OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Is this a normal process ? It seems designed to not get at the truth.
5 minutes of thank you for comng and then 5 minutes of who is using you.

Ford is totally comfortable in this and the Republicans have dropped the ball.
I think he survives this because Ford just can't prove any of what she has said.

If he doesn't survive then Trump should nominate the most conservative Judge out there. Kavanaugh is more of a moderate though he is a follower of the Constitution.

Let Trump nominate Coney Barrett. I'm sure the Dems will shit a brick. Let see if the Dems can pull a Ford out of their pocket to oppose Barrett.
No matter who is picked, after Herman Cain and Kavanaugh the Democrats will be confidant in this tactic and will never let the GOP / Trump have another USSC Justice pick ever again.....

I disagree. They don't need the Dems to get a SC justice on the Court. According the Grassly they have the votes.

I hope BK is the guy but if not CB is a damned good alternative.
So, Frankenstein outed her letter without her consent

She has now confirmed it 3 times that she never consented to that letter being made public.

Frankenstein is a dirty snake.
She will be joining Mccain in the hottest spot in hell soon enough, which is reserved for betrayers and traitors.
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Another lefty "hero" is born. ~rolls eyes~

Come off it and do your damned jobs committee peeps. Find out if this shit is fucking real or just bullshit.
pot calling out for the kettle is quite entertaining. I'd love it if one of his peers would blurt it out. please, pretty please. Hey Pot!!!!
Lectures, anti Trump, extolling her as Jesus of the sexually whatever.
When do they ask questions?
I guess they don’t because that involves fact rather than emotional rhetoric
how did the WAPO know to contact you?
The same way they contact other people. They call them after paying for information that provides access to their phone numbers and addresses.

How would they know who to look for...….since she had first contacted them on the anonymous tip line??? Then she said she had waited for them to contact her. How can they if the report was anonymous?
The demeanor of the prosecutor lady has changed. She now knows she has the upper hand because of Ford's dishonesty.
Has No Idea Where The Party Was
Has No Idea When The Party Was - not even the YEAR
Not sure how she got there
No idea how she got home
Claims to have been intoxicated, which effects memory
The 4 Witnesses she named say IT NEVER HAPPENED
Never told her family
Never told her friends
Never filed charges
Never intended to file charges
Never came out about it
Never wanted to come out about it
Says her therapist 'got it wrong' in their therapy notes
Claims she 'corrected therapist' in her story to the Washington Post
Has no idea who paid for her polygraph test


'Ford: I'm '100 percent' certain Kavanaugh assaulted me'


Out of everything she has said in her entire story, THIS is the ONLY thing she claims to be '100% certain' of...


'Nuff Said.....hold the vote - confirm Kavanaugh!
While young women are standing up and saying 'no more,' our institutions have not progressed in how they treat women who come forward... In essence they are put on trial and forced to defend themselves and often re-victimized.
So women should be allowed to make allegations and not have to ‘defend themselves’ by providing evidence?

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