Obamacare... ROTFLMFAO!!!!!

Hey stupid - you completely missed the point of the article (typical Dumbocrat). Obamacare desperately needs young people paying into the system to offset the cost. But instead of paying in, he's burdening the system further by getting coverage for FREE. Instead of being a partisan hack who is desperate to defend the left at all costs, perhaps you should slow down and read? Hell, maybe even think a little?

So you think the lawyer would have never discovered he was poor enough to get medicaid if it wasn't for Obamacare? :cuckoo:

He WASN'T "poor enough"... he had insurance that he was paying for!!!! :bang3

He was poor enough, that is why he took it. You idiots are to stupid to realize that the Obamacare rule pooling healthy people with abusers of the healthcare causing rates like his to explode up 400%. He could afford it before but can't afford that new rate. This will piss off Obama's young voter base, not make them love government. :cuckoo: Voters will eventually fix this problem. Stupid retards like you who let TV personalities do the thinking make it worse. Defunding it will tax us even more, getting rid of it or fixing it is the only way to go.

Our healthcare shot up 223% because of pooling. I hate this shit. Defunding Obamacare will make it shoot up even more. Fix the pools or get rid of it, don't just defund it. Dumb-Ass Repubtards are holding workers & tax payers hostage billing us $300 million a day more to shut down the government than to keep it running all for political points & trying to defund the PPACA so our rates spike again. They want to stick us with the entire bill paying for everyone else, because defunding only removes the Wallstreet billionaire taxes on unearned income that gets taxed at half the rate everyone else does. Everyone earning less than $2 million a year will have to pay it all while the Wallstreet Insurance Companies Billionaires get filthy rich off of this mandate because their lobbyist Liz Fowler wrote Obamacare. They are fiscal terrorist.
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Yea, Nazi's wanted to kill people, Democrats want to give them health care. Republicans are fighting that with "let him die".

Wait a second.

Kill People?

Let him die?

I didn't realize Republicans and the Nazi's have so much in common. Or maybe I did.

Obamacare DOES NOT provide HEALTHCARE you Moonbat!

Try understanding before posting shit.
For starters, you have to consider the story of Brendan Mahoney, a law student at the University of Connecticut, who has gone from a self-sufficient member of society to a welfare recipient in a matter of days.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Mahoney is a 30-year-old, third year law student who has been insured for the last three years “through a $2,400-a-year school-sponsored health plan. But he wanted to see what Obamacare had to offer.” After trying and failing to login a couple of times, Mahoney finally accessed the exchanges and, much to his surprise, realized he was eligible for Medicaid. So he signed up for Medicaid.

“So the great success story of Obamacare’s first day is the transformation of a future lawyer, who was already paying for his insurance, into a welfare case. There’s your success story, gang,” Glenn said on radio this morning. “That’s their intent. Get you hooked on welfare. Get you hooked on the dole. If they can get you hooked, then they know you will never, ever get off it. Don’t take it. Don’t do it. Just say no to Obamacare. It’s the most powerful drug that a government has ever asked us to inject into our own veins. Don’t do it.”

Obama knows the more people that are dependent on government, the more people that will be forced to vote for him. It's all about power and control for de fürher Obama.

Success? Check out Obamacare?s dismal sign-up numbers ? Glenn Beck

Best of the Web Today: Brendan Mahoney Saves ObamaCare - WSJ.com



Yea, Nazi's wanted to kill people, Democrats want to give them health care. Republicans are fighting that with "let him die".

Wait a second.

Kill People?

Let him die?

I didn't realize Republicans and the Nazi's have so much in common. Or maybe I did.

rrrdean, why would you rat yo-self out like dat, you have so much in common with nazi's. I forgot you're a progressive/liberal...:lol:
It is the individual plans we are talking about though. Those covered by the government or an employer are not the ones who wold be affected other by greatly escalating insurance premiums that may force some of them out of the market anyway. As thousands of employers are protecting themselves, meaning that their employees WILL be forced to go on individual plans, those ineligible for group plans are increasing by millions.

There is this

And this:
So, if you are young and healthy, there is a huge incentive to take the penalty which is a LOT cheaper than buying insurance, and then buy the insurance if you get sick and need it. The government mandate that you cannot be denied if there are pre-existing conditions guarantees you that you can get the insurance. So why pay for it until you need it?

The pointy heads who dreamed up this nightmare really didn't think it through at all.
They may be able to buy an individual plan when they get sick, as I mentioned above,
but from your link....they CAN be charged a lot more for the policy....at least it appears like that...? Which is a penalty of sorts....

That means young people can put off buying insurance until they get sick, and they will pay more in premiums than they would by buying individual policies under the medical underwriting standards insurers currently use.
Many young adults likely to pay penalty instead of buying health insurance, National Center for Public Policy Research study says - Albuquerque Business First

Yep, but the fact that they can buy a policy at any time they want one, via courtesy of government mandate, they need to be in no hurry to do so. And if they don't get sick, which they are gambling on, they save hundreds of dollars every month. And they aren't paying the higher premiums that the government was counting on them to pay to keep costs affordable for the freebies and others.
This could be the case...but if they don't sign up and choose to pay the penalty, then the government is also saving by not footing 90% of their premiums and some of their deductibles and out of pocket expenses....

So, that money the gvt was going to use to subsidize these insurance policies for the young, plus the penalties these young'ns pay, is money in the bank that could be used somehow... perhaps, to keep policy prices down....??? I dunno....? (just thinking out loud....) I'm figuring that most of the young don't make much money, (most minimum wage earners are young) and if they do make a lot of money and don't qualify for subsidies, they are probably in a job where the employer has insurance at group rates and pays for 70-90% of the cost. And of course, there are millions that may just go on their parent's plan...

Also, the exchange does have policies available for young adults that are catastrophic plans, which include all the basics of the ACA such as having to accept the sick, and free yearly physicals (wellness visits) etc etc that all Health insurance plans are suppose to carry, with higher deductibles, at a very low premium...

and most colleges offer or even require their students to buy in to one of their health care plans in order to attend the college....

bottom line, I think a lot more of the young will get insured than one may think....
Unions Rage Against the Affordable Care Act Even unions can't afford Obamacare without Medicaid subsidies. How many people can afford a 40% tax on their health insurance premium and a 400% rate increase to boot?

We don't need a government shutdown that cost us $300 million more every day. Obamacare is pissing off the Democrats base of unions & young people. Hell they have resorted to setting themselves on fire & attacking the Whitehouse with their cars. They have been betrayed.
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So you think the lawyer would have never discovered he was poor enough to get medicaid if it wasn't for Obamacare? :cuckoo:

He WASN'T "poor enough"... he had insurance that he was paying for!!!! :bang3

He was poor enough, that is why he took it. You idiots are to stupid to realize that the Obamacare rule pooling healthy people with abusers of the healthcare causing rates like his to explode up 400%. He could afford it before but can't afford that new rate. This will piss off Obama's young voter base, not make them love government. :cuckoo: Voters will eventually fix this problem. Stupid retards like you who let TV personalities do the thinking make it worse. Defunding it will tax us even more, getting rid of it or fixing it is the only way to go.

Our healthcare shot up 223% because of pooling. I hate this shit. Defunding Obamacare will make it shoot up even more. Fix the pools or get rid of it, don't just defund it. Dumb-Ass Repubtards are holding workers & tax payers hostage billing us $300 million a day more to shut down the government than to keep it running all for political points & trying to defund the PPACA so our rates spike again. They want to stick us with the entire bill paying for everyone else, because defunding only removes the Wallstreet billionaire taxes on unearned income that gets taxed at half the rate everyone else does. Everyone earning less than $2 million a year will have to pay it all while the Wallstreet Insurance Companies Billionaires get filthy rich off of this mandate because their lobbyist Liz Fowler wrote Obamacare. They are fiscal terrorist.

He was NOT "poor enough" - he had insurance which he was paying for himself. Clearly he had the money. :bang3:

Furthermore, the GOP can't "get rid of it" because the Dumbocrats have the Senate and the White House. Why don't you try paying attention to what is going on with your government?

Lastly, the only "fiscal terrorists" are the Dumbocrats who have spent this nation $17 trillion into debt. The spending has to stop. Period.
Just received my new policy and off the bat one change was I used to have one time $100.00 co-pay for hospital stay. That has now increased to $150/day up to 5 days.

Every one of the bottom bullets is an INCREASE in my coverage

And the stupid left ask why I have contempt for Obama and socialized medicine


Your share will increase for Self Only and Self and Family. See the back cover.

• The copay for inpatient hospitalization has changed to $150/day up to 5 days. See page 44.
• The copay for inpatient mental health and substance abuse hospitalization has changed to $150/day up to 5 days. See page
• The Primary care physician office visit including mental health office visit copay has changed to $20 copay. See Sections
5a, 5b and 5e.
• The copay for Outpatient hospital or ambulatory surgical center/outpatient surgery copay has changed to $200. See page
• The CT scan copay has changed to $200. See page 24.
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Unions Rage Against the Affordable Care Act Even unions can't afford Obamacare without Medicaid subsidies. How many people can afford a 40% tax on their health insurance premium and a 400% rate increase to boot?

We don't need a government shutdown that cost us $300 million more every day. Obamacare is pissing off the Democrats base of unions & young people. Hell they have resorted to setting themselves on fire & attacking the Whitehouse with their cars. They have been betrayed.

Someone has been visiting George Soros's websites like a good little liberal soldier...

Hey stupid, how does it cost $300 million per day to shut down a portion of government? We're not paying those useless salaries. We're not using resources in those useless offices (paper, toner, postage, power, etc.). Seriously, parroting ignorant libtard lies is not helping your cause any.
Just received my new policy and off the bat one change was I used to have one time $100.00 co-pay for hospital stay. That has now increased to $150/day up to 5 days.

Every one of the bottom bullets is an INCREASE in my coverage

And the stupid left ask why I have contempt for Obama and socialized medicine


Your share of the non-Postal premium will increase for Self Only and Self and Family. See the back cover.
• The copay for inpatient hospitalization has changed to $150/day up to 5 days. See page 44.
• The copay for inpatient mental health and substance abuse hospitalization has changed to $150/day up to 5 days. See page
• The Primary care physician office visit including mental health office visit copay has changed to $20 copay. See Sections
5a, 5b and 5e.
• The copay for Outpatient hospital or ambulatory surgical center/outpatient surgery copay has changed to $200. See page
• The CT scan copay has changed to $200. See page 24.

The left doesn't care because your cost increase because that is what is subsidizing their healthcare. As long as those lazy, useless parasites get free government table scraps, they are happy to make you their slave (remember, they are the party that started a war with their own nation to ensure slavery continued - they never have stopped looking at other people as their property to labor on their behalf).
Just received my new policy and off the bat one change was I used to have one time $100.00 co-pay for hospital stay. That has now increased to $150/day up to 5 days.

Every one of the bottom bullets is an INCREASE in my coverage

And the stupid left ask why I have contempt for Obama and socialized medicine


Your share of the non-Postal premium will increase for Self Only and Self and Family. See the back cover.
• The copay for inpatient hospitalization has changed to $150/day up to 5 days. See page 44.
• The copay for inpatient mental health and substance abuse hospitalization has changed to $150/day up to 5 days. See page
• The Primary care physician office visit including mental health office visit copay has changed to $20 copay. See Sections
5a, 5b and 5e.
• The copay for Outpatient hospital or ambulatory surgical center/outpatient surgery copay has changed to $200. See page
• The CT scan copay has changed to $200. See page 24.

The left doesn't care because your cost increase because that is what is subsidizing their healthcare. As long as those lazy, useless parasites get free government table scraps, they are happy to make you their slave (remember, they are the party that started a war with their own nation to ensure slavery continued - they never have stopped looking at other people as their property to labor on their behalf).

Redistribution of wealth. Like I'm wealthy because I have made sacrifices over my lifetime to allow me to provide for my family. It's a shame many in this country do not have the same drive or ambition to succeed and reap the benefits of hard work

Lazy leeches of society

Just received my new policy and off the bat one change was I used to have one time $100.00 co-pay for hospital stay. That has now increased to $150/day up to 5 days.

Every one of the bottom bullets is an INCREASE in my coverage

And the stupid left ask why I have contempt for Obama and socialized medicine


Your share of the non-Postal premium will increase for Self Only and Self and Family. See the back cover.
• The copay for inpatient hospitalization has changed to $150/day up to 5 days. See page 44.
• The copay for inpatient mental health and substance abuse hospitalization has changed to $150/day up to 5 days. See page
• The Primary care physician office visit including mental health office visit copay has changed to $20 copay. See Sections
5a, 5b and 5e.
• The copay for Outpatient hospital or ambulatory surgical center/outpatient surgery copay has changed to $200. See page
• The CT scan copay has changed to $200. See page 24.

The left doesn't care because your cost increase because that is what is subsidizing their healthcare. As long as those lazy, useless parasites get free government table scraps, they are happy to make you their slave (remember, they are the party that started a war with their own nation to ensure slavery continued - they never have stopped looking at other people as their property to labor on their behalf).

Redistribution of wealth. Like I'm wealthy because I have made sacrifices over my lifetime to allow me to provide for my family. It's a shame many in this country do not have the same drive or ambition to succeed and reap the benefits of hard work

Lazy leeches of society


They are not willing to work and they are not willing to sacrifice. They just believe they deserve what everyone else has simply because they were born.
Just received my new policy and off the bat one change was I used to have one time $100.00 co-pay for hospital stay. That has now increased to $150/day up to 5 days.

Every one of the bottom bullets is an INCREASE in my coverage

And the stupid left ask why I have contempt for Obama and socialized medicine


Your share will increase for Self Only and Self and Family. See the back cover.

• The copay for inpatient hospitalization has changed to $150/day up to 5 days. See page 44.
• The copay for inpatient mental health and substance abuse hospitalization has changed to $150/day up to 5 days. See page
• The Primary care physician office visit including mental health office visit copay has changed to $20 copay. See Sections
5a, 5b and 5e.
• The copay for Outpatient hospital or ambulatory surgical center/outpatient surgery copay has changed to $200. See page
• The CT scan copay has changed to $200. See page 24.
How about also showing us what each of those things that changed WERE BEFORE the change....it's the only way we can compare it fairly.

As example, in the 30 years that I have bought health insurance, NEVER EVER did hospitalization have ONLY a one time payment of $100 for the entire hospital stay, whether you stayed 2 days or 100 days, the same deductible...it has ALWAYS been, absolutely ALWAYS BEEN by how many DAYS you stay in the Hospital.... It is absolutely bankrupting for ANY insurance company to EVER have such a feature....can you see that...Geaux? I mean, how could they afford to only have a one time fee for hospital stays, for 3 days or 50 day stay? Maybe I have misunderstood?

Sooooo, if I were you, I would relook at last year's policy and compare AGAIN, down to the fine details
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Our Health Insurance has gone up each and every year for the past 20 years....to the tune of about 20-30% higher each year....much of this was employers passing on more of the cost on to the employee of their health care costs....deductibles have gotten much larger and what I used to have, $250-$500 deductibles and $1000 a year out of pocket expense, 20%/80%, $5 generic/$15 preferred... for $8.00 my share twice a month just 12 years ago, to now being, 30%/70%, $2500 deductible, $7000 out of pocket each year per individual on the plan... for $300 a month our share of premiums.....$650 a month for the same plan I mentioned above that we once had but with still higher deductibles and out of pocket at $2500 not the $1000.....

I'm just hoping that our health insurance doesn't continue to go up with double digit increases each year, as it has been for us...
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Just received my new policy and off the bat one change was I used to have one time $100.00 co-pay for hospital stay. That has now increased to $150/day up to 5 days.

Every one of the bottom bullets is an INCREASE in my coverage

And the stupid left ask why I have contempt for Obama and socialized medicine


Your share will increase for Self Only and Self and Family. See the back cover.

• The copay for inpatient hospitalization has changed to $150/day up to 5 days. See page 44.
• The copay for inpatient mental health and substance abuse hospitalization has changed to $150/day up to 5 days. See page
• The Primary care physician office visit including mental health office visit copay has changed to $20 copay. See Sections
5a, 5b and 5e.
• The copay for Outpatient hospital or ambulatory surgical center/outpatient surgery copay has changed to $200. See page
• The CT scan copay has changed to $200. See page 24.
How about also showing us what each of those things that changed WERE BEFORE the change....it's the only way we can compare it fairly.

As example, in the 30 years that I have bought health insurance, NEVER EVER did hospitalization have ONLY a one time payment of $100 for the entire hospital stay, whether you stayed 2 days or 100 days, the same deductible...it has ALWAYS been, absolutely ALWAYS BEEN by how many DAYS you stay in the Hospital.... It is absolutely bankrupting for ANY insurance company to EVER have such a feature....can you see that...Geaux? I mean, how could they afford to only have a one time fee for hospital stays, for 3 days or 50 day stay? Maybe I have misunderstood?

Sooooo, if I were you, I would relook at last year's policy and compare AGAIN, down to the fine details

Like I have said in other post. I worked hard for the insurance coverage I have. With implementation of Obamcare, my portion of the monthly premium has increased 76%, or $168.00/month

In 2012, my max out of pocket expense AFTER, my copay of then $100 for up to 5 days for hospitalization, ( misspoke and said one time $100) after that I have the standard coinsurance max out of pocket of $4500. There is no cap on hospital coverage under my plan.

In 2013, my premium has increased 76% ($168.00 month) for
$150/ for up to 5 days, and max out of pocket is still $4500 per year
Copay for office visit increased from $15 to $20

Of course, my insurance had periodic increases over the years. Nothing, and I mean nothing compared to a 76% increase in one year.

Obamacare is cost prohibitive for many

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Someone has been visiting George Soros's websites like a good little liberal soldier...

Hey stupid, how does it cost $300 million per day to shut down a portion of government? We're not paying those useless salaries. We're not using resources in those useless offices (paper, toner, postage, power, etc.). Seriously, parroting ignorant libtard lies is not helping your cause any.

Just research the 1996 shutdown. :cuckoo: Does Soros own Bloomberg Financial? All government employees will get back pay for this vacation & overtime to catch up on the backlog being created at witch time all the same paper, toner, postage, power etc will be used. All government income has stopped from things like National Parks but we still will pay all those Park Employees back pay for their time off. It cost $110 Billion a year more to shut down the US Government than to keep it running. Are you going to write the check?
Our Health Insurance has gone up each and every year for the past 20 years....to the tune of about 20-30% higher each year....much of this was employers passing on more of the cost on to the employee of their health care costs....deductibles have gotten much larger and what I used to have, $250-$500 deductibles and $1000 a year out of pocket expense, 20%/80%, $5 generic/$15 preferred... for $8.00 my share twice a month just 12 years ago, to now being, 30%/70%, $2500 deductible, $7000 out of pocket each year per individual on the plan... for $300 a month our share of premiums.....$650 a month for the same plan I mentioned above that we once had but with still higher deductibles and out of pocket at $2500 not the $1000.....

I'm just hoping that our health insurance doesn't continue to go up with double digit increases each year, as it has been for us...

I would prefer double digit increase to the triple digit increase for each of the last 2 years. Mine soared 223% in 18 months. That's 9 years worth of double digit increases packed into 18 months. Non-group rates for young & healthy people are getting punished hard. They should have punished the slackers who are uninsured & companies who have uninsured employees.
Someone has been visiting George Soros's websites like a good little liberal soldier...

Hey stupid, how does it cost $300 million per day to shut down a portion of government? We're not paying those useless salaries. We're not using resources in those useless offices (paper, toner, postage, power, etc.). Seriously, parroting ignorant libtard lies is not helping your cause any.

Just research the 1996 shutdown. :cuckoo: Does Soros own Bloomberg Financial? All government employees will get back pay for this vacation & overtime to catch up on the backlog being created at witch time all the same paper, toner, postage, power etc will be used. All government income has stopped from things like National Parks but we still will pay all those Park Employees back pay for their time off. It cost $110 Billion a year more to shut down the US Government than to keep it running. Are you going to write the check?

During the last big government furlough this past summer, none of the cost savings of doing so was sent back to Washington. Those government entities that furloughed, still have the funding in their budgets and are spending it on non-labor items

Wonder what the IG would think of that, not to mention the employee's impacted?


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