OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

K so let's really break this down.

When she was 15, someone pushed her into a room, groped her over her clothes, laughed with her friend about it, briefly covered her mouth and....that was it. She escaped and that was the end of that.

Not good. Very bad. Unfortunate. If true, the guy's a cad.

But this woman, a wife and mother with two sons, two master's degrees, a PhD and etc is so traumatized by this almost 40 years later she "can't fly"? (but can). She needs two doors on the first floor? (But not until 2012).

That's just not right. I don't think it jives. I think she DID recover from this, and maybe trouble in her marriage brought it up again, fine. But to NOW cast this as if it "broke her". Nope. And don't a single man here fall for it, either.
Sorry but I know women that have been through the same thing and it indeed fucks up their lives.

But her life was not effed up. She went on to school and multiple advanced degrees. Not only a successful life, but an exemplary career by all standards. She seems to be REALLY dwelling on something that happened a really long time ago, was very short, and did not rise to actual rape or even close.
Shit, she traveled the world

On a plane!!!!!!! LOL
Kavanaught: My paw, he was a good mein, yes'n he was. ... Pappy, ohh pappy. I miss yuh pappy!


He should be up for an Oscar for this performance.

#LOLGOP #ReallyDrinkingRepublicanTearsNow
I thought he said his parents were both there with him? They're not even DEAD.
Shows how uninformed you all are, after he stated it! Wow
Too bad the Republicans refused to allow an FBI investigation. It would have been the best way of finding out the truth.

That's a decision that totally back-fired on them.

JACKASS, there have already been SIX background investigations to vet Kananaugh! The FBI does not investigate sexual assault. Learn the fucking law.
Anita Hill, asshole.

The FBI does investigate sexual assault when the person in question is a SCOTUS nominee. They did it when Anita Hill made her accusations and they can do it now.

But that was in the days when conservatives had some degree of integrity.

The PRESIDENT would have to order it. Too bad your girl Friday waited until so close to an election. Trump's not going to risk unwarranted delays. If only your girl Friday had come out with this sooner or with some sort of hard, independent EVIDENCE. She has had YEARS to bring these allegations, but it just wasn't important to her until NOW. Why is that? Does it somehow make a difference the nature of a crime the work someone does? THAT'S A NEW ONE ON ME! Rape is rape, assault is assault, and murder is murder, whether the person is a wealthy ambassador or some lowly bum in the gutter without two nickels to rub together.
I'd want them to investigate her specific claims. The prior 6 had jack shit to do with these accusations.

Why/how is that the FBI's job? Why not at the local police?
Why? Because the FBI is the best investigative organization in the US. Its not called Federal Bureau of Investigation for nothing.

How is it the FBI's job? The same way it was their job to do the BG check.[/QU

If there was anything for the FBI to investigate, this would have showed up at some point in his career.

If they were to investigate again...…..who, what, when, where, would they investigate???

Investigating Ford's claims? How's that if she can't remember anything? The others involved??? They've already said they didn't know anything about it

What would the FBI investigate???????
They would investigate Ford and the other women that have come forward that they somehow missed the first 6 times.

Investigate them?? For what? That none of them can remember????

Sorry but you're not making any sense
Investigate them and their accusations. Are you saying they dont remember their accusations?
Why does Kavanaugh only coach girls? Hires only female law clerks? Wants his all-female law clerks to have a "certain look"? Interesting...

His children are girls, why would he coach someone else kids' teams??

He doesn't hire only female law clerks, but does hire many.

The rest is silly, democratic smear.
K so let's really break this down.

When she was 15, someone pushed her into a room, groped her over her clothes, laughed with her friend about it, briefly covered her mouth and....that was it. She escaped and that was the end of that.

Not good. Very bad. Unfortunate. If true, the guy's a cad.

But this woman, a wife and mother with two sons, two master's degrees, a PhD and etc is so traumatized by this almost 40 years later she "can't fly"? (but can). She needs two doors on the first floor? (But not until 2012).

That's just not right. I don't think it jives. I think she DID recover from this, and maybe trouble in her marriage brought it up again, fine. But to NOW cast this as if it "broke her". Nope. And don't a single man here fall for it, either.
Sorry but I know women that have been through the same thing and it indeed fucks up their lives.

But her life was not effed up. She went on to school and multiple advanced degrees. Not only a successful life, but an exemplary career by all standards. She seems to be REALLY dwelling on something that happened a really long time ago, was very short, and did not rise to actual rape or even close.
Shit, she traveled the world

On a plane!!!!!!! LOL

Too be fair, it might not have been a plane. More likely a broom.

all she said was that she flew.
In the world of logical people, there are "acceptable" reasons for a real man to cry. Family and career mostly.

Folks who don't give a shit about those things won't get it, the rest of us do.
What the Democrats have done.....what the Democrats have demonstrated they are willing to do to US citizens for federal / national political party gain is beyond despicable..

The Democrats launched the same exact campaign to completely burn down Herman Cain's reputation, his reputation, his life's work, his family, his reputation, and his opportunity to run for the GOP Presidential nomination simply because Cain was a well-known, well-liked, successful black man with a good reputation. That made him a threat to Barak Obama's re-election chances.

Just like now, the Democrats marched out female accuser after female accuser who falsely accused him of sexual misconduct and how the liberal media painted him as a depraved monster. Then the law suits piled on, the media became worse, harassing him and his wife. It got so bad that is wife asked him to drop out because what the democrats were putting them through was not worth his running.

The day after he announced his withdrawing from the race the women who had been accusing him disappeared, the lawsuits were all dropped, and the media acted like they had never heard his name before - the investigations they demanded be conducted of him suddenly ended / were dropped.

The similarities between what the Democrats did to Herman Cain and what they have done to Kavanaugh are unmistakable.

The intentional character / 'life' assassination of a US citizen for purely political gain is beyond immoral, unethical, despicable....what they have attempted to do to Kavanaugh - one of the most good an honest men thus country has to offer - there are no words to describe how evil and disgusting this was / has been.
Do Republicans really want a sniveling crybaby on the Supreme Court?

"Sexual assault" isn't going to work so now we don't want a "niveling crybaby on the Supreme Court". Nice last ditch effort. lol
Genuine emotion and not the milk toast girly stuff that Ford offered
He is wrung out by this hit job
I shouldn't be teasing; you're probably right. Damn, it's easy to not feel bad for him, though---he started out so angry and "how dare you?" big chest puffed out. Not a way to endear yourself to the audience before melting into a half hour of tears.

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