obamacare. You EARNED it.
As long as it has no mandate I don’t give two shits about Obamacare...
Just like millions of other conservatives
Which is exactly why Obamacare lives. You deserve it.
I don’t have to deal with it, because it’s not mandated

Don't believe it ever was for a 100% tribal member.
Socialism in the Indian reservations is a fucking joke, The healthcare programs are not worth a shit.
That’s why no one uses them on the reservations

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