OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

One thing is clear after all of this.....

Democrats have openly declared their belief that in any case where someone is accused of a crime 'the accused bears the burden of proof' as, according to Democrats / Snowflakes, Americans are GUILTY until PROVEN innocent.

Based on this exposed truth / revelation and understanding the significance and importance of the USSC, Democrats - based on this - should NEVER be allowed to appoint another Judge or a USSC Justice again .. until they submit themselves to attending classes where they will learn the meaning of Justice, learn the legal system, how it works, understand that trying cases in the public eye / the court of public opinion without evidence but instead attempting to emotionally manipulate people is wrong, and fully comprehend the Constitutional Rights afforded to them by the Constitution and law.

Until that time, they have proven themselves to be threats to the American people, to justice in this country, and threats to our democracy.
making absolutely no sense is your hobby?
A woman whose life is destroyed (which it wasn't), even in theory, because she went to a party and was groped by a drunk teen boy while his friends a piss poor example of a female.

If that is the worst thing that has even happened to her, she's not a woman. She's a fucking child.

She is actually very childlike and immature for her physical age and education/profession. She is answering in such a way that a 15yo would. Did she never grow up during those 32 years?

I enjoyed the redundant phrasing and poor grammar used in her opening statement. I was asking myself, "This person has a Doctorate?"

Put that English major to work and speak English yah wanker.

I have BA degrees in mathematics and history, and a Master's in Education.

That bests your GED, if you even attained that level.
This woman doesn't look in anyway shape or form angry or upset. In fact she looks like she's enjoying her moment in the spot light. What a freaking circus.
There the FBI had jurisdiction, and the incident was less time in the past.

Here the FBI has no jurisdiction.
No one has said the FBI had jurisdiction. Thank you for the offer f of red herring

I guess the longer in the past an incident is, the less you want it investigated.


So you are saying the FBI can just up and investigate someone breaking a State law (which is what Kavenaugh is accused of) without the permission of the State law enforcement?

It's not a Red Herring, it's how things work.

The FBI investigates federal crimes, crimes across State lines (which usually become federal crimes), can be invited by Local law enforcement to assist. At most otherwise they can come in when local law enforcement is doing their jobs (watch Mississippi Burning for that) but even then that falls under the category of federal crimes.
again? The FBI can be asked by the President to vet and investigate. You're throwing around talking pints meant to deflect

question: What would be so wrong with asking the president to allow the FBI to look into this?

and if then find nothing, what them? How long to we give them to investigate something that is based on one person's claims and that there is no evidence or corroborating testimony?
As long as necessary

And that is all the evidence you need that hacks like blackfuck only care about the SC seat and not this woman.

She's a means to an end.
As long as necessary
Then go ahead and confirm him and impeach him later.
Confirm a rapist? Fuck no. Are you crazy?

Accuser #3 is not up for confirmation.
Obviously. How stupid are you, that you think that needs to be said? Holy crap, dude.

He could be as dumb as a rock and still be smarter than you.
^ speaking of dumb as a rock...
she was afraid to fly to DC but has flown to Delaware every year to visit relatives and has flown to Hawaii several times. Lie number one

Mitchell is doing a terrible job, not challenging Ford on any of her lies, the republicans really screwed up giving up their time to her. the dems are going to win this and the GOP has probably lost control of congress after November----------and they deserve it for being pussies and worrying too much about what the corrupt media is going to say about them. ball less fools.

But having said all that, having the dems in control of congress will be a disaster for this country. do not let that happen regardless of how incompetent the republicans seem to be, they are better than the dems.
I agree that Mitchel is not effective at all. Wish Trey Gowdy was acting prosecutor.

Howdy gowdy?

Then go ahead and confirm him and impeach him later.
Confirm a rapist? Fuck no. Are you crazy?

Accuser #3 is not up for confirmation.
Obviously. How stupid are you, that you think that needs to be said? Holy crap, dude.

He could be as dumb as a rock and still be smarter than you.
^ speaking of dumb as a rock...

Still smarter than you. See how that works?
if Franken was there, he would only be asking Ford for her secret chocolate chip cookie recipe

That has absolutely nothing to do with the thread. If you believe it does then you likley have rocks in your head.
You conveniently left out a few things, snowflake:

1. I did not make THAT comment.

2. You left out the comment / comments BEFORE that one I responded to / made.[/QUOTE]

Re: post #1079; why? Because you cannot keep up.
This woman doesn't look in anyway shape or form angry or upset. In fact she looks like she's enjoying her moment in the spot light. What a freaking circus.
really? I guess it's true what brain science says about people

you see what you want to see

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