Obama's coming amnesty surge

And the far right continues to twist and shout, piss and pout, about something they can't change.

Nice of you to admit your all for immigration so you can in essence stuff the ballot box.
It's shit like this that WILL start a revolution in this country.

I don't think "immigration" is about stuffing the ballot box or more people coming here. It's about what we do with those who have been here for a long-time and contributed to society.

Personally, I'm for making them "legal" and moving on. Most are really good people, a lot better than some of the haters posting here. I get the white wing will howl, but they've been whining and hating since slavery was abolished.

Good people? Do good people thumb their noses at a country's immigration laws? Do good people use fake or stolen ID's which are felonies? Do good people take jobs they aren't entitled to and to hell with the citizens who need them? Do good people steal taxes from a country's citizens? They are contributing to their own needs while taking from our society.

We don't need them here and they sure shouldn't get a pass on our immigration laws while legal immigrants follow the rules to come here. This has nothing to do with hate but respect for our laws. The real haters are those who put foreigners here illegally above our own citizen's needs. It's not a white race issue either so kindly stick your race card where the sun don't shine.

With a simple change in the law, all those who have been here, say 3 years, and have lived exemplary lives, can be made "Legal." Something tells me you guys would still gripe about them.

Nope. Let em get in the back of the line and do it legally.
Just like my ex fiances family did it. Why do you hate mexicans who obey the law?
To slow a process for ya?

Yep, too slow a process for those who have been here awhile and lived exemplary lives, despite being used and condemned by white wing bigots.
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Nice of you to admit your all for immigration so you can in essence stuff the ballot box.
It's shit like this that WILL start a revolution in this country.

I don't think "immigration" is about stuffing the ballot box or more people coming here. It's about what we do with those who have been here for a long-time and contributed to society.

Personally, I'm for making them "legal" and moving on. Most are really good people, a lot better than some of the haters posting here. I get the white wing will howl, but they've been whining and hating since slavery was abolished.

Good people? Do good people thumb their noses at a country's immigration laws? Do good people use fake or stolen ID's which are felonies? Do good people take jobs they aren't entitled to and to hell with the citizens who need them? Do good people steal taxes from a country's citizens? They are contributing to their own needs while taking from our society.

We don't need them here and they sure shouldn't get a pass on our immigration laws while legal immigrants follow the rules to come here. This has nothing to do with hate but respect for our laws. The real haters are those who put foreigners here illegally above our own citizen's needs. It's not a white race issue either so kindly stick your race card where the sun don't shine.

With a simple change in the law, all those who have been here, say 3 years, and have lived exemplary lives, can be made "Legal." Something tells me you guys would still gripe about them.

Nope. Let em get in the back of the line and do it legally.
Just like my ex fiances family did it. Why do you hate mexicans who obey the law?
To slow a process for ya?

Yep, to slow a process for those who have been here awhile and lived exemplary lives, despite being used and condemned by white wing bigots.

Fuck that,they broke the law.
How about I decide I want to go to mexico illegally? How would I be treated by your government?
Purely racist move AGAIN by the President. Its all about overwhelming White America and any vestiges of its culture. Why should we be surprised? Obama was an exchange student in college. ...

Being an exchange student makes you want to destroy the country? Really?
His communist father, communist grandparents that raised him, and communist friends in chicago convinced him that destroying the country was necessary to bring on marxism.

You guys are whining like the white South Africans of old. Christ man, get a life. Our culture sucks -- racism, greed, intimidation, gunz, corporatism, Darwinism, and other such BS.
Screw you marxist.

Oh come on Johnny boy.
I don't think "immigration" is about stuffing the ballot box or more people coming here. It's about what we do with those who have been here for a long-time and contributed to society.

Personally, I'm for making them "legal" and moving on. Most are really good people, a lot better than some of the haters posting here. I get the white wing will howl, but they've been whining and hating since slavery was abolished.

Good people? Do good people thumb their noses at a country's immigration laws? Do good people use fake or stolen ID's which are felonies? Do good people take jobs they aren't entitled to and to hell with the citizens who need them? Do good people steal taxes from a country's citizens? They are contributing to their own needs while taking from our society.

We don't need them here and they sure shouldn't get a pass on our immigration laws while legal immigrants follow the rules to come here. This has nothing to do with hate but respect for our laws. The real haters are those who put foreigners here illegally above our own citizen's needs. It's not a white race issue either so kindly stick your race card where the sun don't shine.

With a simple change in the law, all those who have been here, say 3 years, and have lived exemplary lives, can be made "Legal." Something tells me you guys would still gripe about them.

Nope. Let em get in the back of the line and do it legally.
Just like my ex fiances family did it. Why do you hate mexicans who obey the law?
To slow a process for ya?

Yep, to slow a process for those who have been here awhile and lived exemplary lives, despite being used and condemned by white wing bigots.

Fuck that,they broke the law.
How about I decide I want to go to mexico illegally? How would I be treated by your government?

The people would treat you well until you started spewing that bigoted crud of yours.
This isn't about racism. That card is worn out and doesn't apply here.

This is about legitimizing a large group of criminals, flooding the low end of our labor market which will drive down wages, setting up a permanent underclass and single party rule.

I've lived in Central America and traveled extensively there over a period of many years. Great people. Government, not so much. We're importing their corruption. We're recreating what the Mexicans are fleeing. Makes a whole lot of sense if you're interested in Democrat only rule. But you won't like that car without brakes when you start riding in it.
Nice of you to admit your all for immigration so you can in essence stuff the ballot box.
It's shit like this that WILL start a revolution in this country.

I don't think "immigration" is about stuffing the ballot box or more people coming here. It's about what we do with those who have been here for a long-time and contributed to society.

Personally, I'm for making them "legal" and moving on. Most are really good people, a lot better than some of the haters posting here. I get the white wing will howl, but they've been whining and hating since slavery was abolished.

Good people? Do good people thumb their noses at a country's immigration laws? Do good people use fake or stolen ID's which are felonies? Do good people take jobs they aren't entitled to and to hell with the citizens who need them? Do good people steal taxes from a country's citizens? They are contributing to their own needs while taking from our society.

We don't need them here and they sure shouldn't get a pass on our immigration laws while legal immigrants follow the rules to come here. This has nothing to do with hate but respect for our laws. The real haters are those who put foreigners here illegally above our own citizen's needs. It's not a white race issue either so kindly stick your race card where the sun don't shine.

With a simple change in the law, all those who have been here, say 3 years, and have lived exemplary lives, can be made "Legal." Something tells me you guys would still gripe about them.

Nope. Let em get in the back of the line and do it legally.
Just like my ex fiances family did it. Why do you hate mexicans who obey the law?
To slow a process for ya?

Yep, too slow a process for those who have been here awhile and lived exemplary lives, despite being used and condemned by white wing bigots.

If you think that it is only whites that condemn illegal immigration you aren't dealing in reality and just pulling the race card. The process begins in the immigrants homeland not by coming here illegally first.

Nothing bigoted about objecting to the above either. Since when is desiring our laws to be respected a bigoted issue?

If they are being used they are allowing it by working for these greedy employers and they are of all races that use them. No one is forcing them to come here illegally and to work here unlawfully. Both the employers and the illegal aliens are equally guilty.
Bush92, sigh.

How is he wrong? America has had a European culture throughout the past 250 years. Looking back even to 1780's-1820's at the height of the slave trade it was around 80% white. 90% of the legal immigrants that came to America between 1880-1920 were from Europe.

Yes, this is nothing more than the destruction of America and its culture. A culture that created the internet, you insult it on and the cars you drive in. Have fun having your children be outcasts in a third world country.
Purely racist move AGAIN by the President. Its all about overwhelming White America and any vestiges of its culture. Why should we be surprised? Obama was an exchange student in college. ...

Being an exchange student makes you want to destroy the country? Really?
His communist father, communist grandparents that raised him, and communist friends in chicago convinced him that destroying the country was necessary to bring on marxism.

You guys are whining like the white South Africans of old. Christ man, get a life. Our culture sucks -- racism, greed, intimidation, gunz, corporatism, Darwinism, and other such BS.
Screw you marxist.

Oh come on Johnny boy.
Good people? Do good people thumb their noses at a country's immigration laws? Do good people use fake or stolen ID's which are felonies? Do good people take jobs they aren't entitled to and to hell with the citizens who need them? Do good people steal taxes from a country's citizens? They are contributing to their own needs while taking from our society.

We don't need them here and they sure shouldn't get a pass on our immigration laws while legal immigrants follow the rules to come here. This has nothing to do with hate but respect for our laws. The real haters are those who put foreigners here illegally above our own citizen's needs. It's not a white race issue either so kindly stick your race card where the sun don't shine.

With a simple change in the law, all those who have been here, say 3 years, and have lived exemplary lives, can be made "Legal." Something tells me you guys would still gripe about them.

Nope. Let em get in the back of the line and do it legally.
Just like my ex fiances family did it. Why do you hate mexicans who obey the law?
To slow a process for ya?

Yep, to slow a process for those who have been here awhile and lived exemplary lives, despite being used and condemned by white wing bigots.

Fuck that,they broke the law.
How about I decide I want to go to mexico illegally? How would I be treated by your government?

The people would treat you well until you started spewing that bigoted crud of yours.
I don't want to be treated well. I want to live a life of liberty free from your marxist shackles.
Being an exchange student makes you want to destroy the country? Really?
His communist father, communist grandparents that raised him, and communist friends in chicago convinced him that destroying the country was necessary to bring on marxism.

You guys are whining like the white South Africans of old. Christ man, get a life. Our culture sucks -- racism, greed, intimidation, gunz, corporatism, Darwinism, and other such BS.
Screw you marxist.

Oh come on Johnny boy.
With a simple change in the law, all those who have been here, say 3 years, and have lived exemplary lives, can be made "Legal." Something tells me you guys would still gripe about them.

Nope. Let em get in the back of the line and do it legally.
Just like my ex fiances family did it. Why do you hate mexicans who obey the law?
To slow a process for ya?

Yep, to slow a process for those who have been here awhile and lived exemplary lives, despite being used and condemned by white wing bigots.

Fuck that,they broke the law.
How about I decide I want to go to mexico illegally? How would I be treated by your government?

The people would treat you well until you started spewing that bigoted crud of yours.
I don't want to be treated well. I want to live a life of liberty free from your marxist shackles.

Your life sounds so pitiful.
Bush92, sigh.

How is he wrong? America has had a European culture throughout the past 250 years. Looking back even to 1780's-1820's at the height of the slave trade it was around 80% white. 90% of the legal immigrants that came to America between 1880-1920 were from Europe.

Yes, this is nothing more than the destruction of America and its culture. A culture that created the internet, you insult it on and the cars you drive in. Have fun having your children be outcasts in a third world country.

Purely racist move AGAIN by the President. Its all about overwhelming White America and any vestiges of its culture. Why should we be surprised? Obama was an exchange student in college. ...

Being an exchange student makes you want to destroy the country? Really?
His communist father, communist grandparents that raised him, and communist friends in chicago convinced him that destroying the country was necessary to bring on marxism.

You guys are whining like the white South Africans of old. Christ man, get a life. Our culture sucks -- racism, greed, intimidation, gunz, corporatism, Darwinism, and other such BS.
Screw you marxist.

Oh come on Johnny boy.
Good people? Do good people thumb their noses at a country's immigration laws? Do good people use fake or stolen ID's which are felonies? Do good people take jobs they aren't entitled to and to hell with the citizens who need them? Do good people steal taxes from a country's citizens? They are contributing to their own needs while taking from our society.

We don't need them here and they sure shouldn't get a pass on our immigration laws while legal immigrants follow the rules to come here. This has nothing to do with hate but respect for our laws. The real haters are those who put foreigners here illegally above our own citizen's needs. It's not a white race issue either so kindly stick your race card where the sun don't shine.

With a simple change in the law, all those who have been here, say 3 years, and have lived exemplary lives, can be made "Legal." Something tells me you guys would still gripe about them.

Nope. Let em get in the back of the line and do it legally.
Just like my ex fiances family did it. Why do you hate mexicans who obey the law?
To slow a process for ya?

Yep, to slow a process for those who have been here awhile and lived exemplary lives, despite being used and condemned by white wing bigots.

Fuck that,they broke the law.
How about I decide I want to go to mexico illegally? How would I be treated by your government?

The people would treat you well until you started spewing that bigoted crud of yours.

You assume I've never been to mexico.
I use to live just over hundred miles from it and would cross on a pretty regular basis.
Dont try to tell me how things are in mexico.

And you just accepted mexico as your government. That pretty much tells me why you side with the invasion.
His communist father, communist grandparents that raised him, and communist friends in chicago convinced him that destroying the country was necessary to bring on marxism.

You guys are whining like the white South Africans of old. Christ man, get a life. Our culture sucks -- racism, greed, intimidation, gunz, corporatism, Darwinism, and other such BS.
Screw you marxist.

Oh come on Johnny boy.
Nope. Let em get in the back of the line and do it legally.
Just like my ex fiances family did it. Why do you hate mexicans who obey the law?
To slow a process for ya?

Yep, to slow a process for those who have been here awhile and lived exemplary lives, despite being used and condemned by white wing bigots.

Fuck that,they broke the law.
How about I decide I want to go to mexico illegally? How would I be treated by your government?

The people would treat you well until you started spewing that bigoted crud of yours.
I don't want to be treated well. I want to live a life of liberty free from your marxist shackles.

Your life sounds so pitiful.
Yeah well you may have a particular love for marxist tyranny. To each his own. Me I'm doing just fine without you loosers sucking on my blood and taking food off my table to hurt my children.
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Being an exchange student makes you want to destroy the country? Really?
His communist father, communist grandparents that raised him, and communist friends in chicago convinced him that destroying the country was necessary to bring on marxism.

You guys are whining like the white South Africans of old. Christ man, get a life. Our culture sucks -- racism, greed, intimidation, gunz, corporatism, Darwinism, and other such BS.
Screw you marxist.

Oh come on Johnny boy.
With a simple change in the law, all those who have been here, say 3 years, and have lived exemplary lives, can be made "Legal." Something tells me you guys would still gripe about them.

Nope. Let em get in the back of the line and do it legally.
Just like my ex fiances family did it. Why do you hate mexicans who obey the law?
To slow a process for ya?

Yep, to slow a process for those who have been here awhile and lived exemplary lives, despite being used and condemned by white wing bigots.

Fuck that,they broke the law.
How about I decide I want to go to mexico illegally? How would I be treated by your government?

The people would treat you well until you started spewing that bigoted crud of yours.
I don't want to be treated well. I want to live a life of liberty free from your marxist shackles.
Hear! Hear! :thup: Don't treat me. I'll do that by myself.
And the far right continues to twist and shout, piss and pout, about something they can't change.

They are shitting their pants with the demographic shift, hoping they won't be treated as they treated minorities (soon the become the majority In America) and that is what is now driving them, fear

And the far right continues to twist and shout, piss and pout, about something they can't change.

They are shitting their pants with the demographic shift, hoping they won't be treated as they treated minorities (soon the become the majority In America) and that is what is now driving them, fear

Yes we know you dont care if millions enter our country illegally.
This will come back and bite you in the ass at a later date.
No, it will bite you in the butt, HWGA. Your nonsense is no different than the hate for Germans, Jews, Irish, Greeks, Turks, Russians, Polish, etc., during the last 140 years. The mainstream in the GOP rejects the far right's hate.

You really can't be that ignorant of history, economics or reality.

You can't have open borders and a welfare state. Won't last. Why do you want it?

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And the far right continues to twist and shout, piss and pout, about something they can't change.

They are shitting their pants with the demographic shift, hoping they won't be treated as they treated minorities (soon the become the majority In America) and that is what is now driving them, fear

Why would any country in the world embrace a demographic shift via ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION?
Our ancestors, many of them were "illegal" immigrants, guys, so get off your high horse.

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