Obstruction of Justice Thread and Poll

Does not colluding with Russia make Trump guilty of obstruction of justice?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 20.8%
  • No

    Votes: 14 29.2%
  • Pub Duppe

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • Russia Russia Russia

    Votes: 26 54.2%

  • Total voters
Does not colluding with Russia make Trump guilty of obstruction of justice? We all know that Putin acted on his own when he used his Vote Flipping Mind Control ray on voters in FL, WI, and the other states that rightfully belonged to St Hillary. Then, because he's got a weird sense of humor, he reversed the polarity and used it in CA to give Hillary a win in the "popular vote"

Does the fact that Comey is a Clinton sock puppet and that there is no evidence of collusion mean that Trump must be guilty -- of something?
It is quite possible for Trump not to have personally colluded with Russia, but still be guilty of obstruction in the exact same way Nixon was guilty of obstruction even though he did not personally break into the Watergate office complex.

If Trump was aware General Flynn violated the law by contacting the Russians during the transition, and then tried to help cover up that crime by stopping Comey from investigating, then it is an open and shut obstruction of justice.

Trump pwned himself.

Sure, he did.

Bigfoot rode the Loch Ness monster into the FBI HQ and told Comey, "Trump said to stop the Flynn investigation. You know, the investigation that started with the fraudulently obtained FISA Warrant and then involved multiple felonies when Obamaroid Holdovers and Hillary supporters unmasked Flynn"
Our government was monitoring the Russians. Someone called the Russians and had a conversation which appeared to be a conspiracy to violate the law.

It was the duty of our government to find out who that was.

And that is how Flynn was unmasked.

Trump then tried to cover it up. Obstruction.

They unmasked Flynn...because Russia.

Frank, you're on fire this afternoon.
His ass is, that's for sure.
Does not colluding with Russia make Trump guilty of obstruction of justice? We all know that Putin acted on his own when he used his Vote Flipping Mind Control ray on voters in FL, WI, and the other states that rightfully belonged to St Hillary. Then, because he's got a weird sense of humor, he reversed the polarity and used it in CA to give Hillary a win in the "popular vote"

Does the fact that Comey is a Clinton sock puppet and that there is no evidence of collusion mean that Trump must be guilty -- of something?
It is quite possible for Trump not to have personally colluded with Russia, but still be guilty of obstruction in the exact same way Nixon was guilty of obstruction even though he did not personally break into the Watergate office complex.

If Trump was aware General Flynn violated the law by contacting the Russians during the transition, and then tried to help cover up that crime by stopping Comey from investigating, then it is an open and shut obstruction of justice.

Trump pwned himself.

Sure, he did.

Bigfoot rode the Loch Ness monster into the FBI HQ and told Comey, "Trump said to stop the Flynn investigation. You know, the investigation that started with the fraudulently obtained FISA Warrant and then involved multiple felonies when Obamaroid Holdovers and Hillary supporters unmasked Flynn"
can I use this?

that was a perfect encapsulation of the story line. I wonder if any of these fantasy libs will agree that is exactly what happened. I bet there are one or two that would believe that.
It is quite possible for Trump not to have personally colluded with Russia, but still be guilty of obstruction in the exact same way Nixon was guilty of obstruction even though he did not personally break into the Watergate office complex.

If Trump was aware General Flynn violated the law by contacting the Russians during the transition, and then tried to help cover up that crime by stopping Comey from investigating, then it is an open and shut obstruction of justice.

Trump pwned himself.

Sure, he did.

Bigfoot rode the Loch Ness monster into the FBI HQ and told Comey, "Trump said to stop the Flynn investigation. You know, the investigation that started with the fraudulently obtained FISA Warrant and then involved multiple felonies when Obamaroid Holdovers and Hillary supporters unmasked Flynn"
Our government was monitoring the Russians. Someone called the Russians and had a conversation which appeared to be a conspiracy to violate the law.

It was the duty of our government to find out who that was.

And that is how Flynn was unmasked.

Trump then tried to cover it up. Obstruction.

They unmasked Flynn...because Russia.

Frank, you're on fire this afternoon.
His ass is, that's for sure.
Does not colluding with Russia make Trump guilty of obstruction of justice? We all know that Putin acted on his own when he used his Vote Flipping Mind Control ray on voters in FL, WI, and the other states that rightfully belonged to St Hillary. Then, because he's got a weird sense of humor, he reversed the polarity and used it in CA to give Hillary a win in the "popular vote"

Does the fact that Comey is a Clinton sock puppet and that there is no evidence of collusion mean that Trump must be guilty -- of something?
It is quite possible for Trump not to have personally colluded with Russia, but still be guilty of obstruction in the exact same way Nixon was guilty of obstruction even though he did not personally break into the Watergate office complex.

If Trump was aware General Flynn violated the law by contacting the Russians during the transition, and then tried to help cover up that crime by stopping Comey from investigating, then it is an open and shut obstruction of justice.

Trump pwned himself.

Sure, he did.

Bigfoot rode the Loch Ness monster into the FBI HQ and told Comey, "Trump said to stop the Flynn investigation. You know, the investigation that started with the fraudulently obtained FISA Warrant and then involved multiple felonies when Obamaroid Holdovers and Hillary supporters unmasked Flynn"
Our government was monitoring the Russians. Someone called the Russians and had a conversation which appeared to be a conspiracy to violate the law.

It was the duty of our government to find out who that was.

And that is how Flynn was unmasked.

Trump then tried to cover it up. Obstruction.

They unmasked Flynn...because Russia.

That's exactly right. You're learning.
welcome to the looking glass, step in and meet alice and her cheshire cat!
Our government was monitoring the Russians. Someone called the Russians and had a conversation which appeared to be a conspiracy to violate the law.

It was the duty of our government to find out who that was.

And that is how Flynn was unmasked.

Trump then tried to cover it up. Obstruction.

May 11, 2017: Trump contradicts his White House staff as well as the vice president over the reasoning. At first, staffers said Trump acted on theassessment of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, but in an interview with NBC News, Trump says he was going to fire Comey regardless of Rosenstein's advice.
Trump-Snowflakes, does it bother you that after a month of whining, lying, trolling, deflecting, weeping, and tonguing Putin's keister, that it's just gotten steadily worse for you?

I can see why that would bother you. All that asskissing and shilling, with nothing to show for it, except the certainty of how it's going to get much worse for you. No wonder all the Trump-snowflakes are in a complete meltdown state.
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On December 29, the very day President Obama announced US sanctions against Russia for interfering in our electoral process, General Flynn and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak spoke several times.

The next day, Putin announces he will not retaliate against the sanctions.

There isn't a pseudocon on this board who can say with a straight face if it was the other way around they wouldn't be screaming their heads off about it.
Our government was monitoring the Russians. Someone called the Russians and had a conversation which appeared to be a conspiracy to violate the law.

It was the duty of our government to find out who that was.

And that is how Flynn was unmasked.

Trump then tried to cover it up. Obstruction.

May 11, 2017: Trump contradicts his White House staff as well as the vice president over the reasoning. At first, staffers said Trump acted on theassessment of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, but in an interview with NBC News, Trump says he was going to fire Comey regardless of Rosenstein's advice.
I just have to laugh at you all.
We are supposed to believe that in all those conversations between Flynn and Kislyak, they didn't talk about the sanctions on the day they were being imposed.

Vice President Pence turned out to be gullible enough to bleev that. :lol:

Flynn lied to him, and Pence was made the fool.
It is quite possible for Trump not to have personally colluded with Russia, but still be guilty of obstruction in the exact same way Nixon was guilty of obstruction even though he did not personally break into the Watergate office complex.

If Trump was aware General Flynn violated the law by contacting the Russians during the transition, and then tried to help cover up that crime by stopping Comey from investigating, then it is an open and shut obstruction of justice.

Trump pwned himself.

Sure, he did.

Bigfoot rode the Loch Ness monster into the FBI HQ and told Comey, "Trump said to stop the Flynn investigation. You know, the investigation that started with the fraudulently obtained FISA Warrant and then involved multiple felonies when Obamaroid Holdovers and Hillary supporters unmasked Flynn"
Our government was monitoring the Russians. Someone called the Russians and had a conversation which appeared to be a conspiracy to violate the law.

It was the duty of our government to find out who that was.

And that is how Flynn was unmasked.

Trump then tried to cover it up. Obstruction.

They unmasked Flynn...because Russia.

Frank, you're on fire this afternoon.
His ass is, that's for sure.

On December 29, the very day President Obama announced US sanctions against Russia for interfering in our electoral process, General Flynn and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak spoke several times..

Flynn didn't just speak to Kislyak, he spoke to him about what the Trump administration could do about the sanctions.
Trump-Snowflakes, does it bother you that after a month of whining, lying, trolling, deflecting, weeping, and and tonguing Putin's keister, that it's just gotten steadily worse for you?

I can see why that would bother you. All that asskissing and shilling, with nothing to show for it, except the certainty of how it's going to get much worse for you. No wonder all the Trump-snowflakes are in a complete meltdown state.
so which character from Alice in Wonderland are you discussing today?


"The Jabberwock is a scary character from a poem in the book ‘Through the Looking Glass and what Alice found there’ and is mentioned in the first chapter.

The poem in which he appears is called ‘Jabberwocky‘ and therefore the Jabberwock is often mistakenly referred to as ‘the Jabberwocky’."

Jabberwock - Alice-in-Wonderland.net
Trump-Snowflakes, does it bother you that after a month of whining, lying, trolling, deflecting, weeping, and and tonguing Putin's keister, that it's just gotten steadily worse for you?

I can see why that would bother you. All that asskissing and shilling, with nothing to show for it, except the certainty of how it's going to get much worse for you. No wonder all the Trump-snowflakes are in a complete meltdown state.


Per Comeys testimony, Trump is innocent of collusion.

How is that 'worse' for the Republicans?
Several lines of investigation have resulted.

1) The Russians interfered in our electoral process. Several times. Not just the DNC hack, but many, many more attacks. Did Trump or anyone on his team collude with the Russians in these attacks? If anyone colluded, the two most likely are Roger Stone and Paul Manafort.

2) Flynn speaks with Russian ambassador several times on the day sanctions are imposed. Did Trump direct him to do so? What promises were made to the Russians about Obama's sanctions?

3) Why did Jared Kushner meet during the transition with the President of a Russian bank under US sanctions?

4) What did Trump know, and when did he know it?
On December 29, the very day President Obama announced US sanctions against Russia for interfering in our electoral process, General Flynn and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak spoke several times.

The next day, Putin announces he will not retaliate against the sanctions.

There isn't a pseudocon on this board who can say with a straight face if it was the other way around they wouldn't be screaming their heads off about it.
quite honestly I don't fking care. I don't live within the looking glass as you all do. so I see everything normal.
Several lines of investigation have resulted.

1) The Russians interfered in our electoral process. Several times. Not just the DNC hack, but many, many more attacks. Did Trump or anyone on his team collude with the Russians in these attacks? If anyone colluded, the two most likely are Roger Stone and Paul Manafort.

2) Flynn speaks with Russian ambassador several times on the day sanctions are imposed. Did Trump direct him to do so? What promises were made to the Russians about Obama's sanctions?

3) Why did Jared Kushner meet during the transition with the President of a Russian bank under US sanctions?

4) What did Trump know, and when did he know it?
Conflict and resolution, protagonists and antagonists - Alice-in-Wonderland.net

"Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
Alice is the protagonist of the story. She is the main character and everything evolves around her. We follow her during her trip through Wonderland and know what she is thinking.

The antagonists are all characters who Alice encounters during her trip through Wonderland. They try to baffle her, confuse her, order her about and even behead her. Even the ones who are not directly mean to her are antagonists, as their strange behaviour confuses Alice.

Conflict is happening every time Alice meets a new character and is being confronted with its strange rules and behaviour. The main conflict occurs in the last chapter, during the trial, when Alice is called to give evidence. She calls the creatures by their name: ‘nothing but a pack of cards’ and they all come flying down on her in rage.

The resolution of this conflict occurs when Alice wakes up and finds she no longer is in Wonderland. She realizes it was just a dream. When Alice tells her dream to her sister, she understands that Alice is growing up"
On December 29, the very day President Obama announced US sanctions against Russia for interfering in our electoral process, General Flynn and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak spoke several times..

Flynn didn't just speak to Kislyak, he spoke to him about what the Trump administration could do about the sanctions.
and what is illegal about that when in a transition?
Trump-Snowflakes, does it bother you that after a month of whining, lying, trolling, deflecting, weeping, and and tonguing Putin's keister, that it's just gotten steadily worse for you?

I can see why that would bother you. All that asskissing and shilling, with nothing to show for it, except the certainty of how it's going to get much worse for you. No wonder all the Trump-snowflakes are in a complete meltdown state.


Per Comeys testimony, Trump is innocent of collusion.

How is that 'worse' for the Republicans?

No Trump collusion?? Well that's just typical, now how is Trump going to be impeached, goddamnit all to hell. :eusa_whistle:

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