Obama's.. Maximum Pain

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Rather than negotiate repeated deals/legislation that Republicans have offered, it's pretty obvious Obama/Reid would rather cause "Maximum Pain" to the American people and the military.

I guess he's fully forgotten he's President for all Americans or just believes he's a Czar.

Luckily for Obama, Democrats are weak and afraid enough to continue submitting and denying the truth.
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Rather than negotiate repeated deals/legislation that Republicans have offered, it's pretty obvious Obama/Reid would rather cause "Maximum Pain" to the American people and their military.

I guess he's fully forgotten he's President for all Americans or just believes he's a Czar.

Luckily for Obama, Democrats are weak and afraid enough to continue submitting and denying the truth.

Who wrote the shut down bill? Who voted for it? Who can change it to help the military? :eusa_whistle:
Rather than negotiate repeated deals/legislation that Republicans have offered, it's pretty obvious Obama/Reid would rather cause "Maximum Pain" to the American people and their military.

I guess he's fully forgotten he's President for all Americans or just believes he's a Czar.

Luckily for Obama, Democrats are weak and afraid enough to continue submitting and denying the truth.
But unluckily for him, the public is starting to see him for what he really is (finally), a tyrant who is willing to do disgusting things to get his way. Denying death benefits for families of soldiers killed in Afghanistan, denying cancer treatment for kids, harassing ordinary citizens for taking pictures of monuments, etc. If he's willing to do these things now, what is he capable of doing if people start protesting in the streets? Red flags are starting to go up in people's heads.

If the Republicans stand their ground, he's likely to get even crazier and more desperate. Give him enough rope and the fucker is bound to hang himself.
Rather than negotiate repeated deals/legislation that Republicans have offered, it's pretty obvious Obama/Reid would rather cause "Maximum Pain" to the American people and their military.

I guess he's fully forgotten he's President for all Americans or just believes he's a Czar.

Luckily for Obama, Democrats are weak and afraid enough to continue submitting and denying the truth.

Who wrote the shut down bill? Who voted for it? Who can change it to help the military? :eusa_whistle:

Who told our vets they couldn't see their own memorial? Who was it who said they wouldn't even pass one bill to help them in the midst of this shutdown? Hmm? Who is is shutting down privately owned landmarks to "make it as painful as possible"?

Rather than negotiate repeated deals/legislation that Republicans have offered, it's pretty obvious Obama/Reid would rather cause "Maximum Pain" to the American people and their military.

I guess he's fully forgotten he's President for all Americans or just believes he's a Czar.

Luckily for Obama, Democrats are weak and afraid enough to continue submitting and denying the truth.

Who wrote the shut down bill? Who voted for it? Who can change it to help the military? :eusa_whistle:

The Republicans are willing to deal..Harry Reid and Obama absolutely refuse..

Obama's new motto..."Let Americans eat My shit I'm having lobster, Kobe steak and the finest of wines".

You don't see Obama cutting back on his luxuries do you, never have..?

Is it obvious that I sound kinda pissed..:wtf:
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Tough day for USMB nutters, huh? It seems that too many of your fellow Americans are brainwashed.....and are laying the blame for the shutdown squarely on the GOP.

Let me tell you....it is easier to participate in a discussion when you are on the right side of an issue.
Tough day for USMB nutters, huh? It seems that too many of your fellow Americans are brainwashed.....and are laying the blame for the shutdown squarely on the GOP.

Let me tell you....it is easier to participate in a discussion when you are on the right side of an issue.

You are starting to bore me, just sayin.
Tough day for USMB nutters, huh? It seems that too many of your fellow Americans are brainwashed.....and are laying the blame for the shutdown squarely on the GOP.

Let me tell you....it is easier to participate in a discussion when you are on the right side of an issue.

You are starting to bore me, just sayin.

Really? How upsetting!

I am still trying to figure out how someone with a good sense of humor.....usually a sign of intelligence.....can be so fucking wrong when it comes to his take on things related to politics. You are an enigma wrapped in a lame nutter, lumped one.
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Rather than negotiate repeated deals/legislation that Republicans have offered, it's pretty obvious Obama/Reid would rather cause "Maximum Pain" to the American people and their military.

I guess he's fully forgotten he's President for all Americans or just believes he's a Czar.

Luckily for Obama, Democrats are weak and afraid enough to continue submitting and denying the truth.
But unluckily for him, the public is starting to see him for what he really is (finally), a tyrant who is willing to do disgusting things to get his way. Denying death benefits for families of soldiers killed in Afghanistan, denying cancer treatment for kids, harassing ordinary citizens for taking pictures of monuments, etc. If he's willing to do these things now, what is he capable of doing if people start protesting in the streets? Red flags are starting to go up in people's heads.

If the Republicans stand their ground, he's likely to get even crazier and more desperate. Give him enough rope and the fucker is bound to hang himself.

All true, but the media are now afraid of the O regime. They have come to fear retribution, as they have seen it done to so many.

Obama brings chilling effect on journalism:

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The U.S. government's aggressive prosecution of leaks and efforts to control information are having a chilling effect on journalists and government whistle-blowers, according to a report released Thursday on U.S. press freedoms under the Obama administration.

The Committee to Protect Journalists conducted its first examination of U.S. press freedoms amid the Obama administration's unprecedented number of prosecutions of government sources and seizures of journalists' records. Usually the group focuses on advocating for press freedoms abroad.

Leonard Downie Jr., a former executive editor of The Washington Post, wrote the 30-page analysis entitled "The Obama Administration and the Press." The report notes President Barack Obama came into office pledging an open, transparent government after criticizing the Bush administration's secrecy, "but he has fallen short of his promise."

"In the Obama administration's Washington, government officials are increasingly afraid to talk to the press," wrote Downie, now a journalism professor at Arizona State University. "The administration's war on leaks and other efforts--------

more: News from The Associated Press

Tough day for USMB nutters, huh? It seems that too many of your fellow Americans are brainwashed.....and are laying the blame for the shutdown squarely on the GOP.

Let me tell you....it is easier to participate in a discussion when you are on the right side of an issue.

You are starting to bore me, just sayin.

Really? How upsetting!

I am still trying to figure out how someone with a good sense of humor.....usually a sign of intelligence.....can be so fucking wrong when it comes to his take on things related to politics. You are an enigma wrapped in a lame nutter, lumped one.

And you have trusted the pot smoking hippies of the 70s to run this country into the ground. I don't trust them one bit, it is and always has been about them. None of them, R or D give a sh*t about you, just your vote. They don't care if you can't afford an education unless they want your vote. Then they'll lie and say they do.
You are starting to bore me, just sayin.

Really? How upsetting!

I am still trying to figure out how someone with a good sense of humor.....usually a sign of intelligence.....can be so fucking wrong when it comes to his take on things related to politics. You are an enigma wrapped in a lame nutter, lumped one.

And you have trusted the pot smoking hippies of the 70s to run this country into the ground. I don't trust them one bit, it is and always has been about them. None of them, R or D give a sh*t about you, just your vote. They don't care if you can't afford an education unless they want your vote. Then they'll lie and say they do.

Post smoking hippies? Heavy, man!

Liberals don't trust politicians, silly. We understand what motivates them....and we try to make sure that what motivates us....also motivates them.

Need an example? Lets take the Citizens United ruling. Liberals really, really dislike that ruling. It allows politicians to be more motivated by dollar signs than by working for constituents.

Nutters....predictably.....applaud Citizens United. It's is FREEDOM! Freedom.....you cry...as you are being fucked in the ass by bought off GOP politicians.

Please don't bother responding. You won't say anything interesting.
Tell me this is not a sad day for America when Obama's administration AKA "Team of Mean" actually hire rent a cops to keep people from visiting Philidelphia's Independence Hall.

I'm tellin ya, the Founding Father's are spinning in their graves.

Rent-a-cops hired to ring Philly's Independence Hall, threaten arrests

Armed private security guards are on the job to keep the public away from Philadelphia’s Independence Hall, and one even threatened to arrest a political activist if he stepped on the sidewalk beside the iconic building where the Declaration of Independence and Constitution were debated and adopted.

“You will be arrested,” said one of the hired guards to activist Craig Bergman as a video team filmed his stop at the downtown historical center.

In the video, Bergman asks a National Park Service ranger who was paying for the rented cops, and was told, “You are.”

Rent-a-cops hired to ring Philly's Independence Hall, threaten arrests | WashingtonExaminer.com
It is sad because so many of you have been so esily distracted from the real issue. The number of threads about how awful the implementation of the shutdown is....from people who WANTED THE SHUTDOWN....is freaky!
If the insane whackjob progressives really truly believed that the Republicans were responsible for the government shutdown, they'd be royally pissed off.

But they're not. Think about it.
Rather than negotiate repeated deals/legislation that Republicans have offered, it's pretty obvious Obama/Reid would rather cause "Maximum Pain" to the American people and the military.

I guess he's fully forgotten he's President for all Americans or just believes he's a Czar.

Luckily for Obama, Democrats are weak and afraid enough to continue submitting and denying the truth.

He's never been president of ALL the people or ALL of the states (Arizona?).
Tough day for USMB nutters, huh? It seems that too many of your fellow Americans are brainwashed.....and are laying the blame for the shutdown squarely on the GOP.

Let me tell you....it is easier to participate in a discussion when you are on the right side of an issue.

You are starting to bore me, just sayin.

Really? How upsetting!

I am still trying to figure out how someone with a good sense of humor.....usually a sign of intelligence.....can be so fucking wrong when it comes to his take on things related to politics. You are an enigma wrapped in a lame nutter, lumped one.

That was less boring but I still want a divorce..

"You'll never understand me..."....:lol:

an "enigma"...wow
Rather than negotiate repeated deals/legislation that Republicans have offered, it's pretty obvious Obama/Reid would rather cause "Maximum Pain" to the American people and their military.

I guess he's fully forgotten he's President for all Americans or just believes he's a Czar.

Luckily for Obama, Democrats are weak and afraid enough to continue submitting and denying the truth.
But unluckily for him, the public is starting to see him for what he really is (finally), a tyrant who is willing to do disgusting things to get his way. Denying death benefits for families of soldiers killed in Afghanistan, denying cancer treatment for kids, harassing ordinary citizens for taking pictures of monuments, etc. If he's willing to do these things now, what is he capable of doing if people start protesting in the streets? Red flags are starting to go up in people's heads.

If the Republicans stand their ground, he's likely to get even crazier and more desperate. Give him enough rope and the fucker is bound to hang himself.

They need to get rid of the Jackass and redo the DNC logo to this...

I want to see someone ask him directly if he did exacerbate the painful implications associated with the shutdown for maximum effect. Most of us do realize that he is a spiteful vicious man who should be thrown out of office. I cannot recall another president being vindictive towards the American people in order to get his way; unforgivable/impeachable!
It is sad because so many of you have been so esily distracted from the real issue. The number of threads about how awful the implementation of the shutdown is....from people who WANTED THE SHUTDOWN....is freaky!


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