Official: Pennsylvania House of Representatives commands an Audit, goes to SCOTUS, and threatens to appoint Electors


Bad idea to threaten anything at this point.

Get the audit.

Impeach that fucking governor.

But don't talk about appointing electors.

PA will riot and I would not blame them.

Let the BLM/Antifa fags riot. Let them launch an insurrection against the Constitution of the United States. I WELCOME IT.

Where you will do just like you have always done. Make empty threats on some internet board.

I'm joining a march to Washington DC, from Long Island, a FOOT MARCH, from the #stopthesteal movement, after church starting at 1:00 tomomrrow.

Come at me faggot. We'll be on the interstate for the next 4-5 days.
You can't march on the Interstates dumb ass.

Imagine the public service the Truckers can do using them for speed bumps. Baddump, Baddump.
At last, the State Legislature of Pennsylvania wields their ancient and mighty enumerated constitutional power over the Electors. The Founding Fathers smile from the heavens. God Bless Pennsylvania.

The House is ordering an Audit, is going before the SCOTUS and stands with the Patriots.

Pay back's a bitch! Before this is over the statist left & smilin' Joe will be trapped in the humiliation booth!!!
At last, the State Legislature of Pennsylvania wields their ancient and mighty enumerated constitutional power over the Electors. The Founding Fathers smile from the heavens. God Bless Pennsylvania.

The House is ordering an Audit, is going before the SCOTUS and stands with the Patriots.

Pay back's a bitch! Before this is over the statist left & smilin' Joe will be trapped in the humiliation booth!!!
The PA Republican state legislature — the same assholes who refused to pass legislation to allow mail-in ballots to be counted early, and therefore contributed to the clusterfuck — wants to go against the will of the people of PA? I’m shocked! Shocked I tell you!
Democrats are filthy fascist vermin who cheated. Period.
You’re one of the more vile idiots on this board. Stfu you whiny bitch :fu:

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