OFFICIAL Put Your SOTU Comments HERE Thread

What would make this perfect is if Pelosi invited Elder Phillips and a cross section of furloughed federal workers as her guests.
yeah, they should sit next to the victims of those who's family members were killed by illegals. let's do it.

At least the furloughed folks will get paid. the victims loss is always a loss. And you don't fking care. you are a sad human. congrats bigot.
"slut in charge" continues to be a puzzlement as to why conservative republicans get a reputation as being misogynistic.
I wouldn't use the word "slut." Asshole is more appropriate.

That, and dingbat, space cadet, dumbass, psycho, dumbfuck. The usual that you would probably use for Trump.

Those two should just fuck and get it over with.

I'm split on the venue. I'd love to see him over rule the slut in charge, but also would go crazy for a venue in a stadium with 60 thousand people. Fk would that be fun to watch. video board and all of that.
"slut in charge" continues to be a puzzlement as to why conservative republicans get a reputation as being misogynistic.
cause sluts like her are like her. it's actually very easy to call her what she is. perhaps if she weren't out for exercising half the population from the country to replace them with illegals, it would be different. but, once the colors are on, they don't come off I supposed.
You know from personal experience how slutty this GILF is?
it's called behavior. it defines people.
I see is she in porn movies like The Slutty First Lady?
I'm split on the venue. I'd love to see him over rule the slut in charge, but also would go crazy for a venue in a stadium with 60 thousand people. Fk would that be fun to watch. video board and all of that.
"slut in charge" continues to be a puzzlement as to why conservative republicans get a reputation as being misogynistic.
cause sluts like her are like her. it's actually very easy to call her what she is. perhaps if she weren't out for exercising half the population from the country to replace them with illegals, it would be different. but, once the colors are on, they don't come off I supposed.
You know from personal experience how slutty this GILF is?
it's called behavior. it defines people.
you slut, you. LOL
"slut in charge" continues to be a puzzlement as to why conservative republicans get a reputation as being misogynistic.
I wouldn't use the word "slut." Asshole is more appropriate.

That, and dingbat, space cadet, dumbass, psycho, dumbfuck. The usual that you would probably use for Trump.

Those two should just fuck and get it over with.

turtleboy gets in the way.
I'm split on the venue. I'd love to see him over rule the slut in charge, but also would go crazy for a venue in a stadium with 60 thousand people. Fk would that be fun to watch. video board and all of that.
"slut in charge" continues to be a puzzlement as to why conservative republicans get a reputation as being misogynistic.
cause sluts like her are like her. it's actually very easy to call her what she is. perhaps if she weren't out for exercising half the population from the country to replace them with illegals, it would be different. but, once the colors are on, they don't come off I supposed. Once a liar, always a liar.

just more of that leftist puke you all drink. no thanks, keep your insults about my race to yourself and drink your own puke.

Uh Oh! Someone just got triggered! And he thinks bullies are a race...or is it misogynists are a race?

always a deflection with the bigotted left. always.
We'll see, but she doesn't have to invite him, and while trump's never signed a contract he contemplated as binding, Pelosi never contemplated a SOTU while the gummit is shut down. She can just say she'd love to have the speech when the gummit is opened.
Sorry. ain't going to happen.

No way is the government going to be opened on The Promises of a Liar, and with The Offer of Nothing in return.

Pelosi and Schummer are pathological liars and not to be trusted.

Don't make deals with liars, and never accept a future promise as a payment of a present action.
What's truly funny is the fact the slut in charge stated security concerns to defer the SOTU when she won't put up a bill to end a crisis she says doesn't exist. So if there is no crisis, how could there be a security concern? DOH!
We'll see, but she doesn't have to invite him, and while trump's never signed a contract he contemplated as binding, Pelosi never contemplated a SOTU while the gummit is shut down. She can just say she'd love to have the speech when the gummit is opened.
Sorry. ain't going to happen.

No way is the government going to be opened on The Promises of a Liar, and with The Offer of Nothing in return.

Pelosi and Schummer are pathological liars and not to be trusted.

Don't make deals with liars, and never accept a future promise as a payment of a present action.
Yeah right, that is how it is always done unless there really is an emergency.

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