Official Ben Gazzy Witch Hunt-a-thon Thread


What is - depending upon one's POV - either a much needed search for truth or a politically motivated witch hunt has been an expose of partisan arm-wrestling.

The Repubs have the advantage of at least appearing to be legit.

The Dems - on the other hand - have spent their time acting as Hillary's defense committee while attempting to discredit the very existence of the hearings.

That defense mostly consists of complaining about the misuse of gov't time and money, the irony of which surely doesn't escape even the Dems.

The Dems also insist they are all about "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth" but clearly are more interested in defending and protecting our former Sec of State.

I expect the leftists and libs here to also act according to the Hillary Plan but the deflecting and demagoguery will not stop the full

The Repubs don't appear legit in any way.
How do you appear legit when the house majority leader touts the political damage done by the committee?

"exposure of her actions and inactions and her efforts to cover up the nature of her involvement."

Cover up of what? What exactly do you believe she did that needs to be hidden?
What were the motives for those actions?

I've already conceded that some may construe these hearings as strictly politically motivated and even if that is the case, Hillary and the Dems have nothing to fear and much to gain.

If everyone involved is open and honest the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth will be the result and we can put this freakin' thing to rest.

I wonder, though, why so many fear these hearings.

honest.... you don't really think they're going to put it to rest until after the 2016 election, do you? they're like dogs with a bone.

You don't suppose the "it's politically motivated" defense of Hillary is itself politically motivated? If this committee succeeds in finding the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and that truth exonerates Hillary, Benghazi and the case of the missing E-mails will indeed be put to rest.

interesting obfuscation.

I think if the rightwingnut loons do something inappropriate and self-serving, that it should be pointed out. but that's rightwing history... abuse their power and then whine when it's pointed out and there's pushback.

so i'd get over it if I were you.

I've nothing to get over. Hillary's actions have convinced me (and a majority of Americans) of her untrustworthiness. Pretending that these hearings serve some political purpose does not negate their legitimacy nor the palpable fear they seem to strike in some. So what is it you fear from them?
Right, she said I rely on the experts recommendation. And the only thing he could think to say is "Yeah, Leaders lead" and sat back eating a turkey leg like he did his job
Like Ronald Reagan for instance led 241 US Marines into getting blown up in Lebanon while they slept by Reagan going against Military experts .....
You can cut the malignant atmosphere with a knife on that panel when you hear them talk.


What is - depending upon one's POV - either a much needed search for truth or a politically motivated witch hunt has been an expose of partisan arm-wrestling.

The Repubs have the advantage of at least appearing to be legit.

The Dems - on the other hand - have spent their time acting as Hillary's defense committee while attempting to discredit the very existence of the hearings.

That defense mostly consists of complaining about the misuse of gov't time and money, the irony of which surely doesn't escape even the Dems.

The Dems also insist they are all about "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth" but clearly are more interested in defending and protecting our former Sec of State.

I expect the leftists and libs here to also act according to the Hillary Plan but the deflecting and demagoguery will not stop the full

The Repubs don't appear legit in any way.
How do you appear legit when the house majority leader touts the political damage done by the committee?

"exposure of her actions and inactions and her efforts to cover up the nature of her involvement."

Cover up of what? What exactly do you believe she did that needs to be hidden?
What were the motives for those actions?

I've already conceded that some may construe these hearings as strictly politically motivated and even if that is the case, Hillary and the Dems have nothing to fear and much to gain.

If everyone involved is open and honest the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth will be the result and we can put this freakin' thing to rest.

I wonder, though, why so many fear these hearings.

honest.... you don't really think they're going to put it to rest until after the 2016 election, do you? they're like dogs with a bone.

You don't suppose the "it's politically motivated" defense of Hillary is itself politically motivated? If this committee succeeds in finding the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and that truth exonerates Hillary, Benghazi and the case of the missing E-mails will indeed be put to rest.

No. The " it's politically motivated " idea comes from the mouth of the house majority leader, a rebub member and a former committee investigator.
The Repubs don't appear legit in any way.
How do you appear legit when the house majority leader touts the political damage done by the committee?

"exposure of her actions and inactions and her efforts to cover up the nature of her involvement."

Cover up of what? What exactly do you believe she did that needs to be hidden?
What were the motives for those actions?

I've already conceded that some may construe these hearings as strictly politically motivated and even if that is the case, Hillary and the Dems have nothing to fear and much to gain.

If everyone involved is open and honest the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth will be the result and we can put this freakin' thing to rest.

I wonder, though, why so many fear these hearings.

honest.... you don't really think they're going to put it to rest until after the 2016 election, do you? they're like dogs with a bone.

You don't suppose the "it's politically motivated" defense of Hillary is itself politically motivated? If this committee succeeds in finding the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and that truth exonerates Hillary, Benghazi and the case of the missing E-mails will indeed be put to rest.

interesting obfuscation.

I think if the rightwingnut loons do something inappropriate and self-serving, that it should be pointed out. but that's rightwing history... abuse their power and then whine when it's pointed out and there's pushback.

so i'd get over it if I were you.

I've nothing to get over. Hillary's actions have convinced me (and a majority of Americans) of her untrustworthiness. Pretending that these hearings serve some political purpose does not negate their legitimacy nor the palpable fear they seem to strike in some. So what is it you fear from them?
It completely negates their legitimacy. I'm sure last November you were also convinced ISIS was going to send ebola infested terrorists from Mexico on Obama's orders! :rofl:

What is - depending upon one's POV - either a much needed search for truth or a politically motivated witch hunt has been an expose of partisan arm-wrestling.

The Repubs have the advantage of at least appearing to be legit.

The Dems - on the other hand - have spent their time acting as Hillary's defense committee while attempting to discredit the very existence of the hearings.

That defense mostly consists of complaining about the misuse of gov't time and money, the irony of which surely doesn't escape even the Dems.

The Dems also insist they are all about "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth" but clearly are more interested in defending and protecting our former Sec of State.

I expect the leftists and libs here to also act according to the Hillary Plan but the deflecting and demagoguery will not stop the full

The Repubs don't appear legit in any way.
How do you appear legit when the house majority leader touts the political damage done by the committee?

"exposure of her actions and inactions and her efforts to cover up the nature of her involvement."

Cover up of what? What exactly do you believe she did that needs to be hidden?
What were the motives for those actions?

I've already conceded that some may construe these hearings as strictly politically motivated and even if that is the case, Hillary and the Dems have nothing to fear and much to gain.

If everyone involved is open and honest the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth will be the result and we can put this freakin' thing to rest.

I wonder, though, why so many fear these hearings.

honest.... you don't really think they're going to put it to rest until after the 2016 election, do you? they're like dogs with a bone.

You don't suppose the "it's politically motivated" defense of Hillary is itself politically motivated? If this committee succeeds in finding the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and that truth exonerates Hillary, Benghazi and the case of the missing E-mails will indeed be put to rest.

No. The " it's politically motivated " idea comes from the mouth of the house majority leader, a rebub member and a former committee investigator.

that doesn't fit their narrative. :)
Right, she said I rely on the experts recommendation. And the only thing he could think to say is "Yeah, Leaders lead" and sat back eating a turkey leg like he did his job
Like Ronald Reagan for instance led 241 US Marines into getting blown up in Lebanon while they slept by Reagan going against Military experts .....

and again, how many thousands died because shrub didn't listen to the state department like his daddy did?
Now Michael Weiner Savage is also trying to salvage this fiasco by demanding another investigation, this time against Sid Blumenthal for his role in... uh... something! :rofl:

Gee I wonder why Hillary deleted her personal emails rather than let the committee scrutinize each one?

The Blumenthal emails are a perfect example of what they would do with them.
Fox is airing The Five program and not the hearings. They are all just going on and on spinning about all of the 'lies' Hillary has told.
The hearing isn't producing the desired results so they're making up for it I guess. SMH.
You don't suppose the "it's politically motivated" defense of Hillary is itself politically motivated?...
No. The " it's politically motivated " idea comes from the mouth of the house majority leader, a rebub member and a former committee investigator.

And the defense of Hillary - the claim that this is merely a witch hunt and nothing more - is not politically motivated? You're being naïve.

I've nothing to get over. Hillary's actions have convinced me (and a majority of Americans) of her untrustworthiness. Pretending that these hearings serve some political purpose does not negate their legitimacy nor the palpable fear they seem to strike in some. So what is it you fear from them?
It completely negates their legitimacy. I'm sure last November you were also convinced ISIS was going to send ebola infested terrorists from Mexico on Obama's orders! :rofl:

At least try not to seem stupid.
You don't suppose the "it's politically motivated" defense of Hillary is itself politically motivated?...
No. The " it's politically motivated " idea comes from the mouth of the house majority leader, a rebub member and a former committee investigator.

And the defense of Hillary - the claim that this is a witch hunt - is not politically motivated? You're being naïve.

I've nothing to get over. Hillary's actions have convinced me (and a majority of Americans) of her untrustworthiness. Pretending that these hearings serve some political purpose does not negate their legitimacy nor the palpable fear they seem to strike in some. So what is it you fear from them?
It completely negates their legitimacy. I'm sure last November you were also convinced ISIS was going to send ebola infested terrorists from Mexico on Obama's orders! :rofl:

At least try not to be stupid.
A lot of conservatives were! Type "ebola" into the search bar and click thread titles only. Then you'll be able to see the right wing madness over ebola and why nobody takes you retards seriously other than yourselves.
You don't suppose the "it's politically motivated" defense of Hillary is itself politically motivated?...
No. The " it's politically motivated " idea comes from the mouth of the house majority leader, a rebub member and a former committee investigator.

And the defense of Hillary - the claim that this is merely a witch hunt and nothing more - is not politically motivated? You're being naïve.

I've nothing to get over. Hillary's actions have convinced me (and a majority of Americans) of her untrustworthiness. Pretending that these hearings serve some political purpose does not negate their legitimacy nor the palpable fear they seem to strike in some. So what is it you fear from them?
It completely negates their legitimacy. I'm sure last November you were also convinced ISIS was going to send ebola infested terrorists from Mexico on Obama's orders! :rofl:

At least try not to be stupid.

And the defense of Hillary - the claim that this is a witch hunt - is not politically motivated? You're being naïve.

The claim that it was a witch hunt was shown to be correct by none other than the house majority leader himself.
That's the third time I have responded to you with that information and you apparently are unable or unwilling to address it.
Fox is airing The Five program and not the hearings. They are all just going on and on spinning about all of the 'lies' Hillary has told.
The hearing isn't producing the desired results so they're making up for it I guess. SMH.

The Committee is on a break.
They will put it back on again.

Fox's Shep Smith: Gowdy's Obsessive Questioning About Blumenthal Is Not "Very Helpful When Finding Out What Happened At ... Benghazi"
Now he's saying he's trying to find out how to stop people from being killed in dangerous countries lol.

Yep, this committee is going to find out how to stop killings in dangerous places
Maybe they should've did what Britain and the red cross did and got Stevens out of there.

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