OFFICIAL Put Your SOTU Comments HERE Thread

Good for her.

Good for her?

She just handed President Trump a 2020 re-election and the GOP a Super Majority in 2020.

She us about to go down in History as a monumental failure just like Obama.

She's a classless slaver, who got rich off of the backs of taxpayers for doing literally nothing.

Wouldn’t go that far yet.
She completely mishandled this.
I find it odd that The Democrat Party still advocates for the illegal importation of Brown Slaves to run their plantations, and sweat shops 100 plus years after they lost The Civil War which they fought to keep slavery legal.

This is why I call Pelosi a "Slaver"

It's time to end DACA anyways. The Courts ILLEGALLY extended the deadline.

It's time to end DACA – It's unconstitutional unless approved by Congress

DACA recipients with a work permit set to expire on or before March 5, 2018 would have the opportunity to apply for a two-year renewal if their application was received by USCIS by October 5, 2017.

The Supreme Court has not ruled it unconstitutional. Only 1 district judge has said so and he is the judge that Republicans go to when they want a favorable ruling.

DACA will be needed in the future. We are facing a shortage of workers that will get worse as time goes by. Many of them have good paying jobs or are going to college as that is a requirement of the program. DACA should be a Republican program as recipients are required to be in training or have a job.
It's all part of Hillary's public call for a complete abandoning of civility and for increased violent intolerance. Pelosi is just following orders.

Under criminal treasonous Socialist Democrats our nation continues to deteriorate.

You are so much the idiot. Another conspiracy theory.
Why should they fund the wall when Mexico's going to pay for it?
Mexico is paying for it. the treasury takes in their payments. Trump needs the bill to get the money for what they paid for.

This has been reported again and again but leftwing idiots are unable to comprehend.
Well then, you'll be able to give us a figure of how much we have gotten from Mexico so far.

Hold on let me call Obama...he says Americans will save on average $2,500 a month, oh wait that doesn't sound right :eusa_think:
Look! >>>>> Over there! >>>>> It's Former President Obama! View attachment 241706
After Donald Trump invited himself to deliver the State of the Union speech in the house, Nancy Pelosi sent him this letter today:

She's right. Government shutdown--means no state of the Union address until the government is reopened.

This should get Trump moving--just the thought of him not getting the limelight that he thinks he deserves should get the government reopened in short order.

TrumpEgoc.jpg only means he cannot use the House chamber if he wants a venue.

Well he can use another venue and see how many people will show up for it I guess. Maybe a tent on the White House lawn would work---:auiqs.jpg:
This is more like Nancy acting like a fronthole. The more this goes on the more men will not die for these women. Not one of those catholicmkids will go near one of the whores at the womens march. And those whores offer nothing for competition even with good jobs. You better start realizing that. Your buddies the African American male group that harassed, demeaned and threatened the Catholic kids appear to not be to intellectual. The Asians are our competition. And they when energized for violence are not fearful like the propaganda beat down white males with help from their own. They will just get rid of them. This is 60 years since the great society. That is a long time in human history. Tens of trillions of dollars spent and ther should be better results then what we have. What is worse is African Americans are still suffering also.

I presume you're babbling about the 3rd consecutive woman's march. The first being held the day after Trump was inaugurated. I don't think they're all whores---:auiqs.jpg:


2nd annual woman's march


1st woman's march, the day after Trump was inaugurated. For more pictures go to this link, scroll through the many pages and you'll probably find your home state here.
Woman's march pictures

3rd annual women's march


I don't think your Catholic boys with their "make America great hat's on, made this size of crowd." The irony is they're supporting a man (Trump) who has probably paid for a few abortions of his own making.

A sleeping giant has awoken, and unfortunately for you women are the largest voting block in this country, and that's why Republicans got their ass's kicked in the midterm election, and why there were more women elected to public office (congress) than any other year in the history of this nation. They're coming again in 2020.
After Donald Trump invited himself to deliver the State of the Union speech in the house, Nancy Pelosi sent him this letter today:

She's right. Government shutdown--means no state of the Union address until the government is reopened.

This should get Trump moving--just the thought of him not getting the limelight that he thinks he deserves should get the government reopened in short order.
Bobby Azarian - A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader - Progressive Radio Network


The problem is that he can get the attention he desires by giving the speech at a rally of his supporters without the visual of half the Congress refusing to clap for his applause lines. He might enjoy it better if he can't see the Democratic responses to his "points".

Yes that's where Trump belongs at a rally with his supporters. But his aids are worried that he'll go off the rails at a rally and not get a typical state of the Union address theme

I predict that Trump will give the SOTU address from the Oval Office. I hope and pray that he does NOT allow anyone to write his speech. Watching Trump chew on his own foot in front of a camera is something that I have learned to enjoy!
After Donald Trump invited himself to deliver the State of the Union speech in the house, Nancy Pelosi sent him this letter today:

HAHAHA .. note the key phrase in the letter "There was no thought" now who's fault was that?
I hope this letter was printed on toilet paper because Im pretty sure what it will be used for .
Trump must be FUMING.

Someone telling him 'no'.
And a woman to boot.

I am no fan of Pelosi...but I love seeing Trump pissed off.
Trump wants the speech. He needs the speech. He needs the adulation heaped upon him by the likes of Jim Jordan, Steve Scalise & Mike Pence who will leap to their feat in servility like puppy dogs at the sound of their Master's voice.
He can speak from the Oval Office; you know the critters will be watching.
He can speak from the House and all you anti's can whine, whine, whine and look like the fascist spoiled brats that you actually are.
After Donald Trump invited himself to deliver the State of the Union speech in the house, Nancy Pelosi sent him this letter today:

HAHAHA .. note the key phrase in the letter "There was no thought" now who's fault was that?
I hope this letter was printed on toilet paper because Im pretty sure what it will be used for .

Wow, that's quite the zinger.
Well, I just read the news, and Trump completely caved. He will give his SOTU address in the House, with Nancy's permission, when, and if, the government shutdown ends.He could not be reached for further comment because he was on the floor, kicking his feet, and holding his breath, in an attempt to turn blue.

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