Obamacare... ROTFLMFAO!!!!!

Your oh so right. He and all other young folks will pay the penalty.

That will leave exactly who providing the money for this POS bill??

That's my concern.

It is the younger generation that is supposed to fund the bulk of the ACA....but as my example shows, people will opt to pay the tax...and buy insurance the day they break their leg.

SO what will fund the ACA?

The elderly?

Well, easy fix. Single payer Universal Health Care System paid for with a graduated income tax on ALL income.

We can debate that idea...and maybe it is a good one.....but I am far from on board with it.

But that doesn't change the fact that if my scenario is correct, why the hell hasn't anyone realized it by now?

I mean...it is basic math. If the younger generations doesn't buy in because they find paying 600 a year tax more cost effective than 4000 a year for a policy they will likely not need. (And if they find they DO need it, that is when they will buy into it), then they are actually a serious drain on the system.


They will only be paying in 600 a year and then 4000 when they find they are sick...and in return, they will get thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars worth of benefits...

So the younger generation is the exact opposite of what they claim. They will be a serious drain.

SO what will happen?

Premiums will skyrocket...and then ALL Americans will play the system....pay the tax until they need it...or their spouse...or their kids.

It is something that is so basic.......why isn't anyone talking about it?
Glenn Beck. The radio version of Zippy the Pinhead.
Yeah that is worth a ROFL.

The article is from the Wall Street Journal you fuck'n moron (and the link is there to prove it)... :bang3:

Doesn't take an Einstein to see that this is an editorial, not an article, given a passage like:

>> He tried logging in to the exchange's website at 8:45 a.m. yesterday, which is impressive in itself. Most young people don't get up that early. <<

I mean, duh. Not to mention the writer's use of qualifiers like "dishonest" and "despicable". News articles don't contain value judgemements.

Then there's this:

There&#8217;s your success story, gang,&#8221; Glenn said on radio this morning. &#8220;That&#8217;s their intent. Get you hooked on welfare. Get you hooked on the dole. If they can get you hooked, then they know you will never, ever get off it. Don&#8217;t take it. Don&#8217;t do it. Just say no to Obamacare. It&#8217;s the most powerful drug that a government has ever asked us to inject into our own veins. Don&#8217;t do it.&#8221;

Followed immediately by a link to its source ...


Rot-a-whiler doing what he does best: :dig:
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Does it matter? The point (which you on the left are a bit slow to realize) is that Obama and the Dumbocrats have admitted that they need young people paying into the system to offset the cost - hence the mandate.

But Obamacare just took a young person PAYING and turned him into a BURDEN to the system. :bang3:

Did the Medicaid expansion in Obamacare make him eligible when he wasn't before?


You know, he's a 30 year old guy presumably in good health and in his 3rd year of law school,

which is his last year presumably, and then he should get a decent job.

There's a very good chance he won't even use Medicaid.

On the other hand, if he stayed on the private insurance, he would eligible for a cash subsidy from the government to help pay for it.

Medicaid might actually be the cheaper deal here for the government.
In a way, it is actually a good thing. It has opened the eyes of the lawmakers as to what parts of the law need to be adjusted.

The system will collapse if that winds up being the norm. They will need to amend. it. And they will.

I've got news for you - the system collapses even if they amend it. Every major piece of socialism that Dumbocrats have implemented (Socials Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.) is bankrupt (and both sides have admitted it).

Socialism is unsustainable. The problem is, Dumbocrats are too stupid to learn from history. They ignore it and move "forward" (right off the cliff :lol:)

Don't get me wrong. I, too, don't see the law, as it is currently laid out, as sustainable.

My biggest concern is the contradiction that no one seems to be talking about....and, unless I am misunderstanding the law, it will kill the system within months....

Pre existing conditions is no longer an issue. You are sick, you enroll in a plan and they must take you.

So...what about this scenario....

I am 25 years old (I wish)....
I make 60,000 a year and single. I have a nice apartment in Manhattan, I get a share in the Hamptons for the summer, I bust my butt ant work and love the Manhattan night life after hours.

I have an expensive lifestyle....but I earn it.

I am healthy as an ox and I am only 25....I will not get sick.

I look to enroll in the system....and I find out I will need to pay 4K a year for insurance and have a 2500 deductible.


I pay the 600 "tax" for not having insurance......and buy a policy the3 day I find out I am sick...or the day I break my leg.....or the day I decide to have a nose job......

Who in their right mind would not follow that path?
FYI-you can't buy in to it the 3rd day after finding out you are sick Jarhead....you can ONLY buy in to it during open enrollment, as with ALL health insurance....

Also, are there really $60k a year paying jobs where the employer does not give health insurance as a benefit to their employee? Or are you thinking your 60k a year 25 year old chose not take the company offered insurance that would have cost him around $100 a month? I realize this was just an example scenario, it's just that those things popped in to my head....

regardless, UNLESS one of these people paying the penalty are lucky enough to find out they are sick during the short open enrollment....they won't be able to get insurance....
Does it matter? The point (which you on the left are a bit slow to realize) is that Obama and the Dumbocrats have admitted that they need young people paying into the system to offset the cost - hence the mandate.

But Obamacare just took a young person PAYING and turned him into a BURDEN to the system. :bang3:

Did the Medicaid expansion in Obamacare make him eligible when he wasn't before?


I don't suppose you could link us to what caused you to reach that conclusion...
Godwin'd by the 3rd post. We're getting more efficient here folks!

But not any smarter.

Why do rw's ALWAYS post shit they know is a lie?

They don't know they are lies.

Remember, these are people who think the earth is younger than China's written history. They think vaccines cause autism. They think



Supply and Demand

are "wild liberal theories".

I suspect many think God put bones in the ground to show us what creatures on other planets look like.
In a way, it is actually a good thing. It has opened the eyes of the lawmakers as to what parts of the law need to be adjusted.

The system will collapse if that winds up being the norm. They will need to amend. it. And they will.

I've got news for you - the system collapses even if they amend it. Every major piece of socialism that Dumbocrats have implemented (Socials Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.) is bankrupt (and both sides have admitted it).

Socialism is unsustainable. The problem is, Dumbocrats are too stupid to learn from history. They ignore it and move "forward" (right off the cliff :lol:)

Don't get me wrong. I, too, don't see the law, as it is currently laid out, as sustainable.

My biggest concern is the contradiction that no one seems to be talking about....and, unless I am misunderstanding the law, it will kill the system within months....

Pre existing conditions is no longer an issue. You are sick, you enroll in a plan and they must take you.

So...what about this scenario....

I am 25 years old (I wish)....
I make 60,000 a year and single. I have a nice apartment in Manhattan, I get a share in the Hamptons for the summer, I bust my butt ant work and love the Manhattan night life after hours.

I have an expensive lifestyle....but I earn it.

I am healthy as an ox and I am only 25....I will not get sick.

I look to enroll in the system....and I find out I will need to pay 4K a year for insurance and have a 2500 deductible.


I pay the 600 "tax" for not having insurance......and buy a policy the3 day I find out I am sick...or the day I break my leg.....or the day I decide to have a nose job......

Who in their right mind would not follow that path?

This is exactly why this was the most ill conceived and most stupid piece of legislation ever imposed on the people. It is a given that the government is trying to grossly inflate the numbers. For instance they have claimed that half the population of New York State was trying to get into the website. Does anybody believe that? Of the tens of thousands reported to be trying to access in North Caroline, one--count them ONE--person actually signed up.

But even given the dishonesty that this administration seems to deem essential to its survival, the idea that ANY legislation involving huge taxes and mandates and coercion would not change people's behavior just flies in the face of gradeschool common sense. So of course Obama gives exemptions to his cronies to keep happy--and then demands that the rest of us must follow the law that he himself set aside.

So of course employers scaled back plans to expand and have laid off or busted to part time millions of employees now in order to avoid the mandates.

So of course those with pre-existing conditions or the young and healthy, guaranteed coverage at ANY time under the law, are not going to take out coverage until they actually need it. That really is a no brainer.

It is a stupid law that ANY patriotic or reasonably educated American should now admit is a stupid law and needs to be scrapped and we start over to find necessary solutions.
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I've got news for you - the system collapses even if they amend it. Every major piece of socialism that Dumbocrats have implemented (Socials Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.) is bankrupt (and both sides have admitted it).

Socialism is unsustainable. The problem is, Dumbocrats are too stupid to learn from history. They ignore it and move "forward" (right off the cliff :lol:)

Don't get me wrong. I, too, don't see the law, as it is currently laid out, as sustainable.

My biggest concern is the contradiction that no one seems to be talking about....and, unless I am misunderstanding the law, it will kill the system within months....

Pre existing conditions is no longer an issue. You are sick, you enroll in a plan and they must take you.

So...what about this scenario....

I am 25 years old (I wish)....
I make 60,000 a year and single. I have a nice apartment in Manhattan, I get a share in the Hamptons for the summer, I bust my butt ant work and love the Manhattan night life after hours.

I have an expensive lifestyle....but I earn it.

I am healthy as an ox and I am only 25....I will not get sick.

I look to enroll in the system....and I find out I will need to pay 4K a year for insurance and have a 2500 deductible.


I pay the 600 "tax" for not having insurance......and buy a policy the3 day I find out I am sick...or the day I break my leg.....or the day I decide to have a nose job......

Who in their right mind would not follow that path?

This is exactly why this was the most ill conceived and most stupid piece of legislation ever imposed on the people. It is a given that the government is trying to grossly inflate the numbers. For instance they have claimed that half the population of New York State was trying to get into the website. Does anybody believe that? Of the tens of thousands reported to be trying to access in North Caroline, one--count them ONE--person actually signed up.

But even given the dishonesty that this administration seems to deem essential to its survival, the idea that ANY legislation involving huge taxes and mandates and coercion would not change people's behavior just flies in the face of gradeschool common sense. So of course Obama gives exemptions to his cronies to keep happy--and then demands that the rest of us must follow the law that he himself set aside.

So of course employers scaled back plans to expand and have laid off or busted to part time millions of employees now in order to avoid the mandates.

So of course those with pre-existing conditions or the young and healthy, guaranteed coverage at ANY time under the law, are not going to take out coverage until they actually need it. That really is a no brainer.

It is a stupid law that ANY patriotic or reasonably educated American should now admit is a stupid law and needs to be scrapped and we start over to find necessary solutions.
fyi- you can't buy in to a policy the 3rd day after you find out you are sick....you can ONLY buy in to the insurance plans on the marketplace during OPEN ENROLLMENT, you can only buy in to your employer's plan during open enrollment as well....

not certain about an individual plan, not at your employer's and not on the exchange?
Don't get me wrong. I, too, don't see the law, as it is currently laid out, as sustainable.

My biggest concern is the contradiction that no one seems to be talking about....and, unless I am misunderstanding the law, it will kill the system within months....

Pre existing conditions is no longer an issue. You are sick, you enroll in a plan and they must take you.

So...what about this scenario....

I am 25 years old (I wish)....
I make 60,000 a year and single. I have a nice apartment in Manhattan, I get a share in the Hamptons for the summer, I bust my butt ant work and love the Manhattan night life after hours.

I have an expensive lifestyle....but I earn it.

I am healthy as an ox and I am only 25....I will not get sick.

I look to enroll in the system....and I find out I will need to pay 4K a year for insurance and have a 2500 deductible.


I pay the 600 "tax" for not having insurance......and buy a policy the3 day I find out I am sick...or the day I break my leg.....or the day I decide to have a nose job......

Who in their right mind would not follow that path?

This is exactly why this was the most ill conceived and most stupid piece of legislation ever imposed on the people. It is a given that the government is trying to grossly inflate the numbers. For instance they have claimed that half the population of New York State was trying to get into the website. Does anybody believe that? Of the tens of thousands reported to be trying to access in North Caroline, one--count them ONE--person actually signed up.

But even given the dishonesty that this administration seems to deem essential to its survival, the idea that ANY legislation involving huge taxes and mandates and coercion would not change people's behavior just flies in the face of gradeschool common sense. So of course Obama gives exemptions to his cronies to keep happy--and then demands that the rest of us must follow the law that he himself set aside.

So of course employers scaled back plans to expand and have laid off or busted to part time millions of employees now in order to avoid the mandates.

So of course those with pre-existing conditions or the young and healthy, guaranteed coverage at ANY time under the law, are not going to take out coverage until they actually need it. That really is a no brainer.

It is a stupid law that ANY patriotic or reasonably educated American should now admit is a stupid law and needs to be scrapped and we start over to find necessary solutions.
fyi- you can't buy in to a policy the 3rd day after you find out you are sick....you can ONLY buy in to the insurance plans on the marketplace during OPEN ENROLLMENT, you can only buy in to your employer's plan during open enrollment as well....

not certain about an individual plan, not at your employer's and not on the exchange?

It is the individual plans we are talking about though. Those covered by the government or an employer are not the ones who wold be affected other by greatly escalating insurance premiums that may force some of them out of the market anyway. As thousands of employers are protecting themselves, meaning that their employees WILL be forced to go on individual plans, those ineligible for group plans are increasing by millions.

There is this

However, in the Supreme Court on Monday, Justice Samuel Alito forced President Barack Obama&#8217;s solicitor general, Donald Verrilli, to admit that under Obamacare these free riders will not be eliminated despite the individual mandate. For an elite group&#8212;including people eligible for Medicaid who don&#8217;t sign up for it and people whose health care expenses exceed 8 percent of their income&#8212;the Obamacare mandate is no mandate and the penalty is neither a penalty nor a tax because they are not required to pay it, period. Under Obamacare, Verrilli conceded, these people can continue to receive free health care care, not sign up for health insurance, not sign up for Medicaid, and not pay a penalty - See more at: Administration Admits to Court: Under Obamacare, Select Group Can Get Health Care, Not Pay for It, Not Buy Insurance, Not Pay Penalty | CNS News

And this:
&#8220;This age group (18-34) that is young and relatively healthy must purchase health insurance on the exchanges in order to &#8216;cross-subsidize&#8217; people who are older and sicker,&#8221; the study said. &#8220;Without the young and healthy, the exchanges will enter a &#8216;death spiral&#8217; where only the older and sicker participate and [the] price of insurance premiums will increase precipitously.&#8221;

But the ACA&#8217;s rules and life in general provide young people incentives to put off buying insurance, the study said.
Guaranteed issue and community rating standards required by the ACA mean insurance companies have to issue policies to everyone and basically have to charge everyone the same premiums regardless &#8220;of factors such as health status and age,&#8221; the study said.
That means young people can put off buying insurance until they get sick, and they will pay more in premiums than they would by buying individual policies under the medical underwriting standards insurers currently use.
Many young adults likely to pay penalty instead of buying health insurance, National Center for Public Policy Research study says - Albuquerque Business First

So, if you are young and healthy, there is a huge incentive to take the penalty which is a LOT cheaper than buying insurance, and then buy the insurance if you get sick and need it. The government mandate that you cannot be denied if there are pre-existing conditions guarantees you that you can get the insurance. So why pay for it until you need it?

The pointy heads who dreamed up this nightmare really didn't think it through at all.
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This is exactly why this was the most ill conceived and most stupid piece of legislation ever imposed on the people. It is a given that the government is trying to grossly inflate the numbers. For instance they have claimed that half the population of New York State was trying to get into the website. Does anybody believe that? Of the tens of thousands reported to be trying to access in North Caroline, one--count them ONE--person actually signed up.

But even given the dishonesty that this administration seems to deem essential to its survival, the idea that ANY legislation involving huge taxes and mandates and coercion would not change people's behavior just flies in the face of gradeschool common sense. So of course Obama gives exemptions to his cronies to keep happy--and then demands that the rest of us must follow the law that he himself set aside.

So of course employers scaled back plans to expand and have laid off or busted to part time millions of employees now in order to avoid the mandates.

So of course those with pre-existing conditions or the young and healthy, guaranteed coverage at ANY time under the law, are not going to take out coverage until they actually need it. That really is a no brainer.

It is a stupid law that ANY patriotic or reasonably educated American should now admit is a stupid law and needs to be scrapped and we start over to find necessary solutions.
fyi- you can't buy in to a policy the 3rd day after you find out you are sick....you can ONLY buy in to the insurance plans on the marketplace during OPEN ENROLLMENT, you can only buy in to your employer's plan during open enrollment as well....

not certain about an individual plan, not at your employer's and not on the exchange?

It is the individual plans we are talking about though. Those covered by the government or an employer are not the ones who wold be affected other by greatly escalating insurance premiums that may force some of them out of the market anyway. As thousands of employers are protecting themselves, meaning that their employees WILL be forced to go on individual plans, those ineligible for group plans are increasing by millions.

There is this

However, in the Supreme Court on Monday, Justice Samuel Alito forced President Barack Obama&#8217;s solicitor general, Donald Verrilli, to admit that under Obamacare these free riders will not be eliminated despite the individual mandate. For an elite group&#8212;including people eligible for Medicaid who don&#8217;t sign up for it and people whose health care expenses exceed 8 percent of their income&#8212;the Obamacare mandate is no mandate and the penalty is neither a penalty nor a tax because they are not required to pay it, period. Under Obamacare, Verrilli conceded, these people can continue to receive free health care care, not sign up for health insurance, not sign up for Medicaid, and not pay a penalty - See more at: Administration Admits to Court: Under Obamacare, Select Group Can Get Health Care, Not Pay for It, Not Buy Insurance, Not Pay Penalty | CNS News
And this:
&#8220;This age group (18-34) that is young and relatively healthy must purchase health insurance on the exchanges in order to &#8216;cross-subsidize&#8217; people who are older and sicker,&#8221; the study said. &#8220;Without the young and healthy, the exchanges will enter a &#8216;death spiral&#8217; where only the older and sicker participate and [the] price of insurance premiums will increase precipitously.&#8221;

But the ACA&#8217;s rules and life in general provide young people incentives to put off buying insurance, the study said.
Guaranteed issue and community rating standards required by the ACA mean insurance companies have to issue policies to everyone and basically have to charge everyone the same premiums regardless &#8220;of factors such as health status and age,&#8221; the study said.
That means young people can put off buying insurance until they get sick, and they will pay more in premiums than they would by buying individual policies under the medical underwriting standards insurers currently use.
Many young adults likely to pay penalty instead of buying health insurance, National Center for Public Policy Research study says - Albuquerque Business First
So, if you are young and healthy, there is a huge incentive to take the penalty which is a LOT cheaper than buying insurance, and then buy the insurance if you get sick and need it. The government mandate that you cannot be denied if there are pre-existing conditions guarantees you that you can get the insurance. So why pay for it until you need it?

The pointy heads who dreamed up this nightmare really didn't think it through at all.
They may be able to buy an individual plan when they get sick, as I mentioned above,
but from your link....they CAN be charged a lot more for the policy....at least it appears like that...? Which is a penalty of sorts....

That means young people can put off buying insurance until they get sick, and they will pay more in premiums than they would by buying individual policies under the medical underwriting standards insurers currently use.
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fyi- you can't buy in to a policy the 3rd day after you find out you are sick....you can ONLY buy in to the insurance plans on the marketplace during OPEN ENROLLMENT, you can only buy in to your employer's plan during open enrollment as well....

not certain about an individual plan, not at your employer's and not on the exchange?

It is the individual plans we are talking about though. Those covered by the government or an employer are not the ones who wold be affected other by greatly escalating insurance premiums that may force some of them out of the market anyway. As thousands of employers are protecting themselves, meaning that their employees WILL be forced to go on individual plans, those ineligible for group plans are increasing by millions.

There is this

And this:
So, if you are young and healthy, there is a huge incentive to take the penalty which is a LOT cheaper than buying insurance, and then buy the insurance if you get sick and need it. The government mandate that you cannot be denied if there are pre-existing conditions guarantees you that you can get the insurance. So why pay for it until you need it?

The pointy heads who dreamed up this nightmare really didn't think it through at all.
They may be able to buy an individual plan when they get sick, as I mentioned above,
but from your link....they CAN be charged a lot more for the policy....at least it appears like that...? Which is a penalty of sorts....

That means young people can put off buying insurance until they get sick, and they will pay more in premiums than they would by buying individual policies under the medical underwriting standards insurers currently use.
Many young adults likely to pay penalty instead of buying health insurance, National Center for Public Policy Research study says - Albuquerque Business First

Yep, but the fact that they can buy a policy at any time they want one, via courtesy of government mandate, they need to be in no hurry to do so. And if they don't get sick, which they are gambling on, they save hundreds of dollars every month. And they aren't paying the higher premiums that the government was counting on them to pay to keep costs affordable for the freebies and others.
Godwin'd by the 3rd post. We're getting more efficient here folks!

But not any smarter.

Why do rw's ALWAYS post shit they know is a lie?

They don't know they are lies.

Redeantard - I have caught you lying on 100% of your posts that you made any kind of claim (which isn't as often anymore since you know I've owned you - lately you've resorted to just complaining about conservatives like this post above).

Go back and read the original post in this thread. 100% fact and makes you libtards look like the ignorant fuck'n morons that you are....
Godwin'd by the 3rd post. We're getting more efficient here folks!

But not any smarter.

Why do rw's ALWAYS post shit they know is a lie?

There were ZERO lies by conservatives in this post [MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION] and you know it (and I know you know it).

Certainly the original post is 100% fact with not one but two links backing up a real incident which can be independently verified by even more sources than the two cited.

The left is the party of Nazi's. Government control, coercion, and genocide (over 1 million abortions per year thanks to idiot liberals) in pursuit of their fallacy "utopia" :bang3:

It's tragic that you trade freedom for government table scraps just because you're lazy.
This video is priceless - you have to watch it to the end. From the fact that this idiot Obama supporter will now pay almost 20% of his entire salary for Obamacare when he could have been paying just 4.8% of his entire salary all along to the fact that 0.2% of uninsured people have signed up for Obamacare (which is like 0.000000000000000000001% of our entire population), this is simply unbelievable.

It's glaring proof of the astounding failure that is the Dumbocrat party...

Meet the one person who is so freakin excited for Obamacare
i don't think the 3rd year law student will be this medicaid recipient for life as implied by the op....just ain't gonna happen....you'd think the op would recognize this....but.....i guess I was expecting too much?

Hey stupid - you completely missed the point of the article (typical Dumbocrat). Obamacare desperately needs young people paying into the system to offset the cost. But instead of paying in, he's burdening the system further by getting coverage for FREE. Instead of being a partisan hack who is desperate to defend the left at all costs, perhaps you should slow down and read? Hell, maybe even think a little?

So you think the lawyer would have never discovered he was poor enough to get medicaid if it wasn't for Obamacare? :cuckoo:
The op was written by

James Taranto
Editor, OpinionJournal.com, The Wall Street Journal.

James Taranto is editor of OpinionJournal.com and author of its popular Best of the Web Today column. In August 2007 he was named a member of The Wall Street Journal's editorial board.

Glenn Beck. The radio version of Zippy the Pinhead.
Yeah that is worth a ROFL.

The article is from the Wall Street Journal you fuck'n moron (and the link is there to prove it)... :bang3:

So you made me go read it. It's not an "article", it's an opinion piece. The difference? An "article" wouldn't have sections like this:

I know from personal experience that people look at you differently for having tattoos and piercings. Every time I go somewhere I get weird looks because of my stretched lobes and tattoos. I've even been denied employment at a call center for that reason alone.

Try to figure out why.

I suspected you didn't know the difference. If you want to know, ask and I'll explain.
i don't think the 3rd year law student will be this medicaid recipient for life as implied by the op....just ain't gonna happen....you'd think the op would recognize this....but.....i guess I was expecting too much?

Hey stupid - you completely missed the point of the article (typical Dumbocrat). Obamacare desperately needs young people paying into the system to offset the cost. But instead of paying in, he's burdening the system further by getting coverage for FREE. Instead of being a partisan hack who is desperate to defend the left at all costs, perhaps you should slow down and read? Hell, maybe even think a little?

So you think the lawyer would have never discovered he was poor enough to get medicaid if it wasn't for Obamacare? :cuckoo:

He hadn't figured it out in the years before when he paid for his own insurance.

They also reported that California had 5 million hits on the OC site. However they lied it was only 600,000 and most of those were rubbernecks and reporters.

It's a failure.
i don't think the 3rd year law student will be this medicaid recipient for life as implied by the op....just ain't gonna happen....you'd think the op would recognize this....but.....i guess I was expecting too much?

Hey stupid - you completely missed the point of the article (typical Dumbocrat). Obamacare desperately needs young people paying into the system to offset the cost. But instead of paying in, he's burdening the system further by getting coverage for FREE. Instead of being a partisan hack who is desperate to defend the left at all costs, perhaps you should slow down and read? Hell, maybe even think a little?

So you think the lawyer would have never discovered he was poor enough to get medicaid if it wasn't for Obamacare? :cuckoo:

He WASN'T "poor enough"... he had insurance that he was paying for!!!! :bang3:

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