Occupation 101

They can't change because they are brainwashed, and yes the Palestinians should be pitied, their Imams tell they day after day the Jews are source of all their problems, and call on them to kill the Jews. The leaders of Hamas or Fatah are not interested in creating a state, that is just a cover story, they are nothing more than religious fanatics who would fight to the last Palestinian.

Palestinian Statehood has been hijacked by the Arabian States who wanted to see another Arabian State there and not a Jewish state. They told the Arabians to leave Israel and that they would "Push Them Into The Sea" at which time the Arabians who left could come back to reclaim their land. When the fight was initiated by the Arabians, the Jews moved the rest of them out as they fought back and moved forwards, taking land to buffer, which is the right of any attacked country. To this day, a great majority of the Arabians and Iranian, Turks, etc. wish this. The Saudi refuse to even shake hands with Israel people. This is not uncommon in the Arabian world and so peace must be regional. The issue is NOT Palestinian Statehood, although that is negotiable. The issue is that Arabian countries need to move onward and create a peace with an economic block. Rather than run and fight, they can enter the arena of a large middle eastern block. Certainly my people can help these ones with their money. They can not seem to help but steal it or spend it foolishly in Dubai and Las Vegas.

So-called Palestinians have demonstrated zero ability to assume the responsibilities of statehood. They had their first-ever chance in history in Gaza when Israel withdrew, but, as Thomas Friedman has remarked, the Pallies had an opportunity to make their Singapore but instead have made their Somalia. And, Friedman is pro-Pallie
Indeed Marc and I extend this to say that this is not about race. It is about indoctrination. The Palestinians refuse to see the reality of truth with regards to the Sovereign State of Israel. They do this because they wish it not to be so, and they desire to "make it not so". This comes from their indoctrination from the cradle and for generations. Sadly, they continue to gain NOTHING. Sixty years of nothing when they could have had a sixty year old sovereign country with the entire ownership of Jerusalem. They said no because they wanted it all. Now they have even less but they, as unrealistic children still want it all. They can not see the reality of a sovereign state and one that is accepted by the entire civilized world. The United States, Russia, China, America, France, Britain, Italy, etc. etc. etc. etc. Such thinking as theirs will continue to reap that which they sow.

This has never been about a homeland for the Arabians. They already have twenty two homelands. The Jews have only one, and will fight to the death for this land. They truly have no where else to go.
Indeed Marc and I extend this to say that this is not about race. It is about indoctrination. The Palestinians refuse to see the reality of truth with regards to the Sovereign State of Israel. They do this because they wish it not to be so, and they desire to "make it not so". This comes from their indoctrination from the cradle and for generations. Sadly, they continue to gain NOTHING. Sixty years of nothing when they could have had a sixty year old sovereign country with the entire ownership of Jerusalem. They said no because they wanted it all. Now they have even less but they, as unrealistic children still want it all. They can not see the reality of a sovereign state and one that is accepted by the entire civilized world. The United States, Russia, China, America, France, Britain, Italy, etc. etc. etc. etc. Such thinking as theirs will continue to reap that which they sow.

This has never been about a homeland for the Arabians. They already have twenty two homelands. The Jews have only one, and will fight to the death for this land. They truly have no where else to go.

Well stated. Muslims have no legitimate connection with Jerusalem. The fake prophet Muhammad claimed to have flown to Jerusalem on his winged donkey al-Buraq that was so ridiculous even his own people in Mecca laughed him out of town.

In fact, the original 1964 PO Charter specifically disavows all claims to the so-called West Bank [including Jerusalem] and Gaza.

"Palestine" has never been of interest to Muslims. During 400 years of Ottoman rule, the area of "Palestine" was merely southern Syria. Arabs identified as Arabs or Muslims or Syrians.

Muslims want the land under Israel as part of the Islamic master plan to reestablish an Islamic caliphate devoid of a Jewish state.
Did you forget the Green Line?

You also missed the population numbers in 1948 Mandate Palestine.

About 1.35 million Arabs and 650,000 Jews.

One person; one vote?

No Jewish homeland in the heart of Arab oil.

Your source, wikipedia is wrong.

It is a fact that Armenians are also part of the population as well as European Christians. Not even a mention of Greeks, hell I post a quote from Napoleon in 1799 stating the number of Greeks in Jaffa.
"Today, thousands of Muslims and Christians under Israeli occupation are prevented from worshiping in their holiest churches and mosques."

Interestingly enough, you seem to leave out the part that there are 55 Muslim countries in the world which consider themselves MUSLIM countries and treat their women, and non-Muslims as second class citizens. I find it amazing that you do not recognize the fact that the Palestinians, as you call them on the West Bank, are not citizens of Israel and like every other country in the world, are not privileged to the same rights as are a country's citizens. The Gaza Strip has been turned back to the people as Israel left it completely in 2005. Israel is under no obligation to allow a group of people who call for its destruction to use any part of Israel as a land route. Israel is not obligated under international law or any law for that matter to let a single Gazan step foot on Israeli soil. Almost every country in the world controls its borders, and Israel is no different. Israel is under no obligation to live up a higher standard than any other country in the world. The Palestinians want equality? Let them ask for peace and build a second Palestinian homeland run by Palestinians. The fact is that the Palestinians don't have a single person capable of creating and running and independent country. If you can name anyone who is up to the job, please name him or her. They can't stop killing each other and the mark of a beginning of humanistic civility is when people stop killing their own in power grabs.

Please also compare Israel and religious freedoms with 'any' of the Muslim countries, including Indonesia. To post that drivel regarding the freedom to believe as they choose in Israel? Then to attack Israel as a suppressor of religious freedoms, when there is no Muslim country with anything half way close to the freedoms of Israel is the complete and utter proof of your concrete one sided thinking and analogous to insanity. Even the Arabians who are negotiating with the Jews don't believe such tripe. Any bit of research will tell the truth. Yes, Israel has some fanatics, the more so for all the attacks the Arabians have promulgated from Israel's birth (Push them into the Sea) to the Hamas's Khartoum Accord Dictates (The Three No's.). All state their wish for the destruction of Israel. It is clear enough to me and you can be certain that any discussion of peace with twenty thousand Hezbollah on Israel's south borders is just not going to happen. We know the weapons you have against us and we know your targeting on the American bases in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as Saudi and Egypt. Yes, we know and it is certainly taken into account by a knowledgeable West.

Whilst you apologists continue this brinkmanship game, you continue to bring about massive deaths in the middle east. If you had any idea of what Israel has in its defensive weaponry and IF you truly cared about lives in the ME, you would see that negotiation is the way to go and Arabian demanded intermediaries in the negotiating process is unworkable and be certain that the dynamics of negotiations will change if a war comes about. Be certain of that.

Israel has some of the worlds prized nuclear physicists, chemical engineers, etc. If this war comes, there will be a lot of mopping up for the US. They will create a far stronger hegemony when this is over.

This upcoming war never was about the Palestinians. They are no more than flotsam and jetsam in the bigger game called the middle eastern hegemony. Iraq attempted to break it. The terrorists attempted to break it and now Iran attempts to break it. Some think they will win. I do not.
"Today, thousands of Muslims and Christians under Israeli occupation are prevented from worshiping in their holiest churches and mosques."

Interestingly enough, you seem to leave out the part that there are 55 Muslim countries in the world which consider themselves MUSLIM countries and treat their women, and non-Muslims as second class citizens. I find it amazing that you do not recognize the fact that the Palestinians, as you call them on the West Bank, are not citizens of Israel and like every other country in the world, are not privileged to the same rights as are a country's citizens. The Gaza Strip has been turned back to the people as Israel left it completely in 2005. Israel is under no obligation to allow a group of people who call for its destruction to use any part of Israel as a land route. Israel is not obligated under international law or any law for that matter to let a single Gazan step foot on Israeli soil. Almost every country in the world controls its borders, and Israel is no different. Israel is under no obligation to live up a higher standard than any other country in the world. The Palestinians want equality? Let them ask for peace and build a second Palestinian homeland run by Palestinians. The fact is that the Palestinians don't have a single person capable of creating and running and independent country. If you can name anyone who is up to the job, please name him or her. They can't stop killing each other and the mark of a beginning of humanistic civility is when people stop killing their own in power grabs.

Please also compare Israel and religious freedoms with 'any' of the Muslim countries, including Indonesia. To post that drivel regarding the freedom to believe as they choose in Israel? Then to attack Israel as a suppressor of religious freedoms, when there is no Muslim country with anything half way close to the freedoms of Israel is the complete and utter proof of your concrete one sided thinking and analogous to insanity. Even the Arabians who are negotiating with the Jews don't believe such tripe. Any bit of research will tell the truth. Yes, Israel has some fanatics, the more so for all the attacks the Arabians have promulgated from Israel's birth (Push them into the Sea) to the Hamas's Khartoum Accord Dictates (The Three No's.). All state their wish for the destruction of Israel. It is clear enough to me and you can be certain that any discussion of peace with twenty thousand Hezbollah on Israel's south borders is just not going to happen. We know the weapons you have against us and we know your targeting on the American bases in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as Saudi and Egypt. Yes, we know and it is certainly taken into account by a knowledgeable West.

Whilst you apologists continue this brinkmanship game, you continue to bring about massive deaths in the middle east. If you had any idea of what Israel has in its defensive weaponry and IF you truly cared about lives in the ME, you would see that negotiation is the way to go and Arabian demanded intermediaries in the negotiating process is unworkable and be certain that the dynamics of negotiations will change if a war comes about. Be certain of that.

Israel has some of the worlds prized nuclear physicists, chemical engineers, etc. If this war comes, there will be a lot of mopping up for the US. They will create a far stronger hegemony when this is over.

This upcoming war never was about the Palestinians. They are no more than flotsam and jetsam in the bigger game called the middle eastern hegemony. Iraq attempted to break it. The terrorists attempted to break it and now Iran attempts to break it. Some think they will win. I do not.

Well stated.

Your insightful thoughts echoed by prominent Israeli Arab Muslim journalist Khaled Abu Toameh...

The Pro Palestinian's Real Agenda
The so-called pro-Palestinian “junta” on the campuses has nothing to offer other than hatred and de-legitimization of Israel. If these folks really cared about the Palestinians, they would be campaigning for good government and for the promotion of values of democracy and freedom in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Their hatred for Israel and what it stands for has blinded them to a point where they no longer care about the real interests of the Palestinians, namely the need to end the anarchy and lawlessness, and to dismantle all the armed gangs that are responsible for the death of hundreds of innocent Palestinians over the past few years.

The majority of these activists openly admit that they have never visited Israel or the Palestinian territories. They don’t know -and don’t want to know - that Jews and Arabs here are still doing business together and studying together and meeting with each other on a daily basis because they are destined to live together in this part of the world. They don’t want to hear that despite all the problems life continues and that ordinary Arab and Jewish parents who wake up in the morning just want to send their children to school and go to work before returning home safely and happily.

What is happening on the U.S. campuses is not about supporting the Palestinians as much as it is about promoting hatred for the Jewish state. It is not really about ending the “occupation” as much as it is about ending the existence of Israel. Many of the Palestinian Authority and Hamas officials I talk to in the context of my work as a journalist sound much more pragmatic than most of the anti-Israel, “pro-Palestinian” folks on the campuses.
On Campus: The Pro-Palestinian's Real Agenda

Khaled Abu Toameh: Arabs And Muslims Run To Israel
Many Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip have a dream: to work or live in Israel. Some even say they are prepared to pay large sums of money to obtain Israeli citizenship. Others pay a lot of money to Palestinian and Jewish traffickers who help them bypass checkpoints to enter Israel in search of work and good life. These are not self-hating Palestinians. Nor are they "pro-Israel traitors" who support the Zionist movement. Many Palestinians feel that neither Fatah nor Hamas has done enough to alleviate their suffering. Many Fatah leaders who stole billions of dollars of international donations earmarked for the Palestinians have invested their fortunes in hotels, tourist resorts and real estate firms in the West. Hamas, on the other hand, prefers to spend millions of dollars on purchasing [and smuggling] large amounts of weapons, including rockets and ammunition.

It is a disgrace for Arab and Muslim dictators, particularly those who make billions of dollars from selling oil, that their constituents have to seek work and refuge in Israel and the West. It is also a disgrace for Fatah and Hamas that thousands of Palestinians cannot find jobs or a good life in the two Palestinian states in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Arab and Islamic regimes are spending billions of dollars on building new mosques and madrasas while nearly half of their people are illiterate and live under the poverty line. University graduates in these countries are forced to search for work in the West because of poor working conditions and lack of opportunities. The absence of good government, transparency, accountability and democracy in these countries is driving Arabs and Muslims to seek work and a better life not only in North America and Europe, but even in places like Israel. In many ways, these Palestinians are not different from the African immigrants who try to infiltrate Israel every day through Egypt. The immigrants come from Sudan, Ethiopia, Eretria, Nigeria and other African countries.

Like the Palestinians, the Africans are prepared to pay a lot of money to get into Israel. Egyptian traffickers charge up to $1,000 for each immigrant. But for the African immigrants, the journey is also a very dangerous one. In the past three years, Egyptian border guards have shot and killed dozens of African men and women who tried to cross the border into Israel. While the Egyptians are killing the African immigrants, Israel is providing the lucky ones who manage to cross the border with jobs, as well as medical and social services. True, Israel is not 100% perfect. But an African Muslim or Christian still prefers Israel to countries like Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Iran. As a "refugee" from Darfour, Sudan, who now lives in Tel Aviv, explained: "I feel more secure in the Jewish state than in Sudan or any Arab or Islamic country."

For many Palestinians, it is easier to find a job in Israel and Canada than in any Arab or Islamic country, most of which impose strict travel and work restrictions on them. Palestinians cannot enter most Arab and Islamic countries without a visa. One can understand why a Palestinian needs a visa to enter the US or any European country Many Palestinians from the West Bank who visit Arab countries often find themselves thrown into detention centers for weeks, months and years without trial. Hundreds, if not thousands, of Palestinians are believed to be languishing in prisons throughout the Arab world, especially in Syria and Egypt.
The Iconoclast - New English Review

Khaled Abu Toameh...
Most Arabs in Jerusalem prefer to live under Israeli rule for a number of reasons. First, because as holders of Israeli ID cards they are entitled to many rights and privileges that Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip don't enjoy. They include freedom of movement and social, economic, health and education services that Israeli citizens are entitled to.

Redividing Jerusalem means bringing either the Palestinian Authority of Hamas into the city. The Arab residents of Jerusalem have seen what happened in the West Bank and Gaza Strip over the past 16 years and are not keen to live under a corrupt authority or a radical Islamist entity.

Over the past few years, many Arab residents of the city who used to live in the West Bank have abandoned their homes and returned to Jerusalem. They did so mainly out of fear of losing their rights and privileges as holders of Israeli ID cards. But many of them also ran away from the West Bank because they did not want to live in territories controlled by militiamen, armed gangs and corrupt leaders and institutions.
Yahoo! Groups

Khaled Abu Toameh...
Arabs living in Israel have always enjoyed free and unlimited access to medical services. Israeli hospitals have always been full of Arab patients, who often heap praise on doctors and nurses for offering them the best treatment.

Even Arabs from neighboring countries have been seeking medical treatment in Israeli hospitals. Many Arabs in Jerusalem are extremely grateful to the Israeli medical teams for their services. Hundreds, if not thousands, of Arabs can testify how these paramedics and doctors saved their lives.

Just two weeks ago, a 65-year-old Arab woman in Jerusalem who suffered a heart attack talked about how the Magen David medical team that rushed to her home had literally saved her life. Magen David paramedics should be commended for the great work they are doing to offer the best medical treatment to patients -- regardless of their nationality and religion. They should be commended for endangering their lives to enter Arab villages and neighborhoods to save lives.
Why do PalArabs attack ambulances? (Khaled Abu Toameh) : South Capitol Street
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It's much the same when these people interchange Israel, with the Israeli government, then extended to Israeli people and finally with worldwide Jewry. This clearly shows that such commentary on Israel at any particular time is indistinguishable from some grand ethnic or race statement about "Jews".

For me, and (I believe) most intelligent people, there is, of course, a clear distinction between the two themes. There is also a distinction between Israel and any particular Israeli government. And that is why strongly resisting the arguments and actions of any one Israeli government is not about Israel as such or "Jews" or "the Jews." They interchange these two themes so casually in order to keep the anti Semitic card fully on the table, interchanging a chilling criticism of Israel as if it were indistinguishable from their racial bigotry. This rhetorical game really shows their racial hatred rather, than strengthen any views of theirs regarding Israel.

As such, Israel is simply a platform to further their race hatred of Jews as they did before there was an Israel. The transition is transparently clear.

"Today, thousands of Muslims and Christians under Israeli occupation are prevented from worshiping in their holiest churches and mosques."

Interestingly enough, you seem to leave out the part that there are 55 Muslim countries in the world which consider themselves MUSLIM countries and treat their women, and non-Muslims as second class citizens. I find it amazing that you do not recognize the fact that the Palestinians, as you call them on the West Bank, are not citizens of Israel and like every other country in the world, are not privileged to the same rights as are a country's citizens. The Gaza Strip has been turned back to the people as Israel left it completely in 2005. Israel is under no obligation to allow a group of people who call for its destruction to use any part of Israel as a land route. Israel is not obligated under international law or any law for that matter to let a single Gazan step foot on Israeli soil. Almost every country in the world controls its borders, and Israel is no different. Israel is under no obligation to live up a higher standard than any other country in the world. The Palestinians want equality? Let them ask for peace and build a second Palestinian homeland run by Palestinians. The fact is that the Palestinians don't have a single person capable of creating and running and independent country. If you can name anyone who is up to the job, please name him or her. They can't stop killing each other and the mark of a beginning of humanistic civility is when people stop killing their own in power grabs.

Please also compare Israel and religious freedoms with 'any' of the Muslim countries, including Indonesia. To post that drivel regarding the freedom to believe as they choose in Israel? Then to attack Israel as a suppressor of religious freedoms, when there is no Muslim country with anything half way close to the freedoms of Israel is the complete and utter proof of your concrete one sided thinking and analogous to insanity. Even the Arabians who are negotiating with the Jews don't believe such tripe. Any bit of research will tell the truth. Yes, Israel has some fanatics, the more so for all the attacks the Arabians have promulgated from Israel's birth (Push them into the Sea) to the Hamas's Khartoum Accord Dictates (The Three No's.). All state their wish for the destruction of Israel. It is clear enough to me and you can be certain that any discussion of peace with twenty thousand Hezbollah on Israel's south borders is just not going to happen. We know the weapons you have against us and we know your targeting on the American bases in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as Saudi and Egypt. Yes, we know and it is certainly taken into account by a knowledgeable West.

Whilst you apologists continue this brinkmanship game, you continue to bring about massive deaths in the middle east. If you had any idea of what Israel has in its defensive weaponry and IF you truly cared about lives in the ME, you would see that negotiation is the way to go and Arabian demanded intermediaries in the negotiating process is unworkable and be certain that the dynamics of negotiations will change if a war comes about. Be certain of that.

Israel has some of the worlds prized nuclear physicists, chemical engineers, etc. If this war comes, there will be a lot of mopping up for the US. They will create a far stronger hegemony when this is over.

This upcoming war never was about the Palestinians. They are no more than flotsam and jetsam in the bigger game called the middle eastern hegemony. Iraq attempted to break it. The terrorists attempted to break it and now Iran attempts to break it. Some think they will win. I do not.

Well stated.

Your insightful thoughts echoed by prominent Israeli Arab Muslim journalist Khaled Abu Toameh...

The Pro Palestinian's Real Agenda

On Campus: The Pro-Palestinian's Real Agenda

Khaled Abu Toameh: Arabs And Muslims Run To Israel

The Iconoclast - New English Review

Khaled Abu Toameh...
Most Arabs in Jerusalem prefer to live under Israeli rule for a number of reasons. First, because as holders of Israeli ID cards they are entitled to many rights and privileges that Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip don't enjoy. They include freedom of movement and social, economic, health and education services that Israeli citizens are entitled to.

Redividing Jerusalem means bringing either the Palestinian Authority of Hamas into the city. The Arab residents of Jerusalem have seen what happened in the West Bank and Gaza Strip over the past 16 years and are not keen to live under a corrupt authority or a radical Islamist entity.

Over the past few years, many Arab residents of the city who used to live in the West Bank have abandoned their homes and returned to Jerusalem. They did so mainly out of fear of losing their rights and privileges as holders of Israeli ID cards. But many of them also ran away from the West Bank because they did not want to live in territories controlled by militiamen, armed gangs and corrupt leaders and institutions.
Yahoo! Groups

Khaled Abu Toameh...
Arabs living in Israel have always enjoyed free and unlimited access to medical services. Israeli hospitals have always been full of Arab patients, who often heap praise on doctors and nurses for offering them the best treatment.

Even Arabs from neighboring countries have been seeking medical treatment in Israeli hospitals. Many Arabs in Jerusalem are extremely grateful to the Israeli medical teams for their services. Hundreds, if not thousands, of Arabs can testify how these paramedics and doctors saved their lives.

Just two weeks ago, a 65-year-old Arab woman in Jerusalem who suffered a heart attack talked about how the Magen David medical team that rushed to her home had literally saved her life. Magen David paramedics should be commended for the great work they are doing to offer the best medical treatment to patients -- regardless of their nationality and religion. They should be commended for endangering their lives to enter Arab villages and neighborhoods to save lives.
Why do PalArabs attack ambulances? (Khaled Abu Toameh) : South Capitol Street
Did you forget the Green Line?

You also missed the population numbers in 1948 Mandate Palestine.

About 1.35 million Arabs and 650,000 Jews.

One person; one vote?

The Arabs owned virtually no land in the Ottoman Empire, under Turkish sovereignty, and had no vote.

Sovereignty over Judea was transferred after WW I from the Ottoman Turks to the Jews via the Treaty of Sevres and the San Remo Resolution.

Jews had no vote when 99.9% of the Ottoman Empire was given to the Arabs.

No wonder you have zero reputational points.:lol:
Only Jewish land owners get a vote in your "Democracy"?
The land is a territory. A partition. No more and as such you are looking for a Democratic Governorship? To do what? Look for a Democratic vote?

Look at the creation of any state or country. See if there was a Democratic process in order to create the country.

Democracy is very young and does not seem to bloom in non governed arenas, wouldn't you say?

So, what are you looking for? A Majority Vote? In a partition with no ruling or governing? Sorry, that's not how the world worked in forty eight.

It doesn't work that way yet. A nice ideal, but until the world falls under the umbrella of Democracy, do not expect it to spring up and bloom in non governed areas.

That's simply naive.

Did you forget the Green Line?

You also missed the population numbers in 1948 Mandate Palestine.

About 1.35 million Arabs and 650,000 Jews.

One person; one vote?

The Arabs owned virtually no land in the Ottoman Empire, under Turkish sovereignty, and had no vote.

Sovereignty over Judea was transferred after WW I from the Ottoman Turks to the Jews via the Treaty of Sevres and the San Remo Resolution.

Jews had no vote when 99.9% of the Ottoman Empire was given to the Arabs.

No wonder you have zero reputational points.:lol:
Only Jewish land owners get a vote in your "Democracy"?
Was it naive of the 1.35 million non-Jew residents of Mandate Palestine to worry about a Jewish state in a part of the world overwhelmingly Arab?

Have their fears materialized?

Fears? What fears do the Arabians have? Dissolution? With so many Arabian countries I doubt they have this fear. Attack? Do Egypt and Jordan fear attack from Israel? No, they fear Iran more than Israel and they want absolutely nothing to do with their Arabian brethren who call themselves Palestinians but who are genetically no different than any of the other Arabians. So, what is their fear?

That they don't control one hundred percent of the Arabian peninsula? Saudi Arabia is eighty percent of the peninsula by itself.

Was it naive for the Jews to think that the Arabians would not use every mean to destroy them? No, they knew this. They had nowhere to go and wanted a country. They have manned the gates with their most fanatic of people and hide their children away from the Arabians continued attack.

What are you looking for in your statement? A dissolution of Israel? Sorry, not going to happen.
Was it naive of the 1.35 million non-Jew residents of Mandate Palestine to worry about a Jewish state in a part of the world overwhelmingly Arab?

Have their fears materialized?

The Jewish state of Israel preceded the Arab world by thousands of years.

Arabs are interlopers.
I note also that these threads are created by those who clearly would like to see the country of Israel deleted, but they use obfuscation to further their desire for this deletion.

You are clearly transparent George and it is ones such as you that continue the fight, and as such are part of the problem, not part of the solution.

There is NO going back to forty eight. Too many Israeli have been born in Israel now and the deed is done, the country born and contributing to the world more in the last sixty years than the Arabian peninsula has done since the modern era.

That's the truth of the matter. Arabians look at their countries and then they look at Israel and hate what they have done for it shows their lack of ability to create anything but a love of death.
Was it naive of the 1.35 million non-Jew residents of Mandate Palestine to worry about a Jewish state in a part of the world overwhelmingly Arab?

Have their fears materialized?

Fears? What fears do the Arabians have? Dissolution? With so many Arabian countries I doubt they have this fear. Attack? Do Egypt and Jordan fear attack from Israel? No, they fear Iran more than Israel and they want absolutely nothing to do with their Arabian brethren who call themselves Palestinians but who are genetically no different than any of the other Arabians. So, what is their fear?

That they don't control one hundred percent of the Arabian peninsula? Saudi Arabia is eighty percent of the peninsula by itself.

Was it naive for the Jews to think that the Arabians would not use every mean to destroy them? No, they knew this. They had nowhere to go and wanted a country. They have manned the gates with their most fanatic of people and hide their children away from the Arabians continued attack.

What are you looking for in your statement? A dissolution of Israel? Sorry, not going to happen.
So said many White South Africans.

The Jewish State of Israel is swirling the same drain.
Was it naive of the 1.35 million non-Jew residents of Mandate Palestine to worry about a Jewish state in a part of the world overwhelmingly Arab?

Have their fears materialized?

Fears? What fears do the Arabians have? Dissolution? With so many Arabian countries I doubt they have this fear. Attack? Do Egypt and Jordan fear attack from Israel? No, they fear Iran more than Israel and they want absolutely nothing to do with their Arabian brethren who call themselves Palestinians but who are genetically no different than any of the other Arabians. So, what is their fear?

That they don't control one hundred percent of the Arabian peninsula? Saudi Arabia is eighty percent of the peninsula by itself.

Was it naive for the Jews to think that the Arabians would not use every mean to destroy them? No, they knew this. They had nowhere to go and wanted a country. They have manned the gates with their most fanatic of people and hide their children away from the Arabians continued attack.

What are you looking for in your statement? A dissolution of Israel? Sorry, not going to happen.
So said many White South Africans.

The Jewish State of Israel is swirling the same drain.

8 out of 10 Israeli Arabs would rather live in Israel than any other country in the world.
Center for Public Leadership - Coexistence

I am an Israeli Arab and I support Israel.
Why? Because, I can express myself freely. I'm a free man living in a free country. With my family situation, if I was living in an Arab country, I will be killed long time ago. With my mind and my way of living and my way of thinking, I'm surely already have been killed long time ago.

Why? Because, I love freedom. I adore liberty. And, in Israel, simply, you can express that. Can you imagine if you were a Jewish man living in an Arab country and Parliament member and trying to curse your country, they will kill you straight away. Look what Israel is doing with Arabs in Parliament, they listen, it's a democracy, no problem. They [Arabs] are shouting freely against Israel in the Parliament. This is the truth.
[/B]I'm proud to be an Arab living in Israel. I know Arabs they will hate me and kill me, but I don't care. I care about the truth. The truth is there is no much problems with Arabs in Israel. Poor people in Israel if they want to study in the university and clever, they can apply to the university and if they are really wise they can go study free. And, they don't have to pay even if they are an Arab. Israel gives you an opportunity to learn free.

There are very good things in Israel. Health security, in Israel if you are Arab and have any medical problem, you can be fixed for free, You don't pay a penny. They give you life security, no problem. You can work like everyone and you get your pension. Everyone in Israel have a pension. Arabs and Jewish they get the same. Arab doctor and Jewish doctor, they get the same salary. Arab teacher and Jewish teacher, they get the same salary.

Arab student and Jewish student they get the same education. It's the same. The dreams of life, quite the same. If you are good citizen, you have no problems. You can live free. You can go wherever you like. You can choose, you can get inside any group you want.

Honestly, I served in the Israeli army. What is the problem? You want to tell me Arabs don't kill each other? Look in Iraq, they are brothers living in the same neighborhood and they are killing each other. I'm living here, my family is here, everyone I care about is here--my wife, my daughters is here. This is the truth: I'm proud being an Arab living in Israel.
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So said many White South Africans.

The Jewish State of Israel is swirling the same drain.

Why don't you broaden your stroke George. Look at every country in the Middle East. What do you see? Apartheid or ethnicity? Are ethnic countries apartheid? Even when the opposing forces are attempting to use inclusion as a method to dissolve Israel?

Were the blacks in South Africa worried about ethnic dissolution? Were the whites attempting to dissolve them?

Now, look at South Africa today. Lovely country? Safe for the blacks? Why are there so many more black on black deaths in South Africa today? Why is the crime rate so high?


Israel is an ethnic country with Christians and Muslims and is working to maintain their ethnicity.

That's what you call Apartheid?

You use emotive words to attempt to obfuscate and mislead others.
I see Israel as a budding ethnocracy that's currently annexing valuable land and water rights it has no legal right to under international law.

Exibit A would be Israel's Apartheid Wall:

"The Separation Wall that the Israeli government is said to be building for security reasons stands at 8 meters (25feet) high.

"This wall will approximately affect 90,700 Palestinian residents of 32 villages in the Qalqilya area and will isolate and thus effectively confiscate 47,020 dunums of land (11,755 acres) and will destroy another 7,750 dunums (1,937 acres).

"Six of the villages, with approximately 1,000 residents, will be completely trapped between the Wall and the 1967 Green Line; isolating them from the West Bank and effectively annexing them to Israel without being granted citizenship or legal rights.

"Land, which is the base of the economic lifeline of this area, is being taken away as it’s people watch helplessly."

Do you agree the struggle in Palestine is over land?

The Psychological...
I see Israel as a budding ethnocracy that's currently annexing valuable land and water rights it has no legal right to under international law.

Exibit A would be Israel's Apartheid Wall:

"The Separation Wall that the Israeli government is said to be building for security reasons stands at 8 meters (25feet) high.

Pallies are not Israeli citizens. Thus, apartheid doesn't apply.

Clearly, you don't even know what apartheid even is. No wonder you have zero reputational points. :lol:

Israel is the only country in the apartheid Arab Muslim Middle East in which al citizens are constitutionally guaranteed equal rights.

The UN ranks Israel among the 15 best countries to live in (out of 170 countries) in the world and with the highest qualities of life and human development, emphasizing political and cultural freedom and equality in education, healthcare, life expectancy and income, ahead of England, Spain, Greece, Italy, Finland, Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg and Austria

Human Development is a development paradigm that is about much more than the rise or fall of national incomes. It is about creating an environment in which people can develop their full potential and lead productive, creative lives in accord with their needs and interests. People are the real wealth of nations. Development is thus about expanding the choices people have to lead lives that they value. And it is thus about much more than economic growth, which is only a means —if a very important one —of enlarging people’s choices.

Fundamental to enlarging these choices is building human capabilities —the range of things that people can do or be in life. The most basic capabilities for human development are to lead long and healthy lives, to be knowledgeable, to have access to the resources needed for a decent standard of living and to be able to participate in the life of the community. Without these, many choices are simply not available, and many opportunities in life remain inaccessible.
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