Obama's daughters living lavish lifestyle at tax payer expense.

Far from it

The President pays for his own vacation

False, as you know. (democrat!)

As we reported earlier this year: The Obamas have “traveled more than any other first family, often with Mrs. Obama’s mother and her friends. By the summer of 2014 the Obamas had taken 31 international trips lasting 119 days. At the same point in his presidency, Ronald Reagan had taken 14 such trips over 73 days.

“When the family visited Ireland in 2013, taxpayers were hit for just under $8 million, including a quarter-million dollars for a two-day side-trip to Dublin for the Obama women. They chose a $3,500-per-night hotel suite in addition to 29 other rooms for their traveling party at the five-star hotel.

“Last year when Mrs. Obama, her mother and two daughters toured China, they stayed in a Beijing hotel suite costing $8,400 per night.”}

New Obama vacation costs uncovered; They now exceed $70 million

Transportation and security are federally mandated, President flies Air Force One...Period

Transportation is a major expense in vacations.

But we pay for lodging for Obama and all of his dozens of guests as well.

Sorry...but your source Andrew Malcolm is laughable propaganda. I stopped reading after the first sentence

Provide a legitimate news source and maybe we can discuss
Last edited:
Sorry...but your source is laughable propaganda. I stopped reading after the first sentence

Provide a legitimate news source and maybe we can discuss

Well of course, it's not ThinkProgress or Democraticunderground.

I'm not here to discuss, only to expose the fact that you are lying.

Andrew Malcolm is a known anti-Obama blogger with no credibility

Provide a legitimate source
So on the one hand we have the IRS punishing conservatives and on the other doling out your tax money for this nonsense.

Obama's Daughter Living Lavish Lifestyles Like Their Mom: He is Furious After Personal Info Leaks Out -
Might I suggest an extra heavy dosage of:

of course if an R did this, you lefties would be screaming.


I don't recall hearing anyone shrieking about the bush girls.

you need to get a life.

The Bush twins were both in college, Jenna at U of Texas at Austin and Barbara at Yale when their dad became President. Why should anyone shriek about that?
So on the one hand we have the IRS punishing conservatives and on the other doling out your tax money for this nonsense.

Obama's Daughter Living Lavish Lifestyles Like Their Mom: He is Furious After Personal Info Leaks Out -
Might I suggest an extra heavy dosage of:

of course if an R did this, you lefties would be screaming.


I don't recall hearing anyone shrieking about the bush girls.

you need to get a life.

The Bush twins were both in college, Jenna at U of Texas at Austin and Barbara at Yale when their dad became President. Why should anyone shriek about that?

they were under 21 and jenna had two underage drinking citations against her in less than five weeks.

and the right still screamed when people talked about it. maybe you don't remember. that's ok.
Sorry...but your source is laughable propaganda. I stopped reading after the first sentence

Provide a legitimate news source and maybe we can discuss

Well of course, it's not ThinkProgress or Democraticunderground.

I'm not here to discuss, only to expose the fact that you are lying.

Andrew Malcolm is a known anti-Obama blogger with no credibility

Provide a legitimate source

Typical ad hominem argument. You attack the source without addressing the argument and think because you don't consider it credible, it isn't. Not how it works son.

You ask for a legitimate source but have shown you only want sources that agree with you. In other words, unless it's what you want to hear, it's not legitimate. That way you always have an excuse.
So on the one hand we have the IRS punishing conservatives and on the other doling out your tax money for this nonsense.

Obama's Daughter Living Lavish Lifestyles Like Their Mom: He is Furious After Personal Info Leaks Out -
Might I suggest an extra heavy dosage of:

of course if an R did this, you lefties would be screaming.


I don't recall hearing anyone shrieking about the bush girls.

you need to get a life.

The Bush twins were both in college, Jenna at U of Texas at Austin and Barbara at Yale when their dad became President. Why should anyone shriek about that?

they were under 21 and jenna had two underage drinking citations against her in less than five weeks.

and the right still screamed when people talked about it. maybe you don't remember. that's ok.

Red herring. Irrelevant to the topic. Has nothing to do with lavish lifestyles. Typical diversionary tactic thwarted by a Conservative.

As for drunk driving, more than one Liberal on a thread yesterday said no harm, no foul when it came to driving after drinking. One actually said that unless harm came about, what could potentially happen didn't matter. Is that what you support?
Sorry...but your source is laughable propaganda. I stopped reading after the first sentence

Provide a legitimate news source and maybe we can discuss

Well of course, it's not ThinkProgress or Democraticunderground.

I'm not here to discuss, only to expose the fact that you are lying.

Andrew Malcolm is a known anti-Obama blogger with no credibility

Provide a legitimate source

Typical ad hominem argument. You attack the source without addressing the argument and think because you don't consider it credible, it isn't. Not how it works son.

You ask for a legitimate source but have shown you only want sources that agree with you. In other words, unless it's what you want to hear, it's not legitimate. That way you always have an excuse.
Your source is known for misrepresenting the facts

Why not provide information from a legitimate news source?
Sorry...but your source is laughable propaganda. I stopped reading after the first sentence

Provide a legitimate news source and maybe we can discuss

Well of course, it's not ThinkProgress or Democraticunderground.

I'm not here to discuss, only to expose the fact that you are lying.

Andrew Malcolm is a known anti-Obama blogger with no credibility

Provide a legitimate source

Typical ad hominem argument. You attack the source without addressing the argument and think because you don't consider it credible, it isn't. Not how it works son.

You ask for a legitimate source but have shown you only want sources that agree with you. In other words, unless it's what you want to hear, it's not legitimate. That way you always have an excuse.
Your source is known for misrepresenting the facts

Why not provide information from a legitimate news source?

Known by whom to misrepresent facts? Liberals? You don't count.

Like I said, to you legitimate means saying what you want to hear. You've proven that.
Your source is known for misrepresenting the facts

Why not provide information from a legitimate news source?

YOU are known for misrepresenting and flat out fabricating.

Investors Business Daily?

Uh no....


Uh yes.

"Stephen Hawking wouldn't have a chance in the U.K., where the National Health Service (NHS) would say the life of this brilliant man, because of his physical handicaps, is essentially worthless."

Did you forget about that?

Uh yes.

"Stephen Hawking wouldn't have a chance in the U.K., where the National Health Service (NHS) would say the life of this brilliant man, because of his physical handicaps, is essentially worthless."

Did you forget about that?

IF you have a legitimate point (hey, there's a first time for everything!) then post it along with cites. I admit that KOS and some of the more rank hate sites are blocked for me, so your cites may not work.

Uh yes.

"Stephen Hawking wouldn't have a chance in the U.K., where the National Health Service (NHS) would say the life of this brilliant man, because of his physical handicaps, is essentially worthless."

Did you forget about that?

IF you have a legitimate point (hey, there's a first time for everything!) then post it along with cites. I admit that KOS and some of the more rank hate sites are blocked for me, so your cites may not work.

No, I don't think I'll waste my time with that.

Use your Google.
So on the one hand we have the IRS punishing conservatives and on the other doling out your tax money for this nonsense.

Obama's Daughter Living Lavish Lifestyles Like Their Mom: He is Furious After Personal Info Leaks Out -

I'm seeing a claim that the school is paid for by the taxpayer, do you have any proof it's not paid for by the family? Just ask'n.

Common sense, and a basic understanding of how the Presidency works is the only "proof" that's necessary.

The First Family pays their own personal family costs, just like every other President has.

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