Obama's DOL Secretary Hilda L. Solis: You Have the Right to Be Paid Fairly Whether Do

daveman, I am glad you are as you are.

A friend, a Catholic priest, points out that one cannot know the light unless the dark exists.

Folks like you provide the darkness against the light of goodness shine forth.
I'm worried about you, Jake. You have no self-esteem.

Their agenda certainly IS clear, and their facts are carefully selected to advance their agenda. We agree.

Their agenda to evaluate the true cost, something your side try's to ignore, tell us all, what is so hard about LEGAL IMMIGRATION?!?!?!?!

and again... where do those jobs come from? who offers those undocumented workers those jobs that they are not legally supposed to have? If American businessmen did not offer sub minimum wage jobs to undocumented workers as a strategy to increase THEIR OWN profit margins, then there would be no illegal immigrant problem in America. Would you really disagree with that?

Here again you want to blame the American Businessman/woman, in essence the illegal immigrant is a victim of the corporate greed, they have no culpability, is that it?


As I may have mentioned, I spent the past two years serving as the pastor of an old established mainline protestant church here in Maine. We held frequent public suppers for the less fortunate members of our community. Whenever we held such a supper, we always had a handful of hispanic migrant laborers as well as large numbers of unemployed city residents come for the meal. What I told them certainly was nothing accusatory or demeaning. I offered them the continuing services that our church could offer them and welcomed them to join our church community. Some did. As to my paycheck, I certainly did 25 years worth of SOMETHING in order to receive it. Oh...did I THANK you for it? I DO even though you would never show the grace to thank ME for MY service on your behalf.:razz:

Never understood you were a pastor, it is strange how we disagree......
No. Your argument IS weak. You refuse to place the blame for the illegal immigration problem where it rightfully belongs. You routinely castigate the illegal immigrants but continu8e to give a free pass to the American business community that continues to pad their profit margin by eagerly continuing to offer employment to those immigrants. YOu refuse to acknowledge that, without those Businessmen thumbing their nose at our country's laws for the sake of money, we would not have ANY illegal immigration problem in this country. Until you address those points and quit running away from them, your argument WILL be weak. I'll wait. Oh, and it's not a "title", it's just the paygrade that I retired at. And ALL Military leaders wear their rank on their collars or sleeves every single day... just to make sure that morons like you KNOW who's calling the shots.:razz:

Again, you can have an ITIN and be paid legally in this country......

Your rank is a thing of the past, you sound like the power went to your head, oh one more thing, I find it strange that you where or are a pastor and you have very little, if any humility.....
Their agenda certainly IS clear, and their facts are carefully selected to advance their agenda. We agree.

Their agenda to evaluate the true cost, something your side try's to ignore, tell us all, what is so hard about LEGAL IMMIGRATION?!?!?!?!

not a thing. I understand that immigrants who work here without proper documentation do so illegally. As I have said time and time and again, they do so with the blessing of American business. But you will never agree to punish those clearly at fault here.
and again... where do those jobs come from? who offers those undocumented workers those jobs that they are not legally supposed to have? If American businessmen did not offer sub minimum wage jobs to undocumented workers as a strategy to increase THEIR OWN profit margins, then there would be no illegal immigrant problem in America. Would you really disagree with that?

Here again you want to blame the American Businessman/woman, in essence the illegal immigrant is a victim of the corporate greed, they have no culpability, is that it?

essentially...yes. If there were no demand for workers to risk everything to come here to work for sub-minimum wage, they would not do so.

Never understood you were a pastor, it is strange how we disagree......
I find nothing strange about it at all. I know what my focus is, and it is apparant what YOUR focus is, and mine is certainly more grounded in the Gospel than yours.

No. Your argument IS weak. You refuse to place the blame for the illegal immigration problem where it rightfully belongs. You routinely castigate the illegal immigrants but continu8e to give a free pass to the American business community that continues to pad their profit margin by eagerly continuing to offer employment to those immigrants. YOu refuse to acknowledge that, without those Businessmen thumbing their nose at our country's laws for the sake of money, we would not have ANY illegal immigration problem in this country. Until you address those points and quit running away from them, your argument WILL be weak. I'll wait. Oh, and it's not a "title", it's just the paygrade that I retired at. And ALL Military leaders wear their rank on their collars or sleeves every single day... just to make sure that morons like you KNOW who's calling the shots.:razz:

Again, you can have an ITIN and be paid legally in this country......

Your rank is a thing of the past, you sound like the power went to your head, oh one more thing, I find it strange that you where or are a pastor and you have very little, if any humility.....

I have a reasonable amount of humility. I have no idea what ITIN means. I am what I am... a retired naval officer and a retired preacher and I realize I could have gone much further in both professions.... but that does not change the validity of my opinions about illegal immigration. It also does not change your demonstrated willingness to refuse to blame American businessmen for a situation that they alone - unilaterally - without any boost from government - could eliminate completely
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And prices spiking up dramatically.

In most cases that isn't true either.

Do you people really not understand how the illegal hiring works? Most legit companies are NOT hiring undocumented aliens. They are hiring illegals with fake documentation. Again I will use Tyson Foods as an example. They won't hire you if you don't have the mandated ID. So illegals obtain fakes, but they are paid the same rate as the white people working at the company because the company does not have a reduced illegal alien pay scale.

Sure there are a few mom and pop type operations hiring known illegals and some jobs that hire day laborers , but by and large the problem is illegal workers with bogus paperwork.

ok. let's say you are correct, and MOST of the illegal aliens are working with stolen identities.

1- Do those citizens whose identities have been stolen and utilized, get the ''credit'' for the added income that shows on their SS statement from the income the illegal made and get to draw much more in SS when they go to retire because of this added income? IF not, please explain.

2- Do the illegals using stolen identities year after year FILE their income taxes each year? And IF they do, how could the IRS not ''catch'' such? same person in 2 different states filing under the same SS number type thing.... Please be specific.

3- Also, IF this is true, does it not make the ''argument'' of, ''the illegals are sucking off our system, without paying taxes'' moot?


You should do some research on obtaining fake credentials, big brother makes it too easy for a dishonest person. As far as the third question, some yes and some no. It depends on whether they want a long term career or just flow where ever changing identities. Once they're here they can be impossible to track down.
Their agenda certainly IS clear, and their facts are carefully selected to advance their agenda. We agree.

Their agenda to evaluate the true cost, something your side try's to ignore, tell us all, what is so hard about LEGAL IMMIGRATION?!?!?!?!

not a thing. I understand that immigrants who work here without proper documentation do so illegally. As I have said time and time and again, they do so with the blessing of American business. But you will never agree to punish those clearly at fault here.

I have no problem with penalizing violators, I have never said I do, what you fail to grasp is how our Federal Government has allowed this to continue through the lack of securing our borders......

essentially...yes. If there were no demand for workers to risk everything to come here to work for sub-minimum wage, they would not do so.

Never understood you were a pastor, it is strange how we disagree......
I find nothing strange about it at all. I know what my focus is, and it is apparent what YOUR focus is, and mine is certainly more grounded in the Gospel than yours.

More grounded in the Gospel? Maine, you have no clue about my convictions, beliefs or relationship with God, and yet you believe you have a fair amount of humility??

Again, you can have an ITIN and be paid legally in this country......

Your rank is a thing of the past, you sound like the power went to your head, oh one more thing, I find it strange that you where or are a pastor and you have very little, if any humility.....

I have a reasonable amount of humility. I have no idea what ITIN means. I am what I am... a retired naval officer and a retired preacher and I realize I could have gone much further in both professions.... but that does not change the validity of my opinions about illegal immigration. It also does not change your demonstrated willingness to refuse to blame American businessmen for a situation that they alone - unilaterally - without any boost from government - could eliminate completely

This is no surprise, yet you have the opinions you have with limited knowledge.....

The ITIN stands for Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, it enables both illegal immigrants and employers to legally report taxable income and I quote: "ITINs enable undocumented immigrants to legally file taxes in the United States, even if they lack the appropriate immigration status"....

Explain this one, your one and only reason is not a real answer BTW.....

God Bless You maineman
The American businessman, flatly, is responsible for the illegal alien crisis.
and that is the answer in a nutshell... something the other side apparently refuses to acknowledge. If American business was not addicted to cheap labor - and if Americans at large were not addicted to the cheap products that business provides them as a result of that cheap labor, we would not have an illegal immigration problem. period.

Our northern border is even less secure than our southern border, but no one is screaming for washington to build a fence between canada and the US. Why IS that? ;)
The American businessman, flatly, is responsible for the illegal alien crisis.
and that is the answer in a nutshell... something the other side apparently refuses to acknowledge. If American business was not addicted to cheap labor - and if Americans at large were not addicted to the cheap products that business provides them as a result of that cheap labor, we would not have an illegal immigration problem. period.

Our northern border is even less secure than our southern border, but no one is screaming for washington to build a fence between canada and the US. Why IS that? ;)

Because Canadians aren't crossing the border by the millions fleeing a shithole. Mexicans are.
She's right, in the sense that employers don't receive exemptions to their obligations under the labor laws just because someone who is undocumented did work for them.
The American businessman, flatly, is responsible for the illegal alien crisis.
and that is the answer in a nutshell... something the other side apparently refuses to acknowledge. If American business was not addicted to cheap labor - and if Americans at large were not addicted to the cheap products that business provides them as a result of that cheap labor, we would not have an illegal immigration problem. period.

Our northern border is even less secure than our southern border, but no one is screaming for washington to build a fence between canada and the US. Why IS that? ;)

Because Canadians aren't crossing the border by the millions fleeing a shithole. Mexicans are.

and what are they fleeing TO? jobs. Jobs that, even though they are sub-minimum wage, are way better than what they have south of the border. If all American business owners refused to hire any illegal immigrants, those jobs would NOT be there for them and they would NO LONGER come to America in search of work. Do you deny that?

Want to stop the influx of illegal aliens across our southern border? No need to build a fence, or even patrol it.... just stop American businessmen from offering jobs to illegal immigrants. period. No jobs, no wetbacks.
and that is the answer in a nutshell... something the other side apparently refuses to acknowledge. If American business was not addicted to cheap labor - and if Americans at large were not addicted to the cheap products that business provides them as a result of that cheap labor, we would not have an illegal immigration problem. period.

Our northern border is even less secure than our southern border, but no one is screaming for washington to build a fence between canada and the US. Why IS that? ;)

Because Canadians aren't crossing the border by the millions fleeing a shithole. Mexicans are.

and what are they fleeing TO? jobs. Jobs that, even though they are sub-minimum wage, are way better than what they have south of the border. If all American business owners refused to hire any illegal immigrants, those jobs would NOT be there for them and they would NO LONGER come to America in search of work. Do you deny that?

Want to stop the influx of illegal aliens across our southern border? No need to build a fence, or even patrol it.... just stop American businessmen from offering jobs to illegal immigrants. period. No jobs, no wetbacks.

Yes, eliminating the jobs would stop the few who come only to work and aren't looking for anything else. That would help a lot.

But, as long as we're handing out free food, free healthcare, free education, subsidized housing, and protection from the law in the sanctuary cities here, as well as providing fertile ground for theft, burglary, shop lifting, drug dealing, etc. etc. etc. that is much safer to do here than it is in Mexico, they're going to keep coming.

We HAVE to have and enforce laws like Arizona just passed to stop criminal activity in addition to illegal entry. And, other than one time emergency humanitarian relief, we have to pass laws to stop the anchor babies and freebies that like a magnet to many.
and that is the answer in a nutshell... something the other side apparently refuses to acknowledge. If American business was not addicted to cheap labor - and if Americans at large were not addicted to the cheap products that business provides them as a result of that cheap labor, we would not have an illegal immigration problem. period.

Our northern border is even less secure than our southern border, but no one is screaming for washington to build a fence between canada and the US. Why IS that? ;)

Because Canadians aren't crossing the border by the millions fleeing a shithole. Mexicans are.

and what are they fleeing TO? jobs. Jobs that, even though they are sub-minimum wage, are way better than what they have south of the border. If all American business owners refused to hire any illegal immigrants, those jobs would NOT be there for them and they would NO LONGER come to America in search of work. Do you deny that?

Want to stop the influx of illegal aliens across our southern border? No need to build a fence, or even patrol it.... just stop American businessmen from offering jobs to illegal immigrants. period. No jobs, no wetbacks.
Really? That's all we have to do?

Guess what? Drugs are illegal. But that doesn't stop people from bringing them over the border, does it?

Punishing employers who knowingly hire illegals is vital, but not the only solution. We need a four-prong approach, all running simultaneously.

1. Seal the borders.

2. Punish employers who knowingly hire illegals. Heavy fines, then jail time for repeat offenders.

3. Deport illegals when found.

4. Wire transfers of money overseas may only be accomplished by people with proof of legal presence.

These will eliminate a lot of the draw for illegals. If they can't get a job and send money back home, there's no point in coming.
Because Canadians aren't crossing the border by the millions fleeing a shithole. Mexicans are.

and what are they fleeing TO? jobs. Jobs that, even though they are sub-minimum wage, are way better than what they have south of the border. If all American business owners refused to hire any illegal immigrants, those jobs would NOT be there for them and they would NO LONGER come to America in search of work. Do you deny that?

Want to stop the influx of illegal aliens across our southern border? No need to build a fence, or even patrol it.... just stop American businessmen from offering jobs to illegal immigrants. period. No jobs, no wetbacks.

Yes, eliminating the jobs would stop the few who come only to work and aren't looking for anything else. That would help a lot.

But, as long as we're handing out free food, free healthcare, free education, subsidized housing, and protection from the law in the sanctuary cities here, as well as providing fertile ground for theft, burglary, shop lifting, drug dealing, etc. etc. etc. that is much safer to do here than it is in Mexico, they're going to keep coming.

We HAVE to have and enforce laws like Arizona just passed to stop criminal activity in addition to illegal entry. And, other than one time emergency humanitarian relief, we have to pass laws to stop the anchor babies and freebies that like a magnet to many.

I agree with Foxfyre that the government help and protection would have to be ended as well as punish business severely. It is better to be in poverty here than in Mexico.
If they can't get a job and send money back home, there's no point in coming.

my point precisely. If we sent a few employers to prison for a decade or so for hiring illegal immigrants, how long do you think it would take before every other employer got the message loud and clear? With no jobs, there would be no illegal immigrants.

They certainly don't come here for the government health care program, that's for sure. Mexico's health care program is WAY better than ours and WAY less expensive. They come to America for the wages. They may suck by OUR standards, but by theirs, they are making enough money to live here and send enough back to keep their families afloat.

I really think that tough laws enforced against businesses who employ illegal immigrants would solve the problem... for a moment or so...until America got sticker shock looking at a head of lettuce... then immigration laws would change rather quickly, I would imagine.:lol:
If they can't get a job and send money back home, there's no point in coming.

my point precisely. If we sent a few employers to prison for a decade or so for hiring illegal immigrants, how long do you think it would take before every other employer got the message loud and clear? With no jobs, there would be no illegal immigrants.

They certainly don't come here for the government health care program, that's for sure. Mexico's health care program is WAY better than ours and WAY less expensive. They come to America for the wages. They may suck by OUR standards, but by theirs, they are making enough money to live here and send enough back to keep their families afloat.

I really think that tough laws enforced against businesses who employ illegal immigrants would solve the problem... for a moment or so...until America got sticker shock looking at a head of lettuce... then immigration laws would change rather quickly, I would imagine.:lol:
The other aspects I laid out are necessary, too.
If they can't get a job and send money back home, there's no point in coming.

my point precisely. If we sent a few employers to prison for a decade or so for hiring illegal immigrants, how long do you think it would take before every other employer got the message loud and clear? With no jobs, there would be no illegal immigrants.

They certainly don't come here for the government health care program, that's for sure. Mexico's health care program is WAY better than ours and WAY less expensive. They come to America for the wages. They may suck by OUR standards, but by theirs, they are making enough money to live here and send enough back to keep their families afloat.

I really think that tough laws enforced against businesses who employ illegal immigrants would solve the problem... for a moment or so...until America got sticker shock looking at a head of lettuce... then immigration laws would change rather quickly, I would imagine.:lol:
The other aspects I laid out are necessary, too.

While I don't find any of your four points necessarily onerous, per se, I do not agree with you about their "necessity". Without ANY jobs being available to ANY undocumented workers and enforcing that with draconian jail sentences for employers who are found to be employing any such workers, there would BE NO undocumented workers to deport. There would BE NO funds illegally earned here that could be wire transferred out of country, and there would BE NO need to seal the border. Just like there is no need to seal the US-Canadian border because there is no magnet drawing Canadian workers south to our country. I personally have no problem with deporting anyone found to be here illegally. I also have no problem in restricting wire transfers as you suggest. I DO have a problem in spending the sort of money it would take to make our southern border impregnable, and I repeat that if we first made sure that NO EMPLOYER who wanted to stay on the outside of prison would EVER hire an illegal, undocumented worker, the rest of the problem would solve itself.
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Solis needs to be fired since she cares more about illegals than US workers. Then again, if the unions are so stupid as to support the "let em in" democrats the unions deserve what they get, no jobs and low wages.

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