Obama's Birth Cerificate: Is His Last Name The Issue?

Now what questions would the crazies have when the birth certificate says, "Barack Obama, born in Hawaii, Aug. 4, 1961?" None.
But he still doesn't release it which common sense tells us that his BC does not say that. However, I do believe he was born in Hawaii.
So what else does it say that he doesn't want revealed. Evidently it doesn't have a religion on it.

Even Gibbs remarked on it, which was probably a bad thing to do. Kept the can of worms open.

As in what further questions could you have once the State of Hawaii has certified he was born there?

We don't trust what Hawaii says ?

Oh, I think he was born in Hawaii. Now I just want to see his BC to see who he is! Or what is holding him back from releasing it. Any ideas on why he is holding it and not producing it?

Because he does not give in to the demands of idiots.
As in what further questions could you have once the State of Hawaii has certified he was born there?

We don't trust what Hawaii says ?

Oh, I think he was born in Hawaii. Now I just want to see his BC to see who he is! Or what is holding him back from releasing it. Any ideas on why he is holding it and not producing it?

Because he does not give in to the demands of idiots.

Can't you give a thoughtful answer?
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That is actually part of the point, Obama is the most secretive President we have ever had. And it appears that he is hiding something from his past. Yet because he seems to be the anointed one the questions are off limits. Why?

Secretive my ass...

He just Realizes the more information you give to crazies, the more ridiculous they become

Now what questions would the crazies have when the birth certificate says, "Barack Obama, born in Hawaii, Aug. 4, 1961?" None.

But he still doesn't release it which common sense tells us that his BC does not say that. However, I do believe he was born in Hawaii.

So what else does it say that he doesn't want revealed. Evidently it doesn't have a religion on it.

Even Gibbs remarked on it, which was probably a bad thing to do. Kept the can of worms open.

When a can of worms is left open, eventually the worms dry up.
Oh, I think he was born in Hawaii. Now I just want to see his BC to see who he is! Or what is holding him back from releasing it. Any ideas on why he is holding it and not producing it?

Because he does not give in to the demands of idiots.

Can't you give a thoughtful answer?

Not to an idiot who is incapable of appreciating a thoughtful answer, such as yourself.
I have to question the sincerity of someone who disagrees with me in a thread, then randomly sends a PM complimenting the coin collection in my sig.
You can call me all the names you want, but if you took the time to get your head out of your ass you would see how wrong you are. Or is your head in Obamas ass?

I think yours must be up his ass. You seem so obsessed with proving some sick fantasy about him not being who he says he is.

Omar, why does this president let this discussion go on against him? That is not like him! He doesn't like bad PR. First thing you know, he would want people's ID on the Internet to see who's saying this stuff!...Oh, wait a minute.....:eusa_whistle:

Oh, those crazy birthers! :eusa_whistle:

because y'all are like dealing with palestinian terrorists... the more you get, the more you want.

or should we listen to orly taitz and her lunatic fringe who make up foreign birth certificates? :cuckoo:

snopes.com: Barack Obama Kenyan Registration of Birth

time for the loony birfers to piss off

the rest of you should just read:

snopes.com: Barack Obama Birth Certificate

snopes.com: Is Barack Obama a natural-born citizen of the U.S.?

that is all the information you should require.... if what you want is information and not to be freaks who want to de-legitimize the president. :eusa_whistle:
Correct me if I'm wrong but if you have an American parent and you are born outside the US, you are still an American right? so if Obama was born outside the US hes still American because his mother war. American Military members have babies born overseas all the time, those babies are still Americans.
Interesting theory:

The real issue regarding Obama's birth certificate is not his birth place, but his adopted name. In Hawaii, birth certificates are amended if a child is adopted and has a change of name. Obama's legal name may actually be Barry Soetero.


The fact that Obama was adopted by Indonesian Lolo Soetoro in the 1970s, and his name was legally changed to Barry Soetoro at that time, is most likely the reason he is spending millions of dollars to hide his birth certificate. He never filed the papers to change his name back to “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.”, so any birth certificate produced by the state of Hawaii would list him as “Barry Soetoro”.

It’s easy to see why he never wants this to come to light. Aside from the legal ramifications of this, how would the American people feel about Obama lying to them about his NAME all this time? And if he lied about something as simple as that, what else has he lied about? It would open a whole host of new questions for most people about this man of deliberate mystery.


I honestly and truly believe this solves the entire mystery.

It is seriously this straightforward.

* Obama was indeed born in Hawaii in 1961

* Obama was indeed adopted by Lolo Soetoro in the 1970s

* Obama’s name was indeed changed to Barry Soetoro in the 1970s

* Obama’s birth certificate was altered per Hawaiian law to reflect his new name in the 1970s

* Obama never changed his name back to “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.” — most likely because he used “Barry Soetoro” on all of his student aid applications for college, and probably received foreign student grants and admissions assistance playing off his years living in Indonesia

* All the records, transcripts, documents, and paperwork Obama continues to hide from the public is all hidden because it lists his name as “Barry Soetoro” on all of it.

* Obama will not allow his birth certificate to be released because it lists the “wrong” name on it: Barry Soetoro

It is as simple as this, folks....

HAWAII GROUND REPORT: Could Hawaiian Governor Neil Abercrombie not be as incompetent and foolish as he appears, but orchestrating a deliberate birth certificate recovery dead end to cover his own papakole? UPDATED: Mystery solved! Reason Obama will n

Maybe his listed name was Dunham?
Interesting theory:

The real issue regarding Obama's birth certificate is not his birth place, but his adopted name. In Hawaii, birth certificates are amended if a child is adopted and has a change of name. Obama's legal name may actually be Barry Soetero.


The fact that Obama was adopted by Indonesian Lolo Soetoro in the 1970s, and his name was legally changed to Barry Soetoro at that time, is most likely the reason he is spending millions of dollars to hide his birth certificate. He never filed the papers to change his name back to “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.”, so any birth certificate produced by the state of Hawaii would list him as “Barry Soetoro”.

It’s easy to see why he never wants this to come to light. Aside from the legal ramifications of this, how would the American people feel about Obama lying to them about his NAME all this time? And if he lied about something as simple as that, what else has he lied about? It would open a whole host of new questions for most people about this man of deliberate mystery.


I honestly and truly believe this solves the entire mystery.

It is seriously this straightforward.

* Obama was indeed born in Hawaii in 1961

* Obama was indeed adopted by Lolo Soetoro in the 1970s

* Obama’s name was indeed changed to Barry Soetoro in the 1970s

* Obama’s birth certificate was altered per Hawaiian law to reflect his new name in the 1970s

* Obama never changed his name back to “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.” — most likely because he used “Barry Soetoro” on all of his student aid applications for college, and probably received foreign student grants and admissions assistance playing off his years living in Indonesia

* All the records, transcripts, documents, and paperwork Obama continues to hide from the public is all hidden because it lists his name as “Barry Soetoro” on all of it.

* Obama will not allow his birth certificate to be released because it lists the “wrong” name on it: Barry Soetoro

It is as simple as this, folks....

HAWAII GROUND REPORT: Could Hawaiian Governor Neil Abercrombie not be as incompetent and foolish as he appears, but orchestrating a deliberate birth certificate recovery dead end to cover his own papakole? UPDATED: Mystery solved! Reason Obama will n

No, the moronic birthers are the issue. Btw, birthers have been rejected so often, nobody but extremist, rightwing, Obama haters would even attempt to address it anymore.

Just so you understand this ya extremist, rightwing, Obama hater. :lol:

Yes, start the name calling because there are no known facts to "prove" anything.
If Obama wasn't born in the US Hillary Clinton would have blown that whistle, then the GOP would have, then the Supreme Court would have. It's a non-issue, and I think people are just clinching onto any hope of getting Obama out of office pre-maturely.

Maybe she does has "proof", and can control the puppet strings?
The story is not only stupid, it's completely irrelevant. *shrug*

It's also completely at odds with all of the other dozen or so birfer nutcase theories out there. Desperate people who grasp at straws end up with.....a handful of straw. No shock.

But it cannot be denied that it does appear he is hiding something. We simply have no real clue as to what it is. Are you not in the least curious?

What do you mean "it cannot be denied"? I deny it.

Everything that's relevant has been put out there. When irrational people demand irrelevant information in an attempt to harass and annoy it's abuse of process. Why do you think the birfer lawyers keep getting sanctioned over...and over...and over again?

If instead of demanding Obama prove a negative over questions and insinuations that are completely irrelevant to his performance or position, y'all had actual evidence of a cover up that actually affects his eligibility or job performance....different story.

But all the birfers have are innuendos and vague leading questions from bloggers with money to rake in and an ax to grind. That's not evidence, it's trash.

"Everything that's relevant has been put out there"... how about his eligibility to be President of the USA signed by the 50 boards of elections that state they verified his documents? It wasn't done.
Correct me if I'm wrong but if you have an American parent and you are born outside the US, you are still an American right? so if Obama was born outside the US hes still American because his mother war. American Military members have babies born overseas all the time, those babies are still Americans.

I had a son born in Germany, he received a German birth certificate and we had to apply at the consulate for a certificate of birth abroad.
Interesting theory:

The real issue regarding Obama's birth certificate is not his birth place, but his adopted name. In Hawaii, birth certificates are amended if a child is adopted and has a change of name. Obama's legal name may actually be Barry Soetero.


The fact that Obama was adopted by Indonesian Lolo Soetoro in the 1970s, and his name was legally changed to Barry Soetoro at that time, is most likely the reason he is spending millions of dollars to hide his birth certificate. He never filed the papers to change his name back to “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.”, so any birth certificate produced by the state of Hawaii would list him as “Barry Soetoro”.

It’s easy to see why he never wants this to come to light. Aside from the legal ramifications of this, how would the American people feel about Obama lying to them about his NAME all this time? And if he lied about something as simple as that, what else has he lied about? It would open a whole host of new questions for most people about this man of deliberate mystery.


I honestly and truly believe this solves the entire mystery.

It is seriously this straightforward.

* Obama was indeed born in Hawaii in 1961

* Obama was indeed adopted by Lolo Soetoro in the 1970s

* Obama’s name was indeed changed to Barry Soetoro in the 1970s

* Obama’s birth certificate was altered per Hawaiian law to reflect his new name in the 1970s

* Obama never changed his name back to “Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.” — most likely because he used “Barry Soetoro” on all of his student aid applications for college, and probably received foreign student grants and admissions assistance playing off his years living in Indonesia

* All the records, transcripts, documents, and paperwork Obama continues to hide from the public is all hidden because it lists his name as “Barry Soetoro” on all of it.

* Obama will not allow his birth certificate to be released because it lists the “wrong” name on it: Barry Soetoro

It is as simple as this, folks....

HAWAII GROUND REPORT: Could Hawaiian Governor Neil Abercrombie not be as incompetent and foolish as he appears, but orchestrating a deliberate birth certificate recovery dead end to cover his own papakole? UPDATED: Mystery solved! Reason Obama will n

Maybe his listed name was Dunham?

There is a good chance of that, as his father may have still been married to a woman in Kenya, which would make any marriage to his mother in Hawaii illegal. Of course we can only guess.
What do you mean "it cannot be denied"? I deny it.

Everything that's relevant has been put out there. When irrational people demand irrelevant information in an attempt to harass and annoy it's abuse of process. Why do you think the birfer lawyers keep getting sanctioned over...and over...and over again?

If instead of demanding Obama prove a negative over questions and insinuations that are completely irrelevant to his performance or position, y'all had actual evidence of a cover up that actually affects his eligibility or job performance....different story.

But all the birfers have are innuendos and vague leading questions from bloggers with money to rake in and an ax to grind. That's not evidence, it's trash.

It doesn't appear that he's hiding something? really? Then why is everything hidden? You are much smarter than denying this. We do not know how the man was able to afford his education, We do not know where all he may have traveled as a student and on what passport, We don't have a clue even if his parents were legally married. If Bush had any of these secrets the MSM would have torn him apart. Hell they even tried to get a secretary to try to remember one paper (Out of 10,000 or better) she had typed 40 years earlier. But this guy who has everything sealed has nothing to hide? Nothing? I can't believe that.

Why don't I care? Because of all that, only one thing is even remotely relevant: Whether he ever traveled on a foreign passport, which was a "breaking news flash" from WND - that oh so credible source. But even if true that isn't an indication of ineligibility, it merely means he is or was a dual citizen. Which is not a disqualification under any law we have in existence.

Why should I care if his parents were married? What does it matter to me if he took student loans, received grants, or got scholarships - even as a dual citizen? What do I care what his grades were? I know the issues and what the actual law surrounding eligibility is so I know none of it matters, that's why I don't particularly care.

But right there, you just listed yourself several items you are going to demand he produce whether he gives up a "long form" birth certificate or not. Which proves my point. You'll move the goal posts and want his college records, his and his family's financial records, proof of negatives that cannot be given......and the BC doesn't actually mean one darn thing as far as being a resolution. But you demand it anyway. Why?

I'm not the guy's biggest fan, but this stuff is completely pointless.

Yes, I can see these things would not matter to you. Is he a fraud (used foreign status to get college) or is he a crimminal (lied to gain financially)?
If you are a leftie/socialist/communist/muslim terrorist (supporter)/homosexual activist, being a fraud or crimminal with ideals similar to yours is perfectly acceptable. Some of us just see it as wrong, no matter who it is.

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