Obstructionist President


Gold Member
Dec 13, 2008
It took like all of 30 minutes for President Obama's administration to announce his obstructionist policy to the new congress after they were sworn in. How come the media didn't call it obstructionist?
Obama will veto Keystone bill - CNN.com

Not the first time he has been obstructionist since the last election. Obama vows to use veto pen in battle with Congress RT USA
"Obama vows to use ‘veto pen’ in battle with Congress"

I guess obstructionism gets a pass from (most) of the media if yer a liberal..
Keystone needs to be stooped. Outside of a handful of jobs long term and the initial work crew to build it short term, the only ones that make any money on this whole thing is the Koch Brothers and Members of Congress. Koch Industries owns the sand oil field and will own the pipeline. If you think that oil is going to make it to refineries, you are mistaken. The end of the real pipeline ends where Koch Industries have to buy heavy crude from others for their tar, highways, etc. This way, the provide their own at the expense of the American Taxpayer.

Heavy Crude is primarily used for tar, etc. and light crude is used for refineries. Tar Sands is a very, very low grade of heavy crude and cannot be used in refineries for fuels.

This isn't about Governing, it isn't about Politics, it's all about Corruption.
Keystone needs to be stooped. Outside of a handful of jobs long term and the initial work crew to build it short term, the only ones that make any money on this whole thing is the Koch Brothers and Members of Congress. Koch Industries owns the sand oil field and will own the pipeline. If you think that oil is going to make it to refineries, you are mistaken. The end of the real pipeline ends where Koch Industries have to buy heavy crude from others for their tar, highways, etc. This way, the provide their own at the expense of the American Taxpayer.

Heavy Crude is primarily used for tar, etc. and light crude is used for refineries. Tar Sands is a very, very low grade of heavy crude and cannot be used in refineries for fuels.

This isn't about Governing, it isn't about Politics, it's all about Corruption.
It took like all of 30 minutes for President Obama's administration to announce his obstructionist policy to the new congress after they were sworn in. How come the media didn't call it obstructionist?
Obama will veto Keystone bill - CNN.com

Not the first time he has been obstructionist since the last election. Obama vows to use veto pen in battle with Congress RT USA
"Obama vows to use ‘veto pen’ in battle with Congress"

I guess obstructionism gets a pass from (most) of the media if yer a liberal..
Just politics . With the futures market indicating $25/bbl for June this year it is unlikely that this bill matters. Alberta crude needs a price near $100/bbl.
Keystone needs to be stooped. Outside of a handful of jobs long term and the initial work crew to build it short term, the only ones that make any money on this whole thing is the Koch Brothers and Members of Congress. Koch Industries owns the sand oil field and will own the pipeline. If you think that oil is going to make it to refineries, you are mistaken. The end of the real pipeline ends where Koch Industries have to buy heavy crude from others for their tar, highways, etc. This way, the provide their own at the expense of the American Taxpayer.

Heavy Crude is primarily used for tar, etc. and light crude is used for refineries. Tar Sands is a very, very low grade of heavy crude and cannot be used in refineries for fuels.

This isn't about Governing, it isn't about Politics, it's all about Corruption.

So the Koch brothers who fund Conservative causes are evil because they refine oil brought to their refineries by rail cars owned by that saint of a deep pockets boy for Liberal causes, Warren Buffet.
The cost of transporting oil by pipeline is about 1/3 of the rail transport cost. One pipeline on the scale of Keystone can transport as much or more than 1,000 rail cars and is far safer. (when was the last time a pipeline killed 47 people)

So what it boils down to is do we send Koch Industries $50/barrel oil through a pipeline for %5/barrel or via Berkshire Hathaway owned rail road cars for $15/barrel?
The train that derailed last year in Quebec that killed 47 was hauling 1.5 million barrels of crude. It would have taken 3 days to reach Koch Industries refineries. (500,000 gallons/day) The Keystone will move 35 million gallons/day or 70 times more oil with a better safety record. Are willing to put 3,290 people at risk (70 X 47) to enrich Berkshire Hathaway and screw over Koch Industries and the gasoline buying public?

Fucking hypocrites!
ES, while I agree with your analysis even at $50/bbl, which I understand is below the marginal cost for Alberta crude what evidence is there of oil prices going up anytime soon?
I've posited this many times here, so please let it not once again fall upon deaf ears or blind eyes....

...the addition of crude oil pipeline capacity between Canada and the United States will advance a number of strategic interests of the United States. These included increasing the diversity of available supplies among the United States’ worldwide crude oil sources in a time of considerable political tension in other major oil producing countries and regions; shortening the transportation pathway for crude oil supplies; and increasing crude oil supplies from a major non-Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries producer. Canada is a stable and reliable ally and trading partner of the United States, with which we have free trade agreements which augment the security of this energy supply.

Permit for Alberta Clipper Pipeline Issued

The Keystone XL project is a mirror effort to the one quoted above.

Liberals apparently ate their cake with the Alberta Clipper, yet they choose to vomit that same cake with regards to the Keystone XL.

Make up your mother fucking minds, you mindless fucking Liberals.
ES, while I agree with your analysis even at $50/bbl, which I understand is below the marginal cost for Alberta crude what evidence is there of oil prices going up anytime soon?
There will always be something happening in the Middle East to cause panic. The Russian economy and the Venezuelan economy are tanking and their State run oil, if unavailable, would cause oil futures to sky rocket... Who knows, for sure, but oil prices always go up.
$50/barrel oil is an oddity. It's likely OPEC (mainly Saudi) and Russian attempts to keep it's market share and discourage pipelines, shale and tar sand, fracking and other high cost production/transportation methods.
With Keystone not worth building at current prices I find it amazing that liberals tout having an even bigger idiot than themselves in the White House because Obozo has a a D for Dumber behind his name. If the dumbest/leftist ever occupant of the White House can't see a hardball opportunity when it literally bites him in the butt why am I not surprised?
Keystone needs to be stooped. Outside of a handful of jobs long term and the initial work crew to build it short term, the only ones that make any money on this whole thing is the Koch Brothers and Members of Congress. Koch Industries owns the sand oil field and will own the pipeline. If you think that oil is going to make it to refineries, you are mistaken. The end of the real pipeline ends where Koch Industries have to buy heavy crude from others for their tar, highways, etc. This way, the provide their own at the expense of the American Taxpayer.

Heavy Crude is primarily used for tar, etc. and light crude is used for refineries. Tar Sands is a very, very low grade of heavy crude and cannot be used in refineries for fuels.

This isn't about Governing, it isn't about Politics, it's all about Corruption.

So the Koch brothers who fund Conservative causes are evil because they refine oil brought to their refineries by rail cars owned by that saint of a deep pockets boy for Liberal causes, Warren Buffet.
The cost of transporting oil by pipeline is about 1/3 of the rail transport cost. One pipeline on the scale of Keystone can transport as much or more than 1,000 rail cars and is far safer. (when was the last time a pipeline killed 47 people)

So what it boils down to is do we send Koch Industries $50/barrel oil through a pipeline for %5/barrel or via Berkshire Hathaway owned rail road cars for $15/barrel?
The train that derailed last year in Quebec that killed 47 was hauling 1.5 million barrels of crude. It would have taken 3 days to reach Koch Industries refineries. (500,000 gallons/day) The Keystone will move 35 million gallons/day or 70 times more oil with a better safety record. Are willing to put 3,290 people at risk (70 X 47) to enrich Berkshire Hathaway and screw over Koch Industries and the gasoline buying public?

Fucking hypocrites!

And you want to use taxpayers money to build a privately owned pipeline. If they want it built, pay for it out of their own pockets. There are enough heavy crude oil oil wells sitting idle to take care of our Tar needs. What you are suggesting is that we, the people, pay for Koch Industries to make even more money and not to use what heavy crude we have. At 50 bucks a barrel, it's a steal. When it was over 100 bucks it wasn't and it might mean something like Keystone may be needed. But without the Tax Payer paying for it, the pipeline is not feasible. Nebraska seems to disagree with you and the Koch Brothers. This is where the pipeline will probably terminate. This is also where Koch Industries has the bulk of their Asphalt and Tar processing.

Heavy Crude isn't used to make Gasoline. Light Crude is. You can use heavy crude but the cost of refining is many times as high. And low grade (dirty) heavy crude like comes out of Tar Sands will NEVER be used. It's as dirty as coal. The US would be better off spending that money on getting Coal Refineries within regulations.

If you are dead set on building a pipeline I suggest you push for that proposed NG pipeline from Colorado to Kansas City. Imagine the lowering of NG prices for heating (wow, imagine helping the poor and middle class) and the jobs that industry creates (again, helping poor and middle class.....spit on floor) or lining our politicians and Koch Industries pockets.

Tell you what, you get the bunch together that wants to finance that Keystone Pipeline and each of you may your own fair share. Leave the rest of us out of it.
With Keystone not worth building at current prices I find it amazing that liberals tout having an even bigger idiot than themselves in the White House because Obozo has a a D for Dumber behind his name. If the dumbest/leftist ever occupant of the White House can't see a hardball opportunity when it literally bites him in the butt why am I not surprised?

I am amazed that the Reps in Washington are still trying to cram it through. But, why not, if the Taxpayers will pay for it then it's a good thing, right? Wrong.
Congress needs to borrow a page from Obama and deem their laws enacted as soon as they're voted upon, no Presidential signature required
The majority of Keystone funding comes from Trans-Canada. They would be getting some subsidies in the neighborhood of 1.5 to 1.8 billion that anyone else building a pipe line qualifies for.There is a market for all grades of crude and Keystone will be capable of pumping more than just tar sand oil.
It took like all of 30 minutes for President Obama's administration to announce his obstructionist policy to the new congress after they were sworn in. How come the media didn't call it obstructionist?
Obama will veto Keystone bill - CNN.com

Not the first time he has been obstructionist since the last election. Obama vows to use veto pen in battle with Congress RT USA
"Obama vows to use ‘veto pen’ in battle with Congress"

I guess obstructionism gets a pass from (most) of the media if yer a liberal..

Obama has been greasing the skids for his obstructionism his entire administration. He decided that being POTUS is just too difficult. Having to work with Congress. Too many headaches. Best to claim they're evil and then just sign executive actions ruling by decree.

Lazy fuckwad.
The majority of Keystone funding comes from Trans-Canada. They would be getting some subsidies in the neighborhood of 1.5 to 1.8 billion that anyone else building a pipe line qualifies for.There is a market for all grades of crude and Keystone will be capable of pumping more than just tar sand oil.
Trans-Canada can no longer afford to pay for the pipeline and the same is true of the Bakken field pipeline which is shorter and has higher quality oil and gas.
The majority of Keystone funding comes from Trans-Canada. They would be getting some subsidies in the neighborhood of 1.5 to 1.8 billion that anyone else building a pipe line qualifies for.There is a market for all grades of crude and Keystone will be capable of pumping more than just tar sand oil.
Trans-Canada can no longer afford to pay for the pipeline and the same is true of the Bakken field pipeline which is shorter and has higher quality oil and gas.
They can't afford it at $50 a barrel, but how long to you think Saudi Arabia can hold out flooding the market with cheap oil?
The majority of Keystone funding comes from Trans-Canada. They would be getting some subsidies in the neighborhood of 1.5 to 1.8 billion that anyone else building a pipe line qualifies for.There is a market for all grades of crude and Keystone will be capable of pumping more than just tar sand oil.

Okay, let's look at this.

It was originally claimed that the steel for the pipeline in the US was to be US steel. Truth: It is to come from India. Jobs created: zero

You get light crude from tar sands. Truth: No, you get dirty heavy crude useful for tar, asphalt and other things like that. There are plenty of heavy crude wells just north of Nebraska in North Dakota. Jobs create: negative numbers

The Oil Companies pay their fair share of taxes. Truth: In the US alone, Private Oil Companies receive over 37 billion a year in subsidies.

Trans-Canada is a privately owned Company. Truth: The majority of Trans-Oil is owned by the Government of Canada.

We need the Tar Sands Oil. Truth: Only Koch Industries needs it and that is in Nebraska who has it tied up in court right now. It's sitting on the Nebraska Supreme Court's desk right now. WE still have a surplus of oil being pumped right now in the US. It's the US that is driving prices down not the ME.

Now, why do you want to build it? Not just because it can be done. Hell, we can build carriers out of ice but don't.
I hope they throw a bill at him every week. let him veto them ALL. that should help the Democrat party in 2016:badgrin:
It took like all of 30 minutes for President Obama's administration to announce his obstructionist policy to the new congress after they were sworn in. How come the media didn't call it obstructionist?
Obama will veto Keystone bill - CNN.com

Not the first time he has been obstructionist since the last election. Obama vows to use veto pen in battle with Congress RT USA
"Obama vows to use ‘veto pen’ in battle with Congress"

I guess obstructionism gets a pass from (most) of the media if yer a liberal..
It has to. The media and the left created the narrative that any critisism of king Obama is racist. In fact any critism of any black liberal is now.

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