Obama's foreign policy debacle

Iraq was a won war? :cuckoo:

Nope. Obama merely pretended it was, and then pulled out our troops.

What's going on now, is their way of saying "Thank you".

Of course the war was won. We had achieved all objectives. The country had staged two peaceful elections. Civilian casualties were down below Detroit and Chicago's level.
Were there dangers? Of course. That's why Bush envisioned leaving a force behind, just like we did in Germany and countless other places.
And then Obama fucked up.
Iraq was a won war. Agree or not with the decision to go in. It was a won war until Obama's inability to reach a finale stage agreement, which led to a complete pull out.:cuckoo: at least we should have kept a base there, an airbase to help the Iraqi military fight back the Islamist..

Iraq insurgents take Saddam's home town in lightning advance


Sunni rebels from an al Qaeda splinter group overran the Iraqi city of Tikrit on Wednesday and closed in on the biggest oil refinery in the country, making further gains in their rapid military advance against the Shi'ite-led government in Baghdad.

The threat to the Baiji refinery comes after militants from the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) seized the northern city of Mosul, advancing their aim of creating a Sunni Caliphate straddling the border between Iraq and Syria.

Iraq insurgents take Saddam's home town in lightning advance

We left on bushes time line you waste of life. We should never of gone in the first place, but no you need to be the partisan pile if shit you are and blame Obama over this. Had you not removed Saddam this wouldn't of happened.

We told you this would happen. We told you a Civil War would break out and you waved it off like the morons you are...

Fuck off...you have a problem then fly over and stop them...we dont need to waste American lives for your fuck up.
This is a nightmare scenario for you Barry lovers...

His foreign policy gaffes are coming home to roost and he doesn't have the faintest idea what to do.

Situations like this call for leadership. Watch how he responds...
Iraq was a won war. Agree or not with the decision to go in. It was a won war until Obama's inability to reach a finale stage agreement, which led to a complete pull out.:cuckoo: at least we should have kept a base there, an airbase to help the Iraqi military fight back the Islamist..

Iraq insurgents take Saddam's home town in lightning advance


Sunni rebels from an al Qaeda splinter group overran the Iraqi city of Tikrit on Wednesday and closed in on the biggest oil refinery in the country, making further gains in their rapid military advance against the Shi'ite-led government in Baghdad.

The threat to the Baiji refinery comes after militants from the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) seized the northern city of Mosul, advancing their aim of creating a Sunni Caliphate straddling the border between Iraq and Syria.

Iraq insurgents take Saddam's home town in lightning advance

We left on bushes time line you waste of life. We should never of gone in the first place, but no you need to be the partisan pile if shit you are and blame Obama over this. Had you not removed Saddam this wouldn't of happened.

We told you this would happen. We told you a Civil War would break out and you waved it off like the morons you are...

Fuck off...you have a problem then fly over and stop them...we dont need to waste American lives for your fuck up.

You are one stupid motherfucker. Like that's news.
Bush had a plan. Bush's plan was successful. All Obama had to do was follow Bush's plan. But the Supreme Fuck-Up managed to fuck that up too by seizing on the short term poll numbers to turn tail and run out of Iraq rather than leaving a force there. None of this would have happened if the US hadn't turned and run.
Bush won the war. Obama lost the peace.
This is a nightmare scenario for you Barry lovers...

His foreign policy gaffes are coming home to roost and he doesn't have the faintest idea what to do.

Situations like this call for leadership. Watch how he responds...

He'll blame Bush.
He'll call for an investigation.
He'll go to the UN and then complain his hands are tied by the Russians.
Same crap he's always done.
Iraq and a grossly destabilized Mid-East is Bush's grand legacy.

A misbegotten and poorly thought out war of CHOICE, for fraudulant reasons, that has cost untold number of American and Iraqi lives, opened the doors to various "Arab Springs" that pulled down the dictators who kept Islamists at bay and factions under control - and removed the much needed counterweight to Iran's ambitions - can only be laid at Bush's feet. This grand mess was put into motion by George W Bush and a Congress that was too cowardly to ask any tough questions.

Obama has not been terribly effective in cleaning up this mess - but, do you seriously think the American public (OR Congress) would countenance yet another foreign war or an ongoing effort in Iraq? I don't think so.

This will be Bush's most memorable legacy. We have yet to see what Obama's will be.
Iraq and a grossly destabilized Mid-East is Bush's grand legacy.

A misbegotten and poorly thought out war of CHOICE, for fraudulant reasons, that has cost untold number of American and Iraqi lives, opened the doors to various "Arab Springs" that pulled down the dictators who kept Islamists at bay and factions under control - and removed the much needed counterweight to Iran's ambitions - can only be laid at Bush's feet. This grand mess was put into motion by George W Bush and a Congress that was too cowardly to ask any tough questions.

Obama has not been terribly effective in cleaning up this mess - but, do you seriously think the American public (OR Congress) would countenance yet another foreign war or an ongoing effort in Iraq? I don't think so.

This will be Bush's most memorable legacy. We have yet to see what Obama's will be.

"Obama has not been terribly effective..." Now THERE is the understatement of the year! The truth is...Barack Obama's foreign policy is so confused and naive that our allies no longer trust the US and our enemies no longer fear us.
And I'm bemused by liberals bemoaning the removal of dictators who kept people in line. Hitler and Mussolini made the trains run on time...I suppose that's a good enough reason for the US to ignore what the facists were doing in Europe in the 40's?
Iraq and a grossly destabilized Mid-East is Bush's grand legacy.

A misbegotten and poorly thought out war of CHOICE, for fraudulant reasons, that has cost untold number of American and Iraqi lives, opened the doors to various "Arab Springs" that pulled down the dictators who kept Islamists at bay and factions under control - and removed the much needed counterweight to Iran's ambitions - can only be laid at Bush's feet. This grand mess was put into motion by George W Bush and a Congress that was too cowardly to ask any tough questions.

Obama has not been terribly effective in cleaning up this mess - but, do you seriously think the American public (OR Congress) would countenance yet another foreign war or an ongoing effort in Iraq? I don't think so.

This will be Bush's most memorable legacy. We have yet to see what Obama's will be.

No it is not Bush's legacy. Bush's legacy was an Iraq largely at peace, a Ghaddafi disarmed of nukes, and an al Qaeda hiding out in caves. Bush had the right plan. These things you describe are Obama's legacy. That is what happens when Amerca withdraws its power and influence from the world, which is what Obama had promised.
Saw something on the news today about Putin sending some troops into the Ukraine again. If this keeps up Canada will be annexing Maine...
Iraq was a won war. Agree or not with the decision to go in. It was a won war until Obama's inability to reach a finale stage agreement, which led to a complete pull out.:cuckoo: at least we should have kept a base there, an airbase to help the Iraqi military fight back the Islamist..

Iraq insurgents take Saddam's home town in lightning advance


Sunni rebels from an al Qaeda splinter group overran the Iraqi city of Tikrit on Wednesday and closed in on the biggest oil refinery in the country, making further gains in their rapid military advance against the Shi'ite-led government in Baghdad.

The threat to the Baiji refinery comes after militants from the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) seized the northern city of Mosul, advancing their aim of creating a Sunni Caliphate straddling the border between Iraq and Syria.

Iraq insurgents take Saddam's home town in lightning advance

We left on bushes time line you waste of life. We should never of gone in the first place, but no you need to be the partisan pile if shit you are and blame Obama over this. Had you not removed Saddam this wouldn't of happened.

We told you this would happen. We told you a Civil War would break out and you waved it off like the morons you are...

Fuck off...you have a problem then fly over and stop them...we dont need to waste American lives for your fuck up.

Bush's timeline went fine, all Obama had to do was negotiate a final status of forces agreement once the agreement Bush signed expired, he couldn't even do that...what a joke
Iraq was NEVER a won war assuming that the entire point of the war attaining a situation that promoted stability after the troops left. That stability already existed until the U.S. learned it could do whatever it wanted after the cold war. I can't think of any country in recent history that we haven't unsettled for our selfish reasons. It is a disaster and millions of lives are affected.

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