Obstruction via twitter

No it isn't. The President of the United States could literally get on national TV and say "Mr Director of the FBI , I told you to drop a case and you refused, so you are fired" and that's not obstruction.

Primarily because the POTUS has the legal authority to fired the Director of the FBI for any reason, but also because the POTUS has the legal authority to end any investigation he so chooses because the Justice Department answers to the POTUS.

This is the case whether it would have been Obama or Trump, or anyone else as POTUS.

Obstruction would be something like the POTUS ordered someone to remove evidence or to lie or something like that, because the POTUS does not have the legal authority to do either of those things.

Trump has not obstructed justice. This is just another feverish dream by those who hate him.

No, he can't. I guess you haven't read the rules for how a President can fire someone in that position.

...and the knowledge McCabe owns IS EVIDENCE.

Of course he can. And the knowledge McCabe owns would still be available as evidence if McCabe were fired from the FBI.

I'm a Trump supporter, but I acknowledge he's done some things that I can see why people would be upset, he's done some things that upset me, but it makes not sense to just make things up and not acknowledge simple facts.

"Serves at the pleasure" literally means the President can fire you for any reason. Ask James Comey or Sally Yates about that. They were fired and that was that. Neither of those is even close to an obstruction of Justice.

...and the firing of Yates and Comey has created a pattern of actions.

Trump fired Yates for insubordination. Comey also deserved to be fired for his corruption and incompentence, although Trump could fire him without any reason at all.

sally yates went to the WH & told them flynn was black mailable. next thing... she's o-u-t. lol......

now flynn has flipped & trump & his mooks are shitting gold bricks.

I've seen some people say Sally Yates should be the first female President. Could you imagine Trump getting beat out by her? KARMA
No it isn't. The President of the United States could literally get on national TV and say "Mr Director of the FBI , I told you to drop a case and you refused, so you are fired" and that's not obstruction.

Primarily because the POTUS has the legal authority to fired the Director of the FBI for any reason, but also because the POTUS has the legal authority to end any investigation he so chooses because the Justice Department answers to the POTUS.

This is the case whether it would have been Obama or Trump, or anyone else as POTUS.

Obstruction would be something like the POTUS ordered someone to remove evidence or to lie or something like that, because the POTUS does not have the legal authority to do either of those things.

Trump has not obstructed justice. This is just another feverish dream by those who hate him.

No, he can't. I guess you haven't read the rules for how a President can fire someone in that position.

...and the knowledge McCabe owns IS EVIDENCE.

Of course he can. And the knowledge McCabe owns would still be available as evidence if McCabe were fired from the FBI.

I'm a Trump supporter, but I acknowledge he's done some things that I can see why people would be upset, he's done some things that upset me, but it makes not sense to just make things up and not acknowledge simple facts.

"Serves at the pleasure" literally means the President can fire you for any reason. Ask James Comey or Sally Yates about that. They were fired and that was that. Neither of those is even close to an obstruction of Justice.

...and the firing of Yates and Comey has created a pattern of actions.

Trump fired Yates for insubordination. Comey also deserved to be fired for his corruption and incompentence, although Trump could fire him without any reason at all.

Democrats were calling for Comey to be fired until he was. Suddenly it became obstruction

& now the (R)s are trying to say that the FBI is all about hillary...LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! comey...who is a (R), comes fwd with supposed new emails found on weiner's computer 11 days b4 the election & NOW the bureau is biased against trump.

the god damn NY bureau is nicknamed 'trumpland' for crying out loud & are tight with guliani who is very very tight with trump.
No, he can't. I guess you haven't read the rules for how a President can fire someone in that position.

...and the knowledge McCabe owns IS EVIDENCE.

Of course he can. And the knowledge McCabe owns would still be available as evidence if McCabe were fired from the FBI.

I'm a Trump supporter, but I acknowledge he's done some things that I can see why people would be upset, he's done some things that upset me, but it makes not sense to just make things up and not acknowledge simple facts.

"Serves at the pleasure" literally means the President can fire you for any reason. Ask James Comey or Sally Yates about that. They were fired and that was that. Neither of those is even close to an obstruction of Justice.

...and the firing of Yates and Comey has created a pattern of actions.

Trump fired Yates for insubordination. Comey also deserved to be fired for his corruption and incompentence, although Trump could fire him without any reason at all.

sally yates went to the WH & told them flynn was black mailable. next thing... she's o-u-t. lol......

now flynn has flipped & trump & his mooks are shitting gold bricks.

I've seen some people say Sally Yates should be the first female President. Could you imagine Trump getting beat out by her? KARMA

Oh, I hope the Dems pick Sally Yates! Trump would crush her in a landslide.

She may play well to thin blue slivers on the coasts, but the vast majority of people will be horrified by her bureaucratic statism.
No, he can't. I guess you haven't read the rules for how a President can fire someone in that position.

...and the knowledge McCabe owns IS EVIDENCE.

Of course he can. And the knowledge McCabe owns would still be available as evidence if McCabe were fired from the FBI.

I'm a Trump supporter, but I acknowledge he's done some things that I can see why people would be upset, he's done some things that upset me, but it makes not sense to just make things up and not acknowledge simple facts.

"Serves at the pleasure" literally means the President can fire you for any reason. Ask James Comey or Sally Yates about that. They were fired and that was that. Neither of those is even close to an obstruction of Justice.

...and the firing of Yates and Comey has created a pattern of actions.

Trump fired Yates for insubordination. Comey also deserved to be fired for his corruption and incompentence, although Trump could fire him without any reason at all.

Democrats were calling for Comey to be fired until he was. Suddenly it became obstruction

& now the (R)s are trying to say that the FBI is all about hillary...LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! comey...who is a (R), comes fwd with supposed new emails found on weiner's computer 11 days b4 the election & NOW the burae is biased against trump.

the god damn NY bureau is nicknamed 'trumpland' for crying out loud & are tight with guliani who is very very tight with trump.

Nippin' at the hooch a tad earlier than usual today, aincha, bub?
Of course he can. And the knowledge McCabe owns would still be available as evidence if McCabe were fired from the FBI.

I'm a Trump supporter, but I acknowledge he's done some things that I can see why people would be upset, he's done some things that upset me, but it makes not sense to just make things up and not acknowledge simple facts.

"Serves at the pleasure" literally means the President can fire you for any reason. Ask James Comey or Sally Yates about that. They were fired and that was that. Neither of those is even close to an obstruction of Justice.

...and the firing of Yates and Comey has created a pattern of actions.

Trump fired Yates for insubordination. Comey also deserved to be fired for his corruption and incompentence, although Trump could fire him without any reason at all.

Democrats were calling for Comey to be fired until he was. Suddenly it became obstruction

& now the (R)s are trying to say that the FBI is all about hillary...LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! comey...who is a (R), comes fwd with supposed new emails found on weiner's computer 11 days b4 the election & NOW the burae is biased against trump.

the god damn NY bureau is nicknamed 'trumpland' for crying out loud & are tight with guliani who is very very tight with trump.

Nippin' at the hooch a tad earlier than usual today, aincha, bub?

uh-huh. oct 27, 2017

go to the 2:00 mark, there, guppy

or try any one of these...
trumpland fbi guliani - Google Search

you're welcome.
What people fail to realize is...

When you threaten to fire someone over Twitter, and you give the reason is just because their wife is in the opposition party... and that person also happens to be be a key part of a possible investigation into you, that's obstruction of justice.

No it isn't. The President of the United States could literally get on national TV and say "Mr Director of the FBI , I told you to drop a case and you refused, so you are fired" and that's not obstruction.

Primarily because the POTUS has the legal authority to fired the Director of the FBI for any reason, but also because the POTUS has the legal authority to end any investigation he so chooses because the Justice Department answers to the POTUS.

This is the case whether it would have been Obama or Trump, or anyone else as POTUS.

Obstruction would be something like the POTUS ordered someone to remove evidence or to lie or something like that, because the POTUS does not have the legal authority to do either of those things.

Trump has not obstructed justice. This is just another feverish dream by those who hate him.

the justice dept does NOT answer to the president you dolt. they do not swear an oath to any one man. this is not an autocracy - much to the dismay of the gropenfurer. the justice dept takes an oath to uphold the LAW, & to defend the CONSTITUTION which is the LAW of the land.

An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath: “I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” This section does not affect other oaths required by law.

5 U.S. Code § 3331 - Oath of office

that is why there are 3 EQUAL branches of the government.

Your name calling aside, the Justice Department is in fact under the Executive Branch, not the Judicial.

How could you NOT know that? Do you even Civics bro?

What a damn shame that Americans don't even know such simple facts.
What people fail to realize is...

When you threaten to fire someone over Twitter, and you give the reason is just because their wife is in the opposition party... and that person also happens to be be a key part of a possible investigation into you, that's obstruction of justice.

No it isn't. The President of the United States could literally get on national TV and say "Mr Director of the FBI , I told you to drop a case and you refused, so you are fired" and that's not obstruction.

Primarily because the POTUS has the legal authority to fired the Director of the FBI for any reason, but also because the POTUS has the legal authority to end any investigation he so chooses because the Justice Department answers to the POTUS.

This is the case whether it would have been Obama or Trump, or anyone else as POTUS.

Obstruction would be something like the POTUS ordered someone to remove evidence or to lie or something like that, because the POTUS does not have the legal authority to do either of those things.

Trump has not obstructed justice. This is just another feverish dream by those who hate him.

the justice dept does NOT answer to the president you dolt. they do not swear an oath to any one man. this is not an autocracy - much to the dismay of the gropenfurer. the justice dept takes an oath to uphold the LAW, & to defend the CONSTITUTION which is the LAW of the land.

An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath: “I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” This section does not affect other oaths required by law.

5 U.S. Code § 3331 - Oath of office

that is why there are 3 EQUAL branches of the government.

Your name calling aside, the Justice Department is in fact under the Executive Branch, not the Judicial.

How could you NOT know that? Do you even Civics bro?

What a damn shame that Americans don't even know such simple facts.

lol... m'k.... law enforcement cannot follow a presidential 'order' that CONtradicts Constitutional Law. trump will need to find someone willing to fire mueller. again, that oath to uphold the Constitution trumps trump. how successful was nixon 'eh?

...and the firing of Yates and Comey has created a pattern of actions.

Trump fired Yates for insubordination. Comey also deserved to be fired for his corruption and incompentence, although Trump could fire him without any reason at all.

Democrats were calling for Comey to be fired until he was. Suddenly it became obstruction

& now the (R)s are trying to say that the FBI is all about hillary...LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! comey...who is a (R), comes fwd with supposed new emails found on weiner's computer 11 days b4 the election & NOW the burae is biased against trump.

the god damn NY bureau is nicknamed 'trumpland' for crying out loud & are tight with guliani who is very very tight with trump.

Nippin' at the hooch a tad earlier than usual today, aincha, bub?

uh-huh. oct 27, 2017

go to the 2:00 mark, there, guppy

or try any one of these...
trumpland fbi guliani - Google Search

you're welcome.

Thank you. You proved by point, you SAD little knigget.
What people fail to realize is...

When you threaten to fire someone over Twitter, and you give the reason is just because their wife is in the opposition party... and that person also happens to be be a key part of a possible investigation into you, that's obstruction of justice.

No it isn't. The President of the United States could literally get on national TV and say "Mr Director of the FBI , I told you to drop a case and you refused, so you are fired" and that's not obstruction.

Primarily because the POTUS has the legal authority to fired the Director of the FBI for any reason, but also because the POTUS has the legal authority to end any investigation he so chooses because the Justice Department answers to the POTUS.

This is the case whether it would have been Obama or Trump, or anyone else as POTUS.

Obstruction would be something like the POTUS ordered someone to remove evidence or to lie or something like that, because the POTUS does not have the legal authority to do either of those things.

Trump has not obstructed justice. This is just another feverish dream by those who hate him.

the justice dept does NOT answer to the president you dolt. they do not swear an oath to any one man. this is not an autocracy - much to the dismay of the gropenfurer. the justice dept takes an oath to uphold the LAW, & to defend the CONSTITUTION which is the LAW of the land.

An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath: “I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” This section does not affect other oaths required by law.

5 U.S. Code § 3331 - Oath of office

that is why there are 3 EQUAL branches of the government.

Your name calling aside, the Justice Department is in fact under the Executive Branch, not the Judicial.

How could you NOT know that? Do you even Civics bro?

What a damn shame that Americans don't even know such simple facts.

lol... m'k.... law enforcement cannot follow a presidential 'order' that CONtradicts Constitutional Law. trump will need to find someone willing to fire mueller. again, that oath to uphold the Constitution trumps trump. how successful was nixon 'eh?


what are you even talking about?

First of all, Trump has flat out stated that he isn't going to fire Mueller. Second of all , the law SPECIFICALLY prevents Trump from firing Muller, however it also specifically allows that he may fire the AG, or the Deputy AG, for ANY reason, Because they work for the Executive branch of the US government.

This is simple 5th grade US Civics. How do you not understand?
What people fail to realize is...

When you threaten to fire someone over Twitter, and you give the reason is just because their wife is in the opposition party... and that person also happens to be be a key part of a possible investigation into you, that's obstruction of justice.

No it isn't. The President of the United States could literally get on national TV and say "Mr Director of the FBI , I told you to drop a case and you refused, so you are fired" and that's not obstruction.

Primarily because the POTUS has the legal authority to fired the Director of the FBI for any reason, but also because the POTUS has the legal authority to end any investigation he so chooses because the Justice Department answers to the POTUS.

This is the case whether it would have been Obama or Trump, or anyone else as POTUS.

Obstruction would be something like the POTUS ordered someone to remove evidence or to lie or something like that, because the POTUS does not have the legal authority to do either of those things.

Trump has not obstructed justice. This is just another feverish dream by those who hate him.

the justice dept does NOT answer to the president you dolt. they do not swear an oath to any one man. this is not an autocracy - much to the dismay of the gropenfurer. the justice dept takes an oath to uphold the LAW, & to defend the CONSTITUTION which is the LAW of the land.

An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath: “I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” This section does not affect other oaths required by law.

5 U.S. Code § 3331 - Oath of office

that is why there are 3 EQUAL branches of the government.

Your name calling aside, the Justice Department is in fact under the Executive Branch, not the Judicial.

How could you NOT know that? Do you even Civics bro?

What a damn shame that Americans don't even know such simple facts.

lol... m'k.... law enforcement cannot follow a presidential 'order' that CONtradicts Constitutional Law. trump will need to find someone willing to fire mueller. again, that oath to uphold the Constitution trumps trump. how successful was nixon 'eh?


what are you even talking about?

First of all, Trump has flat out stated that he isn't going to fire Mueller. Second of all , the law SPECIFICALLY prevents Trump from firing Muller, however it also specifically allows that he may fire the AG, or the Deputy AG, for ANY reason, Because they work for the Executive branch of the US government.

This is simple 5th grade US Civics. How do you not understand?

trump said he wasn't gonna fire comey. b4 he fired comey. look- you think trump has done nothing wrong. that is all i need to know about where you stand sweety.
Trump fired Yates for insubordination. Comey also deserved to be fired for his corruption and incompentence, although Trump could fire him without any reason at all.

Democrats were calling for Comey to be fired until he was. Suddenly it became obstruction

& now the (R)s are trying to say that the FBI is all about hillary...LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! comey...who is a (R), comes fwd with supposed new emails found on weiner's computer 11 days b4 the election & NOW the burae is biased against trump.

the god damn NY bureau is nicknamed 'trumpland' for crying out loud & are tight with guliani who is very very tight with trump.

Nippin' at the hooch a tad earlier than usual today, aincha, bub?

uh-huh. oct 27, 2017

go to the 2:00 mark, there, guppy

or try any one of these...
trumpland fbi guliani - Google Search

you're welcome.

Thank you. You proved by point, you SAD little knigget.

sure, sure. so you can't refute it. gotcha.
No it isn't. The President of the United States could literally get on national TV and say "Mr Director of the FBI , I told you to drop a case and you refused, so you are fired" and that's not obstruction.

Primarily because the POTUS has the legal authority to fired the Director of the FBI for any reason, but also because the POTUS has the legal authority to end any investigation he so chooses because the Justice Department answers to the POTUS.

This is the case whether it would have been Obama or Trump, or anyone else as POTUS.

Obstruction would be something like the POTUS ordered someone to remove evidence or to lie or something like that, because the POTUS does not have the legal authority to do either of those things.

Trump has not obstructed justice. This is just another feverish dream by those who hate him.

the justice dept does NOT answer to the president you dolt. they do not swear an oath to any one man. this is not an autocracy - much to the dismay of the gropenfurer. the justice dept takes an oath to uphold the LAW, & to defend the CONSTITUTION which is the LAW of the land.

An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath: “I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” This section does not affect other oaths required by law.

5 U.S. Code § 3331 - Oath of office

that is why there are 3 EQUAL branches of the government.

Your name calling aside, the Justice Department is in fact under the Executive Branch, not the Judicial.

How could you NOT know that? Do you even Civics bro?

What a damn shame that Americans don't even know such simple facts.

lol... m'k.... law enforcement cannot follow a presidential 'order' that CONtradicts Constitutional Law. trump will need to find someone willing to fire mueller. again, that oath to uphold the Constitution trumps trump. how successful was nixon 'eh?


what are you even talking about?

First of all, Trump has flat out stated that he isn't going to fire Mueller. Second of all , the law SPECIFICALLY prevents Trump from firing Muller, however it also specifically allows that he may fire the AG, or the Deputy AG, for ANY reason, Because they work for the Executive branch of the US government.

This is simple 5th grade US Civics. How do you not understand?

trump said he wasn't gonna fire comey. b4 he fired comey. look- you think trump has done nothing wrong. that is all i need to know about where you stand sweety.

Oh, I think Trump has done a lot of things wrong.

That isn't the same as doing anything criminal.

My bet is that you don't believe Obama or Clinton did anything wrong or illegal. Which tells ALL of us exactly where YOU stand, sweety.
No it isn't. The President of the United States could literally get on national TV and say "Mr Director of the FBI , I told you to drop a case and you refused, so you are fired" and that's not obstruction.

Primarily because the POTUS has the legal authority to fired the Director of the FBI for any reason, but also because the POTUS has the legal authority to end any investigation he so chooses because the Justice Department answers to the POTUS.

This is the case whether it would have been Obama or Trump, or anyone else as POTUS.

Obstruction would be something like the POTUS ordered someone to remove evidence or to lie or something like that, because the POTUS does not have the legal authority to do either of those things.

Trump has not obstructed justice. This is just another feverish dream by those who hate him.

the justice dept does NOT answer to the president you dolt. they do not swear an oath to any one man. this is not an autocracy - much to the dismay of the gropenfurer. the justice dept takes an oath to uphold the LAW, & to defend the CONSTITUTION which is the LAW of the land.

An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath: “I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” This section does not affect other oaths required by law.

5 U.S. Code § 3331 - Oath of office

that is why there are 3 EQUAL branches of the government.

Your name calling aside, the Justice Department is in fact under the Executive Branch, not the Judicial.

How could you NOT know that? Do you even Civics bro?

What a damn shame that Americans don't even know such simple facts.

lol... m'k.... law enforcement cannot follow a presidential 'order' that CONtradicts Constitutional Law. trump will need to find someone willing to fire mueller. again, that oath to uphold the Constitution trumps trump. how successful was nixon 'eh?


what are you even talking about?

First of all, Trump has flat out stated that he isn't going to fire Mueller. Second of all , the law SPECIFICALLY prevents Trump from firing Muller, however it also specifically allows that he may fire the AG, or the Deputy AG, for ANY reason, Because they work for the Executive branch of the US government.

This is simple 5th grade US Civics. How do you not understand?

trump said he wasn't gonna fire comey. b4 he fired comey. look- you think trump has done nothing wrong. that is all i need to know about where you stand sweety.

The pic of him in his office talking to the Russians was and still is priceless. He looks so happy being rid of Comey.
Democrats were calling for Comey to be fired until he was. Suddenly it became obstruction

& now the (R)s are trying to say that the FBI is all about hillary...LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! comey...who is a (R), comes fwd with supposed new emails found on weiner's computer 11 days b4 the election & NOW the burae is biased against trump.

the god damn NY bureau is nicknamed 'trumpland' for crying out loud & are tight with guliani who is very very tight with trump.

Nippin' at the hooch a tad earlier than usual today, aincha, bub?

uh-huh. oct 27, 2017

go to the 2:00 mark, there, guppy

or try any one of these...
trumpland fbi guliani - Google Search

you're welcome.

Thank you. You proved by point, you SAD little knigget.

sure, sure. so you can't refute it. gotcha.

You are correct. I cannot refute the fact that you have a feverish, erratic, delusional outlook.

Keep desperately searching for irrelevant Youtubes that support your FEELz. At least that activity keeps you out of public where you are a danger to yourself and others.
Comey used fake documents to try to influence a presidential election and later undermine the administration's policies. I'd call that an attempted political coup. Barry Hussein allegedly had a presidential candidate under government surveillance and Hillary spent about a million campaign dollars to try to convince Americans that fake documents were true. Isn't that obstruction of justice? We won't even go into Hussein using the IRS to punish political enemies.
the justice dept does NOT answer to the president you dolt. they do not swear an oath to any one man. this is not an autocracy - much to the dismay of the gropenfurer. the justice dept takes an oath to uphold the LAW, & to defend the CONSTITUTION which is the LAW of the land.

An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath: “I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” This section does not affect other oaths required by law.

5 U.S. Code § 3331 - Oath of office

that is why there are 3 EQUAL branches of the government.

Your name calling aside, the Justice Department is in fact under the Executive Branch, not the Judicial.

How could you NOT know that? Do you even Civics bro?

What a damn shame that Americans don't even know such simple facts.

lol... m'k.... law enforcement cannot follow a presidential 'order' that CONtradicts Constitutional Law. trump will need to find someone willing to fire mueller. again, that oath to uphold the Constitution trumps trump. how successful was nixon 'eh?


what are you even talking about?

First of all, Trump has flat out stated that he isn't going to fire Mueller. Second of all , the law SPECIFICALLY prevents Trump from firing Muller, however it also specifically allows that he may fire the AG, or the Deputy AG, for ANY reason, Because they work for the Executive branch of the US government.

This is simple 5th grade US Civics. How do you not understand?

trump said he wasn't gonna fire comey. b4 he fired comey. look- you think trump has done nothing wrong. that is all i need to know about where you stand sweety.

Oh, I think Trump has done a lot of things wrong.

That isn't the same as doing anything criminal.

My bet is that you don't believe Obama or Clinton did anything wrong or illegal. Which tells ALL of us exactly where YOU stand, sweety.

ANYTHING trump did b4 the 'election' is open to prosecution. oh my..... obama did plenty wrong. illegal? doubt it - but there was 8 years to investigate anything that he did 'illegally'... & yet - ummmmmmmm, nothing. as for hillary? she's been under the microscope for decades - going back to the supposed 'suspicious' death of vince foster to the multiple BENGHAZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII investigations & the ol' gal is still walking freely. can't say she's totally innocent - but the powers that be had her in their sites forever & still nothin'.

the justice dept does NOT answer to the president you dolt. they do not swear an oath to any one man. this is not an autocracy - much to the dismay of the gropenfurer. the justice dept takes an oath to uphold the LAW, & to defend the CONSTITUTION which is the LAW of the land.

An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath: “I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” This section does not affect other oaths required by law.

5 U.S. Code § 3331 - Oath of office

that is why there are 3 EQUAL branches of the government.

Your name calling aside, the Justice Department is in fact under the Executive Branch, not the Judicial.

How could you NOT know that? Do you even Civics bro?

What a damn shame that Americans don't even know such simple facts.

lol... m'k.... law enforcement cannot follow a presidential 'order' that CONtradicts Constitutional Law. trump will need to find someone willing to fire mueller. again, that oath to uphold the Constitution trumps trump. how successful was nixon 'eh?


what are you even talking about?

First of all, Trump has flat out stated that he isn't going to fire Mueller. Second of all , the law SPECIFICALLY prevents Trump from firing Muller, however it also specifically allows that he may fire the AG, or the Deputy AG, for ANY reason, Because they work for the Executive branch of the US government.

This is simple 5th grade US Civics. How do you not understand?

trump said he wasn't gonna fire comey. b4 he fired comey. look- you think trump has done nothing wrong. that is all i need to know about where you stand sweety.

The pic of him in his office talking to the Russians was and still is priceless. He looks so happy being rid of Comey.

Using your logic, Obabble celebrated the deaths in Benghazi by going to Las Vegas.
Comey used fake documents to try to influence a presidential election and later undermine the administration's policies. I'd call that an attempted political coup. Barry Hussein allegedly had a presidential candidate under government surveillance and Hillary spent about a million campaign dollars to try to convince Americans that fake documents were true. Isn't that obstruction of justice? We won't even go into Hussein using the IRS to punish political enemies.


fox viewer.
Your name calling aside, the Justice Department is in fact under the Executive Branch, not the Judicial.

How could you NOT know that? Do you even Civics bro?

What a damn shame that Americans don't even know such simple facts.

lol... m'k.... law enforcement cannot follow a presidential 'order' that CONtradicts Constitutional Law. trump will need to find someone willing to fire mueller. again, that oath to uphold the Constitution trumps trump. how successful was nixon 'eh?


what are you even talking about?

First of all, Trump has flat out stated that he isn't going to fire Mueller. Second of all , the law SPECIFICALLY prevents Trump from firing Muller, however it also specifically allows that he may fire the AG, or the Deputy AG, for ANY reason, Because they work for the Executive branch of the US government.

This is simple 5th grade US Civics. How do you not understand?

trump said he wasn't gonna fire comey. b4 he fired comey. look- you think trump has done nothing wrong. that is all i need to know about where you stand sweety.

Oh, I think Trump has done a lot of things wrong.

That isn't the same as doing anything criminal.

My bet is that you don't believe Obama or Clinton did anything wrong or illegal. Which tells ALL of us exactly where YOU stand, sweety.

ANYTHING trump did b4 the 'election' is open to prosecution. oh my..... obama did plenty wrong. illegal? doubt it - but there was 8 years to investigate anything that he did 'illegally'... & yet - ummmmmmmm, nothing. as for hillary? she's been under the microscope for decades - going back to the supposed 'suspicious' death of vince foster to the multiple BENGHAZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII investigations & the ol' gal is still walking freely. can't say she's totally innocent - but the powers that be had her in their sites forever & still nothin'.


LOL so you don't have ANY questions about the way the FBI and Justice Department have behaved over the last 2 years? You see nothing wrong and believe they have been on the up and up in their every decision? Come on, put your partisanship away and look at just the facts here.

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