Occupation 101


Israel takes a back seat to our own governments and, in my mind at least, Chechnya.

Israel is a modern democracy, Abu, that embraces freedom, human rights and civil liberties.

The Islamic shitholes are tyrannical, totalitarian dictatorships stuck in the Middle Ages.

Allah is a fascist, Abu
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The goal of Hizb ut-Tahrir is to establish the caliphate in the Muslim world. As far as I'm aware, the only "expansion" into non-Muslim countries this entails is taking the North Caucasus from Russia -- which is undoubtedly a legitimate and righteous struggle -- East Turkestan from China, and Kashmir from India. In all of these cases, Muslims are oppressed and resistance movements have already been active for years.

The Muslim world is expanding. Darfur and many flash points through out the world show the expansion and violence.

This is why Russia is moving towards a new alliance with the West. It is why China will bankroll dissension in Africa until it is time to take it over.

But as you said, this encroachment that has been off and on for many hundreds of years is back on. You couch the encroachment as legitimate and righteous struggles.

I've heard this before. Nothing new here. Nothing enlightening. Sadly, it just shores up my views more to the right.

Both the oppressors and the oppressed in the Darfur situation identify themselves as Muslims -- the struggle there is primarily economic and fueled by tribal and ethnolinguistic differences; it does not have an Islamic character except, perhaps, on the part of the anti-government JEM. The Sudanese government is simply another pseudo-Islamic oppressor that will ultimately be dismantled.

Islam in the North Caucasus predates Russia's rule of the region and all 300-odd years of that rule have been characterized by oppression and brutality on the part of the Russians, including the Tsarists as well as the Soviets and the most recent regime. Atrocities committed by Russia over the past 20 years have been of such an extreme nature that even the West condemned the Russians during the height of the conflict. The only encroachment has been by the Russians.

The PRC is universally acknowledged as highly discriminatory against non-Han Chinese and its oppression of places like East Turkestan and Tibet is of such an obvious nature that there is no need to discuss that conflict at length. Even from a purely secular viewpoint, the righteousness of these struggles is completely evident. Excluding ideological differences, our disagreement seems to start and end with Palestine.
The cult of Islam believes that the entire world belongs to allah.

But at the time of the book, the entire world was the middle east. They are encroaching due to the interpretation that the entire world means the entire world. Interpretation can be the undoing of a people. So can decisions and choices.

I believe the Shia make the same mistake with the end of days which is more an end of times rather than an end of days. Some attempt to 'hasten' these times, others are more intent on letting it happen on it's own time.

Since it is resurgent. Since clearly it is resurgent, the response has begun and yes, Muslims are being mistreated in the areas of encroachment. By the time they get enough of a population (or conversion) in the area it is no longer an encroachment. By the time it is no longer an encroachment, it is on the road to subjugation. But the time it is subjugated....

Look at the suicide bombings in Moscow. That's why we built a wall in Israel.

But as Kalam believes, these are just undoubtedly legitimate and righteous struggles.

@ Kalam

I never did ascribe anything more than your own personal view Kalam as you did not offer any.

There's far too many fires around already without me trying to create more powerful ones in discussion.

But your views are held by most of the of the believers I have met in my political science work as a lecturer. The Sunni are not at all intent on 'hastening' anything at least.
In every case, the word of God was abandoned or changed until Muhammad (SAWS) served the function of the final messenger and revealed Islam as we know it today through the Qur'an and through his own example.

Allah's standards are not very high, Abu, if he made Mahomet, who was a pedophile, child molester, assassin, caravan hijacker, warmonger and mass murderer, a "messenger"

Abu, how come not one Meccan heard any of Mahomet's "revelations" nor did anyone see the alleged angel Gabriel who transmitted the revelations?

The Meccans asked Mahomet to perform even one miracle to prove he was a prophet, but, the bastard couldn't pull it off.

The Meccans laughed Mahomet out of Mecca, Abu. The only reason Mahomet converted anyone in Medina afterward was he promised them booty from the caravans they hijacked and all the pussy they could rape. If they died in jihad, they got the 72 houris in paradise.

Your cult of Islam is a scam, Abu. Sucker! :lol:
You make my argument back to me. Arabians performed a conquest of North Africa in ~600CE. They have been using that arena for a long time. Now they want the resources and land and are killing the ones that they subjugated and converted to Islam. Economic reasons? Of course, but be clear, it's not the blacks who are indigent who will see any of this at the rate their tribes are being deleted and Arabian (yes Sunni) tribes are springing up in their places. Arabians are killing their own converted black brethren and taking the land.

We can't stop them now, because they came over too long ago and they have so many of their own born there now.


Like Israel?

You make my point back to me. Thank you.

The goal of Hizb ut-Tahrir is to establish the caliphate in the Muslim world. As far as I'm aware, the only "expansion" into non-Muslim countries this entails is taking the North Caucasus from Russia -- which is undoubtedly a legitimate and righteous struggle -- East Turkestan from China, and Kashmir from India. In all of these cases, Muslims are oppressed and resistance movements have already been active for years.

The Muslim world is expanding. Darfur and many flash points through out the world show the expansion and violence.

This is why Russia is moving towards a new alliance with the West. It is why China will bankroll dissension in Africa until it is time to take it over.

But as you said, this encroachment that has been off and on for many hundreds of years is back on. You couch the encroachment as legitimate and righteous struggles.

I've heard this before. Nothing new here. Nothing enlightening. Sadly, it just shores up my views more to the right.

Both the oppressors and the oppressed in the Darfur situation identify themselves as Muslims -- the struggle there is primarily economic and fueled by tribal and ethnolinguistic differences; it does not have an Islamic character except, perhaps, on the part of the anti-government JEM. The Sudanese government is simply another pseudo-Islamic oppressor that will ultimately be dismantled.

Islam in the North Caucasus predates Russia's rule of the region and all 300-odd years of that rule have been characterized by oppression and brutality on the part of the Russians, including the Tsarists as well as the Soviets and the most recent regime. Atrocities committed by Russia over the past 20 years have been of such an extreme nature that even the West condemned the Russians during the height of the conflict. The only encroachment has been by the Russians.

The PRC is universally acknowledged as highly discriminatory against non-Han Chinese and its oppression of places like East Turkestan and Tibet is of such an obvious nature that there is no need to discuss that conflict at length. Even from a purely secular viewpoint, the righteousness of these struggles is completely evident. Excluding ideological differences, our disagreement seems to start and end with Palestine.
Excluding ideological differences, our disagreement seems to start and end with Palestine.

Not so. You said Israel was the problem and you are correct. With Islam, the problem is a non subjugated country in their midst. So, with that extension of yours, even a peace with the Arabians who call themselves Palestinians would not be a true peace. It would be a Hudna until you could complete your aim of subjugation.

It's not Palestine that is at the heart of your issue. You stated it quite clearly.

And you're free to do so provided you aren't in the Muslim world. Israel is, unfortunately.
Quote: Originally Posted by Kalam
Both the oppressors and the oppressed in the Darfur situation identify themselves as Muslims

But, Abu, you forget about the 4 million Christians slaughtered in southern Sudan by the Muhammadan?

What's a few million deaths of the Christian kafir, eh, scumbag of allah?

Islam is a dreadful curse.

Alexis de Toqueville...
I studied the Koran a great deal. I came away from that study with the conviction there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as that of Muhammad. So far as I can see, it is the principal cause of the decadence so visible today in the Muslim world and, though less absurd than the polytheism of old, its social and political tendencies are in my opinion to be feared, and I therefore regard it as a form of decadence rather than a form of progress in relation to paganism itself.

Winston Churchill...
How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.

The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.

A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.

No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/River-War-Sir-Winston-Churchill/dp/1598184253/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1288411221&sr=8-1]Amazon.com: The River War (9781598184259): Sir Winston S. Churchill: Books[/ame]
You make my argument back to me.
Not at all.

Arabians performed a conquest of North Africa in ~600CE. They have been using that arena for a long time. Now they want the resources and land and are killing the ones that they subjugated and converted to Islam. Economic reasons? Of course, but be clear, it's not the blacks who are indigent who will see any of this at the rate their tribes are being deleted and Arabian (yes Sunni) tribes are springing up in their places.

Arabians are killing their own converted black brethren and taking the land. We can't stop them now, because they came over too long ago and they have so many of their own born there now.


Like Israel?

You make my point back to me. Thank you.

You're focusing exclusively on the ethnic components of two separate conflicts and attempting to ascribe some significance to the fact that Arabs are involved in both. This means nothing to me as a non-Arab who supports the black JEM and your post here doesn't echo anything I've said; it contradicts it.

You're also implicitly conflating Arabs with the Islamic religion by conflating Arab Sudanese encroachment with Islamic "encroachment", downplaying the fact that both parties in the conflict are Muslim peoples. Islam is not an Arab religion and there were black Muslims in positions of importance before most Arabs had converted. Israel is another issue entirely that I won't discuss in detail unless you'd like to do so.
Quote: Originally Posted by Kalam
disagreement seems to start and end with Palestine.

Except, Muslims never even acknowledged Palestine, skunk of Allah.

Islamic scholar Bernard Lewis...
After the Ottoman conquest in 1516-17...Palestine was no longer used by Muslims, for whom it had never meant more than an administrative sub-district, and it had been forgotten even in that limited sense. In the final phase of this rule before the British conquest, Palestine was part of Beirut. The Palestine entity, formally established and defined by Britain, was formaly abolished in 1948 with the termination of the Mandate.

For Arabs, the term Palestine was unacceptable. For Muslims it was alien and irrelevant but not abhorrent in the same way as it was to Jews. The main objection for them was that it seemed to assert a separate entity which politically conscious Arabs in Palestine and elsewhere denied. For them there was no such thing as a country called Palestine. The region which the British called Palestine was merely a separated part of a larger whole [Syria]. For a long time organized and articulate Arab political opinion was virtually unanimous on this point

The Palestinian Arabs' basic sense of corporate historic identity was, at different levels, Muslim or Arab or -- for some -- Syrian; it is significant that even by the end of the Mandate in 1948, after 30 years of separate Palestinian political existence, there were virtually no books in Arabic on the history of Palestine.
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Middle-East-Bernard-Lewis/dp/0684832801/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1288529772&sr=8-5]Amazon.com: The Middle East (9780684832807): Bernard Lewis: Books[/ame]

Got any other bullshit for us, Abu? :clap2:
You make my argument back to me.
Not at all.

Arabians performed a conquest of North Africa in ~600CE. They have been using that arena for a long time. Now they want the resources and land and are killing the ones that they subjugated and converted to Islam. Economic reasons? Of course, but be clear, it's not the blacks who are indigent who will see any of this at the rate their tribes are being deleted and Arabian (yes Sunni) tribes are springing up in their places.

Arabians are killing their own converted black brethren and taking the land. We can't stop them now, because they came over too long ago and they have so many of their own born there now.


Like Israel?

You make my point back to me. Thank you.

You're focusing exclusively on the ethnic components of two separate conflicts and attempting to ascribe some significance to the fact that Arabs are involved in both. This means nothing to me as a non-Arab who supports the black JEM and your post here doesn't echo anything I've said; it contradicts it.

You're also implicitly conflating Arabs with the Islamic religion by conflating Arab Sudanese encroachment with Islamic "encroachment", downplaying the fact that both parties in the conflict are Muslim peoples. Islam is not an Arab religion and there were black Muslims in positions of importance before most Arabs had converted. Israel is another issue entirely that I won't discuss in detail unless you'd like to do so.

Islam is an Arab religion, Abu. 99% of Arabs are Muslim. The pedophile Mahomet was an Arab. The Quran is written in Arabic

The history of Arabs is directly linked with the advent of Islam.

Abu, you really are clueless.:lol:
Excluding ideological differences, our disagreement seems to start and end with Palestine.

Not so. You said Israel was the problem and you are correct. With Islam, the problem is a non subjugated country in their midst. So, with that extension of yours, even a peace with the Arabians who call themselves Palestinians would not be a true peace. It would be a Hudna until you could complete your aim of subjugation.

Conflicts don't play out according to my desires. Many or Most of the Arabs you're fighting are genuine proponents of "solutions" that allow for the continuation of Zionist rule, including (as of 2009) the leadership of Hamas in spite of their charter. It could very well be that you all arrive at some sort of solution involving two separate political entities, and this state of affairs may prevail until some point in the very distant future. We were given no specific indication of when just rule would prevail again; we were only told that it would. As we both know, it's ultimately not in any of our hands.
You make my argument back to me.
Not at all.

Arabians performed a conquest of North Africa in ~600CE. They have been using that arena for a long time. Now they want the resources and land and are killing the ones that they subjugated and converted to Islam. Economic reasons? Of course, but be clear, it's not the blacks who are indigent who will see any of this at the rate their tribes are being deleted and Arabian (yes Sunni) tribes are springing up in their places.

Arabians are killing their own converted black brethren and taking the land. We can't stop them now, because they came over too long ago and they have so many of their own born there now.


Like Israel?

You make my point back to me. Thank you.

You're focusing exclusively on the ethnic components of two separate conflicts and attempting to ascribe some significance to the fact that Arabs are involved in both. This means nothing to me as a non-Arab who supports the black JEM and your post here doesn't echo anything I've said; it contradicts it.

You're also implicitly conflating Arabs with the Islamic religion by conflating Arab Sudanese encroachment with Islamic "encroachment", downplaying the fact that both parties in the conflict are Muslim peoples. Islam is not an Arab religion and there were black Muslims in positions of importance before most Arabs had converted. Israel is another issue entirely that I won't discuss in detail unless you'd like to do so.

Abu, you don't want to talk about the 4 million Christians slaughtered by Muslims in southern Sudan, eh?:eek:
The religion of peace, Abu? :lol:
Excluding ideological differences, our disagreement seems to start and end with Palestine.

Not so. You said Israel was the problem and you are correct. With Islam, the problem is a non subjugated country in their midst. So, with that extension of yours, even a peace with the Arabians who call themselves Palestinians would not be a true peace. It would be a Hudna until you could complete your aim of subjugation.

Conflicts don't play out according to my desires. Many or Most of the Arabs you're fighting are genuine proponents of "solutions" that allow for the continuation of Zionist rule, including (as of 2009) the leadership of Hamas in spite of their charter. It could very well be that you all arrive at some sort of solution involving two separate political entities, and this state of affairs may prevail until some point in the very distant future. We were given no specific indication of when just rule would prevail again; we were only told that it would. As we both know, it's ultimately not in any of our hands.

Abu, I live in Israel and travel throughout the Middle East. The vast majority of Arabs want Israel liquidated.

You are clueless, Abu
Excluding ideological differences, our disagreement seems to start and end with Palestine.

Not so. You said Israel was the problem and you are correct. With Islam, the problem is a non subjugated country in their midst. So, with that extension of yours, even a peace with the Arabians who call themselves Palestinians would not be a true peace. It would be a Hudna until you could complete your aim of subjugation.

Conflicts don't play out according to my desires. Many or Most of the Arabs you're fighting are genuine proponents of "solutions" that allow for the continuation of Zionist rule, including (as of 2009) the leadership of Hamas in spite of their charter. It could very well be that you all arrive at some sort of solution involving two separate political entities, and this state of affairs may prevail until some point in the very distant future. We were given no specific indication of when just rule would prevail again; we were only told that it would. As we both know, it's ultimately not in any of our hands.

Abu, your mindless posts are redeeming but only for their sheer entertainment value. Keep them coming, Abu. You're very amusing, ignorant Muzzie. :clap2:
Not so Kalam. I am saying that the growth and decline of expansionism is an ebb and a flow with Islam.

The encroachment was birthed in the six hundreds CE. by the expansionist Arabians. I am saying that is how countries and lands are taken. Tibet and Georgia break off provinces and many more come to mind.

Your acceptance of your sides moves to gain is shown. Israel is not in a very tiny flow at the moment, but it's creation was in much the same way. By your acceptance of those struggles we spoke of, I would think that you make my point. Yes, you make your point too, but they seem to be coexistent. The ebb and flow is on a large scale. We are drops of water.

You say Islam is not an Arabic religion. Then there is a great chance for your kind to modernize the interpretations when the war comes to the middle east. For by that statement you distance yourself from the root, and that is where the problem lies. Islam can coexist with the world. If it overtakes the world, then it was meant to be. If it doesn't, then it wasn't.

That's likely the best thing I have read you post by the way. :clap2:

A question for you. What do you think of usury? I know the Uyghur are some fine little accountants. :p

There's always some ground. Doubly so when it is just discussion.

You make my argument back to me.
Not at all.

Arabians performed a conquest of North Africa in ~600CE. They have been using that arena for a long time. Now they want the resources and land and are killing the ones that they subjugated and converted to Islam. Economic reasons? Of course, but be clear, it's not the blacks who are indigent who will see any of this at the rate their tribes are being deleted and Arabian (yes Sunni) tribes are springing up in their places.

Arabians are killing their own converted black brethren and taking the land. We can't stop them now, because they came over too long ago and they have so many of their own born there now.


Like Israel?

You make my point back to me. Thank you.

You're focusing exclusively on the ethnic components of two separate conflicts and attempting to ascribe some significance to the fact that Arabs are involved in both. This means nothing to me as a non-Arab who supports the black JEM and your post here doesn't echo anything I've said; it contradicts it.

You're also implicitly conflating Arabs with the Islamic religion by conflating Arab Sudanese encroachment with Islamic "encroachment", downplaying the fact that both parties in the conflict are Muslim peoples. Islam is not an Arab religion and there were black Muslims in positions of importance before most Arabs had converted. Israel is another issue entirely that I won't discuss in detail unless you'd like to do so.
You say Islam is not an Arabic religion. Then there is a great chance for your kind to modernize the interpretations when the war comes to the middle east. For by that statement you distance yourself from the root, and that is where the problem lies.
The root? No, Islam was never an Arab religion. It was treated as one by the Umayyads, whose theft of power from the Rashidun and transformation of the caliphate into a hereditary institution ushered in a millennium of mostly unjust rule.

The only legitimate interpretation of Islam is that which is based entirely on the Qur'an and the Sunnah; innovation in religious matters is forbidden.

Islam can coexist with the world. If it overtakes the world, then it was meant to be. If it doesn't, then it wasn't.

That's likely the best thing I have read you post by the way. :clap2:

A question for you. What do you think of usury? I know the Uyghur are some fine little accountants. :p
I avoid it as much as it's possible for one to avoid usury in the West.
The only legitimate interpretation of Islam is that which is based entirely on the Qur'an and the Sunnah; innovation in religious matters is forbidden.

Now, with present interpretation, that's a chilling reminder of Islam's intractability.

So, the Uyghur also do not practice Islam correctly if they institute usury? In its purest form? The one you so conveniently hold?

The one that supersedes all others?


I've heard this before. ...
Now, with present interpretation, that's a chilling reminder of Islam's intractability.

So, the Uyghur also do not practice Islam correctly if they institute usury? In its purest form? The one you so conveniently hold?

The one that supersedes all others?


I've heard this before. ...

Any individual who makes a conscious decision to practice usury stands in clear violation of the commandments of Islam. I'm not sure what you're rambling about, nor can I say that I care.
There are Jewish fanatics as well who say that they should have a greater Israel. Both sides of fanatics are winning at the moment. The difference is that his side's leaders are those selfsame fanatics and the Democracy that is Israel still is able to marginalize our fanatics.


I must be a fanatic then because to me Jordan is the so-called "Palestinian" state. Judea and Samaria should be annexed and with all the money being wasted on the "Palestinians" they could be relocated to Jordan.
How would you deal with "Palestinians" who refused your offer?

How would you circumvent Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention:

"Art. 49. Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive."

Not that Israel makes a practice of observing international law.

GCIV - Wiki
A "greater Israel"? You mean, like the 51 member-states of the League of Nations that established the Jewish homeland in the greater Israel, including Jordan?

Seems the Muslims have the greater Middle East. Like, 99.9% of the Middle East. And, north Africa, too.
Do you look forward to the Land of Israel extending from the Nile to the Euphrates?

No. But you only ask questions. You don't seem to answer them, and you pull statements out of context to ask your own questions.

Do you consider that civil George?
Probably not, Ropey.

Civility has been in short supply on this forum for some time now.

As far as answers, I think I'll let the "language teacher" suggest one:

"The fact that the Israel-Palestine conflict grinds on without resolution might appear to be rather strange. For many of the world's conflicts, it is difficult even to conjure up a feasible settlement.

"In this case, it is not only possible, but there is near universal agreement on its basic contours: a two-state settlement along the internationally recognized (pre-June 1967) borders -- with 'minor and mutual modifications,' to adopt official U.S. terminology before Washington departed from the international community in the mid-1970s.

"The basic principles have been accepted by virtually the entire world, including the Arab states (who go on to call for full normalization of relations), the Organization of Islamic States (including Iran), and relevant non-state actors (including Hamas).

"A settlement along these lines was first proposed at the U.N. Security Council in January 1976 by the major Arab states.

"Israel refused to attend the session.

"The U.S. vetoed the resolution, and did so again in 1980.

"The record at the General Assembly since is similar.

A Middle East Peace...

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