Obsessive behavior.


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2015
I can't be positive, but I believe that everyone has some type of obsessive compulsive disorder, ranging from the mild to the extreme. What I want to know is what yours is. Mine is sidewalks. More precisely, the cracks in sidewalks. I always try to walk between them. If I step on one, I have to step on another one with the other foot because I also can't stand it when something is not even or symmetrical. If I scratch one hand, I scratch the other one, even though it doesn't itch. Same thing with stepping from a tile floor to a carpet. I always try to make sure that both feet have an equal number of steps on them. You get the idea. Weird, but harmless. I've tried to break the habit, but I have been unsuccessful so far. So, what's your obsessive disorder?
I don't know if this would be considered an obsessive disorder, but instead of carrying a purse, I carry a back pack because of it having the room for my laptop and favorite CDs.

God bless you always!!!

Folding clothes precisely

Loading the dishwasher in a very particular way

Counting, metered, no rushing the 11 or the 711 (say 777 with each syllable taking the same beat/pace as going from 1 to 2)

My chores are in a specially made daily calendar type thing (so all are done evenly apart)

But I have a black cat

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