Obama's DOL Secretary Hilda L. Solis: You Have the Right to Be Paid Fairly Whether Do

daveman, Big Business and Wall Street were the criminals last time around, and true Americans (libs, centrists, conservatives) called them buttheads out. But the reactionaries didn't. The Joe Bartons and folks like you make crazy talk. You convert more to the center every time you post.
daveman, running away doesn't cut it, son. Big Business and Wall Street were the criminals last time around, and true Americans (libs, centrists, conservatives) called them buttheads out. But the reactionaries didn't. The Joe Bartons and folks like you make crazy talk. You convert more to the center every time you post. Go ahead and convert more to the center with your next reply.
I wonder if the righties ever really stop to think what would happen to our economy if all the illegal immigrants were to be suddenly whisked away south of the border and not allowed back in again?

Yeah, I mean look what happened when millions of immigrants who came to this country through Ellis Island legally and took the jobs no one else wanted.......

You make it so easy, do you really understand what comes out of your brain?!?!

Was your navy in your bathtub or some other body of water? :confused:

Ellis Island didn't really turn many folks away now, did they?

My point stands. If you magically whisked away all of our labor force who were here illegally and transported them south of the border, our economy would collapse. Housing starts would dwindle.. the cost of new houses would skyrocket.. the cost of nearly everything at the grocery store would skyrocket... restaurants would be forced to cut back service and drastically raise prices of everything... the service and hospitality industries would be crippled. The ripple effects would be unforeseen and increasingly painful....

and throughout it all, the real culprit remains American industry that continues to willfully break the law because they are addicted to the cheap labor that only the illegal immigrant market can provide. And NOBODY wants to really punish THEM.

And why not avoid gratuitous insults about my service, and I'll refrain from making gratuitous insults about your dubious ancestry. deal?

Better polish up on your understanding of what they did at Ellis Island, physicals, legal inspection, detainment, etc....Oh BTW this was over 100 years ago, your a little behind the times.....

Your point stands in your mind only, anything else is a stretch....

Our economy would collapse? Really? Do you have a clue how much we spend annually on maintaining illegal immigrants?

Housing starts would dwindle? Housing starts are connected to job growth, most labor cost in the Midwest and Northeast are union driven for housing and every other manufacturing job.....you listed everything but the labor cost for the automotive industry, why is that?

Last, but not least is the American Businessman, the true villain to the left leaning, wealth redistributing, sit on their ass and tell everyone what to do Liberal fucking meat head such as yourself......yeah that guy or gal who worked their ass off to achieve the American Dream is the dastardly devil in the exploitation of illegal immigrants.....cry me a fucking river maineman, just admit it, your a pussy.......LMAO......

You want me to refrain from my gratuitous insults about your service so you can refrain from my dubious ancestry? Grow some balls, deal with it, it is hard to believe someone with such a misunderstanding of America could have commanded anything other than a rubber ducky.....
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daveman, running away doesn't cut it, son. Big Business and Wall Street were the criminals last time around, and true Americans (libs, centrists, conservatives) called them buttheads out. But the reactionaries didn't. The Joe Bartons and folks like you make crazy talk. You convert more to the center every time you post. Go ahead and convert more to the center with your next reply.
That's funny. "Not buying your bullshit" = "running away". :lol:
Yeah, I mean look what happened when millions of immigrants who came to this country through Ellis Island legally and took the jobs no one else wanted.......

You make it so easy, do you really understand what comes out of your brain?!?!

Was your navy in your bathtub or some other body of water? :confused:

Ellis Island didn't really turn many folks away now, did they?

My point stands. If you magically whisked away all of our labor force who were here illegally and transported them south of the border, our economy would collapse. Housing starts would dwindle.. the cost of new houses would skyrocket.. the cost of nearly everything at the grocery store would skyrocket... restaurants would be forced to cut back service and drastically raise prices of everything... the service and hospitality industries would be crippled. The ripple effects would be unforeseen and increasingly painful....

and throughout it all, the real culprit remains American industry that continues to willfully break the law because they are addicted to the cheap labor that only the illegal immigrant market can provide. And NOBODY wants to really punish THEM.

And why not avoid gratuitous insults about my service, and I'll refrain from making gratuitous insults about your dubious ancestry. deal?

Better polish up on your understanding of what they did at Ellis Island, physicals, legal inspection, detainment, etc....Oh BTW this was over 100 years ago, your a little behind the times.....

I am well aware of the process used at Ellis Island and I am very well aware of when that facility was used. As I said, they did NOT turn many people away.
Our economy would collapse? Really? Do you have a clue how much we spend annually on maintaining illegal immigrants?

I do. And it's a fraction of what we spend on "maintaining" unproductive citizens. Do YOU have a clue how much cheap labor undocumented immigrants inject into our economy and how cheap that makes a huge variety of goods and services?
Housing starts would dwindle? Housing starts are connected to job growth, most labor cost in the Midwest and Northeast are union driven for housing and every other manufacturing job.....you listed everything but the labor cost for the automotive industry, why is that?

The fact remains: the housing industry employs a large amount of undocumented immigrant labor. If they were to be magically whisked away, the output capacity of the housing industry would be reduced and the price of labor, and therefore the price of houses, would dramatically increase.

Last, but not least is the American Businessman, the true villain to the left leaning, wealth redistributing, sit on their ass and tell everyone what to do Liberal fucking meat head such as yourself......yeah that guy or gal who worked their ass off to achieve the American Dream is the dastardly devil in the exploitation of illegal immigrants.

Please tell me then, if it is NOT the American businessman who provides the marginal wage jobs to undocumented workers, who IS it? Is it ELVES? Mysterious JOB FAIRIES? If the American businessman were NOT addicted to cheap immigrant laborers and did NOT continue to ILLEGALLY employ them in order to increase their profit margins, what would be the draw for those laborers to come to America in the first place? They COME to America because they can find work here. They certainly don't come for the health care.

You want me to refrain from my gratuitous insults about your service so you can refrain from my dubious ancestry? Grow some balls, deal with it, it is hard to believe someone with such a misunderstanding of America could have commanded anything other than a rubber ducky.....

I could give a fuck what you believe about my service. It has no place in a discussion about immigration and for you to insult me in such a fashion only serves to highlight the obvious weakness of your argument. If you could win the argument without resorting to insults, you would have done so. Now... why don't you grow some brains and develop some modicum of maturity and see if you can stay on point. I won't hold my breath.
Ellis Island didn't really turn many folks away now, did they?

My point stands. If you magically whisked away all of our labor force who were here illegally and transported them south of the border, our economy would collapse. Housing starts would dwindle.. the cost of new houses would skyrocket.. the cost of nearly everything at the grocery store would skyrocket... restaurants would be forced to cut back service and drastically raise prices of everything... the service and hospitality industries would be crippled. The ripple effects would be unforeseen and increasingly painful....

and throughout it all, the real culprit remains American industry that continues to willfully break the law because they are addicted to the cheap labor that only the illegal immigrant market can provide. And NOBODY wants to really punish THEM.

And why not avoid gratuitous insults about my service, and I'll refrain from making gratuitous insults about your dubious ancestry. deal?

Better polish up on your understanding of what they did at Ellis Island, physicals, legal inspection, detainment, etc....Oh BTW this was over 100 years ago, your a little behind the times.....

I am well aware of the process used at Ellis Island and I am very well aware of when that facility was used. As I said, they did NOT turn many people away.

If you're so aware, then how is it you can not see that over 100 years ago we legally processed 12,000,000 immigrants, yet today we have far greater technology and we can't seem to control the same issue because of bleeding heart Liberals such as yourself?!?!?! No instead you blame the American businessman/woman, your pathetic.....

I do. And it's a fraction of what we spend on "maintaining" unproductive citizens. Do YOU have a clue how much cheap labor undocumented immigrants inject into our economy and how cheap that makes a huge variety of goods and services?

Here some interesting facts:
$11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year by state governments.

$2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens.

$2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens.

$12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English!

$17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.

$3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.

30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens.

$90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare & social services by the American taxpayers.

$200 Billion dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens.

They have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the US.

During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our Southern Border also, as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from Terrorist Countries. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroin and marijuana, crossed into the US from the Southern border.

The National policy Institute estimated that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period.

In 2006, illegal aliens sent home $45 BILLION in remittances to their countries of origin.

The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One million sex crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States.


The fact remains: the housing industry employs a large amount of undocumented immigrant labor. If they were to be magically whisked away, the output capacity of the housing industry would be reduced and the price of labor, and therefore the price of houses, would dramatically increase.

There are a number of illegals in new home construction, I know this well, I am a home builder, but there are plenty of people willing to do the same work who are legal....
What a lot of people do not understand is the Federal Government enables illegals to work with a ITIN's and have for sometime now, again, housing is directly connected to job growth, home builders will find labor when the demand is there.....there are hundreds of other factors that influence cost besides labor.....

Last, but not least is the American Businessman, the true villain to the left leaning, wealth redistributing, sit on their ass and tell everyone what to do Liberal fucking meat head such as yourself......yeah that guy or gal who worked their ass off to achieve the American Dream is the dastardly devil in the exploitation of illegal immigrants.

Please tell me then, if it is NOT the American businessman who provides the marginal wage jobs to undocumented workers, who IS it? Is it ELVES? Mysterious JOB FAIRIES? If the American businessman were NOT addicted to cheap immigrant laborers and did NOT continue to ILLEGALLY employ them in order to increase their profit margins, what would be the draw for those laborers to come to America in the first place? They COME to America because they can find work here. They certainly don't come for the health care.

American business is not innocent by any means, but your brush is too broad, there are far more good than bad, at the same time nether is the Federal Government.....The draw for the illegal is a better way of life, plan and simple, I can assure you we do not employ illegals, we run their SS#'s, most businesses do, they have very little choice......

You want me to refrain from my gratuitous insults about your service so you can refrain from my dubious ancestry? Grow some balls, deal with it, it is hard to believe someone with such a misunderstanding of America could have commanded anything other than a rubber ducky.....

I could give a fuck what you believe about my service. It has no place in a discussion about immigration and for you to insult me in such a fashion only serves to highlight the obvious weakness of your argument. If you could win the argument without resorting to insults, you would have done so. Now... why don't you grow some brains and develop some modicum of maturity and see if you can stay on point. I won't hold my breath

I can debate you on the facts, it is just so much fun to question how in the hell you could have commanded anything, much less the armed forces, deal with it.....then again, maybe this explains why so many government employees are so blind......
you post a bunch of numbers without attribution and call them "FACTS"? LOL

I have never suggested that every American businessman is at fault in this issue. I HAVE suggested that every American businessman who employs undocumented workers at wages that are less than he would have to pay American citizens IS at fault in this issue.

One more time: if no American businessmen were willing (willing hell, eager) to ILLEGALLY hire undocumented workers because it was good for THEIR bottom line, there would not be an illegal immigration problem in America. If there were no jobs in the USA that paid undocumented workers more money than they could make in their home countries, THEY WOULDN'T COME HERE. Period. American businessmen are the root of the problem... that and the fact that lazy ass Americans would rather collect unemployment than work all day in the hot sun picking vegetables... the combination of businessman greed and American unemployed laziness is the perfect opening for illegal immigration to fill the void. Why would any businessman risk legal action by hiring an illegal immigrant for shitty wages, if a naturalized American citizen was willing to work for those same shitty wages?

And once again... you resorting to attacks on my military service are just further proof that you really have no retort for that fact... and here's the bottom line about my service: YOU are sending me a fat check every month and paying full freight on the sweetest medical insurance plan (TRICARE) in the country for ME and my wife every single fucking month... so, as far as I am concerned, you can insult my service all you want. It only serves to shine a spotlight on your OWN weakass argument, and it doesn't diminish the paycheck YOU give me every month by one penny. Thanks sucker.... actually, thanks, cowardly sucker.... that's more like it.:razz:
you post a bunch of numbers without attribution and call them "FACTS"? LOL

Here are just a few links on the subject......but I am pretty sure you will stay in denial.....

The High Cost of Cheap Labor: Illegal Immigration and the Federal Budget | Center for Immigration Studies

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR): Researching US Immigration Facts

illegal immigration statistics - Google Search

I have never suggested that every American businessman is at fault in this issue. I HAVE suggested that every American businessman who employs undocumented workers at wages that are less than he would have to pay American citizens IS at fault in this issue.

So the quote below is from your post, or is this from your twin?

and throughout it all, the real culprit remains American industry that continues to willfully break the law because they are addicted to the cheap labor that only the illegal immigrant market can provide. And NOBODY wants to really punish THEM.

Pretty broad claim......then again, you're pretty broad minded.....

One more time: if no American businessmen were willing (willing hell, eager) to ILLEGALLY hire undocumented workers because it was good for THEIR bottom line, there would not be an illegal immigration problem in America. If there were no jobs in the USA that paid undocumented workers more money than they could make in their home countries, THEY WOULDN'T COME HERE. Period. American businessmen are the root of the problem... that and the fact that lazy ass Americans would rather collect unemployment than work all day in the hot sun picking vegetables... the combination of businessman greed and American unemployed laziness is the perfect opening for illegal immigration to fill the void. Why would any businessman risk legal action by hiring an illegal immigrant for shitty wages, if a naturalized American citizen was willing to work for those same shitty wages?

Tell me how many illegals you have spoken with about this issue, one, two, three? Just a number, please elaborate.......

And once again... you resorting to attacks on my military service are just further proof that you really have no retort for that fact... and here's the bottom line about my service: YOU are sending me a fat check every month and paying full freight on the sweetest medical insurance plan (TRICARE) in the country for ME and my wife every single fucking month... so, as far as I am concerned, you can insult my service all you want. It only serves to shine a spotlight on your OWN weakass argument, and it doesn't diminish the paycheck YOU give me every month by one penny. Thanks sucker.... actually, thanks, cowardly sucker....that's more like it.:razz:

So did you really serve for a Fat Check or because you wanted to serve your country?!?! It appears by your own statement it was for the Fat Check, or maybe someone on the Internet, that you know nothing about, provoked you to show your true colors?

Seriously though, after long debate and total disagreement, you served this country in our Navy and I am sure you did it with honor :clap2:, but we just don't agree on much......
daveman, Big Business and Wall Street were the criminals last time around, and true Americans (libs, centrists, conservatives) called them buttheads out. But the reactionaries didn't. The Joe Bartons and folks like you make crazy talk. You convert more to the center every time you post.

Note: I feel no obligation to live up to your delusions. :lol:

CIS and FAIR are both biased organizations with an undeniable agenda. What else ya got? And do you have any data that shows how much lower the costs of untold goods and services are because of the labor component of that cost that is reduced by hiring undocumented immigrants?

And again... I have NEVER said that EVERY American businessman is at fault. I have stated that every American businessman who illegally employs undocumented workers IS at fault and, IMO, ought to go to jail.And, to restate my position once more: I believe that, if EMPLOYERS in America refused to hire undocumented workers, we would not have ANY problem with illegal immigration. They come for the jobs... and little else.

Tell me how many illegals you have spoken with about this issue, one, two, three? Just a number, please elaborate.......
I have spoken to more than a score of undocumented workers who have come to my church's public suppers over the past two years and they all work for sub minimum wage with no benefits. They usually live together crammed together in tiny boarding house rooms and they all send the majority of their paychecks back across the border to help their families. More impoortantly, I have spoken to HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of unemployed Americans in that same venue who are fairly unanimous in their agreement that they would rather stay on the dole than pick vegetables for sub-minimum wage.

So did you really serve for a Fat Check or because you wanted to serve your country?!?! It appears by your own statement it was for the Fat Check, or maybe someone on the Internet, that you know nothing about, provoked you to show your true colors?

Seriously though, after long debate and total disagreement, you served this country in our Navy and I am sure you did it with honor, but we just don't agree on much......

fyi, I served my country gladly, joyfully for a quarter of a century. Driving a large grey overpowered warship on the high seas is the very most fun I have ever had with my clothes on in my entire life, and I miss it terribly. Having said that, I DO get a great deal of pleasure from knowing that people like you who resort in insulting me about my service when their arguments are weak are the same folks who will pay me every month until the day I die and then, pay my young wife until the day SHE dies. I like that a lot.

CIS and FAIR are both biased organizations with an undeniable agenda. What else ya got? And do you have any data that shows how much lower the costs of untold goods and services are because of the labor component of that cost that is reduced by hiring undocumented immigrants?

What else? The question is what do you have? Their agenda is very clear and their facts as well.....

And again... I have NEVER said that EVERY American businessman is at fault. I have stated that every American businessman who illegally employs undocumented workers IS at fault and, IMO, ought to go to jail.And, to restate my position once more: I believe that, if EMPLOYERS in America refused to hire undocumented workers, we would not have ANY problem with illegal immigration. They come for the jobs... and little else.

They come for jobs? Brilliant deduction, no shit they come for jobs and a better way of life.....are you sure you're Commander material? You appear to be fairly short on common sense.....

Tell me how many illegals you have spoken with about this issue, one, two, three? Just a number, please elaborate.......

I have spoken to more than a score of undocumented workers who have come to my church's public suppers over the past two years and they all work for sub minimum wage with no benefits. They usually live together crammed together in tiny boarding house rooms and they all send the majority of their paychecks back across the border to help their families. More impoortantly, I have spoken to HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of unemployed Americans in that same venue who are fairly unanimous in their agreement that they would rather stay on the dole than pick vegetables for sub-minimum wage.

So what did you tell the hundreds (LMAO you are so FOS) of unemployed, that they where getting a Fat Check for doing nothing, I am sure you could relate to them.......

So did you really serve for a Fat Check or because you wanted to serve your country?!?! It appears by your own statement it was for the Fat Check, or maybe someone on the Internet, that you know nothing about, provoked you to show your true colors?

Seriously though, after long debate and total disagreement, you served this country in our Navy and I am sure you did it with honor, but we just don't agree on much......

fyi, I served my country gladly, joyfully for a quarter of a century. Driving a large grey overpowered warship on the high seas is the very most fun I have ever had with my clothes on in my entire life, and I miss it terribly. Having said that, I DO get a great deal of pleasure from knowing that people like you who resort in insulting me about my service when their arguments are weak are the same folks who will pay me every month until the day I die and then, pay my young wife until the day SHE dies. I like that a lot.

Hell my argument isn't weak, but apparently our government is for continuing to pay your dumbass......Oh and BTW, your supposed Navy title doesn't mean shit anymore, most real leaders never needed to have a title......only the insecure ones made it known.....
daveman flatly believes the social contract does not apply to him; he is wrong.

daveman is wrong if he believes independents, centrists, moderates, libs, and some patriotic Republicans did not vote against the GOP because of its platforms, some of which parallels daveman's political and social beliefs. His vision will never be that of the majority in America.

Yes, the illegal alien issue is the result of the businesses who hired them knowing that most of them were probably not here legally.
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daveman flatly believes the social contract does not apply to him; he is wrong.

daveman is wrong if he believes independents, centrists, moderates, libs, and some patriotic Republicans voted against the GOP because of its platforms, some of which parallels daveman's political and social beliefs. His vision will never be that of the majority in America.

Yes, the illegal alien issue is the result of the businesses who hired them knowing that most of them were probably not here legally.

JakeStarkey is an arrogant little shit with nothing to justify his arrogance. :lol:

It just pisses you off that I don't blindly accept everything you say, doesn't it?

Good! :rofl:
Yep, daveman continues in denial and anger. Typical for a far right failed conservative.
Yep, daveman continues in denial and anger. Typical for a far right failed conservative.
Are you claiming I'm really NOT laughing at you? On what do you base this?

Oh, yeah...your unmerited arrogance. Make no mistake, Jake...I really AM laughing at you!

Yeah, I mean look what happened when millions of immigrants who came to this country through Ellis Island legally and took the jobs no one else wanted.......

You make it so easy, do you really understand what comes out of your brain?!?!

Was your navy in your bathtub or some other body of water? :confused:

Ellis Island didn't really turn many folks away now, did they?

My point stands. If you magically whisked away all of our labor force who were here illegally and transported them south of the border, our economy would collapse. Housing starts would dwindle.. the cost of new houses would skyrocket.. the cost of nearly everything at the grocery store would skyrocket... restaurants would be forced to cut back service and drastically raise prices of everything... the service and hospitality industries would be crippled. The ripple effects would be unforeseen and increasingly painful....

and throughout it all, the real culprit remains American industry that continues to willfully break the law because they are addicted to the cheap labor that only the illegal immigrant market can provide. And NOBODY wants to really punish THEM.

And why not avoid gratuitous insults about my service, and I'll refrain from making gratuitous insults about your dubious ancestry. deal?

Better polish up on your understanding of what they did at Ellis Island, physicals, legal inspection, detainment, etc....Oh BTW this was over 100 years ago, your a little behind the times.....

Your point stands in your mind only, anything else is a stretch....

Our economy would collapse? Really? Do you have a clue how much we spend annually on maintaining illegal immigrants?

Housing starts would dwindle? Housing starts are connected to job growth, most labor cost in the Midwest and Northeast are union driven for housing and every other manufacturing job.....you listed everything but the labor cost for the automotive industry, why is that?

Last, but not least is the American Businessman, the true villain to the left leaning, wealth redistributing, sit on their ass and tell everyone what to do Liberal fucking meat head such as yourself......yeah that guy or gal who worked their ass off to achieve the American Dream is the dastardly devil in the exploitation of illegal immigrants.....cry me a fucking river maineman, just admit it, your a pussy.......LMAO......

You want me to refrain from my gratuitous insults about your service so you can refrain from my dubious ancestry? Grow some balls, deal with it, it is hard to believe someone with such a misunderstanding of America could have commanded anything other than a rubber ducky.....

The last data I saw--and I wish I could remember where I saw it--is that some illegals probably do contribute to the economy. But considering all the people in the country illegally, it is estimated that each on aveage is costing the U.S. taxpayer about $17,000 in social services and lost or reduced wages over and above anything that illegal is returning to the country. And legalizing them will not appreciably change that number.
What else? The question is what do you have? Their agenda is very clear and their facts as well.....

Their agenda certainly IS clear, and their facts are carefully selected to advance their agenda. We agree.

They come for jobs? Brilliant deduction, no shit they come for jobs and a better way of life.....are you sure you're Commander material? You appear to be fairly short on common sense.....

and again... where do those jobs come from? who offers those undocumented workers those jobs that they are not legally supposed to have? If American businessmen did not offer sub minimum wage jobs to undocumented workers as a strategy to increase THEIR OWN profit margins, then there would be no illegal immigrant problem in America. Would you really disagree with that?

So what did you tell the hundreds of unemployed, that they where getting a Fat Check for doing nothing, I am sure you could relate to them.......

As I may have mentioned, I spent the past two years serving as the pastor of an old established mainline protestant church here in Maine. We held frequent public suppers for the less fortunate members of our community. Whenever we held such a supper, we always had a handful of hispanic migrant laborers as well as large numbers of unemployed city residents come for the meal. What I told them certainly was nothing accusatory or demeaning. I offered them the continuing services that our church could offer them and welcomed them to join our church community. Some did. As to my paycheck, I certainly did 25 years worth of SOMETHING in order to receive it. Oh...did I THANK you for it? I DO even though you would never show the grace to thank ME for MY service on your behalf.:razz:

Hell my argument isn't weak, but apparently our government is for continuing to pay your dumbass......Oh and BTW, your supposed Navy title doesn't mean shit anymore, most real leaders never needed to have a title......only the insecure ones made it known.....

No. Your argument IS weak. You refuse to place the blame for the illegal immigration problem where it rightfully belongs. You routinely castigate the illegal immigrants but continu8e to give a free pass to the American business community that continues to pad their profit margin by eagerly continuing to offer employment to those immigrants. YOu refuse to acknowledge that, without those Businessmen thumbing their nose at our country's laws for the sake of money, we would not have ANY illegal immigration problem in this country. Until you address those points and quit running away from them, your argument WILL be weak. I'll wait. Oh, and it's not a "title", it's just the paygrade that I retired at. And ALL Military leaders wear their rank on their collars or sleeves every single day... just to make sure that morons like you KNOW who's calling the shots.:razz:
daveman, I am glad you are as you are.

A friend, a Catholic priest, points out that one cannot know the light unless the dark exists.

Folks like you provide the darkness against the light of goodness shine forth.

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