Occupation 101

Is the following "bogus?"

"As readers are committed to discovering by reading this book, the consequences of Zionist ideology deserve study and exposure.

"That is what is attempted here.

"As an unabashed anti-Zionist, I clearly conclude that Zionism is wholly incorrect; but that is my conclusion drawn from the evidence. The conclusions are, in short, my own.

"As for the persuasiveness of the arguments used in arriving at them, readers are invited to judge for themselves."

Are you afraid to judge the persuasiveness of this writer's arguments?

If so, why are you here?

Zionism in...
Is the following "bogus?"

"As readers are committed to discovering by reading this book, the consequences of Zionist ideology deserve study and exposure.

You're a psycho headed nowhere in life.

Martin Luther King Jr. was a Zionist.
When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You are talking anti-Semitism.

I see Israel as one of the great outposts of democracy in the world, and a marvelous example of what can be done, how desert land can be transformed into an oasis of brotherhood and democracy. Peace for Israel means security and that security must be a reality.

I solemnly pledge to do my utmost to uphold the fair name of the Jews -- because bigotry in any form is an affront to us all.
"I have a dream" for peace in the Middle East / King's special bond with Israel
"Born amidst a wave of defeats for the Jews, not only in backward Russia, but in the very centres of industrial Europe, modern Zionism’s pretensions were the noblest conceivable: the redemption of the downtrodden Jewish people in their own land.

"But from the very beginning the movement represented the conviction of a portion of the Jewish middle class that the future belonged to the Jew-haters, that anti-Semitism was inevitable, and natural.

"Firmly convinced that anti-Semitism could not be beaten, the new World Zionist Organisation never fought it.

"Accommodation to anti-Semitism – and pragmatic utilisation of it for the purpose of obtaining a Jewish state – became the central stratagems of the movement, and it remained loyal to its earliest conceptions down to and through the Holocaust.

"In June l895, in his very first entry in his new Zionist Diary, Herzl laid down this fixed axiom of Zionism:

"'In Paris, as I have said, I achieved a freer attitude toward anti-Semitism, which I now began to understand historically and to pardon. Above all, I recognized the emptiness and futility of trying to 'combat' anti-Semitism.'"

Zionism in...

Do you think Dr King would have agreed with Herzl's assessment in the mid 1960s?

How about today?
"Born amidst a wave of defeats for the Jews, not only in backward Russia, but in the very centres of industrial Europe, modern Zionism’s pretensions were the noblest conceivable: the redemption of the downtrodden Jewish people in their own land.

"But from the very beginning the movement represented the conviction of a portion of the Jewish middle class that the future belonged to the Jew-haters, that anti-Semitism was inevitable, and natural.

"Firmly convinced that anti-Semitism could not be beaten, the new World Zionist Organisation never fought it.

"Accommodation to anti-Semitism – and pragmatic utilisation of it for the purpose of obtaining a Jewish state – became the central stratagems of the movement, and it remained loyal to its earliest conceptions down to and through the Holocaust.

"In June l895, in his very first entry in his new Zionist Diary, Herzl laid down this fixed axiom of Zionism:

"'In Paris, as I have said, I achieved a freer attitude toward anti-Semitism, which I now began to understand historically and to pardon. Above all, I recognized the emptiness and futility of trying to 'combat' anti-Semitism.'"

Zionism in...

Do you think Dr King would have agreed with Herzl's assessment in the mid 1960s?

How about today?

The League of Nations ...:clap2:
Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country

Allah ...:clap2:
Quran 5:20-21...
Remember Moses said to his people: 'O my people! Recall in remembrance the favor of Allah unto you, when He produced prophets among you, made you kings, and gave you what He had not given to any other among the peoples. O my people! Enter the holy land which Allah hath assigned unto you, and turn not back ignominiously, for then will ye be overthrown, to your own ruin.

Barack Obama ...:clap2:
Israel is a sovereign state, and the historic homeland of the Jewish people.

It should be clear to all that efforts to chip away at Israel's legitimacy will only be met by the unshakeable opposition of the United States. The slaughter of innocent Israelis is not resistance -- it's injustice
Remarks by the President to the United Nations General Assembly | The White House

Winston Churchill ...:clap2:
The Jews had Palestine before that indigenous population [the Arabs] came in and inhabited it
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Churchill-Jews-Friendship-Martin-Gilbert/dp/0805078800]Amazon.com: Churchill and the Jews: A Lifelong Friendship (9780805078800): Martin Gilbert: Books: Reviews, Prices & more[/ame]

The US Congress ...:clap2:

The United States Congressional Record
Palestine of today, the land we now know as Palestine, was peopled by the Jews from the dawn of history until the Roman era. It is the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people. They were driven from it by force by the relentless Roman military machine and for centuries prevented from returning. At different periods various alien people succeeded them but the Jewish race had left an indelible impress upon the land.

Today it is a Jewish country. Every name, every landmark, every monument and every trace of whatever civilization remaining there is still Jewish. And it has ever since remained a hope, a longing, as expressed in their prayers for these nearly 2,000 years. No other people has ever claimed Palestine as their national home. No other people has ever shown an aptitude or indicated a genuine desire to make it their homeland. The land has been ruled by foreigners. Only since the beginning of the modern Zionist effort may it be said that a creative, cultural, and economic force has entered Palestine. The Jewish Nation was forced from its natural home. It did not go because it wanted to.

A perusal of Jewish history, a reading of Josephus, will convince the most skeptical that the grandest fight that was ever put up against an enemy was put up by the Jew. He never thought of leaving Palestine. But he was driven out. But did he, when driven out, give up his hope of getting back? Jewish history and Jewish literature give the answer to the question. The Jew even has a fast day devoted to the day of destruction of the Jewish homeland.

Never throughout history did they give up hope of returning there. I am told that 90 per cent of the Jews today are praying for the return of the Jewish people to its own home. The best minds among them believe in the necessity of reestablishing their Jewish land. To my mind there is something prophetic in the fact that during the ages no other nation has taken over Palestine and held it in the sense of a homeland; and there is something providential in the fact that for 1,800 years it has remained in desolation as if waiting for the return of the people.

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0688123635/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_1?pf_rd_p=486539851&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=0688123627&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=0HX00TRZAFXPP1PG6MNR]Amazon.com: Israel: A History (9780688123635): Martin Gilbert: Books[/ame]
"The source for US military aid to Israel during Fiscal Year 2009 is the Congressional Research Service’s “U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel,” written by Jeremy M. Sharp, Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs, updated February 3, 2009. According to this report, by early February 2009, the US had already given Israel at least $2.55 billion ($2,500,000,000) in military aid for Fiscal Year 2009.

"Over the last 20 years, the U.S. has been slowly phasing out economic aid to Israel and gradually replacing it with increased military aid. Beginning in 2007, the U.S. has been increasing military aid by $150 million each year.

"By FY2013, we will be sending Israel $3.15 billion a year (or an average of $8.6 million a day) and will continue to provide military aid at that level through 2018. U.S. tax dollars are subsidizing one of the most powerful foreign militaries. According to the CRS report, '[current U.S. military aid] grants to Israel represent 18.5% of the overall Israeli defense budget.'”

US Aid
"The source for US military aid to Israel during Fiscal Year 2009 is the Congressional Research Service’s “U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel,” written by Jeremy M. Sharp, Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs, updated February 3, 2009. According to this report, by early February 2009, the US had already given Israel at least $2.55 billion ($2,500,000,000) in military aid for Fiscal Year 2009.

"Over the last 20 years, the U.S. has been slowly phasing out economic aid to Israel and gradually replacing it with increased military aid. Beginning in 2007, the U.S. has been increasing military aid by $150 million each year.

"By FY2013, we will be sending Israel $3.15 billion a year (or an average of $8.6 million a day) and will continue to provide military aid at that level through 2018. U.S. tax dollars are subsidizing one of the most powerful foreign militaries. According to the CRS report, '[current U.S. military aid] grants to Israel represent 18.5% of the overall Israeli defense budget.'”

US Aid

Bogus website. You're severely uneducated.

75% of US aid to Israel must, by law, be spent in the Us, so, it remains in the US economy.

100% of foreign aid to jihadist countries Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Egypt and Jordan goes down a rat hole.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell...:clap2:
Aid to Israel is vital to the security interests of the United States. It ensures that one of America's closest allies has the tools it needs to survive in one of the world's toughest neighborhoods

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi...:clap2:
I have always fought for the vital economic and military assistance that Israel needs--not only because it is in Israel's best interest, but because it is in America's interest

Four Star General and former National Security Advisor James Jones...:clap2:
We will never forget that since the first minutes of Israeli independence, the United States has had a special relationship with Israel. And that will not change. Why? Because this is not a commitment of Democrats or Republicans; it is a national commitment based on shared values, deep and interwoven connections, and mutual interests.

I can also say from long experience that our security relationship with Israel is important for America. Our military benefits from Israeli innovations in technology, from shared intelligence, from exercises that help our readiness and joint training that enhances our capabilities and from lessons learned in Israel's own battles against terrorism and asymmetric threats
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Israel-History-Martin-Gilbert/dp/0688123635/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1288397424&sr=8-1]Amazon.com: Israel: A History (9780688123635): Martin Gilbert: Books[/ame]
"Contrary to ordinary U.S. policy, Israel has been and continues to be allowed to use over 26% of this military aid to purchase equipment from Israeli manufacturers. According to CRS, 'no other recipient of U.S. military assistance has been granted this benefit.'

"Thanks in part to this indirect U.S. subsidy, Israel’s arms industry has become one of the strongest in the world. 'In 2007, it was the 8th largest arms supplier to the developing world.'”

Next time you see Mitch the Bitch remind him only Israel is allowed to skim 25% of US taxpayer charity.

US Aid
"Contrary to ordinary U.S. policy, Israel has been and continues to be allowed to use over 26% of this military aid to purchase equipment from Israeli manufacturers[/B]. According to CRS, 'no other recipient of U.S. military assistance has been granted this benefit.'


Bogus website. This is why you're severely uneducated.

By law, 75% of US aid to Israel must be spent in the US, thus, Israeli aid remains in the US economy.

Israel is also one of the US's largest export markets, purchasing upwards of $20 billion/year in products.

Office of the United States Trade Representative...:clap2:
U.S. goods exports in 2008 were $14.5 billion, up 11.3 percent from the previous year. Corresponding U.S. imports from Israel were $22.3 billion, up 7.4 percent. Israel is currently the 20th largest export market for U.S. goods.
Israel | Office of the United States Trade Representative
Israel doing its part to enhance the US trade deficit in addition to receiving $2.55 billion is taxpayer charity.

Such a deal.

75% of US aid to Israel must, by law, be spent in the US, so it stays in the US economy.

Unlike the $20 billion in US aid to jihadist countries Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Egypt and Jordan that goes down a rat hole.

Israelis buy $15 billion to $20 billion in American products annually, making Israel not just a key American ally, but a lucrative ally.

Office of the United States Trade Representative...
U.S. goods exports in 2008 were $14.5 billion, up 11.3 percent from the previous year. Corresponding U.S. imports from Israel were $22.3 billion, up 7.4 percent. Israel is currently the 20th largest export market for U.S. goods.
Israel | Office of the United States Trade Representative
Last edited:
Israel doing its part to enhance the US trade deficit in addition to receiving $2.55 billion is taxpayer charity.

Such a deal.

Barack Obama...
Many of the same forces that threaten Israel also threaten the United States and our efforts to secure peace and stability in the Middle East. Our alliance with Israel serves our national security interests.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton...
We have long recognized that a strong, secure, and successful Israel is our common goal, but it is also vital to America's strategic interests.

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates...
The United States' commitment to Israel's security is unshakeable, and our defense relationship is stronger than ever, to the mutual benefit of both nations. The United States and our ally Israel share many of the same security challenges, from combating terrorism to confronting the threat posed by Iran's nuclear weapons program.

Navy Admiral Mike Mullen...
The Israelis, of course, remain a vital ally and a cornerstone of our regional security commitments.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell...
Aid to Israel is vital to the security interests of the United States. It ensures that one of America's closest allies has the tools it needs to survive in one of the world's toughest neighborhoods

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi...
I have always fought for the vital economic and military assistance that Israel needs--not only because it is in Israel's best interest, but because it is in America's interest

Four Star General and former National Security Advisor James Jones...
We will never forget that since the first minutes of Israeli independence, the United States has had a special relationship with Israel. And that will not change. Why? Because this is not a commitment of Democrats or Republicans; it is a national commitment based on shared values, deep and interwoven connections, and mutual interests

I can also say from long experience that our security relationship with Israel is important for America. Our military benefits from Israeli innovations in technology, from shared intelligence, from exercises that help our readiness and joint training that enhances our capabilities and from lessons learned in Israel's own battles against terrorism and asymmetric threats.
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Israel-History-Martin-Gilbert/dp/0688123635/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1288445727&sr=8-1]Amazon.com: Israel: A History (9780688123635): Martin Gilbert: Books[/ame]
"As violence between Zionist immigrants and the indigenous Palestinian population, and by both groups against the occupying British, continued to escalate during and following World War II, the United Nations, under pressure from the United States (under pressure from its own domestic Zionist lobby), proposed a partition plan in which Palestine would be divided between the two groups.

"Under this plan 55 percent of hereditary Palestine was to be given to a Jewish state, despite the fact that this largely immigrant group still consisted of only 30 percent of the population and owned under seven percent of the land.

"The war that resulted in 1948 is called 'the War of Independence' by Israel, and 'Al-Naqba' — The Catastrophe — by Palestinians, and resulted in a massive refugee crisis."

And so the occupation of the indigenous population of the Holy Land began.

Palestinian Refugees
"As violence between Zionist immigrants and the indigenous Palestinian population

Re-inventing history, again? Jews lived in "Palestine" for at least 2000 years before Arabs, who originated from Arabia.

Arabs invaded "Palestine" in 636 AD. The Merneptah Stele demonstrates Israel existed in at least 1300 BCE.

Arabs are late to the party.

Eminent Middle East historian Bernard Lewis...
During the first period in Islamic history [622 AD] when Islam was an Arab religion and the Caliphate an Arab Kingdom, the term Arab came to be applied to those who spoke Arabic, were full members by descent of an Arab tribe, and who, either in person or through their ancestors, had originated in Arabia.
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Arabs-History-Bernard-Lewis/dp/0192803107/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1288187880&sr=8-1]Amazon.com: The Arabs in History (9780192803108): Bernard Lewis: Books[/ame]

The League of Nations agreed...
Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country

Allah agrees...
Quran 5:20-21...
Remember Moses said to his people: 'O my people! Recall in remembrance the favor of Allah unto you, when He produced prophets among you, made you kings, and gave you what He had not given to any other among the peoples. O my people! Enter the holy land which Allah hath assigned unto you, and turn not back ignominiously, for then will ye be overthrown, to your own ruin.

Barack Obama agrees...:
Israel is a sovereign state, and the historic homeland of the Jewish people.

It should be clear to all that efforts to chip away at Israel's legitimacy will only be met by the unshakeable opposition of the United States. The slaughter of innocent Israelis is not resistance -- it's injustice
Remarks by the President to the United Nations General Assembly | The White House

Winston Churchill agreed...:
The Jews had Palestine before that indigenous population [the Arabs] came in and inhabited it
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Churchill-Jews-Friendship-Martin-Gilbert/dp/0805078800]Amazon.com: Churchill and the Jews: A Lifelong Friendship (9780805078800): Martin Gilbert: Books: Reviews, Prices & more[/ame]

The US Congress agrees...

The United States Congressional Record
Palestine of today, the land we now know as Palestine, was peopled by the Jews from the dawn of history until the Roman era. It is the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people. They were driven from it by force by the relentless Roman military machine and for centuries prevented from returning. At different periods various alien people succeeded them but the Jewish race had left an indelible impress upon the land.

Today it is a Jewish country. Every name, every landmark, every monument and every trace of whatever civilization remaining there is still Jewish. And it has ever since remained a hope, a longing, as expressed in their prayers for these nearly 2,000 years. No other people has ever claimed Palestine as their national home. No other people has ever shown an aptitude or indicated a genuine desire to make it their homeland. The land has been ruled by foreigners. Only since the beginning of the modern Zionist effort may it be said that a creative, cultural, and economic force has entered Palestine. The Jewish Nation was forced from its natural home. It did not go because it wanted to.

A perusal of Jewish history, a reading of Josephus, will convince the most skeptical that the grandest fight that was ever put up against an enemy was put up by the Jew. He never thought of leaving Palestine. But he was driven out. But did he, when driven out, give up his hope of getting back? Jewish history and Jewish literature give the answer to the question. The Jew even has a fast day devoted to the day of destruction of the Jewish homeland.

Never throughout history did they give up hope of returning there. I am told that 90 per cent of the Jews today are praying for the return of the Jewish people to its own home. The best minds among them believe in the necessity of reestablishing their Jewish land. To my mind there is something prophetic in the fact that during the ages no other nation has taken over Palestine and held it in the sense of a homeland; and there is something providential in the fact that for 1,800 years it has remained in desolation as if waiting for the return of the people.
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0688123635/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_1?pf_rd_p=486539851&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=0688123627&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=0HX00TRZAFXPP1PG6MNR]Amazon.com: Israel: A History (9780688123635): Martin Gilbert: Books[/ame]

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