Office Depot Backs Down From Censoring Pro-Life Flyer, Apologizes to Customer

When is Kim Davis going to apologize?
I had not heard she wanted to about you as of yet. Not a bad idea but aborting the insolent after they are out of the womb can become complicated.
Blah, blah, blah. The bottom line is that Office Depot recognizes when they've made a mistake even though, as a private institution, they're not required to. Kim Davis, on the other hand, is taking a salary from the public till and is REQUIRED to do the job she's being paid for or suffer the consequences.
When is Kim Davis going to apologize?
I had not heard she wanted to about you as of yet. Not a bad idea but aborting the insolent after they are out of the womb can become complicated.
Blah, blah, blah. The bottom line is that Office Depot recognizes when they've made a mistake even though, as a private institution, they're not required to. Kim Davis, on the other hand, is taking a salary from the public till and is REQUIRED to do the job she's being paid for or suffer the consequences.
Eh not at first they didn't. The customer called several times was told off,etc. Even the law group was told to get lost....guess when faced with loss of business you remove your head from your ass and do the right thing.
The bottom line is that Office Depot recognizes when they've made a mistake even though, as a private institution, they're not required to. Kim Davis, on the other hand, is taking a salary from the public till and is REQUIRED to do the job she's being paid for or suffer the consequences.
Eh not at first they didn't. The customer called several times was told off,etc. Even the law group was told to get lost....guess when faced with loss of business you remove your head from your ass and do the right thing.
Bottom line: Office Depot did the right thing, while Kim Davis hasn't. She's supposed to be working for EVERYBODY, not just those with whom she agrees.
When is Kim Davis going to apologize?
I had not heard she wanted to about you as of yet. Not a bad idea but aborting the insolent after they are out of the womb can become complicated.
Blah, blah, blah. The bottom line is that Office Depot recognizes when they've made a mistake even though, as a private institution, they're not required to. Kim Davis, on the other hand, is taking a salary from the public till and is REQUIRED to do the job she's being paid for or suffer the consequences.
Starting in again? Kim is not reguired to violate her religious principles. State cannot force her. Title VII says so.
Blah, blah, blah. The bottom line is that Office Depot recognizes when they've made a mistake even though, as a private institution, they're not required to. Kim Davis, on the other hand, is taking a salary from the public till and is REQUIRED to do the job she's being paid for or suffer the consequences.

Are bakeries private institutions?
When is Kim Davis going to apologize?
I had not heard she wanted to about you as of yet. Not a bad idea but aborting the insolent after they are out of the womb can become complicated.
Blah, blah, blah. The bottom line is that Office Depot recognizes when they've made a mistake even though, as a private institution, they're not required to. Kim Davis, on the other hand, is taking a salary from the public till and is REQUIRED to do the job she's being paid for or suffer the consequences.
Eh not at first they didn't. The customer called several times was told off,etc. Even the law group was told to get lost....guess when faced with loss of business you remove your head from your ass and do the right thing.
I would like for our side to approach ALL businesses and tell them to take a side publicaly so we know who to boycott. Maybe do it for gay marriage issue too.
The bottom line is that Office Depot recognizes when they've made a mistake even though, as a private institution, they're not required to. Kim Davis, on the other hand, is taking a salary from the public till and is REQUIRED to do the job she's being paid for or suffer the consequences.
Eh not at first they didn't. The customer called several times was told off,etc. Even the law group was told to get lost....guess when faced with loss of business you remove your head from your ass and do the right thing.
Bottom line: Office Depot did the right thing, while Kim Davis hasn't. She's supposed to be working for EVERYBODY, not just those with whom she agrees.
They could have saved themselves the embarrassment if they had just done it to begin with. There is NOTHING that they could stand on that would stand up in court to deny this woman a flier being printed. Go be obsessed somewhere else.
When is Kim Davis going to apologize?
I had not heard she wanted to about you as of yet. Not a bad idea but aborting the insolent after they are out of the womb can become complicated.
Blah, blah, blah. The bottom line is that Office Depot recognizes when they've made a mistake even though, as a private institution, they're not required to. Kim Davis, on the other hand, is taking a salary from the public till and is REQUIRED to do the job she's being paid for or suffer the consequences.
Starting in again? Kim is not reguired to violate her religious principles. State cannot force her. Title VII says so.
I am ignoring his rants....try not to give him fuel for his pathetic sputtering fire.
Such little dears you only see one of them on this thread protecting the rights of freedom of choice for a business to turn down a customer. If the show was on the other foot there would be total outrage calling for verbal assault and a lynching.

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