Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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I'm so thankful to the fucking pinheaded pundits who constantly refer to Trump supporters as "un-educated" simply because they may not have went on to college.

The mind boggles at how many were driven to the polls to support Trump by that fucked up insult alone.
That's all communist bullshit. I've got an MS in Mech Eng'r'g.... am I overdressed? I don't think so.

It's not about education. Pubs are normal, wholesome.... Dims are substandard and defective. Period.
Current odds to win the presidency from

Why wold Penn, that says that says they have so many votes to count, have stopped counting votes at 10:30 PM as soon as Trump took a 4 point lead?

This is not going to appease Americans. I'm watching CNN with shellshocked faces and Tapper saying "we're getting calls from Dems saying, dont' call Michigan we've got stuff coming in".

WTF? The Dem party calls you, a media outlet, to tell you what to do? This is the American Election, the basis of your democracy. This is very odd, just as Trump starts making big moves in the Blue Wave. This doesn't happen in the elections I've seen, outside of 2016.

To go manufacture some more mail-in votes.

I know you jest, but this isn't funny. We saw the media one sided support for Trump and even Fox isn't talking about this.

Give us the updated vote count ffs, that's your role for the night. Not chat with people, let's see who won this election. It's clear now that Trump is a big favourite. So how will they prevent this? Global democracy relies on American, free and fair democracy.
1. the remaining counties in Texas and North Carolina either voted for trump in 2016 or are red counties.

2. Ron Desantis, on newsmax, just said trump won at 8:30 and he is 400,000 votes ahead making it mathematically impossible for Biden to win.
Look at CBC bs headline. This is the big media narrative "too early to call". Yeah, if you don't count the votes! Penn goes home for the night, as if "elections aren't that important".

How many others will stifle the count? Another 4 am election call? This is peculiar. It's not rocket science, you count and update.

Trumps team should be asking wtf is up.

Races still too tight to call in key battleground states
Florida, Georgia, Michigan and Texas all close races

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