Obama's greatest achievement?

Obama's greatest achievement? You can choose up to three

  • ObamaCare (a.k.a. effectively reducing the middle class to poor)

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • Public debt doubled on his watch (10T to 20T)

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • Rebuilding racial divide for votes and power

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • Built a cold war with Russia

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Pussy-footing around in Syria. Another Iraq flying under the radar of dumbed-down public

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Exiting Iraq

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Regressive standard of living

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Longest recession recovery in U.S. history that at best produced stagnant growth

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Ran the most corrupt admin. in U.S. history

    Votes: 7 36.8%
  • Historically low interest rates leading to a reduction in home ownership

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The great divider

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Regressive respect for U.S.A. worldwide

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Approved Osama Bin Laden's death

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • First black President

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • Bush's fault

    Votes: 5 26.3%

  • Total voters
Hard to pick just three but

1. Stopping a Depression
2. Obamacare
3. Getting combat troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan

Others to consider...

4. Added $50 trillion to nations wealth
5. Killed Bin Laden
6. Gays in military and Gay marriage
7. Cut unemployment by 5% (added 14 million new jobs)
8. Saved banks and auto companies
9. Recognition of Cuba
10. Iran nuclear disarmament
1. the longest recovery ever in the History of the US without 1 month of a 3 GDP.
2. Obummercare, where you couldn't keep your doctor if you wanted to, or couldn't save $2,500 as he lied to you.
3. Better check again, for troops are back in Iraq and never left Afghanistan.
4. Added 10 Trillion dollars to the national debt, and printed faux money by fed manipulation which will come crashing down.
5. Marines killed Usama, while Obama and Hillary were pissing in their pants praying there would be nothing to blame them if the marines failed.
6a. Lower the standards of the military so pussies can now pass the physical test , doing detrimental damage to national security.
6b. 2000 years plus marriage was normal between a man and a woman, now the insane ones say fudge packers and muff diving marriage is moral now.
7. Had more people drop out of the work force, and a lickspittle department of labor fudging the numbers.
8. Nice of Obama to give billions of dollars to RICH fucks, so they can continue to fail or take their companies out of country like Mexico or China. Oops you didn't want that said?
9. Please take your liberal ass and go to Cuba, and live your fucking worthless live in the Socialist Utopia you so crave.
10. Iran is disarming because they are launching missiles in testing , soon to carry a nuclear warhead.
11. Rightwinger , you liberals are the stupidest people in the universe to believe all the bullshit you posted about the spineless pussified white black president.

Some People Say I'm Stupid.jpg
This is like when your kids act a fool their your spouses kids. When they do well thats because of you.

"Let me tell you about your son!" = bad news
Being a POTUS while being Black.

My Brothers Keeper.

Making inbred racists cry in frustration and anger.
Wrong again, he is a White Black man, just like under his admin, created the first White Hispanic when George Zimmerman shot someone that if Obama had a son would look like the thug Trayvon. Also along racial lines, he caused more black people to kill each other than any time in the US history. Definitely under his admin, the RICH liberal elites got richer and the most in poverty ever. Yep Assclepias, you can slap yourself on the back for being one of those suckers who voted for Obummer twice. Those that voted for him the first time and not the second, Woke the fuck up.

No he definitely is Black. His mom even had Black ancestors. So he is more Black than anything else. He even claimed being Black in the census.

Lots of Hispanics are white and always have been. Hispanic is not a race. Only idiots think that.

Only an idiot (you) claim to know something they have no knowledge of, AKA, the perfect liberal!

So your claim is that Hispanic is a race? Youre obviously retarded.

No such thing as good. Even gas prices being low is not good and if it is good then that means Obama had nothing to do with it :eusa_dance:

Get it? If its good...Its someone elses victory. If its bad its all Obama's. Because....fairness

Obama fought tooth and nail against fracking, the reason for low gas prices.

Crediting Obama for low gas prices is a bit like crediting Adolf Hitler for strong Jewish communities.

No such thing as good. Even gas prices being low is not good and if it is good then that means Obama had nothing to do with it :eusa_dance:

Get it? If its good...Its someone elses victory. If its bad its all Obama's. Because....fairness

Obama fought tooth and nail against fracking, the reason for low gas prices.

Crediting Obama for low gas prices is a bit like crediting Adolf Hitler for strong Jewish communities.

See? Even when the gas prices are low they find a way to take the credit away from the black man. Just like Elvis did with Rock and Roll :rofl:
They live in an alternate universe. One where Obama is responsible for all the bad but prior presidents arent...to be fair.
Nobel Peace Prize earned by
- Arming Mexican Drug Cartels resulting in the deaths of over 500 (4 Americans)
- Arming al Qaeida, ISIS, Muslim Brotherhood, resulting in deaths of THOUSANDS
- Dragging the US into 2 UN-AUTHORIZED WARS, on his own, to help Al Qaeida - murderers of 3,000 Americans - and ISIS - murderers of countless - take over their own country
- His own personal drone assassination program he used to target terrorists, kill innocent women and children, and deny Americans abroad their right to a fair trial by murdering them as well.

Our President is leaving office as the most popular politician in America today

Given his long list of achievements and the sad state of the country when he took over, Obama will be considered a top ten President

No such thing as good. Even gas prices being low is not good and if it is good then that means Obama had nothing to do with it :eusa_dance:

Get it? If its good...Its someone elses victory. If its bad its all Obama's. Because....fairness

Obama fought tooth and nail against fracking, the reason for low gas prices.

Crediting Obama for low gas prices is a bit like crediting Adolf Hitler for strong Jewish communities.

See? Even when the gas prices are low they find a way to take the credit away from the black man. Just like Elvis did with Rock and Roll :rofl:
Closed Craption, Obama did everything in his power to make energy prices necessarily skyrocket. He just happened to get lucky that Fracking was so successful on PRIVATE land, that he was able to steal the credit for it.


No such thing as good. Even gas prices being low is not good and if it is good then that means Obama had nothing to do with it :eusa_dance:

Get it? If its good...Its someone elses victory. If its bad its all Obama's. Because....fairness

Obama fought tooth and nail against fracking, the reason for low gas prices.

Crediting Obama for low gas prices is a bit like crediting Adolf Hitler for strong Jewish communities.

See? Even when the gas prices are low they find a way to take the credit away from the black man. Just like Elvis did with Rock and Roll :rofl:
Closed Craption, Obama did everything in his power to make energy prices necessarily skyrocket. He just happened to get lucky that Fracking was so successful on PRIVATE land, that he was able to steal the credit for it.

You guys say this a lot and have nothing to show for it other than getting on your knees and screaming "believe me". Gas is cheap, Obama is president. No amount of excuses will change that.

Just like Unemployment is low, Obama is President. No amount of creative math will change that.
Our President is leaving office as the most popular politician in America today

Given his long list of achievements and the sad state of the country when he took over, Obama will be considered a top ten President
To you guys he can do no wrong, but the rest of the US citizens independent and republican that have been screwed by Obummers Admin, he has an approval rating that makes Adolf Hitler look good.

Obama has done so many things its hard to just pick three. As far as I am concerned and obviously many others that reelected him, he was an absolutely amazing POTUS.
According to Media polls? The same media That landed Hillary Clinton The questions? Nice try RW but it won't fly.

Our President is leaving office as the most popular politician in America today

Given his long list of achievements and the sad state of the country when he took over, Obama will be considered a top ten President
Our President is leaving office as the most popular politician in America today

Given his long list of achievements and the sad state of the country when he took over, Obama will be considered a top ten President
To you guys he can do no wrong, but the rest of the US citizens independent and republican that have been screwed by Obummers Admin, he has an approval rating that makes Adolf Hitler look good.

View attachment 96256
Compared to other recent presidents Obama has the 3rd best approval rating of all time. Try again and this time at least attempt to be more convincing.

No such thing as good. Even gas prices being low is not good and if it is good then that means Obama had nothing to do with it :eusa_dance:

Get it? If its good...Its someone elses victory. If its bad its all Obama's. Because....fairness

Obama fought tooth and nail against fracking, the reason for low gas prices.

Crediting Obama for low gas prices is a bit like crediting Adolf Hitler for strong Jewish communities.

See? Even when the gas prices are low they find a way to take the credit away from the black man. Just like Elvis did with Rock and Roll :rofl:
Closed Craption, Obama did everything in his power to make energy prices necessarily skyrocket. He just happened to get lucky that Fracking was so successful on PRIVATE land, that he was able to steal the credit for it.

You guys say this a lot and have nothing to show for it other than getting on your knees and screaming "believe me". Gas is cheap, Obama is president. No amount of excuses will change that.

Just like Unemployment is low, Obama is President. No amount of creative math will change that.
I am tired of you, you bore me, as your intelligence is as bright as a burned out lightbulb. I am not discussing with you as you are like a spoiled child who just cant get his way, so must interject into the adult conversation with your belligerence. I don't have to prove shit to you , because you are insane.
Moonbattery: Psychiatrist Confirms: Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder
Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded. Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave.
The roots of liberalism — and its associated madness — can be clearly identified by understanding how children develop from infancy to adulthood and how distorted development produces the irrational beliefs of the liberal mind. When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious.

Our President is leaving office as the most popular politician in America today

Given his long list of achievements and the sad state of the country when he took over, Obama will be considered a top ten President
To you guys he can do no wrong, but the rest of the US citizens independent and republican that have been screwed by Obummers Admin, he has an approval rating that makes Adolf Hitler look good.

View attachment 96256


No such thing as good. Even gas prices being low is not good and if it is good then that means Obama had nothing to do with it :eusa_dance:

Get it? If its good...Its someone elses victory. If its bad its all Obama's. Because....fairness

Obama fought tooth and nail against fracking, the reason for low gas prices.

Crediting Obama for low gas prices is a bit like crediting Adolf Hitler for strong Jewish communities.

See? Even when the gas prices are low they find a way to take the credit away from the black man. Just like Elvis did with Rock and Roll :rofl:
Closed Craption, Obama did everything in his power to make energy prices necessarily skyrocket. He just happened to get lucky that Fracking was so successful on PRIVATE land, that he was able to steal the credit for it.

You guys say this a lot and have nothing to show for it other than getting on your knees and screaming "believe me". Gas is cheap, Obama is president. No amount of excuses will change that.

Just like Unemployment is low, Obama is President. No amount of creative math will change that.
I am tired of you, you bore me, as your intelligence is as bright as a burned out lightbulb. I am not discussing with you as you are like a spoiled child who just cant get his way, so must interject into the adult conversation with your belligerence. I don't have to prove shit to you , because you are insane.

What does it say about you that you cant rebuttal a burned our lightbulb?
Pretty please
Our President is leaving office as the most popular politician in America today

Given his long list of achievements and the sad state of the country when he took over, Obama will be considered a top ten President

Dude, what don't you get? Obama is a failure on nearly every possible measure. That and he ran a HIGHLY corrupt administration. I don't care about popularity, that just shows you're insecure. We're a dumbed-down public, and after all, isn't Budweiser the most popular beer? How is that possible? Answer: Marketing. Then to say "leaving office as the most popular politician in America today".......That's just stupid dude. It literally has no value.

Your BS about the economy being crap is true but it's misleading. Seriously, how do you go from that national disgrace to even worse? Do you know how a ball bounces? Additionally, your embarrassment for a brain ASSUMES Bush is responsible for the housing crash. That's just stupidity. Sure he takes some blame, as does his father, and as does the Clinton admin. The banking industry takes blame as well, and so does the dumbass American public who can't calculate 2+2 to get 4.... And take note: While I'm not a Bush fan, he was a success leading us out of the Dot.com crash and 9-11. Two crisis that don't take up any space in the in-operable liberal brain.

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