OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Does any liberal ever go by facts or is their entire thinking center around pure emotion?

In other words, it is not hard to understand why they are so easily seduced by cunning liars.

Talk about the devils little puppets.
how did the WAPO know to contact you?
The same way they contact other people. They call them after paying for information that provides access to their phone numbers and addresses.

How would they know who to look for...….since she had first contacted them on the anonymous tip line??? Then she said she had waited for them to contact her. How can they if the report was anonymous?
what I just said.
While young women are standing up and saying 'no more,' our institutions have not progressed in how they treat women who come forward... In essence they are put on trial and forced to defend themselves and often re-victimized.
So women should be allowed to make allegations and not have to ‘defend themselves’ by providing evidence?
You guys are the ones that didnt want an FBI investigation.
Now that they've lost it, they've gone from "she's a political hack" to "she's a well coached witness!!"

not exclusive, very well could be both
Don't give a damn about them being mutually exclusive or not, the point is that your Republican masters have given the word from on-high, and your fellow Trump-bots have followed-suit. That's all I'm saying.
She's a means to an end.
And so is Kavanaugh, so quit yer whining already...

The difference is (of course you don't see it, you cheap, dime store hack), that BK has all the credentials needed to be a SC justice, considering he's spent a decade on the DC Circuit Court, the 2nd highest court out there.

Her viability as a witness against him is compromised because she can't define WHEN and WHERE the alleged assault occurred.

I agree and because she can't provide info BK should be fine.

If not then Trump needs to nominate Coney Barrett. The Dems will shit a fucking brick and I doubt they will have a Ford to pull out of their back pocket.

I wish i could rely on the spines of certain Republicans, but I know I can't.
Is this a normal process ? It seems designed to not get at the truth.
5 minutes of thank you for comng and then 5 minutes of who is using you.

Ford is totally comfortable in this and the Republicans have dropped the ball.
This is what they do.
She gets her hearing, and Kavanaugh gets to tell the Democrats what a bunch of dirt bags they are.
DNC co-chair, Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison denies abuse allegations from ex-girlfriend
The co-chair of the Democratic National Committee, Rep. Keith Ellison, was accused of emotional and physical abuse by an ex-girlfriend who said: "You know you did that to me."
All those <sarcasm> high and righteous Dems , protecting the lying bitch by telling her, it is okay to lie, we got your back, should have Mr. Ellison's accusers enter the room. Sit there in front of those lying pricks and vaginas, and see if they can take the heat, Keith's ex-girlfriend can bring.

Oh, by the way, if this was just a hearing and not a trial, why did Ms. Ford bother with a lie-detector-test? Who pushed her into taking it? Who is the one paying for it?
Has No Idea Where The Party Was
Has No Idea When The Party Was - not even the YEAR
Not sure how she got there
No idea how she got home
Claims to have been intoxicated, which effects memory
The 4 Witnesses she named say IT NEVER HAPPENED
Never told her family
Never told her friends
Never filed charges
Never intended to file charges
Never came out about it
Never wanted to come out about it
Says her therapist 'got it wrong' in their therapy notes
Claims she 'corrected therapist' in her story to the Washington Post
Has no idea who paid for her polygraph test


'Ford: I'm '100 percent' certain Kavanaugh assaulted me'


Out of everything she has said in her entire story, THIS is the ONLY thing she claims to be '100% certain' of...


'Nuff Said.....hold the vote - confirm Kavanaugh!
Too late sad sack. Other people have already come forward. Including Kavanaugh’s roommate from Yale. A man. Once a man comes forward for the Republicans, it’s over.
For Republicans, men rule.
Drumpf is just a moron. He may be evil but he is just a moron.

He handily defeated Hillary, who - after rigging primaries, cheating in debates, engaging in election fraud during the primaries, and violating Election and Campaign Finance laws - could not win her own party's nomination.....

So if Trump is a 'moron', that makes Hillary....

Has No Idea Where The Party Was
Has No Idea When The Party Was - not even the YEAR
Not sure how she got there
No idea how she got home
Claims to have been intoxicated, which effects memory
The 4 Witnesses she named say IT NEVER HAPPENED
Never told her family
Never told her friends
Never filed charges
Never intended to file charges
Never came out about it
Never wanted to come out about it
Says her therapist 'got it wrong' in their therapy notes
Claims she 'corrected therapist' in her story to the Washington Post
Has no idea who paid for her polygraph test


'Ford: I'm '100 percent' certain Kavanaugh assaulted me'


Out of everything she has said in her entire story, THIS is the ONLY thing she claims to be '100% certain' of...


'Nuff Said.....hold the vote - confirm Kavanaugh!
and that makes her credible.
The demeanor of the prosecutor lady has changed. She now knows she has the upper hand because of Ford's dishonesty.
That was a good one. :laughing0301:

The demeanor of the prosecutor lady has changed. She now knows she has the upper hand because of Ford's dishonesty.
That was a good one. :laughing0301:

Is this true? You’re the body language expert.
The prosecutor is exceptional. She just doesnt have much to go on because Ford is eating her lunch.
Has No Idea Where The Party Was
Has No Idea When The Party Was - not even the YEAR
Not sure how she got there
No idea how she got home
Claims to have been intoxicated, which effects memory
The 4 Witnesses she named say IT NEVER HAPPENED
Never told her family
Never told her friends
Never filed charges
Never intended to file charges
Never came out about it
Never wanted to come out about it
Says her therapist 'got it wrong' in their therapy notes
Claims she 'corrected therapist' in her story to the Washington Post
Has no idea who paid for her polygraph test


'Ford: I'm '100 percent' certain Kavanaugh assaulted me'


Out of everything she has said in her entire story, THIS is the ONLY thing she claims to be '100% certain' of...


'Nuff Said.....hold the vote - confirm Kavanaugh!
Too late sad sack. Other people have already come forward. Including Kavanaugh’s roommate from Yale. A man. Once a man comes forward for the Republicans, it’s over.
For Republicans, men rule.
Thank you for doing your impersonation of Ford.....more TALK, no EVIDENCE. :p
Somebody sure took that lady attorney to the woodshed during that break, she came back with a VENGEANCE!!!!

I'm waiting for her to ask the witness if is she's staying at a George Soros safe-house next.

So allow the FBI to do what they did with Anita Hill?

There the FBI had jurisdiction, and the incident was less time in the past.

Here the FBI has no jurisdiction.
No one has said the FBI had jurisdiction. Thank you for the offer f of red herring

I guess the longer in the past an incident is, the less you want it investigated.


So you are saying the FBI can just up and investigate someone breaking a State law (which is what Kavenaugh is accused of) without the permission of the State law enforcement?

It's not a Red Herring, it's how things work.

The FBI investigates federal crimes, crimes across State lines (which usually become federal crimes), can be invited by Local law enforcement to assist. At most otherwise they can come in when local law enforcement is doing their jobs (watch Mississippi Burning for that) but even then that falls under the category of federal crimes.
Actually the FBI is also responsible for doing background checks. They don't need even a suggestion of criminal behavior for that. So suggesting that it's impossible for the FBI to investigate someone up for a position in the federal government, is wrong.

They already did one. Six of them. They wouldn't turn up anything more on this, because as we have seen, there is ZERO documentation of what happened that night.

The Committee has sent questions to anyone they can reach who was involved, that is the same thing the FBI would do, it would just take them longer.

A background check is a very specific thing. They just gather INFORMATION, they don't use it to build a case, which is basically what the left is calling for here.
So if I investigate somebody 100 times but afterwards stuff comes out that I missed does that mean I don't have a right to investigate those things? The only thing I've seen the left, or anybody do is ask for an investigation. Show me one who is even suggesting prosecuting Kavanaugh?
Let's summarize Ford's testimony given under questioning:

Do you remember the events?


What did you do before the party?
Don't remember

Who else was at the party?
Don't remember

How many people were at the party?
Don't remember

How did you get home?
Don't remember

Where were you?
Don't remember

Did you tell anyone?
Yes. Very few people

Who were they?
Don't remember

You remember them turning the music up?

Did they turn it down?
Don't remember.

If the music was so loud no one could hear you, then how did you hear them walking down the stairs and then talking to people before you left?
I don't understand the question.

Here is a map. Can you show me your house?
I don't remember my address

Did you talk to or see anyone after that party? No.

Well just my friend.

Actually I saw Mike too. And I remember he looked terrified and he knew what he had done.

When was this?
I don't remember

Ford: I got my driver's license at 15 and then drove myself to parties.

Prosecutor: wasn't the legal driving age 16?

Ford: yes.

Prosecutor: how did you get here. It has been reported that you are terrified of flying.

Ford: airplane. It took alot of courage to get on the airplane. I needed support from friends and family.

Prosecutor: how did you get here in August?


You fly often?

I got to Delaware every year to see my family.

Your resume lists travel as a hobby. Is that true?


Have you been to Costa Rica, Hawaii, French Polynesia, etc....


How did you get there?


[I swear I did not make these next questions and answers up]
Did you want to come forward and be in the public?

Then why did you contact WaPo?
Because people on the beach who don't know about things told me to.

Who advised you to contact your senator and WaPo?
Beach friends.

Do you talk to the WaPo?
Yes. Under an encrypted app and off the record.

Did you talk to any member of congress or staff members about your allegations before the letter to Feinstein?
Yes. I met with staff and my congresswoman.

What did you talk about with them?
I described the incident and what my options were about how to get my story relayed forward.

Why did you take the polygraph?
I was advised to

By whom?
(lawyer interrupts and claims privilege)

Where did you take the polygraph?
An airport hotel conference room

Why there?
I was rushing from my grandmothers funnels to the airport.

Who paid for the polygraph?
I don't know.

Did you?

Did anyone?
I don't know
This is classic.

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