OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

One thing is clear after all of this.....

Democrats have openly declared their belief that in any case where someone is accused of a crime 'the accused bears the burden of proof' as, according to Democrats / Snowflakes, Americans are GUILTY until PROVEN innocent.

Based on this exposed truth / revelation and understanding the significance and importance of the USSC, Democrats - based on this - should NEVER be allowed to appoint another Judge or a USSC Justice again .. until they submit themselves to attending classes where they will learn the meaning of Justice, learn the legal system, how it works, understand that trying cases in the public eye / the court of public opinion without evidence but instead attempting to emotionally manipulate people is wrong, and fully comprehend the Constitutional Rights afforded to them by the Constitution and law.

Until that time, they have proven themselves to be threats to the American people, to justice in this country, and threats to our democracy.

How many of the Clinton accusers who offer no evidence do you believe?

Monica did have the blue dress.
She's a means to an end.
And so is Kavanaugh, so quit yer whining already...

The difference is (of course you don't see it, you cheap, dime store hack), that BK has all the credentials needed to be a SC justice, considering he's spent a decade on the DC Circuit Court, the 2nd highest court out there.

Her viability as a witness against him is compromised because she can't define WHEN and WHERE the alleged assault occurred.
They should let her rip.

Ms. Lindsey will come out screaming "You LYING bitch!!!" at Dr. Ford and prance off in a huff.

I can just see it now.

#LOLGOP #RepublicanTearsTasteGOOD

My senator on the Senate Judiciary Committee will probably just hand Dr. Ford a Kleenex and tell her he has heard enough (I don't know, we'll see). He's been rather silent about things thus far, but mainly because he isn't a camera hog, hell bent on grandstanding.

Each Senator gets their time to question; why wouldn't "your Senator" do the same?
Is he a lazy ass, worthless POS?
I have a feeling that Rachel Mitchell is probably thinking to herself right now that "This is a job I should not have taken."

I'm sure she's thinking something, that wouldn't be it. I bet she wishes she can take the gloves off. I'd love to see that!!! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
If Kavanaugh can't destroy this loon Ford...we need to pick a more aggressive nominee. If you can't defend against Ford, how can we expect
you to defend the constitution against those who want to ignore it?
He doesn't need to destroy her. He needs to pity her. Because she's a victim of the democrats. They found a crazy woman, and they're exploiting her.

It's what they do.
Pity is not what you do when you're being beheaded.

Her head on a pike as a warning to other lying hags this won't fly
I think he survives this because Ford just can't prove any of what she has said.

If he doesn't survive then Trump should nominate the most conservative Judge out there. Kavanaugh is more of a moderate though he is a follower of the Constitution.

Let Trump nominate Coney Barrett. I'm sure the Dems will shit a brick. Let see if the Dems can pull a Ford out of their pocket to oppose Barrett.
No matter who is picked, after Herman Cain and Kavanaugh the Democrats will be confidant in this tactic and will never let the GOP / Trump have another USSC Justice pick ever again.....
I would love for these to be asked.

1. Where you of legal drinking age when you had "1 beer" at the alleged party?
2. How did you drink the beer: from a can, from a bottle, from a glass, sip, chug?
3. How long did it take you to drink the "1 beer"?
4. Was this the first time you ever consumed alcohol? (Follow-ups as dictated by response.)
5. Did anyone at the party force you to consume alcohol?
6. Did your parents permit you to attend parties without adult supervision? If no, why did you attend?
7. What time did the party start? When did you leave?
8. Was this the first sexual assault you ever experienced?
9. Prior to this alleged party, did you have any sexual experiences with anyone? Please elaborate.

So, if Dr Ford had a sexual experience before Brett Kavanaugh tried to assault her that makes his actions okay?
My senator on the Senate Judiciary Committee will probably just hand Dr. Ford a Kleenex and tell her he has heard enough (I don't know, we'll see). He's been rather silent about things thus far, but mainly because he isn't a camera hog, hell bent on grandstanding.
Each Senator gets their time to question; why wouldn't "your Senator" do the same?
Is he a lazy ass, worthless POS?
Why would he ask her a question she has repeatedly said she doesn't have an answer to?
She's a means to an end.
And so is Kavanaugh, so quit yer whining already...

The difference is (of course you don't see it, you cheap, dime store hack), that BK has all the credentials needed to be a SC justice, considering he's spent a decade on the DC Circuit Court, the 2nd highest court out there.

Her viability as a witness against him is compromised because she can't define WHEN and WHERE the alleged assault occurred.
dude he don't care. he is of no morality or integrity. none of em are. sad group of human beings. exploit women like this. EXPLOITATION is the dems middle name.
question: What would be so wrong with asking the president to allow the FBI to look into this?

and if then find nothing, what them? How long to we give them to investigate something that is based on one person's claims and that there is no evidence or corroborating testimony?

How long? The FBI would investigate and hand in a report. It would be up to them. End of story. Your question actually makes little sense

because if they found what you call nothing

that is what their report would say. as Biden said, it would not be about a recommendation or reaching a conclusion
I don't think I believe in the FBI any longer. There's still political action going on.
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Ford has NEVER said he raped her. Everything she is saying today is totally believable. She is credible and as honest about this as one can be. We need Mark Judge to testify. He's the second guy present during this terrible attack. If Kavanaugh doesn't admit he did this how could we possibly make him a federal judge. Even if he admits he did it (drunk or not) he has dug his hole and it's too deep to get out of. He can never be trusted again! He needs to at least redeem himself to save whatever reputation he has left.

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I bet you believed your kid when he said " honest Mom, I didn't take that beer"!
“I have twenty times more evidence for my rape by Bill Clinton than Dr. Ford has against Kavanaugh,” Broaddrick says, “Democrats turned their backs on me. They refused to read my testimony or acknowledge me in 1999 when I went public with my story. Democrats turned their backs on me.”

"Broaddrick said that the mantra the ‘All women deserve to be believed” does not apply to her.

“All women are to be believed if they’re not conservatives and as long as the assault was not done by Democrats.”

Juanita Broaddrick Shows Up At Kavanaugh Hearing To ‘Look Hypocrite Democrats In The Eye’
This is the same Broaddrick who, under oath in a deposition, stated that B. Clinton didn't rape her. UNDER OATH

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