OBama's international approval rating SOARS! Putin, dead last!

Is a failed messiah still a messiah to the faithful?

Whaddya say, Disco Louie......the world is waiting for your ruling!
OBama's international approval rating SOARS! Putin, dead last!

Gosh, this world is worse off than I even thought?

I don't know if they are that dumb, or is it because Europe stopped going to church?
When you think everyone else is stupid but you…you'd better stop and think about that..seriously.

For all those who think Obama has been so great for America and the same ones who excuse his crimes and all of hillary's, the die has been cast. It is either you're stupid or indifferent.
Obama is the most favored leader in the world! Putin is dead last.

Jesus spake: Luke: 4:24

Truly I tell you, no prophet is accepted in his hometown.

Obama is no prophet but his message must be just as vibrant and compelling as one. His administration has garnered the highest favorability ratings of ANY nation in the world during the last 6 years. Everywhere but in his home country! or TRUMPSVILLE!

The domestic RW critics of Obama have been raging a vitriol laced campaign of unparalleled harshness against Obama ever since he took office. Caricatures of apes and clownish epithets have headed the list of hateful weapons in the arsenals of American RW White males who hate him and his wife. The negative propaganda is so pervasive those who look for positives are hard put to find them. American conservatives have publicly and unabashedly declared their approval of Putin over Obama; and, Trump is right there with them, edging them on. But they deny race is a factor in their unpatriotic behavior. That denial is futile. Actions speak louder than words.

Yet, amidst the pejorative furor, a brighter picture emerges beyond the borders of this last decaying bastion of White hegemony. Around the globe Obama's diplomacy and handling of international affairs has been enough to catapult him to the top of the list as the most favored leader on earth. I wonder if there will ever be another -Obama- president.

Whatever the future may hold, In the eyes of the world Obama is a success story...a far better one than Putin or Trump can ever hope to engender.

I guess they didn't check with China or the Philippines on that poll. No red carpet in China for AF1 and the President of the Philippine called him a dirty name.

The surveys weren't based on the opinions of national leaders but on views posited by the average person. There is a difference. BTW the president of the Philippines probably jealous of Obama's success and Obama's approval among the average Filipinos. Butt hurt people do things like that!

That is ridiculous, but I didn't see you address the snub Obama got from the Chinese. Are they butthurt because of Obama's approval among the average Chinaman or Chinawoman?
Obama's approval among the Filipinos is 94%. That is the highest rating of any country that approves of Obama.

China, OTOH has a 40% approval of Obama. To me that is still remarkable for a country ruled by tyrants. I suspect the rating would be much higher if so many people weren't afraid to express their true feelings.
The leaders of China might have disrespected the president but they don't really speak for the people of China!

Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte's approval rating is 91% and I would need a link to believe that Obama's rating in the Philippines is 94%. In other words, I don't believe you.
The leaders of China obviusly don't care about an alleged 40% approval of Obama by their people. The Leaders are the ones who insulted him and the US.
"OBama's international approval rating SOARS! Putin, dead last!"

Whoever decided that is an idiot spouting blatant propaganda.

And what credible source do you have that contradicts MY credible sources?

You don't have a credible source. The sample was too small and the question too ambiguous for any meaningful conclusions to be made. And if Obama actually were popular with "the world" what meaning is that supposed to have? Maybe "the world" approves because it is happy to see America with idiotic leadership. His administration's approval rating with Americas has been in the toilet for some time now. I stand by my earlier post.
Approval of American leadership "soared" from 46 to 45% in the latest polls?! Let me guess, you're black and don't get math, nor apparently vocabulary, right?

Approval of American leadership "soared" from 46 to 45% in the latest polls?! Let me guess, you're black and don't get math, nor apparently vocabulary, right?


View attachment 88797
Simple comprehension is a struggle for Meathead. His genes limit him.
Heh heh heh! That chart of his is two years old…. But he is stuck int he past so no big deal…that is his world…the good ol' days back when Y'all knew your place…:lol:
The chart is from your OP link, and that's "sortant"...I guess. So, "soaring" from 46 to 45%?

Is that black math?
All math is Black. We invented it.
Asclepias and I have bumped heads many times, but after a couple of years, it dawned on me that this guy scares some folks because he is intelligent.
I think you may have bumped your heads too many times. Could you ask him to regale us with jungle bunny civilizations, and while you're at it, ax him how going from 45 to 46% is "soaring".

I can never get anything straight out of him and I really don't get ebonic mathematics.
You cant anything straight out of me if your brain is crooked. I know you dont get math. Youve already proven that more than once.
Obama is the most favored leader in the world! Putin is dead last.

Jesus spake: Luke: 4:24

Truly I tell you, no prophet is accepted in his hometown.

Obama is no prophet but his message must be just as vibrant and compelling as one. His administration has garnered the highest favorability ratings of ANY nation in the world during the last 6 years. Everywhere but in his home country! or TRUMPSVILLE!

The domestic RW critics of Obama have been raging a vitriol laced campaign of unparalleled harshness against Obama ever since he took office. Caricatures of apes and clownish epithets have headed the list of hateful weapons in the arsenals of American RW White males who hate him and his wife. The negative propaganda is so pervasive those who look for positives are hard put to find them. American conservatives have publicly and unabashedly declared their approval of Putin over Obama; and, Trump is right there with them, edging them on. But they deny race is a factor in their unpatriotic behavior. That denial is futile. Actions speak louder than words.

Yet, amidst the pejorative furor, a brighter picture emerges beyond the borders of this last decaying bastion of White hegemony. Around the globe Obama's diplomacy and handling of international affairs has been enough to catapult him to the top of the list as the most favored leader on earth. I wonder if there will ever be another -Obama- president.

Whatever the future may hold, In the eyes of the world Obama is a success story...a far better one than Putin or Trump can ever hope to engender.

And now on stage left, we'll hear from cons who will view this as bad news. Our allies have an overwhelmingly positive view of our President and this makes cons look for their self-gutting fillet knife.

And trump already has a negative view with the rest of the world, much like his boyfriend Putin.

Actually the poll never specifically points out Obama. Just American leadership.
Obama is the embodiment of american leadership.
Obama is the most favored leader in the world! Putin is dead last.

Jesus spake: Luke: 4:24

Truly I tell you, no prophet is accepted in his hometown.

Obama is no prophet but his message must be just as vibrant and compelling as one. His administration has garnered the highest favorability ratings of ANY nation in the world during the last 6 years. Everywhere but in his home country! or TRUMPSVILLE!

The domestic RW critics of Obama have been raging a vitriol laced campaign of unparalleled harshness against Obama ever since he took office. Caricatures of apes and clownish epithets have headed the list of hateful weapons in the arsenals of American RW White males who hate him and his wife. The negative propaganda is so pervasive those who look for positives are hard put to find them. American conservatives have publicly and unabashedly declared their approval of Putin over Obama; and, Trump is right there with them, edging them on. But they deny race is a factor in their unpatriotic behavior. That denial is futile. Actions speak louder than words.

Yet, amidst the pejorative furor, a brighter picture emerges beyond the borders of this last decaying bastion of White hegemony. Around the globe Obama's diplomacy and handling of international affairs has been enough to catapult him to the top of the list as the most favored leader on earth. I wonder if there will ever be another -Obama- president.

Whatever the future may hold, In the eyes of the world Obama is a success story...a far better one than Putin or Trump can ever hope to engender.

I guess they didn't check with China or the Philippines on that poll. No red carpet in China for AF1 and the President of the Philippine called him a dirty name.

The surveys weren't based on the opinions of national leaders but on views posited by the average person. There is a difference. BTW the president of the Philippines probably jealous of Obama's success and Obama's approval among the average Filipinos. Butt hurt people do things like that!

That is ridiculous, but I didn't see you address the snub Obama got from the Chinese. Are they butthurt because of Obama's approval among the average Chinaman or Chinawoman?
Obama's approval among the Filipinos is 94%. That is the highest rating of any country that approves of Obama.

China, OTOH has a 40% approval of Obama. To me that is still remarkable for a country ruled by tyrants. I suspect the rating would be much higher if so many people weren't afraid to express their true feelings.
The leaders of China might have disrespected the president but they don't really speak for the people of China!

Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte's approval rating is 91% and I would need a link to believe that Obama's rating in the Philippines is 94%. In other words, I don't believe you.
The leaders of China obviusly don't care about an alleged 40% approval of Obama by their people. The Leaders are the ones who insulted him and the US.
The very post you are responding to has a link. I have posted several other links . Pay attention. BTW if the PEW Research Center isn't good enough for you, don't bother me… I don't talk to idiots.
"OBama's international approval rating SOARS! Putin, dead last!"

Whoever decided that is an idiot spouting blatant propaganda.

And what credible source do you have that contradicts MY credible sources?

You don't have a credible source. The sample was too small and the question too ambiguous for any meaningful conclusions to be made. And if Obama actually were popular with "the world" what meaning is that supposed to have? Maybe "the world" approves because it is happy to see America with idiotic leadership. His administration's approval rating with Americas has been in the toilet for some time now. I stand by my earlier post.

If you can find a more credible source than the Gallup Poll or the Pew Resource Center I'd like to see it. I think it was post #74 where I posted a world map from the PEW Research Center showing Obama's approval rating world wide. If you find it, it shows USA confidence in Obama doing the right thing in foreign affairs is 58% . That is far from being in the toilet. You know who is in the toilet? Trump; At home and around the world, just like his friend Putin. You butt hurt RW zombies have tried in vain to devalue Obama's presidency but the world knows better.

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