Ocasio-Cortez Is Showing She’s Pretty Spooked Over Threat of Dem’s Plans to Primary Her

Two years away
She can influence a lot of legislation by then

By sponsoring bills that nobody wants to support because they all hate her?

She has the most recognition of any new member of Congress and knows how to win her district
A paltry 27,658 total votes were cast in her primary race. The general election 2016 had a total turnout over 178,000 and the 2018 general was over 171,000. In 2016 Crowley game away with 83% of the vote, but AOC only managed 78% in the midst of the 2018 'blue wave.'

The way to win her district is to be the Democrat nominee. But the truth is that she only pulled that off by the accidental apathy of the vast majority in her district. She garnered a notable drop in total support in her overwhelming Democratic district in an election when the party had enormous nationwide momentum. Her district clearly lacks substantive support for her personally, they are merely tolerating her as party aligned place holder. She is very easy pickings to be defeated in the 2020 primary.
She should be. It’s her party, not her, who’ll be counting the votes.

Ocasio-Cortez Is Showing She's Pretty Spooked Over Threat of Dem's Plans to Primary Her
They want to get rid of her because she has dropped the sham of being a good person, and now they can see the divisions she intends to create all around her, but worst of all, she is a mean-spirited, hateful, spiteful piece of work.
She's gonna be put in her place quickly by the democrat establishment. It's only been a month. We'll probably be wondering whatever happened to so and so a year from now.

With the Democrat party, you can't just jump on ship and take over as captain. Regardless of her popularity on the left, they simply are not going to tolerate her antics; especially since she's embarrassing the party.

Democrats have a man behind the curtain and they want to keep him there. They don't want to ever be honest with the voters. They can't tell them they're for removing all firearms from citizens. They can't tell them they are for flooding our country with illegals for political power. They can't tell them the reason they want to control healthcare is because they want everybody to be a government dependent. They can't tell them they are really Communists in disguise.

What Alexandria Kotex is doing is pulling back the curtain for everybody to see. She is what the Democrat party is really about. She's a Socialist/ Communist who believes in confiscating all money and let the government tell you how to live your life.
Two years away
She can influence a lot of legislation by then

By sponsoring bills that nobody wants to support because they all hate her?

She has the most recognition of any new member of Congress and knows how to win her district
A paltry 27,658 total votes were cast in her primary race. The general election 2016 had a total turnout over 178,000 and the 2018 general was over 171,000. In 2016 Crowley game away with 83% of the vote, but AOC only managed 78% in the midst of the 2018 'blue wave.'

The way to win her district is to be the Democrat nominee. But the truth is that she only pulled that off by the accidental apathy of the vast majority in her district. She garnered a notable drop in total support in her overwhelming Democratic district in an election when the party had enormous nationwide momentum. Her district clearly lacks substantive support for her personally, they are merely tolerating her as party aligned place holder. She is very easy pickings to be defeated in the 2020 primary.
That's what I thought about Clinton after all those ladies men charges came out. Didn't have any effect on his wins.
Two years away
She can influence a lot of legislation by then

She has the most recognition of any new member of Congress and knows how to win her district

Because Democrats celebrate ineptitude!!!! :113: MAGA, MAGA, MAGA!!!!!!!

With Democrats it's always a personality contest. Forget what they are for, what they want to do, what they've done in the past. As long as they look good and dress nice, that's all it takes to be a Democrat winner.

If Alexandria Kotex had the face of Elizabeth Warren, do you think for one minute she'd be nearly as popular as she is today?
Two years away
She can influence a lot of legislation by then

She has the most recognition of any new member of Congress and knows how to win her district

Because Democrats celebrate ineptitude!!!! :113: MAGA, MAGA, MAGA!!!!!!!

With Democrats it's always a personality contest. Forget what they are for, what they want to do, what they've done in the past. As long as they look good and dress nice, that's all it takes to be a Democrat winner.

If Alexandria Kotex had the face of Elizabeth Warren, do you think for one minute she'd be nearly as popular as she is today?

My ass would make elizabeth warren a Sunday face.....
She should be. It’s her party, not her, who’ll be counting the votes.

Ocasio-Cortez Is Showing She's Pretty Spooked Over Threat of Dem's Plans to Primary Her
Problem with her, is that she ain't no joke.

More like a radical leftist with a huge chip on her shoulder (the same dam one Obummer had).

Anyone growing weary of these Christian hating, white hating, "gonna make it all better since their arrival now", naive, just plain ignorant young millennials, who figure the nation was founded wrongfully by the wrong people, and now they (these new radicals) are gonna make it all better since they've blessed us with their awesome presence being found in these new made up victimized types of character's or supposed victimized lives who are now getting into our government these days, and talking all this fundemental change talk as a new one-sided platform they have ??

Christian conservatives best wake up to the bullcrap or they are gonna find themselves under represented in this country soon enough (already under extreme attack), and they will again and again find themselves under attack constantly by those who hate them here, hate their religion's, hate their culture's, and hate their leadership (if they are in leadership roles), because of being white/conservative, and Christian.

Yes, the nation has had many bad problems in the past of course, and over time they have been corrected the most of them, but what we are seeing today is a new radical movement to re-open the wounds or to use the past as a way to justify these new position's/versions and/or visions of the future in which the new millennials want here.

The problem for them however, is convincing the majority that they are right, and everyone else was wrong over this long struggle that this nation has had on going while we all have evolved together over it's long history now.

It's just usery going on these days (for power), otherwise this is what I think we are seeing that is now being exploited by these new radicals or radical groups growing in number these days.

Sadly it is a future of change wanted in our leadership based upon these new radicals positions, and their biased opinions that are now being directed towards or cast upon a specific culture and upon a color of people within, instead of their opinions or ideals being cast upon the bad policies pertaining to the American people in which make all American's lives worse instead of better.

It's time to make America great again, but make it great for all American's. It's time to stop using the past as a way to justify the future for a few over the many.
Problem with her, is that she ain't no joke.

More like a radical leftist with a huge chip on her shoulder (the same dam one Obummer had).

Anyone growing weary of these Christian hating, white hating, "gonna make it all better since their arrival now", naive, just plain ignorant young millennials, who figure the nation was founded wrongfully by the wrong people, and now they (these new radicals) are gonna make it all better since they've blessed us with their awesome presence being found in these new made up victimized types of character's or supposed victimized lives who are now getting into our government these days, and talking all this fundemental change talk as a new one-sided platform they have ??

Christian conservatives best wake up to the bullcrap or they are gonna find themselves under represented in this country soon enough (already under extreme attack), and they will again and again find themselves under attack constantly by those who hate them here, hate their religion's, hate their culture's, and hate their leadership (if they are in leadership roles), because of being white/conservative, and Christian.

Yes, the nation has had many bad problems in the past of course, and over time they have been corrected the most of them, but what we are seeing today is a new radical movement to re-open the wounds or to use the past as a way to justify these new position's/versions and/or visions of the future in which the new millennials want here.

The problem for them however, is convincing the majority that they are right, and everyone else was wrong over this long struggle that this nation has had on going while we all have evolved together over it's long history now.

It's just usery going on these days (for power), otherwise this is what I think we are seeing that is now being exploited by these new radicals or radical groups growing in number these days.

Sadly it is a future of change wanted in our leadership based upon these new radicals positions, and their biased opinions that are now being directed towards or cast upon a specific culture and upon a color of people within, instead of their opinions or ideals being cast upon the bad policies pertaining to the American people in which make all American's lives worse instead of better.

It's time to make America great again, but make it great for all American's. It's time to stop using the past as a way to justify the future for a few over the many.
How can it be done when Repubs elected are not what they spout? And when they leave the new ones are the same!
Problem with her, is that she ain't no joke.

More like a radical leftist with a huge chip on her shoulder (the same dam one Obummer had).

Anyone growing weary of these Christian hating, white hating, "gonna make it all better since their arrival now", naive, just plain ignorant young millennials, who figure the nation was founded wrongfully by the wrong people, and now they (these new radicals) are gonna make it all better since they've blessed us with their awesome presence being found in these new made up victimized types of character's or supposed victimized lives who are now getting into our government these days, and talking all this fundemental change talk as a new one-sided platform they have ??

Christian conservatives best wake up to the bullcrap or they are gonna find themselves under represented in this country soon enough (already under extreme attack), and they will again and again find themselves under attack constantly by those who hate them here, hate their religion's, hate their culture's, and hate their leadership (if they are in leadership roles), because of being white/conservative, and Christian.

Yes, the nation has had many bad problems in the past of course, and over time they have been corrected the most of them, but what we are seeing today is a new radical movement to re-open the wounds or to use the past as a way to justify these new position's/versions and/or visions of the future in which the new millennials want here.

The problem for them however, is convincing the majority that they are right, and everyone else was wrong over this long struggle that this nation has had on going while we all have evolved together over it's long history now.

It's just usery going on these days (for power), otherwise this is what I think we are seeing that is now being exploited by these new radicals or radical groups growing in number these days.

Sadly it is a future of change wanted in our leadership based upon these new radicals positions, and their biased opinions that are now being directed towards or cast upon a specific culture and upon a color of people within, instead of their opinions or ideals being cast upon the bad policies pertaining to the American people in which make all American's lives worse instead of better.

It's time to make America great again, but make it great for all American's. It's time to stop using the past as a way to justify the future for a few over the many.
How can it be done when Repubs elected are not what they spout? And when they leave the new ones are the same!
Gotta separate the bad from the good, and support only the good. That can be done in the voting booth.

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