Obstruction via twitter

What people fail to realize is...

When you threaten to fire someone over Twitter, and you give the reason is just because their wife is in the opposition party... and that person also happens to be be a key part of a possible investigation into you, that's obstruction of justice.

No it isn't. The President of the United States could literally get on national TV and say "Mr Director of the FBI , I told you to drop a case and you refused, so you are fired" and that's not obstruction.

Primarily because the POTUS has the legal authority to fired the Director of the FBI for any reason, but also because the POTUS has the legal authority to end any investigation he so chooses because the Justice Department answers to the POTUS.

This is the case whether it would have been Obama or Trump, or anyone else as POTUS.

Obstruction would be something like the POTUS ordered someone to remove evidence or to lie or something like that, because the POTUS does not have the legal authority to do either of those things.

Trump has not obstructed justice. This is just another feverish dream by those who hate him.

No, he can't. I guess you haven't read the rules for how a President can fire someone in that position.

...and the knowledge McCabe owns IS EVIDENCE.
What people fail to realize is...

When you threaten to fire someone over Twitter, and you give the reason is just because their wife is in the opposition party... and that person also happens to be be a key part of a possible investigation into you, that's obstruction of justice.

No it isn't. The President of the United States could literally get on national TV and say "Mr Director of the FBI , I told you to drop a case and you refused, so you are fired" and that's not obstruction.

Primarily because the POTUS has the legal authority to fired the Director of the FBI for any reason, but also because the POTUS has the legal authority to end any investigation he so chooses because the Justice Department answers to the POTUS.

This is the case whether it would have been Obama or Trump, or anyone else as POTUS.

Obstruction would be something like the POTUS ordered someone to remove evidence or to lie or something like that, because the POTUS does not have the legal authority to do either of those things.

Trump has not obstructed justice. This is just another feverish dream by those who hate him.

No, he can't. I guess you haven't read the rules for how a President can fire someone in that position.

...and the knowledge McCabe owns IS EVIDENCE.

Remember, most likely you are arguing with someone who would be fine with the President shooting someone on 5th Ave, what Trump tweets isn't going to phase him.
What people fail to realize is...

When you threaten to fire someone over Twitter, and you give the reason is just because their wife is in the opposition party... and that person also happens to be be a key part of a possible investigation into you, that's obstruction of justice.

No it isn't. The President of the United States could literally get on national TV and say "Mr Director of the FBI , I told you to drop a case and you refused, so you are fired" and that's not obstruction.

Primarily because the POTUS has the legal authority to fired the Director of the FBI for any reason, but also because the POTUS has the legal authority to end any investigation he so chooses because the Justice Department answers to the POTUS.

This is the case whether it would have been Obama or Trump, or anyone else as POTUS.

Obstruction would be something like the POTUS ordered someone to remove evidence or to lie or something like that, because the POTUS does not have the legal authority to do either of those things.

Trump has not obstructed justice. This is just another feverish dream by those who hate him.

No, he can't. I guess you haven't read the rules for how a President can fire someone in that position.

...and the knowledge McCabe owns IS EVIDENCE.

Of course he can. And the knowledge McCabe owns would still be available as evidence if McCabe were fired from the FBI.

I'm a Trump supporter, but I acknowledge he's done some things that I can see why people would be upset, he's done some things that upset me, but it makes not sense to just make things up and not acknowledge simple facts.

"Serves at the pleasure" literally means the President can fire you for any reason. Ask James Comey or Sally Yates about that. They were fired and that was that. Neither of those is even close to an obstruction of Justice.
What people fail to realize is...

When you threaten to fire someone over Twitter, and you give the reason is just because their wife is in the opposition party... and that person also happens to be be a key part of a possible investigation into you, that's obstruction of justice.

No it isn't. The President of the United States could literally get on national TV and say "Mr Director of the FBI , I told you to drop a case and you refused, so you are fired" and that's not obstruction.

Primarily because the POTUS has the legal authority to fired the Director of the FBI for any reason, but also because the POTUS has the legal authority to end any investigation he so chooses because the Justice Department answers to the POTUS.

This is the case whether it would have been Obama or Trump, or anyone else as POTUS.

Obstruction would be something like the POTUS ordered someone to remove evidence or to lie or something like that, because the POTUS does not have the legal authority to do either of those things.

Trump has not obstructed justice. This is just another feverish dream by those who hate him.

No, he can't. I guess you haven't read the rules for how a President can fire someone in that position.

...and the knowledge McCabe owns IS EVIDENCE.

Of course he can. And the knowledge McCabe owns would still be available as evidence if McCabe were fired from the FBI.

I'm a Trump supporter, but I acknowledge he's done some things that I can see why people would be upset, he's done some things that upset me, but it makes not sense to just make things up and not acknowledge simple facts.

"Serves at the pleasure" literally means the President can fire you for any reason. Ask James Comey or Sally Yates about that. They were fired and that was that. Neither of those is even close to an obstruction of Justice.

...and the firing of Yates and Comey has created a pattern of actions.
What people fail to realize is...

When you threaten to fire someone over Twitter, and you give the reason is just because their wife is in the opposition party... and that person also happens to be be a key part of a possible investigation into you, that's obstruction of justice.

No it isn't. The President of the United States could literally get on national TV and say "Mr Director of the FBI , I told you to drop a case and you refused, so you are fired" and that's not obstruction.

Primarily because the POTUS has the legal authority to fired the Director of the FBI for any reason, but also because the POTUS has the legal authority to end any investigation he so chooses because the Justice Department answers to the POTUS.

This is the case whether it would have been Obama or Trump, or anyone else as POTUS.

Obstruction would be something like the POTUS ordered someone to remove evidence or to lie or something like that, because the POTUS does not have the legal authority to do either of those things.

Trump has not obstructed justice. This is just another feverish dream by those who hate him.

No, he can't. I guess you haven't read the rules for how a President can fire someone in that position.

...and the knowledge McCabe owns IS EVIDENCE.

Of course he can. And the knowledge McCabe owns would still be available as evidence if McCabe were fired from the FBI.

I'm a Trump supporter, but I acknowledge he's done some things that I can see why people would be upset, he's done some things that upset me, but it makes not sense to just make things up and not acknowledge simple facts.

"Serves at the pleasure" literally means the President can fire you for any reason. Ask James Comey or Sally Yates about that. They were fired and that was that. Neither of those is even close to an obstruction of Justice.

...and the firing of Yates and Comey has created a pattern of actions.

Trump fired Yates for insubordination. Comey also deserved to be fired for his corruption and incompentence, although Trump could fire him without any reason at all.
Yes that is what Trump is doing, just as if he said it himself. What he is saying about McCabe and Comey is obstruction of justice. He is twittering away their reputation as well.
It ain't slander, and it ain't obstruction if it's the truth!

Even if it isn’t the truth it isn’t slander or obstruction.

You can’t obstruct justice by saying something online.

Can’t slander anyone online either
What people fail to realize is...

When you threaten to fire someone over Twitter, and you give the reason is just because their wife is in the opposition party... and that person also happens to be be a key part of a possible investigation into you, that's obstruction of justice.

No it isn't. The President of the United States could literally get on national TV and say "Mr Director of the FBI , I told you to drop a case and you refused, so you are fired" and that's not obstruction.

Primarily because the POTUS has the legal authority to fired the Director of the FBI for any reason, but also because the POTUS has the legal authority to end any investigation he so chooses because the Justice Department answers to the POTUS.

This is the case whether it would have been Obama or Trump, or anyone else as POTUS.

Obstruction would be something like the POTUS ordered someone to remove evidence or to lie or something like that, because the POTUS does not have the legal authority to do either of those things.

Trump has not obstructed justice. This is just another feverish dream by those who hate him.

No, he can't. I guess you haven't read the rules for how a President can fire someone in that position.

...and the knowledge McCabe owns IS EVIDENCE.

Of course he can. And the knowledge McCabe owns would still be available as evidence if McCabe were fired from the FBI.

I'm a Trump supporter, but I acknowledge he's done some things that I can see why people would be upset, he's done some things that upset me, but it makes not sense to just make things up and not acknowledge simple facts.

"Serves at the pleasure" literally means the President can fire you for any reason. Ask James Comey or Sally Yates about that. They were fired and that was that. Neither of those is even close to an obstruction of Justice.

...and the firing of Yates and Comey has created a pattern of actions.

Trump fired Yates for insubordination. Comey also deserved to be fired for his corruption and incompentence, although Trump could fire him without any reason at all.

Democrats were calling for Comey to be fired until he was. Suddenly it became obstruction
What people fail to realize is...

When you threaten to fire someone over Twitter, and you give the reason is just because their wife is in the opposition party... and that person also happens to be be a key part of a possible investigation into you, that's obstruction of justice.

No it isn't. The President of the United States could literally get on national TV and say "Mr Director of the FBI , I told you to drop a case and you refused, so you are fired" and that's not obstruction.

Primarily because the POTUS has the legal authority to fired the Director of the FBI for any reason, but also because the POTUS has the legal authority to end any investigation he so chooses because the Justice Department answers to the POTUS.

This is the case whether it would have been Obama or Trump, or anyone else as POTUS.

Obstruction would be something like the POTUS ordered someone to remove evidence or to lie or something like that, because the POTUS does not have the legal authority to do either of those things.

Trump has not obstructed justice. This is just another feverish dream by those who hate him.

No, he can't. I guess you haven't read the rules for how a President can fire someone in that position.

...and the knowledge McCabe owns IS EVIDENCE.

Of course he can. And the knowledge McCabe owns would still be available as evidence if McCabe were fired from the FBI.

I'm a Trump supporter, but I acknowledge he's done some things that I can see why people would be upset, he's done some things that upset me, but it makes not sense to just make things up and not acknowledge simple facts.

"Serves at the pleasure" literally means the President can fire you for any reason. Ask James Comey or Sally Yates about that. They were fired and that was that. Neither of those is even close to an obstruction of Justice.

...and the firing of Yates and Comey has created a pattern of actions.

Trump fired Yates for insubordination. Comey also deserved to be fired for his corruption and incompentence, although Trump could fire him without any reason at all.

Comey was fired for not being willing to tell Trump he'd do whatever Trump wants...

And I hate to tell you this, but there is supposed to be a separation between what the FBI and CIA do, and what the President TELLS them to do. Thus why Trump complained about it on Twitter.

Yates was fired for doing the right thing, but mostly because she told Trump that the DoJ knew what Flynn did.
Wow, just wow you got your normal a big fat nothing. Thanks though for proving it again!

And your comment was what? Enlightening?


Any comment on here is enlightening compared to yours, yawn.

Mhm.....your're figuring out I could not care less what a left loon spews. Especially you

Actually I have figured out how incredibly unintellectual you are, but do carry on and keep proving it!

You're reaching the annoying point. I'm not interested in what some left loon thinks of me. You're nothing to me so why should I?

And here you thought you were special

No dumpling it is you that is special, special ed. Now run along star shine!
Breaking Update!

Here's the real Obstruction of Justice

Any poll can be manipulated to achieve any desired result. If you've ever taken a political science class you'd know that. Usually taught the first week

So, according to you the polls were manipulated to get the presidential popular vote correct? That makes sense.

I never said that, I said I dont trust your polls.

Every squirrel finds an occasional nut

Deal and shush

They're not 'my polls' they are polls, you've posted polls from the same sources yourself, hypocrite.

It's been an eternity since I've posted a poll.

I don't believe them. But nice try, feeble but it was an effort

You appear to like to talk about the results when they meet your narrative:

New York Mayor Hillary Clinton?

I said an eternity and I never posted any poll.

Keep trying. As a matter of fact don't...you're a waste of time
Hillary (if she won) would have fired Comey if he had kept his original draft and not made the changes to exonerate her.
Any comment on here is enlightening compared to yours, yawn.

Mhm.....your're figuring out I could not care less what a left loon spews. Especially you

Actually I have figured out how incredibly unintellectual you are, but do carry on and keep proving it!

You're reaching the annoying point. I'm not interested in what some left loon thinks of me. You're nothing to me so why should I?

And here you thought you were special

No dumpling it is you that is special, special ed. Now run along star shine!

What? Is that the best you've got?

Rank amateur

Yet you keep commenting, they call you a fish!
Yes that is what Trump is doing, just as if he said it himself. What he is saying about McCabe and Comey is obstruction of justice. He is twittering away their reputation as well.
Trump says a lot of dumb shit but watching y'alls reactions makes it quite entertaining. You idiots wet yourselves every time he tweets and it's fucking hilarious.

Rational people are concerned with the economy & jobs & taxes & safety in their communities.

Then there's people like YOU. The comedic relief from all the serious issues.
Actually I have figured out how incredibly unintellectual you are, but do carry on and keep proving it!

You're reaching the annoying point. I'm not interested in what some left loon thinks of me. You're nothing to me so why should I?

And here you thought you were special

No dumpling it is you that is special, special ed. Now run along star shine!

What? Is that the best you've got?

Rank amateur

Yet you keep commenting, they call you a fish!

What does that mean? You're very close to ignore if you don't step it up.

I have little time and no patience for stupid shit

OMFG, not ignore, no not that. And announce it to the board like anyone gives a shit about you or what you do! JFC you are a true orange Trumpet!
No dumpling it is you that is special, special ed. Now run along star shine!

What? Is that the best you've got?

Rank amateur

Yet you keep commenting, they call you a fish!

What does that mean? You're very close to ignore if you don't step it up.

I have little time and no patience for stupid shit

OMFG, not ignore, no not that. And announce it to the board like anyone gives a shit about you or what you do! JFC you are a true orange Trumpet!

You need to get on topic. You're impressing nobody

Yet you keep commenting fish!
Yet you keep commenting, they call you a fish!

What does that mean? You're very close to ignore if you don't step it up.

I have little time and no patience for stupid shit

OMFG, not ignore, no not that. And announce it to the board like anyone gives a shit about you or what you do! JFC you are a true orange Trumpet!

You need to get on topic. You're impressing nobody

Yet you keep commenting fish!

You sound upset.

No dumpling I'm laughing at you!
No it isn't. The President of the United States could literally get on national TV and say "Mr Director of the FBI , I told you to drop a case and you refused, so you are fired" and that's not obstruction.

Primarily because the POTUS has the legal authority to fired the Director of the FBI for any reason, but also because the POTUS has the legal authority to end any investigation he so chooses because the Justice Department answers to the POTUS.

This is the case whether it would have been Obama or Trump, or anyone else as POTUS.

Obstruction would be something like the POTUS ordered someone to remove evidence or to lie or something like that, because the POTUS does not have the legal authority to do either of those things.

Trump has not obstructed justice. This is just another feverish dream by those who hate him.

No, he can't. I guess you haven't read the rules for how a President can fire someone in that position.

...and the knowledge McCabe owns IS EVIDENCE.

Of course he can. And the knowledge McCabe owns would still be available as evidence if McCabe were fired from the FBI.

I'm a Trump supporter, but I acknowledge he's done some things that I can see why people would be upset, he's done some things that upset me, but it makes not sense to just make things up and not acknowledge simple facts.

"Serves at the pleasure" literally means the President can fire you for any reason. Ask James Comey or Sally Yates about that. They were fired and that was that. Neither of those is even close to an obstruction of Justice.

...and the firing of Yates and Comey has created a pattern of actions.

Trump fired Yates for insubordination. Comey also deserved to be fired for his corruption and incompentence, although Trump could fire him without any reason at all.

Comey was fired for not being willing to tell Trump he'd do whatever Trump wants...

And I hate to tell you this, but there is supposed to be a separation between what the FBI and CIA do, and what the President TELLS them to do. Thus why Trump complained about it on Twitter.

Yates was fired for doing the right thing, but mostly because she told Trump that the DoJ knew what Flynn did.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy .... zzzzzzz.

You loons were all for Obabble abusing executive power, while you condemn Trump for making executive decisions within the scope of his Constitutional power.
OMFG, not ignore, no not that. And announce it to the board like anyone gives a shit about you or what you do! JFC you are a true orange Trumpet!

You need to get on topic. You're impressing nobody

Yet you keep commenting fish!

You sound upset.

No dumpling I'm laughing at you!

Yup, you got zero!

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