Obama's scandals continue to pile up


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Fast & Furious, Benghazi, arms shipments to Al Qaeda and other terrorists in Syria and Egypt - the list goes on and on. And now we can add the Boston Marathon boming to the list:


Why would the Obama Administration be in such a rush to deport this Saudi national? More importantly, why would the Obama Administration want to deport this Saudi national at all?

At best, he's an innocent man but a crucial material witness. At worst, he's a part of the terrorist attack (photos show he was near these men - hence the reason he was identified as a person of interest).

And.... why are they lying about all of this?

Exclusive: Congressional Source Contradicts ICE Account, Says Lawmakers in Possession of File on Saudi National That Called for Visa Revocation | TheBlaze.com
Most of that is not really a scandal, in my opinion. There are two that should be scandals to the point of impeachment, Benghazi and the Hellfire missile strike that killed an innocent 16 year old American. The first was manslaughter the second down right murder.
Maybe this is a scandal

Boston Bomber Could Have Been Deported After 2009 Arrest

Boston Bomber Could Have Been Deported After 2009 Arrest | Judicial Watch

Updated 4 p.m. Friday related to arrest versus conviction issue: One of the Chechen terrorists who carried out the Boston Marathon bombings could have been deported years ago after a criminal arrest and/or conviction and the other was granted American citizenship on the 11th anniversary of the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the 26-year-old killed in a wild shootout with police, was a legal U.S. resident who nevertheless could have been removed from the country after a 2009 domestic violence arrest and conviction, according to a Judicial Watch source. That means the Obama administration missed an opportunity to deport Tsarnaev but evidently didn’t feel he represented a big enough threat.
Background points:

  • A Saudi national originally identified as a “person of interest” in the Boston Marathon bombing was set to be deported under section 212 3B — “Security and related grounds” — “Terrorist activities” after the bombing

  • As the story gained traction, TheBlaze’s Chief Content Officer Joel Cheatwood received word that the government may not deport the Saudi national, originally identified as Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi

  • Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano refused to answer questions on the subject when confronted by Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) on Capitol Hill.

  • An ICE official said a different Saudi national is in custody, but is “in no way” connected to the bombings.

  • A congressional source, however, says that the file on Alharbi was created, that he was “linked” in some way to the Boston bombings (though it is unclear how), and that documents showing all this have been sent to Congress.

  • Key congressmen of the Committee on Homeland Security request a classified briefing with Napolitano

  • Fox News’ Todd Starnes reports that Alharbi was allegedly flagged on a terrorist watch list and granted a student visa without being properly vetted. Sources close to the investigation also told him the Saudi is still set for deportation.

  • New information provided to TheBlaze reveals Alharbi’s file was altered early Wednesday evening to disassociate him from the initial charges

  • Sources say the Saudi’s student visa specifically allows him to go to school in Findlay, Ohio, though he appears to have an apartment in Boston, Massachusetts

  • Sources tell us this will most likely now be kicked from the DHS to the DOJ and labeled an ongoing investigation that can no longer be discussed.

Beck Breaks Exclusive Information on Saudi National Once Considered a Person of Interest in Boston Bombings | Video | TheBlaze.com
But, he said, we have now taken that relationship to a whole new level. “On January 14, 2013 President Obama met with Saudi Minister of Interior,” Beck remarked. “Two days later Janet Napolitano signed agreement with Saudi minister allowing ‘trusted traveler’ status on Saudi student visitors, meaning greatly reduced security checks and scrutiny.”

“This is trusted traveler status that we don’t give to some of our most trusted allies, and we gave it to Saudi Arabia last January?” Beck said. “So they can just walk into our country no questions asked?”

Beck Breaks Exclusive Information on Saudi National Once Considered a Person of Interest in Boston Bombings | Video | TheBlaze.com
I wondered what the first conspiracy theory about the bombing would be.
Is this the first?
god knows how Moochelle even tolerates him, bad enough she has no personality, he is the dullest president in modern times.

Oh I don't know, according to the scandal-merchants he's been personally involved in some pretty interesting stuff.
It's amazing...the Canadian government was more forthcoming about the terrorist attempt they uncovered today in their Country than the US and Obama has been about Boston. Never thought I'd see the day when the Canadians look stronger and appear to be more truthful than the United States Government. The Canadians came right out and called it what it is; a Terrorist Plot and radical Muslims from Iran were the culprits. Good for them. When all of you wimpy American liberals get tired of our flags being flown at half staff; maybe you will wake up.
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I already knew the screw-ups/scandals/most embarrassing moments would be a weekly occurrence from Jan 2009 until he left office,,,I guess it will be an 8 year ordeal.

Yeah - it's good to defend your choice at all costs. Don't you dare critisize him when he does something really wrong. I believe the nazis felt the same way about their leader... :bang3:
I wondered what the first conspiracy theory about the bombing would be.
Is this the first?

It's not a "theory" dumb-ass. These are actual facts.

But hey, in your mind Obama is the "messiah" - so I don't expect you to call him out when he does something nefarious.
I honestly have to wonder what kind of empty space is in Poodle's soul that he has to fill every waking moment with hate for this president.

Or in 20 years, when his grandkids are going to "Barack Obama High School".
god knows how Moochelle even tolerates him, bad enough she has no personality, he is the dullest president in modern times.

You don't think she isn't the one making the decisions? Bath House Barry is just a puppet, why else does he need a teleprompter just too utter a complete sentence?
It's amazing...the Canadian government was more forthcoming about the terrorist attempt they uncovered today in their Country than the US and Obama has been about Boston. Never thought I'd see the day when the Canadians look stronger and appear to be more truthful than the United States Government. The Canadians came right out and called it what it is; a Terrorist Plot and radical Muslims from Iran were the culprits. Good for them. When all of you wimpy American liberals get tired of our flags being flown at half staff; maybe you will wake up.

They're tired of seeing the flag fly at all.

Until the country wakes up and realizes that liberals are delighted by the decline of America, they'll never be defeated.
I already knew the screw-ups/scandals/most embarrassing moments would be a weekly occurrence from Jan 2009 until he left office,,,I guess it will be an 8 year ordeal.

Yeah - it's good to defend your choice at all costs. Don't you dare critisize him when he does something really wrong. I believe the nazis felt the same way about their leader... :bang3:

Could you image how fucked up we'd be if the moonbat messiah and his minions were half as competent as those nazi assholes?
It's amazing...the Canadian government was more forthcoming about the terrorist attempt they uncovered today in their Country than the US and Obama has been about Boston. Never thought I'd see the day when the Canadians look stronger and appear to be more truthful than the United States Government. The Canadians came right out and called it what it is; a Terrorist Plot and radical Muslims from Iran were the culprits. Good for them. When all of you wimpy American liberals get tired of our flags being flown at half staff; maybe you will wake up.

True but I believe the Muslim beheading that passenger on the bus in Canada in front of passengers was a tipping point. When a Muslim does a public beheading on a bus in the USA? Maybe...because obviously... 9/11 didn't do it. The Boston Marathon bombings hasn't done it. Maybe American liberals just need a more graphic display of terrorism to be "understand Islam".

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