President Trump has every right to FIRE any ambassador for any reason he so chooses. Especially ambassador's stabbing the president in the back, undermining the president's foreign policy which he has a Constitutional right to set. This is not a debate or a negotiation, the State Dept and these appointees work for Trump. The State department is not a separate branch of government, president Trump is their boss.
So Trump has the right to fire an ambassador that won't go along with his extortion scheme. I get it.
See... even YOU can't keep up with your demtard propaganda. Extortion is out already, pard, it's BRIBERY now... I think... at least it was, but I think today it's going to change again to... "HE MADE ME CRY."

Bingo, this is the left trying to spin "Trump is mean" into some kind of impeachable offense.

She's setting the scene for Sondland and Volker to testify about Giuliani's role in setting up the quid. Or maybe it was the quo.
This is tiresome

1) Sztrok and Page
2) Stormy
3) Russia Collusion BS
4) Obstruction BS
5) Ukraine

How many times will the damn Leftists cry wolf!!? Please STFU already.
If a normal, regular, everyday person tells you that you have nice kids, he is probably simply paying you and your children a complement.

If a mobster boss tells you that you have nice kids, he could be making a veiled threat to harm your family if you do not do as he wants.

Since Democrats know that Trump is Evil, they interpret what he says much the same way as the mobster boss. If Trump says do me a favor..... then it is extortion, blackmail or bribery. If Trump merely suggests looking into why a foreign energy company would pay millions to the VP's son to be on their board of directors when he has no experience, then Trump is asking for them to make up dirt to help Trump use against a potential candidate. The democrats and their lap dogs the MSM spin most everything Trump does through the lens that Trump is evil.

  1. Have hearings where you cherry pick all of the witnesses, rehearse all of the testimony and block the defense from producing any of the people or questions they want.
  2. Let them present endless option and hearsay statements without ever questioning a thing they claim.
  3. Have the media put up bad pictures of Trump scowling on your TV set as you let Nancy Pelosi get up and act as if she were an impartial journalist representing the media, reporting the President committed bribery even before any of the evidence has been presented, the hearings concluded or a single thing proven, then remind the viewer this is actually listed in the Constitution as an impeachable offense, because you know no one is going to sit days through long, boring testimony and you hope all they'll do is tune into the 6 o'clock news to get a summary and hear the conclusions and opinions of people like you!
What Trump asked for was for Ukraine to look into it to see if there was anything there. Trump released the money before any investigation even started, and there was still no investigation that we are aware of today.

What Slow Joe did was a quid pro quo, and there's nothing illegal about it unless it did have something to do with his son. Again, that's what Trump was asking Zelensky about. He wants to see if there is indeed a connection, because an energy company just doesn't pay somebody millions of dollars for nothing. Hunter got the job when his father was the US VP.

Given the fact Zelensky nor anybody in the Ukraine government even knew about the hold on US aid until a month after the phone call, tells us that whatever Trump said, Zelensky didn't take as a threat, because he knew nothing about money on hold. That's one of the many reasons this impeachment is a compete farce.

Yes but you're saying now there was never an investigation. So Trump's claim that there was corruption in Biden working to sack the prosecutor to save his son from an investigation was wrong? Or are you wrong?

You seem confused as your explanations are spreading beyond the known facts of what Trump stated in his call.

First of all, Trump only asked Zelensky "to look into it" as a favor, not to conduct an official investigation. Secondly, because there was no investigation, that destroys the Democrats claim of quid pro quo. That's why they aborted it and started to use "bribery" as their new charge.

If Trump's attempt was to issue a quid pro quo, he wouldn't' have released the money until he got something in return. Instead, he released the money anyway.
Don't forget they threw in EXTORTION between quid pro quo and bribery.

These bat shit crazy, lunatic demtrash change the game faster than we can keep up with.

I think today they're hoping the bitch cries. That ought to do it... the president made me cry because he fired me... WHAAAAAA, WHAAA. I'm SURE they'll be able to impeach the president on... HE MADE ME CRY.

Well I guess I should make the case for Blackmail. Yep that's what ol'Trumpybear did. He tried to Blackmail that president into publicly announcing that the Ukraine was opening an investingation into the Bidens corruption.

Blackmail I tells ya.

Doesn't matter what you call it. The turd still stinks.

Blackmail is when you have something damaging about a person, and threaten to release that information unless your demands are met. And when did Trump ever ask Zelensky to make anything public?

Many forms of blackmail are considered crimes under state or federal law. Most states treat blackmail as a type of extortion or coercion, which involves threats of violence or other harm in order to compel a person to do something.

Blackmail Law | Justia

What you call it doesn't change what he did or that it was done with corrupt intent.
She wasn't fired until after Giuliani, Fruman and Parnas set about establishing their back channel. Small steps.

All presidents use back channel communications with foreign leaders. FDR was famous for this and telling the State Dept and Sec of State to pound sand. This is nothing new with president Trump. That said you are not hearing the truth, the president has the right to fire any ambassador for any reason or no reason. He has constitutional authority to do so.
You didn't answer my question.

The line on Biden's corruption was that he extorted the Ukrainian govt to fire the prosecutor who was investigating his son.

Now you're saying there was never an investigation and the "corruption" is because
"Crackhead" Hunter Biden landed a lucrative job?

Trump said it was about the investigationand the firing. So which is it?

What Trump asked for was for Ukraine to look into it to see if there was anything there. Trump released the money before any investigation even started, and there was still no investigation that we are aware of today.

What Slow Joe did was a quid pro quo, and there's nothing illegal about it unless it did have something to do with his son. Again, that's what Trump was asking Zelensky about. He wants to see if there is indeed a connection, because an energy company just doesn't pay somebody millions of dollars for nothing. Hunter got the job when his father was the US VP.

Given the fact Zelensky nor anybody in the Ukraine government even knew about the hold on US aid until a month after the phone call, tells us that whatever Trump said, Zelensky didn't take as a threat, because he knew nothing about money on hold. That's one of the many reasons this impeachment is a compete farce.

Yes but you're saying now there was never an investigation. So Trump's claim that there was corruption in Biden working to sack the prosecutor to save his son from an investigation was wrong? Or are you wrong?

You seem confused as your explanations are spreading beyond the known facts of what Trump stated in his call.

First of all, Trump only asked Zelensky "to look into it" as a favor, not to conduct an official investigation. Secondly, because there was no investigation, that destroys the Democrats claim of quid pro quo. That's why they aborted it and started to use "bribery" as their new charge.

If Trump's attempt was to issue a quid pro quo, he wouldn't' have released the money until he got something in return. Instead, he released the money anyway.
Don't forget they threw in EXTORTION between quid pro quo and bribery.

These bat shit crazy, lunatic demtrash change the game faster than we can keep up with.

I think today they're hoping the bitch cries. That ought to do it... the president made me cry because he fired me... WHAAAAAA, WHAAA. I'm SURE they'll be able to impeach the president on... HE MADE ME CRY.

Well I guess I should make the case for Blackmail. Yep that's what ol'Trumpybear did. He tried to Blackmail that president into publicly announcing that the Ukraine was opening an investingation into the Bidens corruption.

Blackmail I tells ya.

Doesn't matter what you call it. The turd still stinks.
So... you leftards have gone from RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA COLLUSION, to QUID PRO QUO, to EXTORTION, to BRIBERY, and now you want to swap to BLACKMAIL?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Don't you EVER, STOP to THINK, how utterly ASININE you all sound? THIS kind of absolute DUMBFUCKERY is why the dems are in for a BLOOD BATH next year. NO ONE IS BUYING all this INSANE GOAL POST MOVING, GAME CHANGING, BULL SHIT IMPEACHMENT LOOKING FOR A CRIME CRAP... NO ONE... except you BRAIN DEAD sheeple that are plugged into the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING 24/7. You've been LIED to for THREE YEARS, but you're too STUPID to SEE IT, EVEN WITH 100% IRON CLAD PROOF right in front of your FACE.

GOOD GOD... you people... you all belong in a NUT HOUSE.
She wasn't fired until after Giuliani, Fruman and Parnas set about establishing their back channel. Small steps.

All presidents use back channel communications with foreign leaders. FDR was famous for this and telling the State Dept and Sec of State to pound sand. This is nothing new with president Trump. That said you are not hearing the truth, the president has the right to fire any ambassador for any reason or no reason. He has constitutional authority to do so.

I know he does, and Yovanovitch has testified as much. I don't think that's being questioned.
She wasn't fired until after Giuliani, Fruman and Parnas set about establishing their back channel. Small steps.

All presidents use back channel communications with foreign leaders. FDR was famous for this and telling the State Dept and Sec of State to pound sand. This is nothing new with president Trump. That said you are not hearing the truth, the president has the right to fire any ambassador for any reason or no reason. He has constitutional authority to do so.

I know he does, and Yovanovitch has testified as much. I don't think that's being questioned.

Please, its being spun now, and has been spun before in the liberal media that it was wrong for Trump to fire her. Obama called the top general in Afghanistan into the oval office and fired him in a heated discussion. I don't recall anyone on the left crying about that.
You are all so upset. But how about that awesome high energy Castor dude!? He's awesome!
I had a feeling Castor would play very respectful with her. She is too sympathetic a witness.
They haven't let Jordan out of the barn, yet, though.
Now THAT was a bombshell! Mr. Turner calling out Schiff on his media announcements that the whistleblower will testify and Schiff does not object!
She wasn't fired until after Giuliani, Fruman and Parnas set about establishing their back channel. Small steps.

All presidents use back channel communications with foreign leaders. FDR was famous for this and telling the State Dept and Sec of State to pound sand. This is nothing new with president Trump. That said you are not hearing the truth, the president has the right to fire any ambassador for any reason or no reason. He has constitutional authority to do so.

I know he does, and Yovanovitch has testified as much. I don't think that's being questioned.

Please, its being spun now, and has been spun before in the liberal media that it was wrong for Trump to fire her. Obama called the top general in Afghanistan into the oval office and fired him in a heated discussion. I don't recall anyone on the left crying about that.

It was wrong, but no one argues he didn't have the right to do it. If it's true she was the target of a smear campaign - and it hasn't been contested, so far - it certainly wasn't right. A diligent President (just kidding) would have checked with the State Dept, which Trump didn't do. OTOH, if his diligence were directed elsewhere, a smear campaign driven by his personal attorney could come in handy.
President Trump has every right to FIRE any ambassador for any reason he so chooses. Especially ambassador's stabbing the president in the back, undermining the president's foreign policy which he has a Constitutional right to set. This is not a debate or a negotiation, the State Dept and these appointees work for Trump. The State department is not a separate branch of government, president Trump is their boss.
So Trump has the right to fire an ambassador that won't go along with his extortion scheme. I get it.
See... even YOU can't keep up with your demtard propaganda. Extortion is out already, pard, it's BRIBERY now... I think... at least it was, but I think today it's going to change again to... "HE MADE ME CRY."

Bingo, this is the left trying to spin "Trump is mean" into some kind of impeachable offense.

She's setting the scene for Sondland and Volker to testify about Giuliani's role in setting up the quid. Or maybe it was the quo.
If not then Try the pro
You are all so upset. But how about that awesome high energy Castor dude!? He's awesome!
I had a feeling Castor would play very respectful with her. She is too sympathetic a witness.
They haven't let Jordan out of the barn, yet, though.
You're probably one of the only four people in America bothering to watch this PATHETIC ADAM ScHITt FARCE IMPEACHMENT LOOKING FOR A CRIME show.
You are all so upset. But how about that awesome high energy Castor dude!? He's awesome!
I had a feeling Castor would play very respectful with her. She is too sympathetic a witness.
They haven't let Jordan out of the barn, yet, though.
You're probably one of the only four people in America bothering to watch this PATHETIC ADAM ScHITt FARCE IMPEACHMENT LOOKING FOR A CRIME show.
This is nothing like Wednesday's testimony. Theatrics, mostly. I don't know why they did this. It's not a strong argument against Trump.

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