Obstruction via twitter

No, he can't. I guess you haven't read the rules for how a President can fire someone in that position.

...and the knowledge McCabe owns IS EVIDENCE.

Of course he can. And the knowledge McCabe owns would still be available as evidence if McCabe were fired from the FBI.

I'm a Trump supporter, but I acknowledge he's done some things that I can see why people would be upset, he's done some things that upset me, but it makes not sense to just make things up and not acknowledge simple facts.

"Serves at the pleasure" literally means the President can fire you for any reason. Ask James Comey or Sally Yates about that. They were fired and that was that. Neither of those is even close to an obstruction of Justice.

...and the firing of Yates and Comey has created a pattern of actions.

Trump fired Yates for insubordination. Comey also deserved to be fired for his corruption and incompentence, although Trump could fire him without any reason at all.

Comey was fired for not being willing to tell Trump he'd do whatever Trump wants...

And I hate to tell you this, but there is supposed to be a separation between what the FBI and CIA do, and what the President TELLS them to do. Thus why Trump complained about it on Twitter.

Yates was fired for doing the right thing, but mostly because she told Trump that the DoJ knew what Flynn did.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy .... zzzzzzz.

You loons were all for Obabble abusing executive power, while you condemn Trump for making executive decisions within the scope of his Constitutional power.

Yes. That's the best thing to do when someone tells you the truth. Stick your finger in your ears and ignore it.
Of course he can. And the knowledge McCabe owns would still be available as evidence if McCabe were fired from the FBI.

I'm a Trump supporter, but I acknowledge he's done some things that I can see why people would be upset, he's done some things that upset me, but it makes not sense to just make things up and not acknowledge simple facts.

"Serves at the pleasure" literally means the President can fire you for any reason. Ask James Comey or Sally Yates about that. They were fired and that was that. Neither of those is even close to an obstruction of Justice.

...and the firing of Yates and Comey has created a pattern of actions.

Trump fired Yates for insubordination. Comey also deserved to be fired for his corruption and incompentence, although Trump could fire him without any reason at all.

Comey was fired for not being willing to tell Trump he'd do whatever Trump wants...

And I hate to tell you this, but there is supposed to be a separation between what the FBI and CIA do, and what the President TELLS them to do. Thus why Trump complained about it on Twitter.

Yates was fired for doing the right thing, but mostly because she told Trump that the DoJ knew what Flynn did.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy .... zzzzzzz.

You loons were all for Obabble abusing executive power, while you condemn Trump for making executive decisions within the scope of his Constitutional power.

Yes. That's the best thing to do when someone tells you the truth. Stick your finger in your ears and ignore it.

Sorry to disillusion you, but your feverish wet dream alternate reality simulation regarding Trump is Not The Truth.
...and the firing of Yates and Comey has created a pattern of actions.

Trump fired Yates for insubordination. Comey also deserved to be fired for his corruption and incompentence, although Trump could fire him without any reason at all.

Comey was fired for not being willing to tell Trump he'd do whatever Trump wants...

And I hate to tell you this, but there is supposed to be a separation between what the FBI and CIA do, and what the President TELLS them to do. Thus why Trump complained about it on Twitter.

Yates was fired for doing the right thing, but mostly because she told Trump that the DoJ knew what Flynn did.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy .... zzzzzzz.

You loons were all for Obabble abusing executive power, while you condemn Trump for making executive decisions within the scope of his Constitutional power.

Yes. That's the best thing to do when someone tells you the truth. Stick your finger in your ears and ignore it.

Sorry to disillusion you, but your feverish wet dream alternate reality simulation regarding Trump is Not The Truth.

Sure it isn't. :rolleyes:

I mean no one in his campaign did anything wrong either right? Like the two who have plead guilty and are cooperating or the other two who were indicted? Am I imagining that too?
Trump fired Yates for insubordination. Comey also deserved to be fired for his corruption and incompentence, although Trump could fire him without any reason at all.

Comey was fired for not being willing to tell Trump he'd do whatever Trump wants...

And I hate to tell you this, but there is supposed to be a separation between what the FBI and CIA do, and what the President TELLS them to do. Thus why Trump complained about it on Twitter.

Yates was fired for doing the right thing, but mostly because she told Trump that the DoJ knew what Flynn did.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy .... zzzzzzz.

You loons were all for Obabble abusing executive power, while you condemn Trump for making executive decisions within the scope of his Constitutional power.

Yes. That's the best thing to do when someone tells you the truth. Stick your finger in your ears and ignore it.

Sorry to disillusion you, but your feverish wet dream alternate reality simulation regarding Trump is Not The Truth.

Sure it isn't. :rolleyes:

I mean no one in his campaign did anything wrong either right? Like the two who have plead guilty and are cooperating or the other two who were indicted? Am I imagining that too?

They haven't been indicted for any campaign activity, bub. Mueller is engaged in a desperate witch hunt beyond the proper scope of his investigation. It's a "show me the man and I'll manufacture the crime" con job to protect the Dems.

And as that is all you've got, it's a pretty weak hand.
So, according to you the polls were manipulated to get the presidential popular vote correct? That makes sense.

I never said that, I said I dont trust your polls.

Every squirrel finds an occasional nut

Deal and shush

They're not 'my polls' they are polls, you've posted polls from the same sources yourself, hypocrite.

It's been an eternity since I've posted a poll.

I don't believe them. But nice try, feeble but it was an effort

You appear to like to talk about the results when they meet your narrative:

New York Mayor Hillary Clinton?

I said an eternity and I never posted any poll.

Keep trying. As a matter of fact don't...you're a waste of time

2017 was an eternity ago?
What people fail to realize is...

When you threaten to fire someone over Twitter, and you give the reason is just because their wife is in the opposition party... and that person also happens to be be a key part of a possible investigation into you, that's obstruction of justice.

No it isn't. The President of the United States could literally get on national TV and say "Mr Director of the FBI , I told you to drop a case and you refused, so you are fired" and that's not obstruction.

Primarily because the POTUS has the legal authority to fired the Director of the FBI for any reason, but also because the POTUS has the legal authority to end any investigation he so chooses because the Justice Department answers to the POTUS.

This is the case whether it would have been Obama or Trump, or anyone else as POTUS.

Obstruction would be something like the POTUS ordered someone to remove evidence or to lie or something like that, because the POTUS does not have the legal authority to do either of those things.

Trump has not obstructed justice. This is just another feverish dream by those who hate him.

No, he can't. I guess you haven't read the rules for how a President can fire someone in that position.

...and the knowledge McCabe owns IS EVIDENCE.

Of course he can. And the knowledge McCabe owns would still be available as evidence if McCabe were fired from the FBI.

I'm a Trump supporter, but I acknowledge he's done some things that I can see why people would be upset, he's done some things that upset me, but it makes not sense to just make things up and not acknowledge simple facts.

"Serves at the pleasure" literally means the President can fire you for any reason. Ask James Comey or Sally Yates about that. They were fired and that was that. Neither of those is even close to an obstruction of Justice.

...and the firing of Yates and Comey has created a pattern of actions.

Correct, add Flynn and a Prebus and a few others to that as well. It was well known before the election that Trump fires people who don't do their jobs as he thinks they should. That's the prerogative of being boss. I'm surprised you would even argue otherwise.
Yes that is what Trump is doing, just as if he said it himself. What he is saying about McCabe and Comey is obstruction of justice. He is twittering away their reputation as well.

Link I don't use gay ass Twitter

Your president loves 'gay ass' twitter, it's how he communicates to his army of dunces. That's where he tells us all the 'lies' being said on tv but whines that he never watches it.

Well it appears you homos read it because I sure don't and the millions like me..

Me thinks is your lying he knows only faggot liberals use Twitter

right. which is why he gets all kinds of deplorable 'likes'?

Again how would I know homo Again I don't read gay ass Twitter ..

Do you read or watch or listen to the news, asshole? Do you know English or how to use puncuation, asshole?
Link I don't use gay ass Twitter

Your president loves 'gay ass' twitter, it's how he communicates to his army of dunces. That's where he tells us all the 'lies' being said on tv but whines that he never watches it.

Well it appears you homos read it because I sure don't and the millions like me..

Me thinks is your lying he knows only faggot liberals use Twitter

right. which is why he gets all kinds of deplorable 'likes'?

Again how would I know homo Again I don't read gay ass Twitter ..

Do you read or watch or listen to the news, asshole? Do you know English or how to use puncuation, asshole?

He totally know homo again.
Yes that is what Trump is doing, just as if he said it himself. What he is saying about McCabe and Comey is obstruction of justice. He is twittering away their reputation as well.

Link I don't use gay ass Twitter

Your president loves 'gay ass' twitter, it's how he communicates to his army of dunces. That's where he tells us all the 'lies' being said on tv but whines that he never watches it.

Well it appears you homos read it because I sure don't and the millions like me..

Me thinks is your lying he knows only faggot liberals use Twitter

You just called Smokealib a 'faggot', maybe that explains his name.

What so now you think there is only liberal gays?

How homophobic is the left now a days ..

Talk about hypocrites


you mention the word 'gay' alot. me thinx doth protest too much.
Link I don't use gay ass Twitter

Your president loves 'gay ass' twitter, it's how he communicates to his army of dunces. That's where he tells us all the 'lies' being said on tv but whines that he never watches it.

Well it appears you homos read it because I sure don't and the millions like me..

Me thinks is your lying he knows only faggot liberals use Twitter

right. which is why he gets all kinds of deplorable 'likes'?

Again how would I know homo Again I don't read gay ass Twitter ..

Do you read or watch or listen to the news, asshole? Do you know English or how to use puncuation, asshole?

Uhm yes I read the fucking news but the only way I heat is tweets is from little powder Puffs like you who are on the faggot Twitter ..

And get a fucking job because being the spelling and grammar police here doesn't pay anything

You do know that right?
Link I don't use gay ass Twitter

Your president loves 'gay ass' twitter, it's how he communicates to his army of dunces. That's where he tells us all the 'lies' being said on tv but whines that he never watches it.

Well it appears you homos read it because I sure don't and the millions like me..

Me thinks is your lying he knows only faggot liberals use Twitter

You just called Smokealib a 'faggot', maybe that explains his name.

What so now you think there is only liberal gays?

How homophobic is the left now a days ..

Talk about hypocrites


you mention the word 'gay' alot. me thinx doth protest too much.

Yup another faggot that listens to every Trump tweet ..

With Trump tweets liberals are starting to remind me of the beaten house wife syndrome , they get beat up but can never leave ..

Like with Trump tweets , Trump trolls you, makes you cry but can never stop reading them

What people fail to realize is...

When you threaten to fire someone over Twitter, and you give the reason is just because their wife is in the opposition party... and that person also happens to be be a key part of a possible investigation into you, that's obstruction of justice.

No it isn't. The President of the United States could literally get on national TV and say "Mr Director of the FBI , I told you to drop a case and you refused, so you are fired" and that's not obstruction.

Primarily because the POTUS has the legal authority to fired the Director of the FBI for any reason, but also because the POTUS has the legal authority to end any investigation he so chooses because the Justice Department answers to the POTUS.

This is the case whether it would have been Obama or Trump, or anyone else as POTUS.

Obstruction would be something like the POTUS ordered someone to remove evidence or to lie or something like that, because the POTUS does not have the legal authority to do either of those things.

Trump has not obstructed justice. This is just another feverish dream by those who hate him.

the justice dept does NOT answer to the president you dolt. they do not swear an oath to any one man. this is not an autocracy - much to the dismay of the gropenfurer. the justice dept takes an oath to uphold the LAW, & to defend the CONSTITUTION which is the LAW of the land.

An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath: “I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” This section does not affect other oaths required by law.

5 U.S. Code § 3331 - Oath of office

that is why there are 3 EQUAL branches of the government.
Your president loves 'gay ass' twitter, it's how he communicates to his army of dunces. That's where he tells us all the 'lies' being said on tv but whines that he never watches it.

Well it appears you homos read it because I sure don't and the millions like me..

Me thinks is your lying he knows only faggot liberals use Twitter

right. which is why he gets all kinds of deplorable 'likes'?

Again how would I know homo Again I don't read gay ass Twitter ..

Do you read or watch or listen to the news, asshole? Do you know English or how to use puncuation, asshole?

Uhm yes I read the fucking news but the only way I heat is tweets is from little powder Puffs like you who are on the faggot Twitter ..

And get a fucking job because being the spelling and grammar police here doesn't pay anything

You do know that right?

lol... i don't do twiiter.... or facebook little asshole. but you hafta live in a fucking bubble if you don't know the basics of social media. spare me.
Your president loves 'gay ass' twitter, it's how he communicates to his army of dunces. That's where he tells us all the 'lies' being said on tv but whines that he never watches it.

Well it appears you homos read it because I sure don't and the millions like me..

Me thinks is your lying he knows only faggot liberals use Twitter

You just called Smokealib a 'faggot', maybe that explains his name.

What so now you think there is only liberal gays?

How homophobic is the left now a days ..

Talk about hypocrites


you mention the word 'gay' alot. me thinx doth protest too much.

Yup another faggot that listens to every Trump tweet ..

With Trump tweets liberals are starting to remind me of the beaten house wife syndrome , they get beat up but can never leave ..

Like with Trump tweets , Trump trolls you, makes you cry but can never stop reading them


According to the White House they are official WH communications.
Your president loves 'gay ass' twitter, it's how he communicates to his army of dunces. That's where he tells us all the 'lies' being said on tv but whines that he never watches it.

Well it appears you homos read it because I sure don't and the millions like me..

Me thinks is your lying he knows only faggot liberals use Twitter

You just called Smokealib a 'faggot', maybe that explains his name.

What so now you think there is only liberal gays?

How homophobic is the left now a days ..

Talk about hypocrites


you mention the word 'gay' alot. me thinx doth protest too much.

Yup another faggot that listens to every Trump tweet ..

With Trump tweets liberals are starting to remind me of the beaten house wife syndrome , they get beat up but can never leave ..

Like with Trump tweets , Trump trolls you, makes you cry but can never stop reading them


please go on. your ignorance is astounding.
What people fail to realize is...

When you threaten to fire someone over Twitter, and you give the reason is just because their wife is in the opposition party... and that person also happens to be be a key part of a possible investigation into you, that's obstruction of justice.

No it isn't. The President of the United States could literally get on national TV and say "Mr Director of the FBI , I told you to drop a case and you refused, so you are fired" and that's not obstruction.

Primarily because the POTUS has the legal authority to fired the Director of the FBI for any reason, but also because the POTUS has the legal authority to end anticky tocky....y investigation he so chooses because the Justice Department answers to the POTUS.

This is the case whether it would have been Obama or Trump, or anyone else as POTUS.

Obstruction would be something like the POTUS ordered someone to remove evidence or to lie or something like that, because the POTUS does not have the legal authority to do either of those things.

Trump has not obstructed justice. This is just another feverish dream by those who hate him.

No, he can't. I guess you haven't read the rules for how a President can fire someone in that position.

...and the knowledge McCabe owns IS EVIDENCE.

the $64K question isn't whether he can, but....

should he?

ticky tocky... :popcorn:
What people fail to realize is...

When you threaten to fire someone over Twitter, and you give the reason is just because their wife is in the opposition party... and that person also happens to be be a key part of a possible investigation into you, that's obstruction of justice.

No it isn't. The President of the United States could literally get on national TV and say "Mr Director of the FBI , I told you to drop a case and you refused, so you are fired" and that's not obstruction.

Primarily because the POTUS has the legal authority to fired the Director of the FBI for any reason, but also because the POTUS has the legal authority to end any investigation he so chooses because the Justice Department answers to the POTUS.

This is the case whether it would have been Obama or Trump, or anyone else as POTUS.

Obstruction would be something like the POTUS ordered someone to remove evidence or to lie or something like that, because the POTUS does not have the legal authority to do either of those things.

Trump has not obstructed justice. This is just another feverish dream by those who hate him.

No, he can't. I guess you haven't read the rules for how a President can fire someone in that position.

...and the knowledge McCabe owns IS EVIDENCE.

Of course he can. And the knowledge McCabe owns would still be available as evidence if McCabe were fired from the FBI.

I'm a Trump supporter, but I acknowledge he's done some things that I can see why people would be upset, he's done some things that upset me, but it makes not sense to just make things up and not acknowledge simple facts.

"Serves at the pleasure" literally means the President can fire you for any reason. Ask James Comey or Sally Yates about that. They were fired and that was that. Neither of those is even close to an obstruction of Justice.

but why? all that did was put a shiny bright spotlight on him.

not smart at all.

What people fail to realize is...

When you threaten to fire someone over Twitter, and you give the reason is just because their wife is in the opposition party... and that person also happens to be be a key part of a possible investigation into you, that's obstruction of justice.

No it isn't. The President of the United States could literally get on national TV and say "Mr Director of the FBI , I told you to drop a case and you refused, so you are fired" and that's not obstruction.

Primarily because the POTUS has the legal authority to fired the Director of the FBI for any reason, but also because the POTUS has the legal authority to end any investigation he so chooses because the Justice Department answers to the POTUS.

This is the case whether it would have been Obama or Trump, or anyone else as POTUS.

Obstruction would be something like the POTUS ordered someone to remove evidence or to lie or something like that, because the POTUS does not have the legal authority to do either of those things.

Trump has not obstructed justice. This is just another feverish dream by those who hate him.

No, he can't. I guess you haven't read the rules for how a President can fire someone in that position.

...and the knowledge McCabe owns IS EVIDENCE.

Of course he can. And the knowledge McCabe owns would still be available as evidence if McCabe were fired from the FBI.

I'm a Trump supporter, but I acknowledge he's done some things that I can see why people would be upset, he's done some things that upset me, but it makes not sense to just make things up and not acknowledge simple facts.

"Serves at the pleasure" literally means the President can fire you for any reason. Ask James Comey or Sally Yates about that. They were fired and that was that. Neither of those is even close to an obstruction of Justice.

...and the firing of Yates and Comey has created a pattern of actions.

Trump fired Yates for insubordination. Comey also deserved to be fired for his corruption and incompentence, although Trump could fire him without any reason at all.

sally yates went to the WH & told them flynn was black mailable. next thing... she's o-u-t. lol......

now flynn has flipped & trump & his mooks are shitting gold bricks.

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