Obamacare... ROTFLMFAO!!!!!

:lol: Keep laughing through your tears...

Republicans lose again.


So you think the misery you brought on innocent people like Michael Cerpok, Tom Waschura, Rod Coons and Florence Peace in the post above is acceptable?

You're a typical greedy Dumbocrat. You don't care that other people who deserve what they have as long as you receive the government table scraps you didn't earn [MENTION=18645]Sarah G[/MENTION].

Republicnas have lost nothing stupid. America loses trying to support parasites like you.
And just what do you assume I'm lying about?


About the increase in your premiums because of Obamacare.

So, you know something I don't about my premium? lol

Seriously, it has been increased 78% this year. My plan is effective 1 October yearly


So now you're backpeddaling about your premiums going up $168 a month? These are the kinds of things that cause people to disrespect your posts. Your premiums are not going up that amount every month because of Obamacare.
About the increase in your premiums because of Obamacare.

So, you know something I don't about my premium? lol

Seriously, it has been increased 78% this year. My plan is effective 1 October yearly


So now you're backpeddaling about your premiums going up $168 a month? These are the kinds of things that cause people to disrespect your posts. Your premiums are not going up that amount every month because of Obamacare.

Stay with me. The 76% equals $168.00 a month.

From Page 5 AND 6 of this thread

Your share will increase for Self Only and Self and Family. See the back cover.

• The copay for inpatient hospitalization has changed to $150/day up to 5 days. See page 44.
• The copay for inpatient mental health and substance abuse hospitalization has changed to $150/day up to 5 days. See page
• The Primary care physician office visit including mental health office visit copay has changed to $20 copay. See Sections
5a, 5b and 5e.
• The copay for Outpatient hospital or ambulatory surgical center/outpatient surgery copay has changed to $200. See page
• The CT scan copay has changed to $200. See page 24.


Like I have said in other post. I worked hard for the insurance coverage I have. With implementation of Obamcare, my portion of the monthly premium has increased 76%, or $168.00/month

In 2012, my max out of pocket expense AFTER, my copay of then $100 for up to 5 days for hospitalization, ( misspoke and said one time $100) after that I have the standard coinsurance max out of pocket of $4500. There is no cap on hospital coverage under my plan.

In 2013, my premium has increased 76% ($168.00 month) for
$150/ for up to 5 days, and max out of pocket is still $4500 per year
Copay for office visit increased from $15 to $20

Of course, my insurance had periodic increases over the years. Nothing, and I mean nothing compared to a 76% increase in one year.

Obamacare is cost prohibitive for many

Last edited:
So, you know something I don't about my premium? lol

Seriously, it has been increased 78% this year. My plan is effective 1 October yearly


So now you're backpeddaling about your premiums going up $168 a month? These are the kinds of things that cause people to disrespect your posts. Your premiums are not going up that amount every month because of Obamacare.

Stay with me. The 76% equals $168.00 a month.

From Page 5 AND 6 of this thread

Your share will increase for Self Only and Self and Family. See the back cover.

• The copay for inpatient hospitalization has changed to $150/day up to 5 days. See page 44.
• The copay for inpatient mental health and substance abuse hospitalization has changed to $150/day up to 5 days. See page
• The Primary care physician office visit including mental health office visit copay has changed to $20 copay. See Sections
5a, 5b and 5e.
• The copay for Outpatient hospital or ambulatory surgical center/outpatient surgery copay has changed to $200. See page
• The CT scan copay has changed to $200. See page 24.


Like I have said in other post. I worked hard for the insurance coverage I have. With implementation of Obamcare, my portion of the monthly premium has increased 76%, or $168.00/month

In 2012, my max out of pocket expense AFTER, my copay of then $100 for up to 5 days for hospitalization, ( misspoke and said one time $100) after that I have the standard coinsurance max out of pocket of $4500. There is no cap on hospital coverage under my plan.

In 2013, my premium has increased 76% ($168.00 month) for
$150/ for up to 5 days, and max out of pocket is still $4500 per year
Copay for office visit increased from $15 to $20

Of course, my insurance had periodic increases over the years. Nothing, and I mean nothing compared to a 76% increase in one year.

Obamacare is cost prohibitive for many


You continue to blame Obamacare for an alleged increase to your premiums. Young couples are getting coverage for $39.00 a month through Obamacare. Are you old but not yet on Medicare? There can be other factors in play.
So, you know something I don't about my premium? lol

Seriously, it has been increased 78% this year. My plan is effective 1 October yearly


So now you're backpeddaling about your premiums going up $168 a month? These are the kinds of things that cause people to disrespect your posts. Your premiums are not going up that amount every month because of Obamacare.

Stay with me. The 76% equals $168.00 a month.

From Page 5 AND 6 of this thread

Your share will increase for Self Only and Self and Family. See the back cover.

• The copay for inpatient hospitalization has changed to $150/day up to 5 days. See page 44.
• The copay for inpatient mental health and substance abuse hospitalization has changed to $150/day up to 5 days. See page
• The Primary care physician office visit including mental health office visit copay has changed to $20 copay. See Sections
5a, 5b and 5e.
• The copay for Outpatient hospital or ambulatory surgical center/outpatient surgery copay has changed to $200. See page
• The CT scan copay has changed to $200. See page 24.


Like I have said in other post. I worked hard for the insurance coverage I have. With implementation of Obamcare, my portion of the monthly premium has increased 76%, or $168.00/month

In 2012, my max out of pocket expense AFTER, my copay of then $100 for up to 5 days for hospitalization, ( misspoke and said one time $100) after that I have the standard coinsurance max out of pocket of $4500. There is no cap on hospital coverage under my plan.

In 2013, my premium has increased 76% ($168.00 month) for
$150/ for up to 5 days, and max out of pocket is still $4500 per year
Copay for office visit increased from $15 to $20

Of course, my insurance had periodic increases over the years. Nothing, and I mean nothing compared to a 76% increase in one year.

Obamacare is cost prohibitive for many


Those living in states with the most flexible insurance options are the ones who will get hurt the most. If your state allowed you to buy the coverage you needed--if you didn't plan to have kids or were past child bearing age you didn't need prenatal care or maternity coverage, etc. and weren't required to have it. You could choose a large deductible so that you were insured against a catastrophic illness and otherwise pay routine medical stuff out of pocket.

But with Obamacare now requiring ALL insurance coverage to cover everything and not allowing insurance companies to exclude pre-existing conditions, everybody in those states will be paying at least as much more as what Geaux is testifying to. That is why so many, if not most, small business owners in our area are cancelling their company group plans.

Californians and New Yorkers will make out like bandits though. They will get a break at least for awhile. And they make up a substantial voting block for Democrats.
Last edited:
So now you're backpeddaling about your premiums going up $168 a month? These are the kinds of things that cause people to disrespect your posts. Your premiums are not going up that amount every month because of Obamacare.

Stay with me. The 76% equals $168.00 a month.

Like I have said in other post. I worked hard for the insurance coverage I have. With implementation of Obamcare, my portion of the monthly premium has increased 76%, or $168.00/month

In 2012, my max out of pocket expense AFTER, my copay of then $100 for up to 5 days for hospitalization, ( misspoke and said one time $100) after that I have the standard coinsurance max out of pocket of $4500. There is no cap on hospital coverage under my plan.

In 2013, my premium has increased 76% ($168.00 month) for
$150/ for up to 5 days, and max out of pocket is still $4500 per year
Copay for office visit increased from $15 to $20

Of course, my insurance had periodic increases over the years. Nothing, and I mean nothing compared to a 76% increase in one year.

Obamacare is cost prohibitive for many


You continue to blame Obamacare for an alleged increase to your premiums. Young couples are getting coverage for $39.00 a month through Obamacare. Are you old but not yet on Medicare? There can be other factors in play.

You continue to blame Obamacare for an alleged increase to your premiums. Young couples are getting coverage for $39.00 a month through Obamacare. Are you old but not yet on Medicare? There can be other factors in play.

Um, hey dumbass, do you think [MENTION=19543]Geaux4it[/MENTION] suddenly turned "old" in one year?!? Because a year ago is premium was $168 per month cheaper. :bang3:

It is so frustrating dealing with you useful idiots to the Dumbocrats party [MENTION=18645]Sarah G[/MENTION]. You don't care what the facts are, you don't care what the results are, you just know that if something is passed/supported by a Dumbocrat, you will defend it to the death. Even to the point where you have to create absurd scenarios or expose your ignorance and humiliate yourself.

So what has changed for Geaux4it in just one year Sarah? Obamacare went live. Deal with it. Own it. It's an epic fucking disaster (just like Detroit). This is what Dumbocrat socialism does Sarah. Be a big girl, put your big girl panties on, and own it. You voted for him. Own it.
“Future generations may not even remember Obama’s name, but he will have changed their lives and the economic system they live under.

In a bit of healthcare irony, Obamacare is like herpes—the gift that keeps on giving . . . long after the person who gave it to you is gone!” - Wayne Allyn Root

CNN Reports on Obamacare Victims -- and Obama's Pollster Vents Anger at CNN

October 22, 2013


RUSH; I've got a series on CNN, two or three sound bites reporting all the glitches and all of this. The final sound bite is the CNN anchor saying, "What have we just become, Fox News here? Why are we ripping this?" Let's go do those first. We'll start here with number 14, 14 through 17. This is last night on Anderson Cooper 19. He's got his correspondent there, Drew Griffin, reporting about the experiences people are having with Obamacare, and there's a woman here named Christy Metzger. She's a part-time teacher. That's female voice that you hear.

GRIFFIN: After a week of trying, finally figured out just what kind of insurance she could get under the Affordable Care Act, and for her, it seems unaffordable.

METZGER: And when I logged on I was like, "No, this is very bad." This is much higher than we were currently paying.

GRIFFIN: Their current plan costs $450 a month with a $5,000 family deductible. The bronze plan she found under HealthCare.gov will cost her $650 a month with a deductible somewhere between $3,500 and $6,000. Christy says she has yet to find out if she qualifies for any subsidy.


RUSH: Yeah, good luck with that. Do you believe those numbers? Look at those cost increases. There's another aspect here we haven't even gotten into. You people in New York, you know, they've got their own website. New York's got their own exchange. They haven't signed up one person! I kid you not. No sign-ups in New York state. And that's not glitches. That's not HealthCare.gov. They have their own state-run exchange website. You can get on, you can navigate it. It's a little slow, and if you make any changes, you have to back up several steps.


CNN Reports on Obamacare Victims -- and Obama's Pollster Vents Anger at CNN - The Rush Limbaugh Show
A New Court Battle for ObamaCare

October 23, 2013 By Arnold Ahlert


In a bombshell development that could potentially cripple ObamaCare, U.S. District Judge Paul Friedman ruled that the lawsuit aimed at blocking health care subsidies in states not running their own healthcare exchanges could move forward. The judge denied a request by U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to dismiss the suit, but also declined to grant a preliminary injunction sought by the plaintiffs in the case. Friedman has promised to rule on the overall merits of case by mid-February.

The plaintiffs in Halbig v. Sebelius contend that the Affordable Healthcare Act offered states a series of “carrots and sticks” to encourage them to set up healthcare exchanges. According to the suit, the biggest carrot was the offer of insurance premium subsidies, in the form of refundable tax credits from the U.S. Treasury, to low- and moderate-income resident in states that set up the exchanges. If a state refused, the stick was a federally-established, federally-run exchange with no subsidies at all.


A New Court Battle for ObamaCare | FrontPage Magazine
For starters, you have to consider the story of Brendan Mahoney, a law student at the University of Connecticut, who has gone from a self-sufficient member of society to a welfare recipient in a matter of days.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Mahoney is a 30-year-old, third year law student who has been insured for the last three years “through a $2,400-a-year school-sponsored health plan. But he wanted to see what Obamacare had to offer.” After trying and failing to login a couple of times, Mahoney finally accessed the exchanges and, much to his surprise, realized he was eligible for Medicaid. So he signed up for Medicaid.

“So the great success story of Obamacare’s first day is the transformation of a future lawyer, who was already paying for his insurance, into a welfare case. There’s your success story, gang,” Glenn said on radio this morning. “That’s their intent. Get you hooked on welfare. Get you hooked on the dole. If they can get you hooked, then they know you will never, ever get off it. Don’t take it. Don’t do it. Just say no to Obamacare. It’s the most powerful drug that a government has ever asked us to inject into our own veins. Don’t do it.”

Obama knows the more people that are dependent on government, the more people that will be forced to vote for him. It's all about power and control for de fürher Obama.

Success? Check out Obamacare?s dismal sign-up numbers ? Glenn Beck

Best of the Web Today: Brendan Mahoney Saves ObamaCare - WSJ.com
I'd rather trust a government non-profit program like Medicare and Medicaid, than the for-profit parasitical healthcare industry that charges me $37,000 for a one night stay in the hospital.
For starters, you have to consider the story of Brendan Mahoney, a law student at the University of Connecticut, who has gone from a self-sufficient member of society to a welfare recipient in a matter of days.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Mahoney is a 30-year-old, third year law student who has been insured for the last three years “through a $2,400-a-year school-sponsored health plan. But he wanted to see what Obamacare had to offer.” After trying and failing to login a couple of times, Mahoney finally accessed the exchanges and, much to his surprise, realized he was eligible for Medicaid. So he signed up for Medicaid.

“So the great success story of Obamacare’s first day is the transformation of a future lawyer, who was already paying for his insurance, into a welfare case. There’s your success story, gang,” Glenn said on radio this morning. “That’s their intent. Get you hooked on welfare. Get you hooked on the dole. If they can get you hooked, then they know you will never, ever get off it. Don’t take it. Don’t do it. Just say no to Obamacare. It’s the most powerful drug that a government has ever asked us to inject into our own veins. Don’t do it.”

Obama knows the more people that are dependent on government, the more people that will be forced to vote for him. It's all about power and control for de fürher Obama.

Success? Check out Obamacare?s dismal sign-up numbers ? Glenn Beck

Best of the Web Today: Brendan Mahoney Saves ObamaCare - WSJ.com
I'd rather trust a government non-profit program like Medicare and Medicaid, than the for-profit parasitical healthcare industry that charges me $37,000 for a one night stay in the hospital.

They charge you "$37,000 for a one night stay in the hospital" [MENTION=2873]Billo_Really[/MENTION] because Tip O'Neill and the Dumbocrats passed a law that said a hospital must provide service to someone, regardless of their ability to pay (once again - slavery by your party - forcing someone to labor on your behalf for free). The hospitals have to make that cost up somehow. If Dumbocrats understood even basic economics or principles of business, they would realize this.

God you people are so dumb. You keep creating the problems and then you cry the loudest about the problems you created... :bang3:

The fact that you sit here crying about the cost of healthcare proves that your policies are failed policies. And by the way, I'd much rather pay $37,000 for a one night stay somewhere than run up $17 trillion in debt.
For starters, you have to consider the story of Brendan Mahoney, a law student at the University of Connecticut, who has gone from a self-sufficient member of society to a welfare recipient in a matter of days.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Mahoney is a 30-year-old, third year law student who has been insured for the last three years “through a $2,400-a-year school-sponsored health plan. But he wanted to see what Obamacare had to offer.” After trying and failing to login a couple of times, Mahoney finally accessed the exchanges and, much to his surprise, realized he was eligible for Medicaid. So he signed up for Medicaid.

“So the great success story of Obamacare’s first day is the transformation of a future lawyer, who was already paying for his insurance, into a welfare case. There’s your success story, gang,” Glenn said on radio this morning. “That’s their intent. Get you hooked on welfare. Get you hooked on the dole. If they can get you hooked, then they know you will never, ever get off it. Don’t take it. Don’t do it. Just say no to Obamacare. It’s the most powerful drug that a government has ever asked us to inject into our own veins. Don’t do it.”

Obama knows the more people that are dependent on government, the more people that will be forced to vote for him. It's all about power and control for de fürher Obama.

Success? Check out Obamacare?s dismal sign-up numbers ? Glenn Beck

Best of the Web Today: Brendan Mahoney Saves ObamaCare - WSJ.com
I'd rather trust a government non-profit program like Medicare and Medicaid, than the for-profit parasitical healthcare industry that charges me $37,000 for a one night stay in the hospital.

:lmao: Seriously folks, what more needs to be said? :lmao:

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