OFFICIAL Put Your SOTU Comments HERE Thread

Is the big announcement going to be he is going to prison or he has orange hair lice?
Yes- The man child who is Trump. Keep in mind that this whole mess is the result of this 6 year old mental case having a tantrum after Ann Coulter called him gutless.
Trump is trying to defend our southern border from illegal aliens and drug cartels...What is Pelosi trying to do?.....
Pelosi is trying to represent the American people by supporting common sense border security and not throwing away money on a ineffective wall that will destroy the environment and the lives of land owners along the border.

In addition, she is trying to protect the dreamers who, for all practical purposes are Americans, and preserve the tradition of lawful immigration and granting asylum to those fleeing oppressive regimes and lawlessness. Any questions?

No she isn't...and I think you know it...she hates Trump and is frightened as hell that he will win in 2020....she will stand in the way of him till she dies on the hill....she and Reid did it to the coward Bush and he buckled....Trump will not....
If she wanted to protect the DACA people she would sit down with the President who at least offered a three year extension so a fix can be worked out in Congress.....she wants to use the DACA Kids for political uses...she could not care less about them.....
If you want the shut down to end you will have to ask her to stop being a moron.....
A three year extension he could wipe away at any time with the stroke of his pen. Pelosi is not as stupid as you are.

Trump and the GOP have come up with a new plan to build the wall and make El Chapo pay for it....a Mexican drug dealer will bare the cost and there isn't anything Pelosi can do to stop it....the treasury had 14 billion dollars in confiscated drug money from el Chapo alone...plenty of money to build three walls if we want to and its legal because the money can only be used for drug intervention...and that is the definition of a border wall...brilliant.....Trump wins again!!!!!

Sucks to be a dem....

It’s funny watching how you rightards are told what to say. Regardless, that’s not Trump’s money to spend.
Trump is trying to defend our southern border from illegal aliens and drug cartels...What is Pelosi trying to do?.....
Pelosi is trying to represent the American people by supporting common sense border security and not throwing away money on a ineffective wall that will destroy the environment and the lives of land owners along the border.

In addition, she is trying to protect the dreamers who, for all practical purposes are Americans, and preserve the tradition of lawful immigration and granting asylum to those fleeing oppressive regimes and lawlessness. Any questions?

No she isn't...and I think you know it...she hates Trump and is frightened as hell that he will win in 2020....she will stand in the way of him till she dies on the hill....she and Reid did it to the coward Bush and he buckled....Trump will not....
If she wanted to protect the DACA people she would sit down with the President who at least offered a three year extension so a fix can be worked out in Congress.....she wants to use the DACA Kids for political uses...she could not care less about them.....
If you want the shut down to end you will have to ask her to stop being a moron.....
A three year extension he could wipe away at any time with the stroke of his pen. Pelosi is not as stupid as you are.

Trump and the GOP have come up with a new plan to build the wall and make El Chapo pay for it....a Mexican drug dealer will bare the cost and there isn't anything Pelosi can do to stop it....the treasury had 14 billion dollars in confiscated drug money from el Chapo alone...plenty of money to build three walls if we want to and its legal because the money can only be used for drug intervention...and that is the definition of a border wall...brilliant.....Trump wins again!!!!!

Sucks to be a dem....

It’s funny watching how you rightards are told what to say. Regardless, that’s not Trump’s money to spend.
Its the peoples money and must be used to fight drugs....and a wall does will be proposed as soon as the senate gets back in session....
Too early to start campaigning. Trump has a boatload of stupid policies to beat the dems over the head with next year. He should let them do their own demolition derby first, he may learn even more free oppo research.
It is NEVER too early to put the unconstitutional concept of socialism to the sword.


Welfare, food stamps, Medicare, Social Security: the USA is a Socialst country.
Yes, Trump should attack Medicare and Social Security. That will guarantee him a win in 2020...

"I hate old people, too, bleev me."
Pelosi is trying to represent the American people by supporting common sense border security and not throwing away money on a ineffective wall that will destroy the environment and the lives of land owners along the border.

In addition, she is trying to protect the dreamers who, for all practical purposes are Americans, and preserve the tradition of lawful immigration and granting asylum to those fleeing oppressive regimes and lawlessness. Any questions?

No she isn't...and I think you know it...she hates Trump and is frightened as hell that he will win in 2020....she will stand in the way of him till she dies on the hill....she and Reid did it to the coward Bush and he buckled....Trump will not....
If she wanted to protect the DACA people she would sit down with the President who at least offered a three year extension so a fix can be worked out in Congress.....she wants to use the DACA Kids for political uses...she could not care less about them.....
If you want the shut down to end you will have to ask her to stop being a moron.....
A three year extension he could wipe away at any time with the stroke of his pen. Pelosi is not as stupid as you are.

Trump and the GOP have come up with a new plan to build the wall and make El Chapo pay for it....a Mexican drug dealer will bare the cost and there isn't anything Pelosi can do to stop it....the treasury had 14 billion dollars in confiscated drug money from el Chapo alone...plenty of money to build three walls if we want to and its legal because the money can only be used for drug intervention...and that is the definition of a border wall...brilliant.....Trump wins again!!!!!

Sucks to be a dem....

It’s funny watching how you rightards are told what to say. Regardless, that’s not Trump’s money to spend.
Its the peoples money and must be used to fight drugs....and a wall does will be proposed as soon as the senate gets back in session....
And the Congress decides how to spend the peoples’ money, not the president. See why you look so stupid when you mindlessly regurgitate what your handlers feed you?
And the Congress decides how to spend the peoples’ money, not the president. See why you look so stupid when you mindlessly regurgitate what your handlers feed you?
No she isn't...and I think you know it...she hates Trump and is frightened as hell that he will win in 2020....she will stand in the way of him till she dies on the hill....she and Reid did it to the coward Bush and he buckled....Trump will not....
If she wanted to protect the DACA people she would sit down with the President who at least offered a three year extension so a fix can be worked out in Congress.....she wants to use the DACA Kids for political uses...she could not care less about them.....
If you want the shut down to end you will have to ask her to stop being a moron.....
A three year extension he could wipe away at any time with the stroke of his pen. Pelosi is not as stupid as you are.

Trump and the GOP have come up with a new plan to build the wall and make El Chapo pay for it....a Mexican drug dealer will bare the cost and there isn't anything Pelosi can do to stop it....the treasury had 14 billion dollars in confiscated drug money from el Chapo alone...plenty of money to build three walls if we want to and its legal because the money can only be used for drug intervention...and that is the definition of a border wall...brilliant.....Trump wins again!!!!!

Sucks to be a dem....

It’s funny watching how you rightards are told what to say. Regardless, that’s not Trump’s money to spend.
Its the peoples money and must be used to fight drugs....and a wall does will be proposed as soon as the senate gets back in session....
And the Congress decides how to spend the peoples’ money, not the president. See why you look so stupid when you mindlessly regurgitate what your handlers feed you?
Not with these dollars Faun....the congress has no say where this money is spent because it by law must be spent for drug interdiction....and the wall is exactly keep drugs out of you are wrong again....
And the Congress decides how to spend the peoples’ money, not the president. See why you look so stupid when you mindlessly regurgitate what your handlers feed you?
A three year extension he could wipe away at any time with the stroke of his pen. Pelosi is not as stupid as you are.

Trump and the GOP have come up with a new plan to build the wall and make El Chapo pay for it....a Mexican drug dealer will bare the cost and there isn't anything Pelosi can do to stop it....the treasury had 14 billion dollars in confiscated drug money from el Chapo alone...plenty of money to build three walls if we want to and its legal because the money can only be used for drug intervention...and that is the definition of a border wall...brilliant.....Trump wins again!!!!!

Sucks to be a dem....

It’s funny watching how you rightards are told what to say. Regardless, that’s not Trump’s money to spend.
Its the peoples money and must be used to fight drugs....and a wall does will be proposed as soon as the senate gets back in session....
And the Congress decides how to spend the peoples’ money, not the president. See why you look so stupid when you mindlessly regurgitate what your handlers feed you?
Not with these dollars Faun....the congress has no say where this money is spent because it by law must be spent for drug interdiction....and the wall is exactly keep drugs out of you are wrong again....
Now you’re calling yourself an idiot. You just said it’s the peoples’ money. Only the Congress can decide how to spend the peoples’ money.
No she isn't...and I think you know it...she hates Trump and is frightened as hell that he will win in 2020....she will stand in the way of him till she dies on the hill....she and Reid did it to the coward Bush and he buckled....Trump will not....
If she wanted to protect the DACA people she would sit down with the President who at least offered a three year extension so a fix can be worked out in Congress.....she wants to use the DACA Kids for political uses...she could not care less about them.....
If you want the shut down to end you will have to ask her to stop being a moron.....
A three year extension he could wipe away at any time with the stroke of his pen. Pelosi is not as stupid as you are.

Trump and the GOP have come up with a new plan to build the wall and make El Chapo pay for it....a Mexican drug dealer will bare the cost and there isn't anything Pelosi can do to stop it....the treasury had 14 billion dollars in confiscated drug money from el Chapo alone...plenty of money to build three walls if we want to and its legal because the money can only be used for drug intervention...and that is the definition of a border wall...brilliant.....Trump wins again!!!!!

Sucks to be a dem....

It’s funny watching how you rightards are told what to say. Regardless, that’s not Trump’s money to spend.
Its the peoples money and must be used to fight drugs....and a wall does will be proposed as soon as the senate gets back in session....
And the Congress decides how to spend the peoples’ money, not the president. See why you look so stupid when you mindlessly regurgitate what your handlers feed you?

This won’t help Trumpo:

We now have a photo of Trumpo riding on a bus in Rostov-on-Don Russia attempted undercover trip to meet with Putin and several of his closest oligarchs.

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I have a suggestion for ending this and every future shutdown showdown. See what you all think of this:

They want to shutdown the government to play chicken and get what they want (and by "they", I mean both sides)? Fine. The day the shutdown takes effect, the President and the leaders of the House go into a conference room, and they don't get to come out until they reach a damned agreement. No press conferences, no posturing and grandstanding, no holding the budget hostage to get their way.
“Missed you guys.” Man, Sarah Huckabee Sanders started with a lie right out of the gate.
I have a suggestion for ending this and every future shutdown showdown. See what you all think of this:

They want to shutdown the government to play chicken and get what they want (and by "they", I mean both sides)? Fine. The day the shutdown takes effect, the President and the leaders of the House go into a conference room, and they don't get to come out until they reach a damned agreement. No press conferences, no posturing and grandstanding, no holding the budget hostage to get their way.

Add to that their salaries stop and I like it.
I have a suggestion for ending this and every future shutdown showdown. See what you all think of this:

They want to shutdown the government to play chicken and get what they want (and by "they", I mean both sides)? Fine. The day the shutdown takes effect, the President and the leaders of the House go into a conference room, and they don't get to come out until they reach a damned agreement. No press conferences, no posturing and grandstanding, no holding the budget hostage to get their way.

Add to that their salaries stop and I like it.

Yup. If any federal employees should be forced to continue working without getting a check during the shutdown, it should be the group I listed. Granted, I don't think most of them would care, or even notice.
Trump should discuss the adoption of socialism by the Democratic Party in his State of the Union speech this coming Tuesday, and its diametric opposition to the US Constitution.

Simply addressing that execrable philosophy in the context of American history, particularly that of the 20th Century, would grant most of those listening an education the public schools have never afforded them.
The modern Fascist democrat Party no longer has anything in common with America: they want a One Party Rule, Government Uber Alles nation, with political correctness and justice for the Elites. We are a House divided worse than the Civil War or the American Revolution.

2019 will be a seminal year in American history
Too early to start campaigning. Trump has a boatload of stupid policies to beat the dems over the head with next year. He should let them do their own demolition derby first, he may learn even more free oppo research.
It is NEVER too early to put the unconstitutional concept of socialism to the sword.


Welfare, food stamps, Medicare, Social Security: the USA is a Socialst country.
Correct, great post!!! Tax cuts for the wealthy, tax cuts for businesses, employees on food stamps because they and their families are hungry and businesses will not pay a living wage. Just a few examples of socialism. Again, great post! Bigly!!!

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