Obanma Tells Hispanic Group "He'd Like To Work Around Congress"


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
(The season for dealing with High Crimes and Misdeameanors, gettin close, gettin close.)

"Obama Tells Another Hispanic Group: ‘I’d Like To Work My Way Around Congress’

The president’s totalitarian impulse shows itself again. He consistently muses about acting unilaterally, then quickly says “But we live in a democracy so I can’t do that,” and then goes ahead and acts unilaterally anyway.

Facing growing opposition to his economic proposals and dimming prospects that Congress will pass other parts of his agenda, President Obama told a Hispanic group in Washington Wednesday that when it comes to the issue of immigration, “I’d like to work my way around Congress.”

“As I mentioned when I was at La Raza a few weeks back, I wish I had a magic wand and could make this all happen on my own,” Obama told a meeting of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. “There are times where — until Nancy Pelosi is speaker again — I’d like to work my way around Congress.”

As he continued, Obama conceded that “we’ve got laws on the books that have to be upheld.”

But…Obama did wave a magic wand and now those immigration laws are no longer being upheld. He has worked around Congress, via the EPA and NLRB chiefly, with disastrous results on the economy. He has defied a federal judge regarding the offshore oil drilling permitorium, and as many as 250,000 jobs are in jeopardy because of it."

The PJ Tatler » Obama Tells Another Hispanic Group: ‘I’d Like To Work My Way Around Congress’

Obama Renews Call For Amnesty For Illegal Aliens

Didn’t he already do this?

"WASHINGTON (AP) — Courting Hispanics while promoting his new jobs plan, President Barack Obama on Wednesday told a black-tie Latino audience that his $447 billion package of tax cuts and public works spending would put more money in the pockets of Latino workers and business owners and increase opportunities for Hispanics.

The president made his pitch to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute’s 34th Annual Awards Gala. The event is part of Hispanic Heritage Month.

Addressing an important constituency both in the voting population and in Congress, the president kept up his vigorous public relations campaign for his economic measures while also beseeching the crowd to help him pass his education and immigration agenda.

“Lift up your voices,” he told an audience that included Princess Cristina of Spain and Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. “Make yourselves heard.”"

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Obama Renews Call For Amnesty For Illegal Aliens…
"Obama Tells Another Hispanic Group: ‘I’d Like To Work My Way Around Congress’

Of course he would! Don't ALL dictators want to work around ALL?????
I failed 'Conservative Outrage' and, frankly, I don't give a damn what he'd 'like', as long as he doesn't. I doubt there has ever been a President who has not felt likewise at times. Let's try for some rational thought instead of ridiculous outrage.
I failed 'Conservative Outrage' and, frankly, I don't give a damn what he'd 'like', as long as he doesn't. I doubt there has ever been a President who has not felt likewise at times. Let's try for some rational thought instead of ridiculous outrage.

There's a fundamental truth about Obama beginning to take shape, widespread, as a result of the Solyndra debacle, and that is his overwheming arrogance, his "I am the greatest! What could possibly go wrong" attitude regarding himself. Even the most casual observer listening to his acceptance speech from the stage of the faux Greek Temple in Denver should have felt like they had just been struck in the face by a ten pound sledge hammer with it in 2008 when he uttered "Let it be known that this was the day the oceans stopped rising and the planet began to heal!"

This careless, casual, cavaliere attitude regarding the Governmental decision making process is nowhere today more evident than in Solyndra, but was equally present in Project Gunwalker, the GM and Chrysler bankruptcies, Obamacare and the rules of engagement in the Afghan conflict where Obama has decreed that it is perfectly acceptable to waste four Marines anytime in order to let the Muslim win. See MOH winner Marine Sgt Dakota Meyer's complaint that they requested air and artillery support, but were denied.

One of the techniques used when the US Army engaged German fortifications on the Siegfried Line during WWII, was to pull up a large bore artillery piece, ie a 155mm howitzer, close enough to force the gun crew to sight down the weapon's bore to aim the weapon, then load and fire. The round did not have to penetrate the emplacement in order to neutralize the defenders, which were usually found either dead, dazed, stunned and confused, or busily scraping what had been bowel contents just brief seconds before out of their underwear.
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See MOH winner Marine Sgt Dakota Meyer's complaint that they requested air and artillery support, but were denied.

and this was Obama's fault? How?
and the rules of engagement in the Afghan conflict where Obama has decreed that it is perfectly acceptable to waste four Marines anytime in order to let the Muslim win

gotta link to prove that, or is it just opinion?
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Medal of Honor | Sgt. Dakota Meyer - Heroic Actions

The American Soldiers, Marines and ANA/ABP forces took cover, returned fire and made multiple attempts to call for artillery and air support. Meyer was instructed to remain at his post at the ORP. The forward element, his ETT, had been pinned down at their position and encircled by enemy fire. As casualties mounted, the joint operation unit remained pinned down without support for two hours. Upon listening to 1st. Lt. Johnson yell over the radio, “If [you] don’t give me this air support, we are going to die out here,” Meyer requested permission to enter the kill-zone and was denied the four times he asked. After four denials, he took it upon himself to leave his relatively safe location at the ORP. Meyer mounted a gun truck with Rodriguez-Chavez as the driver.
Medal of Honor | Sgt. Dakota Meyer - Heroic Actions

The American Soldiers, Marines and ANA/ABP forces took cover, returned fire and made multiple attempts to call for artillery and air support. Meyer was instructed to remain at his post at the ORP. The forward element, his ETT, had been pinned down at their position and encircled by enemy fire. As casualties mounted, the joint operation unit remained pinned down without support for two hours. Upon listening to 1st. Lt. Johnson yell over the radio, “If [you] don’t give me this air support, we are going to die out here,” Meyer requested permission to enter the kill-zone and was denied the four times he asked. After four denials, he took it upon himself to leave his relatively safe location at the ORP. Meyer mounted a gun truck with Rodriguez-Chavez as the driver.

where does it state that it was Obama was responsible for no air or artillery support?
(The season for dealing with High Crimes and Misdeameanors, gettin close, gettin close.)

"Obama Tells Another Hispanic Group: ‘I’d Like To Work My Way Around Congress’

The president’s totalitarian impulse shows itself again. He consistently muses about acting unilaterally, then quickly says “But we live in a democracy so I can’t do that,” and then goes ahead and acts unilaterally anyway.

Facing growing opposition to his economic proposals and dimming prospects that Congress will pass other parts of his agenda, President Obama told a Hispanic group in Washington Wednesday that when it comes to the issue of immigration, “I’d like to work my way around Congress.”

“As I mentioned when I was at La Raza a few weeks back, I wish I had a magic wand and could make this all happen on my own,” Obama told a meeting of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. “There are times where — until Nancy Pelosi is speaker again — I’d like to work my way around Congress.”

As he continued, Obama conceded that “we’ve got laws on the books that have to be upheld.”

But…Obama did wave a magic wand and now those immigration laws are no longer being upheld. He has worked around Congress, via the EPA and NLRB chiefly, with disastrous results on the economy. He has defied a federal judge regarding the offshore oil drilling permitorium, and as many as 250,000 jobs are in jeopardy because of it."

The PJ Tatler » Obama Tells Another Hispanic Group: ‘I’d Like To Work My Way Around Congress’

Obama Renews Call For Amnesty For Illegal Aliens

Didn’t he already do this?

"WASHINGTON (AP) — Courting Hispanics while promoting his new jobs plan, President Barack Obama on Wednesday told a black-tie Latino audience that his $447 billion package of tax cuts and public works spending would put more money in the pockets of Latino workers and business owners and increase opportunities for Hispanics.

The president made his pitch to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute’s 34th Annual Awards Gala. The event is part of Hispanic Heritage Month.

Addressing an important constituency both in the voting population and in Congress, the president kept up his vigorous public relations campaign for his economic measures while also beseeching the crowd to help him pass his education and immigration agenda.

“Lift up your voices,” he told an audience that included Princess Cristina of Spain and Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. “Make yourselves heard.”"

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Obama Renews Call For Amnesty For Illegal Aliens…

There are times where — until Nancy Pelosi is speaker again — I’d like to work my way around Congress.”

As he continued, Obama conceded that “we’ve got laws on the books that have to be upheld.”

The BOY-KING wannabe, continued: But he quickly added there are different ways to uphold the laws on the books. "You know as well as anyone that…how we enforce those laws is also.

Obama: 'I'd like to work my way around Congress' | Campaign 2012
He approved the ROE.

gotta copy of this order?
ROEs are ultimately the responsibility of the CIC.

Even if the Sec. Of Defense authored them Obama has to answer for them.

Failure to give proper support to the troops is a serious problem. Bush got reamed for peeling paint and a little mildew but Obama skates because he's hanging our troops in Afghanistan out to dry.
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See MOH winner Marine Sgt Dakota Meyer's complaint that they requested air and artillery support, but were denied.

and this was Obama's fault? How?

The people he picks to run DOD control the show don't they? Or is George W Bush still somehow in charge in Afghanistan?

There is no such thing as a kinder, more compassionate war.
War is Hell. We should never lose sight of that knowledge, lest we get to enjoy it too much.

When Neville Chamberlain turned to leave the room after conceding the fate of the Czech people into Hitler's hands, Munich, September, 1938, Hitler and his Foreign Minister, Von Ribbentrop, turned to each other to express their mutual anger that Chamberlain had acquiesced to their demands and deprived them of "Their War". They both pledged to each other they would not be cheated out of it, the next time.

They got want they wanted.

"You cannot win at the negotiating table, that which you cannot win on the battlefield."

Unless you're negotiating with Democrats or Progressives.
I failed 'Conservative Outrage' and, frankly, I don't give a damn what he'd 'like', as long as he doesn't. I doubt there has ever been a President who has not felt likewise at times. Let's try for some rational thought instead of ridiculous outrage.

There's a fundamental truth about Obama beginning to take shape, widespread, as a result of the Solyndra debacle, and that is his overwheming arrogance, his "I am the greatest! What could possibly go wrong" attitude regarding himself. Even the most casual observer listening to his acceptance speech from the stage of the faux Greek Temple in Denver should have felt like they had just been struck in the face by a ten pound sledge hammer with it in 2008 when he uttered "Let it be known that this was the day the oceans stopped rising and the planet began to heal!"

This careless, casual, cavaliere attitude regarding the Governmental decision making process is nowhere today more evident than in Solyndra, but was equally present in Project Gunwalker, the GM and Chrysler bankruptcies, Obamacare and the rules of engagement in the Afghan conflict where Obama has decreed that it is perfectly acceptable to waste four Marines anytime in order to let the Muslim win. See MOH winner Marine Sgt Dakota Meyer's complaint that they requested air and artillery support, but were denied.

One of the techniques used when the US Army engaged German fortifications on the Siegfried Line during WWII, was to pull up a large bore artillery piece, ie a 155mm howitzer, close enough to force the gun crew to sight down the weapon's bore to aim the weapon, then load and fire. The round did not have to penetrate the emplacement in order to neutralize the defenders, which were usually found either dead, dazed, stunned and confused, or busily scraping what had been bowel contents just brief seconds before out of their underwear.

I did NOT vote for him. Let those who believed his rhetoric feel the pain.

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