OFFICIAL Put Your SOTU Comments HERE Thread

Rambunctious, post: 21675467
Trump is owning Pelosi and the dems right now.....

The only things His Ignorancy owns is the deep dark hole that Coulter and Limbaugh dug and pushed him in and an 8 point drop in approval ratings since the shut down started.
Trump should go anyway...if Nancy and the dems don't show.....the nation will be witness to their childlike attitude.....
Yes- The man child who is Trump. Keep in mind that this whole mess is the result of this 6 year old mental case having a tantrum after Ann Coulter called him gutless.
Trump is trying to defend our southern border from illegal aliens and drug cartels...What is Pelosi trying to do?.....
Pelosi is trying to represent the American people by supporting common sense border security and not throwing away money on a ineffective wall that will destroy the environment and the lives of land owners along the border.

In addition, she is trying to protect the dreamers who, for all practical purposes are Americans, and preserve the tradition of lawful immigration and granting asylum to those fleeing oppressive regimes and lawlessness. Any questions?

No she isn't...and I think you know it...she hates Trump and is frightened as hell that he will win in 2020....she will stand in the way of him till she dies on the hill....she and Reid did it to the coward Bush and he buckled....Trump will not....
If she wanted to protect the DACA people she would sit down with the President who at least offered a three year extension so a fix can be worked out in Congress.....she wants to use the DACA Kids for political uses...she could not care less about them.....
If you want the shut down to end you will have to ask her to stop being a moron.....
Rambunctious, post: 21675555
No she isn't...and I think you know it...she hates Trump and is frightened as hell that he will win in 2020....she will stand in the way of him till she dies on the hill....she and Reid did it to the coward Bush and he buckled....Trump will not....

Why did “His Ignorancy” buckle on the topic of this thread, then.

He went from roaring like a lion to squeaking like a little mouse.
After Donald Trump invited himself to deliver the State of the Union speech in the house, Nancy Pelosi sent him this letter today:

She's right. Government shutdown--means no state of the Union address until the government is reopened.

This should get Trump moving--just the thought of him not getting the limelight that he thinks he deserves should get the government reopened in short order.

TrumpEgoc.jpg only means he cannot use the House chamber if he wants a venue.

Well he can use another venue and see how many people will show up for it I guess. Maybe a tent on the White House lawn would work---:auiqs.jpg:
This is more like Nancy acting like a fronthole. The more this goes on the more men will not die for these women. Not one of those catholicmkids will go near one of the whores at the womens march. And those whores offer nothing for competition even with good jobs. You better start realizing that. Your buddies the African American male group that harassed, demeaned and threatened the Catholic kids appear to not be to intellectual. The Asians are our competition. And they when energized for violence are not fearful like the propaganda beat down white males with help from their own. They will just get rid of them. This is 60 years since the great society. That is a long time in human history. Tens of trillions of dollars spent and ther should be better results then what we have. What is worse is African Americans are still suffering also.

I presume you're babbling about the 3rd consecutive woman's march. The first being held the day after Trump was inaugurated. I don't think they're all whores---:auiqs.jpg:


2nd annual woman's march


1st woman's march, the day after Trump was inaugurated. For more pictures go to this link, scroll through the many pages and you'll probably find your home state here.
Woman's march pictures

3rd annual women's march


I don't think your Catholic boys with their "make America great hat's on, made this size of crowd." The irony is they're supporting a man (Trump) who has probably paid for a few abortions of his own making.

A sleeping giant has awoken, and unfortunately for you women are the largest voting block in this country, and that's why Republicans got their ass's kicked in the midterm election, and why there were more women elected to public office (congress) than any other year in the history of this nation. They're coming again in 2020.
They are spoiled and do not know how good they have it. World domination is not a game to give away. Many of these women were hired with quotas in the 1970's when it started. Of course others were not hired because of that. But you don't know that do you? At the same time our competive advantage started to be challenged by other nations and regions. You won't win because males will just ignore you as they get more primal for survival. You have warnings on your own side with Black guys. There is no allegiance. Black ladies are getting more violent also. Punching someone out is a lot different then people who have had enough start putting chemicals together and biological agents and even radiation components. I know nothing of that. But there are millions who do. Our system is based on stealing money from others. And i and many men and it is growingin numbers will not die for you. See where that gets you when you accomplish nirvana.
Pelosi BITCH SLAPPED The Giant Orange Anus

Pelosi said, "you take my airplane? I will take The House, you over bloated Orange Anus."

Oh goodie. We have officially entered the era where the opposing parties President will ever make another State of the Union address ever again.

Yep, every time the Govt is shutdown at the time of the SOTU address they will not allow it.

It happens so often this is really going to be a problem.

Oh wait, this is the first time in history that the SOTU was scheduled during a shutdown...
That isn't the reason. IN fact, there is no legitimate reason for it. Now, we'll justify it by any political comment, or even just because we don't like the guy or gal.
Oh goodie. We have officially entered the era where the opposing parties President will ever make another State of the Union address ever again.

Yep, every time the Govt is shutdown at the time of the SOTU address they will not allow it.

It happens so often this is really going to be a problem.

Oh wait, this is the first time in history that the SOTU was scheduled during a shutdown...
That isn't the reason. IN fact, there is no legitimate reason for it. Now, we'll justify it by any political comment, or even just because we don't like the guy or gal.

I do not think that will be the case. But I guess we will find out in about 1 year when it is time for the next SOTU.

Besides, it is not canceled, he will still give it after the shutdown is over, even Trump said that was the case
Pelosi BITCH SLAPPED The Giant Orange Anus

Pelosi said, "you take my airplane? I will take The House, you over bloated Orange Anus."

Trump could always write the SOTU this year. Or televise the speech from the Oval Office and let the members of Congress watch if they want. If Trump is looking forward to an audience, he can always arrange a rally somewhere.
A Constitutional Convention is worst idea I have ever heard of.

The entire Constitution goes out the window if you do that.
Trump should go anyway...if Nancy and the dems don't show.....the nation will be witness to their childlike attitude.....
Yes- The man child who is Trump. Keep in mind that this whole mess is the result of this 6 year old mental case having a tantrum after Ann Coulter called him gutless.
Trump is trying to defend our southern border from illegal aliens and drug cartels...What is Pelosi trying to do?.....
Pelosi is trying to represent the American people by supporting common sense border security and not throwing away money on a ineffective wall that will destroy the environment and the lives of land owners along the border.

In addition, she is trying to protect the dreamers who, for all practical purposes are Americans, and preserve the tradition of lawful immigration and granting asylum to those fleeing oppressive regimes and lawlessness. Any questions?

No she isn't...and I think you know it...she hates Trump and is frightened as hell that he will win in 2020....she will stand in the way of him till she dies on the hill....she and Reid did it to the coward Bush and he buckled....Trump will not....
If she wanted to protect the DACA people she would sit down with the President who at least offered a three year extension so a fix can be worked out in Congress.....she wants to use the DACA Kids for political uses...she could not care less about them.....
If you want the shut down to end you will have to ask her to stop being a moron.....
A three year extension he could wipe away at any time with the stroke of his pen. Pelosi is not as stupid as you are.
Roads, Military, Parks, Police, Firemen, Coast Guards... Border Patrol is Social Program.

Actually lads, building the Wall is socialist
How is ANY of that taking the means of production from individuals and placing it under the power of government?

Nobody seems to recall the meaning of socialism. Especially the fucking socialists.

As usual, they don't think it all the way through to its logical conclusion. Example: They insist healthcare is a fundamental right and everyone deserves the best care available at no cost. What happens when people no longer want to be doctors or nurses because they don't get paid enough for the aggravation? The government steps in to dictate the number of doctors allowed into which specialties and where they are allowed to practice. Too many plastic surgeons in Hollywood? Force 30% of them to practice in Alabama and restrict the number of new plastic surgeons. Think that's unreal? That's what Hillary care was all about. Eventually, the government simply takes over the entire healthcare industry.
Pelosi BITCH SLAPPED The Giant Orange Anus

Pelosi said, "you take my airplane? I will take The House, you over bloated Orange Anus."

Trump could always write the SOTU this year. Or televise the speech from the Oval Office and let the members of Congress watch if they want. If Trump is looking forward to an audience, he can always arrange a rally somewhere.
I’m thinking Twitter
Too early to start campaigning. Trump has a boatload of stupid policies to beat the dems over the head with next year. He should let them do their own demolition derby first, he may learn even more free oppo research.
It is NEVER too early to put the unconstitutional concept of socialism to the sword.


Welfare, food stamps, Medicare, Social Security: the USA is a Socialst country.

Yes, it's been creeping in for a century. Time to creep it back out.
By all means...tiny donnie should say he is going to get rid of welfare, food stamps, Medicare, and Social Security in his SOTU speech.

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