Obvious Stupidity Of Liberals.You Cannot Impeach A President On Assumptions Of Crimes Committed.


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
Is this ever going to end? Since the fall of 2016 we have heard every reason the Dem's come up with to impeach Trump, and hopefully without a vote. Just impeach him! he's already guilty!! Kinda like what happened in Massachusetts during the Salem Witch Trials.
How come no one has ever "Sat Down" Pelosi,Waters,Green, and the rest and explain to them that you cannot impeach a sitting president on the basis of a crime that you claim he committed with absolutely no evidence?
Especially with Al Green and Maxine Brown, they just wanna impeach Trump for no real reason at all, dont even bother taking votes in the Senate, Just Fire The Racist !!!
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:
this would be like some lawmaker wanting to impeach Waters for wearing some ones else's wigs
You know the Mueller Report has many cases of Trump obstructing Justice.

He said he couldn't prosecute the President and that is Congress's Job...

So Congress is in the middle of investigating not only inside the narrow parameters Mueller was look but also a wider actions of the President...

The President for his actions is doing everything he can to drag this out by the continuous court challenges which have very poor legal standing...

Look at the challenge he has on releasing his taxes, Congress can see them, that is why every other President generally releases them before asked.
Is this ever going to end? Since the fall of 2016 we have heard every reason the Dem's come up with to impeach Trump, and hopefully without a vote. Just impeach him! he's already guilty!! Kinda like what happened in Massachusetts during the Salem Witch Trials.
How come no one has ever "Sat Down" Pelosi,Waters,Green, and the rest and explain to them that you cannot impeach a sitting president on the basis of a crime that you claim he committed with absolutely no evidence?
Especially with Al Green and Maxine Brown, they just wanna impeach Trump for no real reason at all, dont even bother taking votes in the Senate, Just Fire The Racist !!!
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:

By the way Pelosi has not called for the President to be impeached... She is asking for a thorougher investigation so President Trump call be cleared of all wrong doings. Why won't the President helper clear his name?
I disagree with the op.
A elected president can be impeached for any reason congress dreams up.

There is, of course, the very real possibilty that if they are unsuccesful they will be held responsible by the voters.
this would be like congress wanting to impeach a President of having sex in the white house with someone other than his current wife
Sure you can impeach a president without an indictment of a crime.... It's a political process to remedy a President not being able to be indicted in a criminal case while sitting in office, and it could be for no criminal actions at all, like the Abuse of Power...

See Articles of impeachment number 3 with Nixon.... not responding to congressional subpoenas is in there along with a multitude of abuses of his power that President Trump has done as well...

Impeachment would never put a President in jail, it only removes them, if found guilty.... only after a president is removed from office can they indict him with any criminal offenses.... even if he was not found guilty by the Senate for the impeachment.

As example, Kenneth Starr was going to criminally charge Bill Clinton with Obstruction of justice when he left office.... but Bill copped a plea with the prosecutor the day before he left office, so that he would not be charged and brought to criminal court. He gave up a whole bunch of stuff, like not being able to argue before the Supreme court, not practicing law for 5 years etc etc etc.
as far as I can recall,,i wasnt around in 1692? when they were impeaching "Accused Witches" of being actual witches. so they may have hanged about 20-30 witches on the assumption that they were actual witches?
Is this ever going to end? Since the fall of 2016 we have heard every reason the Dem's come up with to impeach Trump, and hopefully without a vote. Just impeach him! he's already guilty!! Kinda like what happened in Massachusetts during the Salem Witch Trials.
How come no one has ever "Sat Down" Pelosi,Waters,Green, and the rest and explain to them that you cannot impeach a sitting president on the basis of a crime that you claim he committed with absolutely no evidence?
Especially with Al Green and Maxine Brown, they just wanna impeach Trump for no real reason at all, dont even bother taking votes in the Senate, Just Fire The Racist !!!
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:

By the way Pelosi has not called for the President to be impeached... She is asking for a thorougher investigation so President Trump call be cleared of all wrong doings. Why won't the President helper clear his name?
It's a little early in the day pal.
Maybe read and correct your post/s before putting them up.
as far as I can recall,,i wasnt around in 1692? when they were impeaching "Accused Witches" of being actual witches. so they may have hanged about 20-30 witches on the assumption that they were actual witches?
the impeachment process, can not give any punishment other than a removal from office.... mainly because it is a political process and does not give the accused the safety measures given in a court of law that allows a person to be innocent, before proven guilty.... taking the 5th, presenting all evidence the prosecutors have on the person being charged, choosing a jury of your peers from the masses and a whole bunch of things that we give to the accused, that we give to the person who could be jailed by big government.

there are no such protections for the accused in an impeachment trial, it only removes the accused from office.... it is a Political process, not a criminal process, given to us thru our constitution.
and to think they impeached Nixon over something so miniscule compared to what Hillary got away with?:iagree:
If a Democrat can manage to hold the US AG in 'Contempt of Congress' for NOT BREAKING THE LAW, then Pelosi and Democrats can find a way to Impeach a President for NOT committing 'High Crimes & Misdemeanors'...


If a Democrat can manage to hold the US AG in 'Contempt of Congress' for NOT BREAKING THE LAW, then Pelosi and Democrats can find a way to Impeach a President for NOT committing 'High Crimes & Misdemeanors'...


Maxine: I believe dat pezident jump haz commited the crime of perjgery and dat he iz also a racist biggot dat hates all black peoples and folkes, dare for da white bitch needs to be impeeched tomorrow!
I disagree with the op.
A elected president can be impeached for any reason congress dreams up.

There is, of course, the very real possibilty that if they are unsuccesful they will be held responsible by the voters.
I think that's why Nancy prefers to wait. I think she's letting him dig deeper and deeper.

I mean just this Memorial Day weekend, Trump took the side of a murderous evil dictator, who starves his people, over a United States citizen. While he was out of the country.

Now that's some bizarre shit right there!

It's her best shot really. He's freaking out and all she has to do is watch. And poke.
remember, right after the election, Joyce Blowfart was adamant that the Russians somehow voted and cost Hillary to lose in a huge landslide?
Obvious Stupidity Of Liberals.You Cannot Impeach A President On Assumptions Of Crimes Committed

Unless there is evidence. Like these checks:


Now let me tell you what’s hilarious about these checks. We know they were written as part of Felonious crimes. But that’s not the funny part.

The funny part is that when the checks were written they’re dated. And they can look up Donald Trump’s schedule on that day. So you can figure out what he was working on and then took time out to write checks to cover up his salacious affair having unprotected sex with a porn star. That’s so nasty.
I admire Trump.......first "Scandal Free" President since Reagan !!!

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