Official Election results thread

If Trump wins, the headline of the news papers will be You're Hired!
The ashen faces of the media elites tell the story of the American comeback.
Man this night is turning out GREAT! Trump is almost to victory! My Governor is 2% up over the POS who refused to challenge Obamacare and wants to allow men into girls bathrooms AND my senator won reelection!
You won't have to go on a shooting spree now!!!!
God bless you, btw :)
Tilly, you are so sweet!
BREAKING: Americans hate crooked liars. Sorry, Hillary

BREAKING: Americans can no longer tell who is the real fraud, liar and blow hard:

How are those sour grapes?
Ok, the house is definitely Republican, and the Senate is going to be majority Republican, but what percent does it take to repeal Obamacare?
Hope and Change, from pussy grabbin' demagogue?

America is about to learn a harsh lesson.
1) It's a two-party system; either or. Americans knew they weren't getting hope and change from Democrats. All Hillary promised was more of the same. Obviously that didn't appeal to a majority of Americans.

2) Could be a harsh lesson, but adversity can be good.

Lastly, all the bullshit and harassment the Liberals have given the Southern states for the past 8 years have come to bite them in their snooty asses.

More of the same would be AMAZING compared to what Trump has got in store.

And we'll kick things off with highest single day market sell off since Great Recession.
My God, if Trump wins, with a Repub House and Senate...conservative Justices appointments.....we are going to take this country back!!!
Amen to that! I sure hope folks start thanking the LORD! He has answered our prayers! God is so good! I praise Him!
Still too close to call yet but Trump is already overperforming everywhere, not a lock but looks like Trump is going to win. Looks like Repubs will retain the Senate as well. This is shaping up to be a massive fuck up by the DNC.
Agreed about Trump overperforming. It appears the Democrats massively underread the frustration and angst Americans are feeling.

This is a huge repudiation of the Democratic party agenda. 8 years ago they promised hope and change, now Americans are demanding it since the Democrats failed to deliver.

A lot of voters are angry. The Republicans went with the outsider populist. The Democrats chose the status quo boring flawed candidate with tons of baggage.

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