Obama's Sleek Black Tour Bus Cost $1.1 Million

How many companies make these types of buses in the US?
It doesnt matter. The fact he is on a so called job tour to get our citizens to work makes this whole thing an oxymoron!!

If there are no buses of this type made here, of course it makes a difference. Do you have any idea how customized these buses are?

Nearly every part of a presidential vehicle is built from scratch, says Ronald Kessler, author of In the President's Secret Service.

"Doors, for example, are 5 inches thick. The windows are totally bulletproof. It has its own supply of oxygen, tires that can't be punctured with a bullet."​

A Different Kind of Party Bus
Well since he stayed in a motel why does he need a freaking bus anyway.
I tell you what though...I'd like to see these buses converted for bio diesel.

why? :confused:

Gosh, I don't know...because it is a renewable resource?

well shit, one would think mr clean energy, green jobs and shit would have thought about that when he ordered 2 1.2 million dollar busses that get probably 4 miles to the gallon.. unless he's as dumb as a box of rocks which I highly suspect he is.. that or he really don't give a fig about renewable energy.. I know al gore don't.
Pretty obvious why he needed a private bus

the public ones usually go through black hoods.

Seems he's trying to avoid them like the plague.

He ain't worried about balancing no damn budget. Not at all.

As President Obama cruises through the Midwest the next three days, he'll be riding in two buses -- sleek and black, with dark-tinted windows -- that cost $1.1 million, the Associated Press reports. A Secret Service spokesman explained that the agency has to protect politicians riding in buses all the time anyway, and it plans on using the buses for future candidates and officials.

The White House says Obama will spend the roadtrip listening to voters vent their frustration with Washington and talk about their economic struggles. The full length of the bus:

Obama's Sleek Black Tour Bus Cost $1.1 Million - Elspeth Reeve - NationalJournal.com

You don't think that Americans made those buses?

No! - They were made in Canada!!!
He ain't worried about balancing no damn budget. Not at all.

As President Obama cruises through the Midwest the next three days, he'll be riding in two buses -- sleek and black, with dark-tinted windows -- that cost $1.1 million, the Associated Press reports. A Secret Service spokesman explained that the agency has to protect politicians riding in buses all the time anyway, and it plans on using the buses for future candidates and officials.

The White House says Obama will spend the roadtrip listening to voters vent their frustration with Washington and talk about their economic struggles. The full length of the bus:

Obama's Sleek Black Tour Bus Cost $1.1 Million - Elspeth Reeve - NationalJournal.com

Too bad it was the secret service that decided to purchase the bus, and the republican nominee will get to use one.. Will you be bitching then?
Obama has no leadership skills and no capacity for original thought. What better for the liberal cause than to have the forked-tongued orator tour the country in plush buses while regurgitating the liberal talking points of the day?

My favorite lie de jour is "the refusal of the Republicans to compromise". What a fucking joke! To Obama, compromise means to "give up and do it my way rather than debate alternate plans".

Obama has never stopped campaigning. He needs the buses. Therefore, we buy the buses. At least (I think) they were made in America.

Actually, this is not at all astounding. Obama is a fucking joke as President anyway.

What is unrealistic about the buses is their color. They should be painted in red, black and white with a lot of gold trim...to look very much like a Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus train.
At this particular point in time -- you know, with so many out of work, with the economy in the shitter, with Americans outraged over all the spending in D.C. -- it would have been better to retro-fit the buses that they already have (you know, making due and adapting vs. spending what you don't have) [\QUOTE]

Apparently it needs to be broken down even simpler for you...we don't own any. They are LEASED every time, outfitted for security and communication and then returned to their original condition. That makes fiscal sense to you?
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It doesnt matter. The fact he is on a so called job tour to get our citizens to work makes this whole thing an oxymoron!!

If there are no buses of this type made here, of course it makes a difference. Do you have any idea how customized these buses are?

Nearly every part of a presidential vehicle is built from scratch, says Ronald Kessler, author of In the President's Secret Service.

"Doors, for example, are 5 inches thick. The windows are totally bulletproof. It has its own supply of oxygen, tires that can't be punctured with a bullet."​

A Different Kind of Party Bus

That's a bull**** excuse...why are the left ALWAYS making excuses up for their man???
I'm sure there are companies in the US that could have made the very same buses...Canada is no more advanced than we are!
Just like the Bridge in California being built by the Chinese and shipped here...where's it gonna end? Why isn't he putting Americans to work doing these things??? Because he couldn't care less..he's ALL talk.

I asked earlier which US companies made buses like these and got no response. Care to try?

The customization is likely employing Americans.
At this particular point in time -- you know, with so many out of work, with the economy in the shitter, with Americans outraged over all the spending in D.C. -- it would have been better to retro-fit the buses that they already have (you know, making due and adapting vs. spending what you don't have)

Apparently it needs to be broken down even simpler for you...we don't own any. They are LEASED every time, outfitted for security and communication and then returned to their original condition. That makes fiscal sense to you?

Ooo my bad. Leased.

No need to thank me for fixing your quote screw up, btw.

Depending on how much it costs to retro fit them vs. the $2.2M spent on new ones, yes it does at this particular point in time.

Sorry you're having so much trouble understanding my point (hint: it's not the actual dollars spent).
Not sure what to say about this one. It might be cheaper than flying out in AF1 and then flying the Prez limo along in another plane. Whether Rep or Dem, the president has to be protected.
At this particular point in time -- you know, with so many out of work, with the economy in the shitter, with Americans outraged over all the spending in D.C. -- it would have been better to retro-fit the buses that they already have (you know, making due and adapting vs. spending what you don't have)

Apparently it needs to be broken down even simpler for you...we don't own any. They are LEASED every time, outfitted for security and communication and then returned to their original condition. That makes fiscal sense to you?

Ooo my bad. Leased.

No need to thank me for fixing your quote screw up, btw.

Depending on how much it costs to retro fit them vs. the $2.2M spent on new ones, yes it does at this particular point in time.

Sorry you're having so much trouble understanding my point (hint: it's not the actual dollars spent).

Sorry, but I can't help thinking your "this point in time" translates to "this particular president".

This makes fiscal sense and we need to look at long term not just short term. Leasing (damn auto correct) the buses was wasteful.
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Apparently it needs to be broken down even simpler for you...we don't own any. They are LEASED every time, outfitted for security and communication and then returned to their original condition. That makes fiscal sense to you?

Ooo my bad. Leased.

No need to thank me for fixing your quote screw up, btw.

Depending on how much it costs to retro fit them vs. the $2.2M spent on new ones, yes it does at this particular point in time.

Sorry you're having so much trouble understanding my point (hint: it's not the actual dollars spent).

Sorry, but I can't help thinking your "this point in time" translates to "this particular president".

This makes fiscal sense and we need to look at long term not just short term. Leases the buses was wasteful.

Nice ignoring everything else I posted in my previous post. :rolleyes:

The bolded? I'm not sure if you're inferring that it's because he's black but if you are, you would be 100% incorrect on that one.

At this particular point in time refers to our economy is in the shitter, credit downgrade, millions out of work, more on government assistance than ever, in other words it totally sucks for millions of Americans and . . . here comes Obama in his $2.2 million dollar tricked out buses, bought and paid for by joe taxpayer. It's arrogant, it's an 'in your face' display of behavior. He had an opportunity to empathize with his fellow Americans but he didn't. He had an opportunity to lead by example, but he didn't.

Jarhead repeated my sentiments in another thread.

As President of my company, we had a really tough year last year. Bonuses were small and raises were small.....and what did I do when it came to vacation time?
Absolutely nothing.....
Not becuase I couldnt afford it...I am kinda comfortable and have monsy saved for slow years.
But becuase it was not the kind of thing I felt I should shove in the faces of my employees who were struggling.

And this asshole is marching around in a 2 million dollar bus built for comfort before he takes a vacation at the Vineyard....


Get it now?
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