Obama's girlfriend was a "composite"... WTF?

I hear you

He calls Ayers a friend
you think the guy would have been smart
enough to keep the stuff about dogs out of his books

There is more out there on Bill Ayers father and the man that practically raised Obama as his own son. Look up Tom Ayers & Frank Marshall Davis... they were very good friends.
Obama was raised by radicals... I kind of feel sorry for him. Problem is, he is affecting so much of our lives by attempting to 'fundamentally change' our nation.

I just cant sit by and watch this happen without saying something about it... but is anyone really listening, or are they just painting me and many other with the broad republican brush?

Thomas Ayers was as nice a man as one could hope to meet. I knew him as a licensed insurance person and as a meat cutter in local grocery. No difference in how the CEO of ComEd treated me. Problem is, I think he was the same with his son's friends.

Im sure he was a nice guy, but that does not change who he was. Nor does it change that Obama knew his family, including Bill, very well.
He wasnt, as Obama said, just a guy in the neighborhood.
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She's a liberal's wet dream, a little bit of this and that.

She's white, she's black, she's asian, she's hispanic.

She's a Christian, she's a muslim, she's an aetheist.

She's a lesbian, she's straight, she's bi.

She's into drugs, she's not into drugs.

She likes rap, she hates rap.

In short...she doesn't exist. Obama had boyfriends instead. Since he's ashamed of that, he had them murdered!

Her name is Genevieve Cook, and she is not a composite.

Obama's ex-girlfriend: what her diaries reveal - CSMonitor.com
Jrrbus, what a bunch of ignorant, hateful, moron Pub dupes...worst voters in the modern world...


2010 musta cut you up inside.

2012 is gonna hurt too. Might want to stock up on first aid supplies.

Scott Brown was really a bigger disaster for the country. I believe they have no more good lies like "jobs, jobs, jobs". WTF are you so happy about, idiot?
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There is more out there on Bill Ayers father and the man that practically raised Obama as his own son. Look up Tom Ayers & Frank Marshall Davis... they were very good friends.
Obama was raised by radicals... I kind of feel sorry for him. Problem is, he is affecting so much of our lives by attempting to 'fundamentally change' our nation.

I just cant sit by and watch this happen without saying something about it... but is anyone really listening, or are they just painting me and many other with the broad republican brush?

Thomas Ayers was as nice a man as one could hope to meet. I knew him as a licensed insurance person and as a meat cutter in local grocery. No difference in how the CEO of ComEd treated me. Problem is, I think he was the same with his son's friends.

Im sure he was a nice guy, but that does not change who he was. Nor does it change that Obama knew his family, including Bill, very well.
He wasnt, as Obama said, just a guy in the neighborhood.

That I think is what I was saying. Such a nice man.
People in Indonesia eat dog, not their dogs, dupe. Do you eat your cows? LOL

Obama knows all kinds of people. More than we can say about dupes...ay caramba. Change the channel, read something...

Learn English, you idiot.
I know english[SIC] so well I can play with it, Pub chump. LOL The Hotchkiss School.

Oh wow, I'm so impressed! You went to high school! That is just amazing.


Do you have any idea how many kids I've tutored from the Hotchkiss School? You could not have failed any harder in an attempt to impress. The fact that you used a High School in your failed attempt is just too funny.
No, you were there being a spoiled little idiot before I came along to help, and it looks like you haven't improved a damn bit since. Never too late for you to try being a little less stupid though.

Better hurry up...
That's about the only thing good about the place, amazing prep form grammar course back then...liar.LOL

So amazing that you cannot communicate in proper English? LOL

I never tutored anyone there as stupid as you. In fact, I wouldn't take a hopeless case like you.

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